The Standard Female Delusion Chart - a tool to reduce dating drama

10 Aug 202303:09

TLDRThe Standard Female Delusion Chart is a tool designed to balance perceptions in the dating market. It suggests that while men rate women on a bell curve, women rate men on a skewed curve, often undervaluing them. Based on feedback, this chart replaces the old one to address the misconception that men and women match up evenly, which is only true in long-term relationships. The chart aims to correct female perceptions and help women avoid emotional neglect by setting realistic expectations in dating. It also encourages honesty in self-assessment and promises a comprehensive rating system for personal improvement.


  • 📊 The Standard Female Delusion Chart is a new tool designed to balance the dating market.
  • 🧐 The chart is based on the bell curve distribution of traits such as intelligence, height, and attractiveness.
  • 🤔 It acknowledges that while men and women match up evenly in long-term relationships, this is not the case in dating.
  • 👫 A woman's perception of men she knows is limited to a small sample, but her perception of all men is skewed.
  • 👻 Men rated as 3 or below are depicted as 'ghosts' in the chart, illustrating their invisibility in the dating market.
  • 📈 Women are said to rate men on a 'jezebel curve', whereas men use a bell curve for rating women.
  • 🔄 The chart is supported by data from dating apps and real-life observations of women's preferences.
  • 🚀 The chart aims to help women avoid the 'sleeper zone' where they wait for commitment that may never come.
  • 🎯 By correcting female perceptions, the chart can guide women in finding suitable partners based on their self-assessment.
  • 📌 The creator plans to introduce a comprehensive rating system and instructions for fair self-assessment in future content.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Standard Female Delusion Chart?

    -The main purpose of the Standard Female Delusion Chart is to bring balance back to the dating market by correcting skewed perceptions and helping individuals understand how they are likely rated by others in the context of dating.

  • Why was the Standard Female Delusion Chart introduced?

    -The Standard Female Delusion Chart was introduced because there was confusion with the old chart, which did not accurately reflect the dynamics of long-term relationships versus the broader dating market.

  • How does the bell curve concept apply to the distribution of traits like intelligence and attractiveness?

    -The bell curve concept applies to the distribution of traits by indicating that most people fall within the average range for a given trait, with fewer people being at the extremes of very low or very high.

  • What is the significance of the term 'sleeper zone' in the context of the chart?

    -The 'sleeper zone' refers to a situation where women may find themselves waiting for commitment from partners who are unlikely to provide it, due to unrealistic expectations and skewed perceptions of their partners' attractiveness or value.

  • How does the chart suggest women typically rate men they do not know?

    -The chart suggests that women typically rate men they do not know as a large proportion of 'garbage', indicating a tendency to have low initial expectations or to be highly selective in their assessments.

  • What is the 'jezebel curve' mentioned in the script?

    -The 'jezebel curve' is a term used in the script to describe the perceived rating system that women use for men, which is said to differ from the bell curve that men supposedly use to rate women.

  • How can the Standard Female Delusion Chart help individuals in the dating market?

    -The Standard Female Delusion Chart can help individuals by providing a framework for self-assessment and understanding of how they might be perceived by others, thereby encouraging more realistic expectations and potentially more successful dating outcomes.

  • What is the role of attractiveness in the context of the chart and dating?

    -Attractiveness plays a significant role in the context of the chart and dating, as it is a major factor that influences initial interest and the potential for a successful match.

  • How does the chart address the issue of public versus private ratings of women by other women?

    -The chart addresses this issue by highlighting that women are often rated as a '10' publicly, but privately, the ratings may be less favorable, indicating a potential for hypocrisy or social pressure in how women rate each other.

  • What is the creator's intention for the future regarding the Standard Female Delusion Chart?

    -The creator intends to develop a comprehensive rating system to help everyone know their level and use this information in conjunction with the chart to find a suitable match, with further instructions to be provided in an upcoming video.



📊 The Standard Female Delusion Chart

This paragraph introduces the concept of the Standard Female Delusion Chart, a tool designed to bring balance to the dating market. It replaces the old chart due to confusion and explains the bell curve distribution of intelligence, attractiveness, and other traits. The paragraph discusses the feedback received about men and women matching up evenly, which is only true in long-term relationships. It also presents how women perceive men they know and those they don't, highlighting the stark contrast in perception. The paragraph emphasizes that the model is supported by data from dating apps and everyday observations. It concludes by explaining the purpose of the chart, which is to prevent women from falling into the 'sleeper zone' and to correct misconceptions about men.



💡Standard Female Delusion Chart

The 'Standard Female Delusion Chart' is a conceptual tool introduced in the video to address perceived imbalances in the dating market. It is designed to correct what the video creator believes are skewed perceptions that women have about men, particularly in the context of dating. The chart is presented as a replacement for a previous model, aiming to provide a more accurate representation of how women view men, themselves, and other women. It is used to illustrate the video's central argument that women often have unrealistic expectations and assessments in dating scenarios, which can lead to dissatisfaction and missed opportunities.

💡Dating Market

The 'Dating Market' refers to the social landscape where individuals seek romantic relationships or partners. In the context of the video, it is portrayed as an imbalanced system where women's perceptions and expectations may not align with reality, leading to dissatisfaction and 'dating drama.' The video posits that the Standard Female Delusion Chart can help restore balance by providing a more realistic framework for women's assessments of men.

💡Bell Curve

A 'Bell Curve,' also known as a normal distribution, is a statistical distribution that shows data clustered around an average, with most values being close to the mean and fewer values being at the extremes. In the video, it is used to describe the distribution of traits such as intelligence, height, and attractiveness in the general population. The bell curve is also applied to how men perceive women, suggesting that most men rate women based on an average standard, whereas women are depicted as having a different, less favorable distribution when rating men.


In the context of the video, 'Attractiveness' refers to the physical appeal or aesthetic value of an individual. It is presented as a significant factor in how individuals are rated by others in the dating market. The video suggests that while attractiveness is not the only factor, it plays a substantial role in initial assessments and can influence the dynamics of dating interactions.

💡Sleeper Zone

The 'Sleeper Zone' is a term used in the video to describe a situation where women may find themselves waiting for commitment or serious relationship prospects that are unlikely to materialize. This zone represents a state of emotional neglect or unfulfilled expectations, where women may be overlooking potential matches due to unrealistic standards or perceptions.


In the context of the video, 'Commitment' refers to the willingness of an individual to enter into and maintain a long-term, exclusive romantic relationship. The video discusses how some women may be waiting for commitment from partners who do not share the same intentions, leading to frustration and disappointment. The Standard Female Delusion Chart is suggested as a means to align women's expectations with the reality of the dating market, potentially reducing the likelihood of being stuck in the 'sleeper zone' without commitment.

💡Jezebel Curve

The 'Jezebel Curve' is a term coined in the video to describe the perceived distribution of how women rate men. It suggests that women tend to categorize the majority of men as undesirable or 'garbage,' with only a few men being considered highly attractive or suitable for a relationship. This curve is contrasted with the bell curve, which is said to represent how men rate women, and is used to illustrate the video's argument about the imbalance in women's perceptions in the dating market.


In the video, 'Perception' refers to the way individuals interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world around them, particularly in the context of dating and relationships. The video argues that women's perceptions of men are often skewed or delusional, leading to dissatisfaction and missed opportunities in the dating market. The Standard Female Delusion Chart aims to correct these perceptions by providing a more balanced and realistic view of men.

💡Rating System

The 'Rating System' mentioned in the video is a proposed method for individuals to assess their own attractiveness or desirability in the context of dating. The system is intended to be comprehensive and objective, allowing people to understand their 'score' and use it to find a compatible match using the Standard Female Delusion Chart. This system is presented as a tool for reducing the 'ridiculousness' of women's expectations and improving the dating experience.

💡Emotional Neglect

In the video, 'Emotional Neglect' refers to a situation where an individual feels ignored or unimportant in their relationship, often because their partner is not providing the emotional support or attention that they need. The video suggests that the Standard Female Delusion Chart can help women avoid experiencing emotional neglect by encouraging them to reassess their expectations and choose partners who are more likely to meet their needs.

💡Fair Rating

A 'Fair Rating' in the context of the video refers to an unbiased and objective assessment of an individual's attractiveness or desirability in the dating market. The video creator emphasizes the importance of providing a fair rating to ensure that individuals have a realistic understanding of their standing and can make informed decisions about potential partners. The upcoming instructions for a fair rating system are intended to help individuals achieve this.


The Standard Female Delusion Chart is a tool designed to bring balance back to the dating market.

The chart replaces the old one due to confusion and aims to correct female perceptions in dating.

The bell curve represents the distribution of intelligence, height, and attractiveness among people.

In long-term relationships, men and women match up evenly, but this is not the case in general.

Women tend to see most men as below average, especially those rated 3 or below.

Men rate women on a bell curve, while women rate men on a different curve, often referred to as the 'jezebel curve'.

The model is supported by data from dating apps and real-life observations of women's preferences.

Attractiveness plays a significant role in how women rate men, especially those they do not know.

The chart can help women avoid the 'sleeper zone', where they wait for commitment that may never come.

The chart works by correcting unrealistic perceptions, such as how women see themselves versus how they see men.

Women publicly rate other women as a 10, but privately may have a different view.

The creator is developing a comprehensive rating system to help individuals understand their level in the dating market.

Using the chart, a female with a standard delusion rating of 6 would match with a male she sees as 3.8.

A female 8 would match with a male she sees as 6.5, illustrating the differences in perception.

The chart encourages honesty and self-awareness to improve dating experiences and relationships.

The creator warns that if the chart makes you mad, it serves its purpose by highlighting areas of denial.

Instructions for giving a fair rating will be provided in an upcoming video on YouTube.

The chart is a tool for both men and women to understand and navigate the complexities of dating.