The Only ChatGPT, Leonardo AI Prompt You'll Need | Copy & Paste

1 May 202307:35

TLDRThe video script introduces a method to utilize a chat GPT prompt with Leonardo AI for generating creative content. The process involves replacing a keyword within the prompt to produce various detailed and imaginative outputs, such as images and logos, using different fine-tuned models. The video demonstrates the versatility and adaptability of the AI in creating unique visual content based on user input, emphasizing the ease of use and the potential for customization.


  • 🌟 The video introduces a powerful chat GPT prompt that can be used with Leonardo AI for generating creative content.
  • 🔗 A link is provided in the description for accessing the chat GPT prompt for personal use.
  • 📝 The prompt structure includes detailed information such as inspiration, descriptions, environment, and keyword weight.
  • 🎨 Leonardo AI generates images based on the given prompts, and the chat GPT prompt guides it to understand the desired output.
  • 📌 The user can replace the keyword in the chat GPT prompt to generate different types of content.
  • 🖼️ The video demonstrates how to use the chat GPT prompt to generate three different types of prompts for the same keyword.
  • 👉 The user copies and pastes the generated prompts from chat GPT into Leonardo AI to create images.
  • 🔄 The process can be repeated with different keywords and fine-tuned models to achieve a variety of visual styles.
  • 🌐 The video mentions that the chat GPT prompt can be used for various purposes, including SEO, content creation, and strategy.
  • 🔄 The user can experiment with different fine-tuned models like Leonardo diffusion, dream shaper 3.2, or RPG 4.0 for diverse outcomes.
  • 💡 Persistence is key in achieving the desired results, as the AI may not get it right on the first few attempts.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about using a specific chat GPT prompt with Leonardo AI to generate creative and detailed images based on a given keyword.

  • How does the chat GPT prompt work with Leonardo AI?

    -The chat GPT prompt works by providing a structured format that includes details such as inspiration, description, environment, camera shot type, and keyword weight. This information is used by Leonardo AI to generate images that match the given prompt.

  • What is the purpose of using a fine-tune model in Leonardo AI?

    -The purpose of using a fine-tune model in Leonardo AI is to refine the output and style of the generated images, allowing for a variety of visual interpretations based on the same prompt.

  • How does the video demonstrate the versatility of the chat GPT prompt?

    -The video demonstrates the versatility of the chat GPT prompt by showing how it can be used with different keywords and fine-tune models to generate a wide range of images, from realistic wildlife photography to futuristic cityscapes and logos.

  • What is the significance of the keyword in the chat GPT prompt?

    -The keyword is significant in the chat GPT prompt as it serves as the central theme around which the AI generates images. Changing the keyword allows for the creation of diverse visual content based on the user's requirements.

  • How does the video guide the viewer in accessing the chat GPT prompt?

    -The video guides the viewer to access the chat GPT prompt by providing a link in the description, which leads to a collection of prompts that can be used for various applications such as SEO, content creation, and more.

  • What is the role of the chat GPT in the process of generating images with Leonardo AI?

    -The role of chat GPT is to act as an intermediary that translates the user's keyword into a detailed prompt that Leonardo AI can understand and use to generate images. It helps in structuring the request to get the desired output.

  • How does the video illustrate the process of generating images with the chat GPT prompt and Leonardo AI?

    -The video illustrates the process by showing the speaker copying the chat GPT prompt, pasting it into the Leonardo AI platform, inputting a keyword, and then generating images based on the resulting prompts.

  • What are some of the different types of prompts the video demonstrates?

    -The video demonstrates various types of prompts such as prompts for generating images of animals (e.g., African lion), digital illustrations (e.g., lion cub), abstract expressions (e.g., hyper-detailed abstract list), logos (e.g., lion logo), and futuristic concepts (e.g., futuristic city and robot).

  • What is the benefit of using the chat GPT prompt and Leonardo AI combination?

    -The benefit of using the chat GPT prompt and Leonardo AI combination is that it allows users to easily generate a wide variety of high-quality, detailed images by simply changing the keyword and selecting different fine-tune models, without requiring extensive technical knowledge or design skills.



🤖 Introducing the Chat GPT Prompt for Leonardo AI

The speaker introduces a chat GPT prompt that is easy to use with Leonardo AI, an AI that generates images based on given prompts. The user simply needs to replace a keyword each time they use the prompt. A link is provided in the description for accessing the prompt, allowing users to copy and paste it for their own use. The prompt's origin is credited to a source from a subreddit, and the creator's channel is also linked for further exploration. The video promises to showcase the prompt's capabilities and offers additional prompts for various applications such as SEO and content creation.


🎨 Demonstrating the Prompt's Functionality with Leonardo AI

The speaker demonstrates how to use the chat GPT prompt with Leonardo AI by first accessing an Airtable base where the prompt is stored. The chosen prompt, 'Chat GPT Leonardo AI,' is extensive, but once copied and pasted into chat GPT, it immediately understands the user's intentions. The prompt generator creates detailed prompts based on a provided keyword, in this case, 'lion.' The speaker then copies these prompts and pastes them into Leonardo AI, using different fine-tuned models to generate a variety of images, showcasing the versatility and potential outcomes of the system. The process is repeated with different keywords, such as 'futuristic city,' and the speaker emphasizes the ability to refine the results by adjusting keywords and fine-tuned models.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to an AI-based chatbot that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. In the context of the video, it is used as a tool to create prompts for generative AI, demonstrating its ability to understand and execute complex instructions by replacing keywords and generating detailed prompts.

💡Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI is a generative AI system that creates images based on the prompts given to it. It is used in the video to visually represent the concepts described in the prompts generated by Chat GPT, with the ability to produce various styles of images depending on the fine-tuned model selected.

💡Prompt Generator

A prompt generator is a tool or system that creates starting points or suggestions for creative work. In the video, Chat GPT acts as a prompt generator for Leonardo AI, providing it with detailed descriptions that lead to the creation of visual content.

💡Fine-tune Model

A fine-tune model refers to an AI model that has been adjusted or customized to perform better on a specific task or dataset. In the video, different fine-tune models like 'Leonardo diffusion' and 'Dream shaper 3.2' are used to generate images with varying styles and characteristics based on the same prompt.


In the context of the video, a keyword is a single word or phrase that serves as the central theme or focus for the AI-generated content. By replacing the keyword, the user can guide the AI to produce different types of content or images.

💡Airtable Base

Airtable Base is a cloud-based platform that allows users to organize and manage data in a flexible database format. In the video, the creator uses an Airtable base to store and access the Chat GPT prompt structure, making it easy to copy and use in generating content for Leonardo AI.


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or content in search engine results. In the video, SEO is mentioned as one of the areas where the prompts generated by Chat GPT can be utilized.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing original content, such as articles, videos, or images, for the purpose of sharing information, entertainment, or marketing. The video demonstrates how Chat GPT and Leonardo AI can assist in content creation by generating detailed prompts and images.


A script is a written plan or sequence of actions, dialogue, or scenes for a performance, show, or in this case, a video. The video script provides a detailed account of the process and steps involved in using Chat GPT and Leonardo AI together.

💡Futuristic City

A futuristic city is a concept or design that envisions what cities might look like in the future, often incorporating advanced technology, innovative architecture, and sustainable living. In the video, 'futuristic city' is used as a keyword to generate prompts and images that depict this concept.

💡Lion Logo

A lion logo refers to a graphic symbol or emblem that features a lion, often used by companies or organizations to represent strength, courage, or prestige. In the video, 'lion logo' is used as a keyword to generate a prompt for creating a logo design in Leonardo AI.


The speaker introduces an effective chat GPT prompt for use with Leonardo AI, emphasizing its ease of use and adaptability.

A link is provided in the description for users to access the chat GPT prompt, allowing them to utilize it for their own purposes.

The speaker mentions discovering the prompt from a source on a subreddit and gives credit by linking the creator's channel.

The speaker explains that the chat GPT prompt involves replacing a keyword to generate different outputs, demonstrating its versatility.

The use of Airtable base is highlighted as the storage location for the chat GPT prompt.

The chat GPT prompt is described as comprehensive, covering various aspects such as inspiration, descriptions, environment, and keyword weight.

The speaker demonstrates the process of using the chat GPT prompt to generate three different types of prompts based on a given keyword.

The immediate understanding and response of chat GPT to the provided keyword is showcased, emphasizing its readiness to generate prompts.

The speaker illustrates the generation of prompts for Leonardo AI, which creates images based on the given prompts.

The process of copying and pasting the chat GPT-generated prompts into Leonardo AI to produce images is demonstrated, showing the seamless integration.

The ability to change the fine-tune model in Leonardo AI to alter the style of the generated images is highlighted, showcasing the customization options.

The speaker emphasizes the iterative process of refining keywords and fine-tuned models to achieve the desired image outcomes.

The practical application of the chat GPT prompt is demonstrated by generating prompts for a 'futuristic city' and a 'lion logo', showing its adaptability.

The speaker provides access to additional prompts and resources in the description, encouraging users to explore and utilize these tools.

The video concludes with a call to action for viewers to subscribe for updates on similar content, fostering community engagement.