Huge Linus Tech Tips Drama

Mogul Mail
30 Aug 202318:02

TLDRThe video discusses the recent controversies surrounding Linus Tech Tips, highlighting the drop in their float plane subscribers and the impact of a critical video by Gamer's Nexus. It delves into specific examples of Linus Media Group's alleged inaccuracies in product reviews and the subsequent public and internal responses, including a company-wide break for reflection and improvement. The creator also reflects on the nature of companies versus creator-led businesses and the importance of worker empowerment and job security.


  • 📉 The speaker has been uploading less videos to ensure quality and relevance in content, reserving increased uploads for sponsor deliverables.
  • 🤔 Linus Tech Tips (LTT) faced criticism for perceived lack of objectivity and accuracy in their reviews, especially compared to competitors like Gamer's Nexus.
  • 📊 Linus Media Group experienced a significant drop in their Float Plane subscribers, resulting in a substantial loss of revenue.
  • 🎥 A video by Gamer's Nexus questioned the testing methods and accuracy of LTT, highlighting specific instances where LTT made errors or failed to correct them adequately.
  • 🖱️ An example of LTT's inaccuracies was a mouse review where they criticized the friction of the mouse without removing the protective film, which was later corrected.
  • 🥊 The controversy escalated with Gamer's Nexus pointing out that LTT used an incorrect GPU for testing a high-end copper cooler, leading to misleading results.
  • 🚫 Linus Media Group initially responded inadequately to the criticism, with Linus downplaying the issues and not addressing them sufficiently.
  • 💬 After a week-long break, LTT returned with a more comprehensive response, acknowledging the issues and outlining steps for improvement.
  • 🏢 A former employee's allegations of a poor working environment at LTT led to a third-party investigation and highlighted the need for serious change within the company.
  • 🤝 The speaker emphasizes the importance of companies not just focusing on growth and profit, but also on employee well-being and empowerment.
  • 🎮 The speaker is organizing a gaming event to find the 'greatest gamer', featuring top talent and commentators, aiming to support and grow off-brand events.

Q & A

  • Why has the uploader been creating fewer videos recently?

    -The uploader has been intentionally creating fewer videos to ensure that each video discusses something they care about, adding value to the conversation and teaching viewers about topics they may not have known about before.

  • What happened at Linus Tech Tips that sparked controversy?

    -A video by Gamer's Nexus, a competitor to Linus Tech Tips, criticized Linus Media Group for not being as objective and accurate as they should be in their reviews, especially when it comes to PC parts which are largely based on testing and hard data.

  • How did Linus Media Group respond to the criticism from Gamer's Nexus?

    -Linus Media Group initially responded with a defensive blog post on Floatplane, but later uploaded a dedicated apology video featuring various leads at the company discussing the changes they planned to make.

  • What was the impact of the controversy on Linus Media Group's subscriber count?

    -The controversy led to a significant drop in Linus Media Group's subscriber count on their own Patreon-like platform, Floatplane, with a loss of almost 6,000 members, equating to a loss of nearly a million dollars a year in revenue.

  • What specific incidents were highlighted in the Gamer's Nexus video as examples of Linus Tech Tips' lapses in judgment?

    -One example was a mouse review where Linus Media Group criticized the friction of the mouse, not realizing they hadn't removed the protective film from the feet of the mouse. Another was the testing of a copper water block from Billet Labs, where Linus Media Group used the wrong GPU for testing and misplaced the prototype.

  • What did the former employee, Madison, claim about the working environment at Linus Tech Tips?

    -Madison claimed that the working environment at Linus Tech Tips was horrible, detailing instances of workplace harassment and difficult working conditions in a lengthy post and thread.

  • How did Linus Tech Tips address the claims made by Madison?

    -In response to Madison's claims, Linus Tech Tips initiated a third-party investigation to look into the allegations and ensure appropriate action is taken.

  • What is the uploader's perspective on the role of companies versus creators?

    -The uploader believes that companies, including Linus Media Group, are primarily focused on making money, reinvesting, and growing, which can sometimes conflict with the interests of employees. They emphasize the importance of creators and the need for a more balanced approach where workers have more power and say.

  • What is the main goal of the 'World's Greatest' event sponsored by YouTube Gaming?

    -The main goal of the 'World's Greatest' event is to find the greatest gamer in the world by bringing together top talent from various gaming disciplines in a competitive setting.

  • What is the uploader's strategy to ensure job security for the workers at their company, Mogul Moves?

    -The uploader is working to make the off-brand side of Mogul Moves big enough to sustain all the jobs of the people working there, so that even if the uploader steps down or the viewership drops significantly, the employees can still keep their jobs.

  • How does the uploader plan to address the issue of worker power and say within their company?

    -The uploader is considering ways to give workers more power and say within the company, although they do not have a specific plan yet. They are focusing on building a strong off-brand that can service any creator and ensure job security for their employees.



📉 Decline in Video Uploads and Addressing Linus Tech Tips Controversy

The speaker begins by explaining their recent decrease in video uploads, aiming for quality content that adds value to their audience. They address the controversy surrounding Linus Tech Tips (LTT), including a significant drop in their float plane subscribers, which indicates a loss of revenue. The controversy was sparked by a video from Gamer's Nexus, accusing LTT of lacking objectivity and accuracy in their reviews. The speaker discusses specific instances where LTT made errors in their reviews, such as a mouse review with an unremoved protective film and a copper water block review with the wrong graphics card. They emphasize the importance of accuracy in tech reviews and the responsibility of reviewers to correct their mistakes.


🤝 Missteps in Product Reviews and Response to Criticism

The speaker continues discussing the missteps made by Linus Tech Tips in their product reviews, including the use of an incorrect graphics card for a copper water block review. They mention the further complications due to the loss of the prototype and the subsequent auctioning off of the product without the manufacturer's consent. The speaker acknowledges that these errors were not malicious but rather due to poor communication and a rush to publish content. They also touch on the public response to LTT's initial apology and the subsequent, more comprehensive apology video that featured staff members discussing changes and improvements for the company.


🚨 Addressing Workplace Issues and Company Culture

The speaker shifts focus to address allegations of a poor working environment at Linus Tech Tips, as raised by a former employee. They mention the ongoing third-party investigation and express hope for serious changes in response to the issues raised. The speaker emphasizes the importance of workers' rights and a healthy company culture, reflecting on their own company, Mogul Moves, and the risks associated with creator-based companies. They discuss their efforts to ensure the sustainability of their company and the jobs of their employees, regardless of their own presence or popularity as a content creator.


🎮 Upcoming Event: World's Greatest Gamer

The speaker concludes by discussing an upcoming event, the 'World's Greatest Gamer,' sponsored by YouTube Gaming. They express excitement over the event, which aims to find the greatest gamer in the world, featuring top talents from various gaming disciplines. The speaker mentions the impressive lineup of participants and commentators, including well-known figures in the gaming community. They invite viewers to tune in to the event, which will be live-streamed on their channel and other participants' channels, highlighting their ongoing commitment to supporting their brand and the gaming community.



💡Content Creation

The process of producing and sharing digital content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts. In the video, the creator discusses the importance of uploading content that adds value and educates the audience, rather than simply producing videos for the sake of quantity.

💡Linus Tech Tips

A popular YouTube channel that focuses on technology reviews and tutorials. In the context of the video, the creator discusses controversies surrounding Linus Tech Tips, including allegations of biased reviews and mishandling of products.


The quality of being unbiased and impartial. In the context of the video, the creator discusses the importance of objectivity in tech reviews, where the focus should be on accurate testing and reporting of product performance.

💡Float Plane

A subscription-based platform created by Linus Media Group, similar to Patreon, where members pay a monthly fee for exclusive content and perks. The video script highlights a significant drop in subscribers as a result of the controversies surrounding Linus Media Group.

💡Gamers Nexus

A competitor to Linus Tech Tips, known for their tech review channels. In the video, the creator discusses a critical video made by Gamer's Nexus, which accuses Linus Tech Tips of not being sufficiently objective and accurate in their reviews.


The ability to perform one's duties with competence, ethics, and respect for others. In the video, the creator emphasizes the importance of professionalism in tech reviews, especially when dealing with high-value products and prototypes.

💡Working Environment

The conditions and culture within a workplace that affect employees' well-being and productivity. The video script discusses allegations of a negative working environment at Linus Tech Tips, which is currently under investigation.

💡Viewer Feedback

Input or responses from the audience or users of a product or service. In the video, the creator talks about the importance of listening to viewer feedback and adjusting content creation strategies accordingly.

💡Corporate Culture

The shared values, behaviors, and attitudes that shape the work environment and operations within a company. The video script discusses the need for changes in corporate culture at Linus Media Group in response to the controversies and feedback received.

💡Revenue Loss

A decrease in the income generated by a business over a specific period. In the video, the creator highlights the significant revenue loss experienced by Linus Media Group due to a drop in subscribers on their Float Plane platform.

💡Third-Party Investigation

An inquiry conducted by an external, independent party to examine a situation or issue within an organization. In the video, the creator mentions that Linus Tech Tips has initiated a third-party investigation to address allegations of a negative working environment.


Creator's decision to upload less videos to ensure content quality and relevance.

Linus Tech Tips (LTT) losing nearly 6,000 subscribers, resulting in significant revenue loss.

Critique by Gamer's Nexus questioning LTT's objectivity and accuracy in tech reviews.

Comparison between subjective reviews in entertainment and objective testing in PC parts reviews.

LTT's initial response to Gamer's Nexus criticism and the subsequent fallout.

Specific examples of LTT's review inaccuracies, such as the mouse review and CPU cooler tests.

The controversy surrounding the testing and review of a copper water block by Billet Labs.

LTT's misplaced prototype and failure to return it, leading to a breakdown in communication.

Creator's view that LTT's errors were not malicious but rather due to ineptitude and rushed production.

Internal feedback at Linus Media Group suggesting a need for less haste and more focus on quality.

Linus Tech Tips' initial defensive response to Gamer's Nexus' video and the public's reaction.

The mixed reception to Linus Media Group's apology video and the decision to take a break from content production.

Allegations of a poor working environment at Linus Tech Tips by a former employee.

The third-party investigation initiated by Linus Tech Tips in response to workplace allegations.

Creator's reflection on the nature of companies and the importance of not viewing them as friends.

The impact of creator departure on a company structure, emphasizing the need for sustainable business models.

Efforts to empower workers by giving them more say in company decisions and operations.

Upcoming event 'World's Greatest' aimed at finding the best gamer, showcasing top talent and commentary.