The Silence of the Lamb Dr. Myles Munroe

Richard Cunningham IMC
10 Sept 201977:18

TLDRThe transcript delivers a profound message on the significance of the cross in the Christian faith, emphasizing its representation of sacrifice, endurance, and true leadership. It highlights Jesus' silent strength during his crucifixion, serving as a powerful example for believers facing trials. The sermon underscores the necessity of embracing the cross to achieve spiritual growth and to gain a reputation that truly matters before God and not just through societal acclaim.


  • 📜 The sermon focuses on the significance of the 'Silence of the Lamb', drawing parallels between the 1991 film 'The Silence of the Lambs' and the biblical narrative of Jesus' crucifixion.
  • 🐑 The 'Lamb' in the subtitle refers to Jesus, who is portrayed as the 'Lamb of God' in Christian theology, silent in his suffering and sacrifice on the cross.
  • 🏆 The film's success at the Academy Awards is used as an analogy to illustrate the global attention and recognition Jesus received during his crucifixion.
  • 🎬 The preacher recounts the film's accolades to emphasize the widespread impact and attention the story of Jesus' crucifixion has garnered over centuries.
  • ✝️ The sermon highlights the seven last words of Jesus on the cross, underscoring their profound spiritual significance and the message of forgiveness they convey.
  • 🕰️ The preacher contrasts Jesus' silence during his six-hour crucifixion with the brief moments he spoke, suggesting that his silence was a powerful form of communication.
  • 📖引用以赛亚书的经文来说明耶稣的沉默和苦难是旧约中预言的一部分,强调了耶稣牺牲的预言性和实现性。
  • 💡 The sermon emphasizes that Jesus' silence on the cross was a revelation of his character and a model for his followers on how to endure suffering and misunderstanding.
  • 🛡️ The preacher calls on believers to embrace their own crosses, using Jesus' example as a guide to handle trials and tribulations with faith and resilience.
  • 🚀 The message concludes with an encouragement to seek the 'resurrection' that follows the 'Good Friday', implying that overcoming challenges leads to spiritual growth and redemption.
  • 🌟 The preacher asserts that true leadership and reputation are forged through trials and tribulations, and that enduring the 'cross' is essential to earning a respected name in the eyes of God.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the sermon?

    -The main theme of the sermon is the significance of the silence of Jesus on the cross, and how it serves as a powerful message and example for true leadership and discipleship.

  • What is the subtitle of the sermon and what does it reference?

    -The subtitle of the sermon is 'The Silence of the Lamb', which references the Academy Award-winning film 'The Silence of the Lambs' and also the biblical concept of Jesus as the Lamb of God who was silent during his crucifixion.

  • How does the sermon relate the film 'The Silence of the Lambs' to the biblical story of Jesus?

    -The sermon draws a parallel between the silence of the protagonist in the film and the silence of Jesus on the cross, highlighting how both instances of silence carry deep meaning and powerful messages.

  • What are the 'seven last words of Jesus' mentioned in the sermon?

    -The seven last words of Jesus mentioned in the sermon are: 1) 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.', 2) 'Today you will be with me in paradise.', 3) 'Woman, behold your son!', 4) 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?', 5) 'I thirst.', 6) 'It is finished.', and 7) 'Into your hands I commit my spirit.'

  • How does the sermon interpret Jesus' silence on the cross?

    -The sermon interprets Jesus' silence on the cross as a powerful act of love, forgiveness, and sacrifice. It emphasizes that Jesus' silence was a deliberate choice, demonstrating his obedience to God's will and serving as a model for how believers should handle their own suffering and trials.

  • What does the sermon suggest about the nature of true leadership?

    -The sermon suggests that true leadership involves sacrifice, endurance, and obedience to a higher authority. It is not about seeking personal gain or recognition, but about serving others and staying committed to one's faith and principles even in the face of adversity.

  • How does the sermon connect the concept of the cross to everyday life for believers?

    -The sermon connects the concept of the cross to everyday life by encouraging believers to embrace their own crosses or challenges as opportunities for growth and spiritual development. It suggests that facing and overcoming trials is a necessary part of the Christian journey and a means of demonstrating one's faith and commitment.

  • What is the significance of the cross as a symbol in the sermon?

    -In the sermon, the cross is presented as a powerful symbol of sacrifice, redemption, and the transformation that occurs through suffering. It serves as a reminder of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice and the promise of resurrection, offering hope and inspiration for believers facing their own challenges.

  • How does the sermon address the idea of taking up one's cross?

    -The sermon interprets taking up one's cross as a call to accept and endure personal sacrifices, difficulties, and challenges as part of the Christian path. It emphasizes that bearing one's cross is essential for spiritual growth and for living a life that reflects the teachings and example of Jesus.

  • What is the connection between the cross and the Holy Spirit discussed in the sermon?

    -The sermon discusses the connection between the cross and the Holy Spirit by explaining that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross made it possible for believers to receive the Holy Spirit. It suggests that the cross is the key to unlocking the spiritual power and leadership potential that comes through the Holy Spirit.

  • How does the sermon view the relationship between suffering and spiritual growth?

    -The sermon views suffering as an essential part of spiritual growth. It suggests that experiencing and enduring hardships are necessary for developing character, faith, and resilience, and for deepening one's relationship with God.



📣 Introduction to the Sermon on Leadership and the Power of the Cross

The speaker introduces the topic of true leadership and its connection to the restoration of leadership through the concept of sacrifice. The sermon's subtitle, 'The Silence of the Lamb', is derived from a personal experience relating to the famous film 'The Silence of the Lambs'. The speaker draws a parallel between the film's success and the silence of Jesus Christ during his crucifixion, emphasizing the powerful message of sacrifice and leadership that can be learned from Christ's ultimate silence and suffering.


🙏 The Significance of Jesus' Silence on the Cross

The speaker delves into the importance of Jesus' silence during his crucifixion, highlighting the contrast between the few words he spoke and the hours of suffering he endured. By examining the last words of Jesus on the cross, the speaker emphasizes the profound message of forgiveness and redemption that was communicated through his silence. The speaker also references the Old Testament prophet Isaiah, who foretold the silent suffering of the Messiah, further reinforcing the significance of the cross and the silence of Jesus in the Christian faith.


🌟 The Uniqueness of Jesus' Sacrifice Compared to Other Religious Figures

The speaker discusses the unique aspects of Jesus' sacrifice, differentiating it from the teachings of other religious figures such as Muhammad, Buddha, and Confucius. The emphasis is on the biblical account of Jesus' crucifixion and the global impact of his shed blood, which is seen as a universal offering for the sins of humanity. The speaker asserts that Jesus' sacrifice, as prophesied and fulfilled, sets him apart from other religious leaders and establishes the Christian belief in the atonement of sins through Christ's death.


🐑 The Lamb's Silence as a Model for Discipleship

The speaker uses the metaphor of the silent lamb to illustrate the expected path of discipleship for believers. By examining Jesus' silence during his suffering, the speaker encourages followers to embrace their own crosses and to handle trials with the same silent endurance demonstrated by Jesus. The message underscores the idea that true leadership and spiritual growth are forged through facing and overcoming challenges with Christ-like resilience and faith.


🚨 The Call to Carry One's Cross and the Assurance of Resurrection

The speaker calls on believers to take up their personal crosses, as Jesus did, and to follow him in this path of discipleship. The sermon emphasizes that carrying one's cross is not only about enduring suffering but also about surrendering personal ambitions to God's will. The speaker reassures the congregation that through faith and adherence to God's path, even in the face of adversity, believers can expect a resurrection and spiritual fulfillment.


🛑 The Transformation Through Trials and the Warning Against False Teachings

The speaker warns against the dangers of false teachings and the allure of worldly success, urging believers to remain steadfast in their faith and to embrace the transformative power of trials. By referencing biblical figures like Peter, the speaker illustrates the importance of loyalty and obedience to God's calling, even when faced with societal pressures or personal challenges. The message encourages believers to find their true purpose and identity in Christ, rather than seeking validation or success through worldly means.


🎭 The Role of the Cross in Shaping Leaders and the Dangers of Avoiding Trials

The speaker discusses the critical role of the cross in shaping true leaders, asserting that the cross is not merely a symbol of redemption but also a tool for personal growth and leadership development. The speaker cautions against the deceptive allure of an easy path to success, as promoted by Satan, and emphasizes the importance of enduring trials as a means of spiritual maturation. The message calls for believers to embrace their crosses and to understand that these challenges are essential for achieving God's purpose for their lives.


🌈 The Promise of Resurrection and the Necessity of Embracing the Cross

The speaker concludes the sermon by reiterating the promise of resurrection that follows the trials and tribulations represented by the cross. The message encourages believers to see every 'Friday' of struggle as a precursor to their 'Sunday' of victory and resurrection. The speaker emphasizes that understanding the transformative power of the cross is essential for living a life of faith and for achieving true spiritual leadership.




Leadership, as discussed in the transcript, refers to the ability to guide and influence others towards a common goal or vision. It is a quality that is tested and refined through trials and tribulations. In the context of the video, true leadership is associated with the willingness to bear the cross, which symbolizes sacrifice, endurance, and commitment. The speaker emphasizes that true leaders are formed through the experience of facing and overcoming difficulties, as exemplified by Jesus' silence and suffering on the cross.


Sacrifice is the act of giving up something valuable for the sake of something else considered more important or meaningful. In the video, sacrifice is deeply connected to the concept of leadership and the cross. It is exemplified by Jesus' willingness to suffer and die on the cross for the redemption of humanity. The speaker suggests that sacrifice is a necessary part of the journey towards true leadership, as it demonstrates a commitment to a higher purpose beyond personal gain.


Discipleship refers to the process of learning and following the teachings and example of a spiritual leader or mentor. In the context of the video, discipleship is closely tied to the concept of the cross, as it involves taking up one's own cross and following in the footsteps of Jesus. The speaker emphasizes that being a disciple is not just about verbal confession or belief, but also about embodying the values and sacrifices of the leader one follows. This includes enduring trials and tribulations with the same grace and resilience that Jesus demonstrated on the cross.


Redemption is the act of saving or being saved from a state of sin, error, or evil. In the Christian faith, it is often associated with the idea of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, which is believed to have redeemed humanity from the consequences of sin. The video emphasizes that Jesus' death and resurrection provided atonement, or reconciliation with God, allowing for the forgiveness of sins and the restoration of the human spirit.


In the context of the video, silence is not just the absence of sound but a powerful form of communication and a demonstration of inner strength. Jesus' silence during his crucifixion is portrayed as a profound statement of obedience, faith, and love. It is a lesson in enduring suffering without complaint, trusting in God's plan, and setting an example for future leaders. The silence of the lamb becomes a loud testament to the power of sacrifice and the importance of staying true to one's beliefs, even in the face of extreme adversity.


Resurrection in the Christian faith refers to the raising of Jesus from the dead, which is considered a triumph over death and a promise of eternal life for believers. In the video, the concept of resurrection is used metaphorically to signify overcoming trials and tribulations, and the potential for transformation and new beginnings. It is the hopeful outcome that follows the suffering represented by the cross, and it serves as a reminder that difficulties are temporary and that there is a greater purpose and reward beyond them.


In the video, the cross is a symbol of suffering, sacrifice, and redemption. It represents the burden that Jesus bore for humanity and the hardships that believers may face in their spiritual journey. The cross is not just a physical object but a metaphor for the trials and tribulations that test one's faith and commitment. It is the path that leads to spiritual growth and transformation, as it was for Jesus and as it must be for those who wish to follow in his footsteps.


Faith, as discussed in the video, is the trust and confidence in God's promises, wisdom, and guidance, even in the midst of adversity. It is the belief in the unseen and the holding onto hope when faced with challenges. The speaker emphasizes that faith is tested and proven through the endurance of trials, as exemplified by Jesus' silent suffering on the cross. It is through faith that one finds the strength to bear the cross and follow the path of true leadership.


Transformation in the context of the video refers to the process of change and renewal that individuals undergo through their experiences of carrying their crosses. It is the metamorphosis from a state of trials and tribulations to one of spiritual growth, resilience, and leadership. The speaker suggests that facing and overcoming challenges leads to a deeper understanding of oneself and one's purpose, ultimately resulting in a more profound and influential leadership.


Purity in the video symbolizes a state of moral and spiritual cleanliness, free from corruption or sin. It is the goal that believers strive for as they endure their crosses and follow the path of Jesus. Purity is associated with the willingness to let go of worldly desires and distractions in pursuit of a closer relationship with God and a life lived according to higher spiritual standards. The speaker emphasizes that the cross is a means of achieving this purity by separating oneself from destructive influences and committing to a path of righteousness.


The importance of understanding the true meaning of leadership and its connection to sacrifice and silence, as demonstrated by Jesus on the cross.

The analogy of the film 'Silence of the Lambs' to illustrate the global recognition and impact of a story, contrasting it with the silence of Jesus on the cross.

The significance of the seven last words of Jesus on the cross and their impact on Christianity and the message of forgiveness.

The contrast between Jesus' silence on the cross and the outspoken nature of many religious leaders, emphasizing the power of silence in communication.

The reference to Isaiah 52 and 53 to explain the prophetic nature of Jesus' suffering and how it was foretold in the Old Testament.

The concept of the cross as a test of discipleship and the importance of carrying one's own cross as a follower of Jesus.

The transformation of Peter from a 'rock' to a 'stumbling block' as a result of his inability to understand the necessity of the cross.

The explanation of how Jesus' silence on the cross was a powerful message and example for all of humanity on how to endure suffering and injustice.

The idea that true leadership and reputation are built through trials and tribulations, as exemplified by Jesus' journey to the cross.

The call to embrace the cross as a path to spiritual growth and leadership, challenging the notion that following Jesus will be easy or without hardship.

The emphasis on the cross as a symbol of sacrifice and the necessity of facing difficulties in order to achieve spiritual maturity and leadership.

The assertion that the cross is not just a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice but also a tool for personal transformation and the development of true leadership qualities.

The reminder that the cross represents a commitment to a higher purpose and the willingness to endure hardship for the sake of that purpose.

The connection between the cross and the Holy Spirit, highlighting that enduring the cross leads to the restoration of the spirit of leadership.

The final message that true reputation and leadership come through the cross, and that enduring trials and tribulations are essential for spiritual growth and fulfillment.