The Strongest Materials in the Universe with Prof. Matt Caplan

Event Horizon
11 Apr 202446:25

TLDRIn this fascinating discussion, Dr. Matt Kaplan explores the intriguing properties of the strongest materials in the universe, found within celestial bodies like white dwarfs and neutron stars. He delves into the concept of degeneracy, explaining how matter behaves under extreme conditions, and touches on the potential for primordial black holes as a dark matter candidate. The conversation also covers the possibility of detecting these exotic objects through lunar craters and the implications for our understanding of the cosmos.


  • 🌌 The concept of degeneracy in matter refers to a state where all quantum states up to a certain energy level are filled, leading to a high energy density that produces pressure.
  • 🔴 White dwarf stars are remnants of stars like our Sun, composed of degenerate matter where electrons are packed closely together, creating high pressure to counteract gravity.
  • 🌠 As white dwarfs cool and crystallize over billions of years, they eventually reach a state known as black dwarfs, which are essentially frozen solid, giant crystal balls of carbon and oxygen or neon.
  • 🌀 The Chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass a white dwarf can have before it collapses under its own gravity, which is approximately 1.4 times the mass of our Sun.
  • 🌟 Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that have undergone core collapse supernovae, and they are significantly denser than white dwarfs, with nuclei touching and forming a crystalline solid.
  • 🥟 Nuclear pasta is a phase of matter found in the innermost layers of neutron star crusts, where nuclei rearrange into large structures resembling sheets or cylinders due to the balance between the strong force and electrostatic repulsion.
  • 💎 Heavy elements such as gold, platinum, and uranium are primarily formed in neutron star mergers, where the high density matter, including nuclear pasta, disintegrates and returns to a regular state, creating the building blocks of the periodic table.
  • 🌐 The detection of gravitational waves from neutron star mergers, such as the event GW170817, has provided astronomers with a new way to study these extreme cosmic events and the origins of heavy elements.
  • 🕳️ Primordial black holes, formed in the early universe, could potentially account for some of the dark matter, and their interactions with other celestial bodies could leave unique signatures on astronomical scales.
  • 🚀 Future high-resolution scans of celestial bodies, like the Moon, could potentially reveal craters caused by primordial black holes, offering new insights into the nature of dark matter and the early universe.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the interview with Prof. Matt Caplan?

    -The main topic of discussion is the strongest materials in the universe, particularly focusing on nuclear pasta and the states of matter in extreme astrophysical environments such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.

  • What is degeneracy in the context of matter?

    -Degeneracy is a term used to describe a particle filling states, specifically quantum states. In the context of the interview, it refers to electrons filling up all available states up to a certain energy level in a white dwarf, leading to a fully ionized matter where electron wave functions are distributed over the entire star.

  • How does heat affect the state of atoms in a white dwarf?

    -Heat provides thermal pressure that supports the white dwarf against gravity. As the white dwarf cools, it slowly crystallizes from the core outward, similar to how Earth's inner core is crystallizing. The temperature decreases over time, and eventually, the white dwarf will be in equilibrium with the cosmic background radiation.

  • What is the Chandrasekhar limit and its significance?

    -The Chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass a white dwarf can have before it collapses under its own gravity. It is approximately 1.4 times the mass of the Sun. Beyond this limit, the white dwarf cannot be supported by electron degeneracy pressure and will undergo further gravitational collapse to form a neutron star or potentially a black hole.

  • What are the layers of a neutron star like?

    -A neutron star consists of a vacuum of space, a sparse atmosphere, a crust made of the same material as a white dwarf core but under much higher pressure, and a core where neutrons are packed together at nuclear densities. The crust is only about a kilometer thick before transitioning into the core.

  • What is nuclear pasta and how does it form?

    -Nuclear pasta is a phase of matter that forms in the innermost layers of a neutron star crust. When nuclei are extremely close together, it becomes energetically favorable for protons and neutrons to rearrange into large structures like sheets, cylinders, or blobs with voids, resembling pasta shapes. This is due to the balance between the strong force holding nucleons together and the electrostatic repulsion between protons.

  • How do neutron star mergers contribute to the production of heavy elements?

    -When two neutron stars merge, they emit gravitational waves and the collision can rip off a significant fraction of the neutron star crust and nuclear pasta layer. This matter, being neutron-rich, can form heavy nuclei on the periodic table past iron through a process of decompression and nuclear reactions. Observations of such events, like the GW170817 merger, support the idea that neutron star mergers are a primary source of heavy elements.

  • What is the role of magnetic fields in neutron stars?

    -Magnetic fields in neutron stars have a significant impact on their structure and behavior. They can lock matter in place, making it difficult for charged particles to move across field lines. Strong magnetic fields can also lead to the formation of hot spots on the neutron star surface and potentially contribute to the creation of massive mountain ranges within the crust by pinning matter in place.

  • How might primordial black holes be detected?

    -Primordial black holes could potentially be detected by observing the lunar surface for craters with unique characteristics. Unlike standard impacts, a primordial black hole passing through the Moon would create two distinct craters on opposite sides, with a column of shocked matter and high-density phases in between. Advanced surface scans and machine learning techniques might be used to identify such features in future lunar exploration efforts.

  • What is the current understanding of the maximum mass of neutron stars?

    -The current understanding suggests that the maximum mass of neutron stars is around two solar masses, with some observed neutron stars at this limit. This is an important parameter as it provides insights into the stiffness of the matter inside the star and the fundamental nature of high-density matter.



🌌 Introduction to Degenerate Matter and White Dwarfs

This paragraph introduces the concept of degenerate matter and its relevance in understanding white dwarfs. Dr. Matt Kaplan explains that degeneracy refers to a state where all quantum states up to a certain energy level are filled, akin to electrons filling the ground state of an atom. The discussion delves into the properties of a white dwarf, emphasizing the high pressure and fully ionized matter that leads to degenerate states across the entire star, as opposed to confined atomic states. The conversation also touches on the role of heat and pressure in the sun and how these factors contribute to the formation and characteristics of white dwarfs.


🚀 Journey Through a White Dwarf and its Layers

The second paragraph takes the listener on a hypothetical journey through a white dwarf, comparing the experience to that of a skydiver falling to Earth. As one descends into the white dwarf, the density of matter increases significantly. The discussion highlights the layered structure of a white dwarf, with a crystalline core at its center, where atomic nuclei are highly compressed. The conversation also explores the concept of a white dwarf cooling and crystallizing over time, eventually becoming a black dwarf, and introduces the Chandrasekhar limit, which defines the maximum mass a white dwarf can have before collapsing into a neutron star.


🌠 The Transition from White Dwarf to Neutron Star

This paragraph discusses the transition from a white dwarf to a neutron star, emphasizing the role of the Chandrasekhar limit in this process. When a white dwarf exceeds this limit, it undergoes catastrophic contraction, leading to the formation of a neutron star. The neutron star is characterized by even higher densities, with atomic nuclei touching each other and forming a dense, crystalline structure. The conversation also touches on the potential existence of 'nuclear pasta,' a hypothetical form of matter denser than atomic nuclei, and the implications of such states of matter for our understanding of the universe.


🌌 The Nature of Neutron Stars and Their Layers

The fourth paragraph delves deeper into the structure of neutron stars, comparing their layers to those of a white dwarf. It describes the vacuum of space giving way to a sparse atmosphere, which in turn transitions into a crystalline crust similar to that of a white dwarf. The crust is highly compressed, with densities increasing rapidly over short distances. The core of a neutron star is described as a fluid of neutrons packed together at nuclear densities. The discussion also touches on the possibility of a 'quark star,' a hypothetical state of matter beyond neutron stars, and the challenges in detecting such exotic states.


🌠 The Mystery of Primordial Black Holes and Their Impact

The final paragraph shifts focus to primordial black holes, which could have formed in the early universe and potentially contribute to dark matter. The conversation explores the concept of black holes hitting objects like the Moon and the unique craters they might leave behind, distinct from those created by traditional asteroid impacts. The discussion also touches on the potential for future lunar exploration and high-resolution scans to detect these primordial black holes, offering a new perspective on dark matter candidates and the early universe.



💡Event Horizon

The term 'Event Horizon' refers to a boundary in spacetime beyond which events cannot affect an outside observer. In the context of the video, it is associated with the concept of a black hole, where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it. The mention of 'falling into Event Horizon' likely refers to the idea of crossing this boundary and experiencing the extreme conditions near a black hole, which is a central theme in the discussion about the universe's strongest materials and the extreme states of matter.

💡Dr. Matt Kaplan

Dr. Matt Kaplan is a professor of physics at Illinois State University, known for his research in high-density materials inside stellar remnants. In the video, he is the guest expert who provides insights into the properties of nuclear pasta and other exotic states of matter found in the universe. His expertise in nuclear physics and his contributions to understanding the behavior of materials under extreme conditions make him a key figure in explaining the complex concepts discussed in the video.

💡White Dwarfs

White dwarfs are the remnants of low- to medium-mass stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel and have shed most of their mass. They are incredibly dense objects, with a mass comparable to that of the Sun but a size similar to Earth. In the video, white dwarfs are discussed as an example of degenerate matter, where electrons are packed so closely together that they form a pressure resisting further gravitational collapse. This state of matter is crucial for understanding the stability and evolution of these celestial bodies.

💡Nuclear Pasta

Nuclear pasta is a theoretical form of matter that is predicted to exist at extremely high densities, such as those found in the cores of neutron stars. It is called 'pasta' because the atomic nuclei are arranged in complex, interconnected structures that resemble different types of pasta like spaghetti or lasagna. This phase of matter is significant because it represents a transition between the denser, uniform matter of a neutron star core and the less dense, more crystalline structures found in white dwarfs. Understanding nuclear pasta is essential for studying the properties of matter under extreme conditions and the evolution of dense astronomical objects.


Degeneracy in the context of the video refers to a state of matter where particles, such as electrons, are packed into the lowest possible energy states, filling all available quantum states up to a certain energy level. This concept is crucial for understanding the behavior of matter in extreme environments like white dwarfs and neutron stars, where electrons are so tightly packed that they create a pressure to resist the gravitational collapse of the star. Degeneracy is a key principle in quantum mechanics and is used to explain the stability of certain celestial objects.

💡Neutron Stars

Neutron stars are the collapsed cores of massive stars that have undergone a supernova explosion. They are incredibly dense, with a mass around 1.4 times that of the Sun but a radius of only about 10 kilometers. Neutron stars are composed almost entirely of neutrons, which are packed so closely together that they form a solid, crystalline structure. The study of neutron stars is vital for understanding the behavior of matter at extreme densities and the fundamental physics of the universe.

💡Chandrasekhar Limit

The Chandrasekhar limit is the maximum mass that a stable white dwarf star can have, approximately 1.4 times the mass of the Sun. Beyond this mass, the force of gravity overcomes the degenerate electron pressure that supports the white dwarf, leading to further gravitational collapse and potentially the formation of a neutron star or a black hole. This limit is named after the Indian astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, who first described it theoretically. The Chandrasekhar limit is a critical concept in understanding the life cycle of stars and the formation of dense astronomical objects.

💡Nuclear Threat Reduction

Nuclear threat reduction refers to efforts aimed at minimizing the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation, preventing nuclear terrorism, and reducing the overall global threat posed by nuclear weapons. This can involve diplomatic efforts, security measures for nuclear materials, and scientific research into the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. In the video, Dr. Matt Kaplan's work on nuclear weapons issues and his role as a fellow of the Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction highlights the importance of such efforts in maintaining global security.


Astrophysics is a branch of astronomy that focuses on the physics of the universe, including the properties, behavior, and interactions of celestial objects like stars, planets, galaxies, and black holes. It seeks to understand the origins, evolution, and ultimate fate of these objects and the universe as a whole. In the video, the discussion of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and nuclear pasta is grounded in astrophysics, as these topics are central to understanding the life cycles of stars and the behavior of matter in extreme environments.

💡YouTube Channels

YouTube channels are platforms on the video-sharing service YouTube where users can create and curate content around a specific theme or topic. In the context of the video, Dr. Matt Kaplan's involvement with YouTube channels like 'Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell' and 'PBS SpaceTime' indicates his role in science communication, where he helps to explain complex scientific concepts to a broader audience in an accessible and engaging way.


Dr. Matt Kaplan discusses the strange states of matter found in high-density environments such as white dwarfs and neutron stars.

Degeneracy in quantum states is explained as a key concept in understanding the behavior of matter in white dwarfs.

White dwarfs are shown to have layers, with the core being extremely dense and composed of degenerate matter.

The Chandrasekhar limit is introduced as the maximum mass a white dwarf can have before it collapses into a neutron star.

Neutron stars are denser than white dwarfs, with their cores potentially containing crystalline structures known as 'nuclear pasta'.

The possibility of a 'quark star' beyond neutron stars is explored, indicating ongoing research in astrophysics.

Magnetic fields in neutron stars can create unique phenomena, such as 'magnetic mountains' within the crust.

Nuclear pasta is described as a phase where protons and neutrons form complex structures due to the balance of the strong force and electromagnetic repulsion.

The material in neutron stars is so dense that if removed from the star, it would expand and form heavy elements.

The collision of neutron stars, as observed in the GW170817 event, is a significant source of heavy elements in the universe.

The mass range of neutron stars is still an open question in astrophysics, with implications for understanding the nature of high-density matter.

Primordial black holes are theorized as a possible component of dark matter and their behavior when interacting with other celestial bodies is discussed.

The impact of a primordial black hole on the Moon would leave a unique signature, potentially identifiable through future high-resolution scans.

Dr. Kaplan emphasizes the importance of creative thinking in astrophysics, suggesting that even failed experiments contribute to the understanding of complex phenomena.

The conversation highlights the interdisciplinary nature of astrophysics, touching on topics from quantum mechanics to general relativity.