Nobody Ever Loved Her But She Was Reborn As A Baby With The Strongest Powers Adored By Her Family

💖 Romantic Fangirl Recaps 💖
2 May 202453:57

TLDRThe story revolves around a young girl who, after experiencing 99 lives filled with neglect and abuse from her family, is reborn into her 100th life as a baby in a noble family. Despite her mysterious powers that accumulate over her many lives, she remains the same person, enduring mistreatment until she sacrifices herself to save the world. In her new life, she is surprisingly met with love and care from her family, which is a stark contrast to her previous experiences. As she grows, she begins to trust her new family, but remains wary of her powers and the potential for future betrayal. The narrative follows her journey of acceptance, her complex relationships with her siblings, and her struggle to balance her past with her newfound happiness. Anastasia, the protagonist, is also haunted by a mysterious figure from her dreams who seems to know her secrets, adding an element of suspense to her otherwise peaceful life.


  • 🌟 The story revolves around a girl who has been reborn 99 times and experiences a loving family in her 100th life, a stark contrast to her previous lives filled with neglect and abuse.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Despite being neglected in her past lives, the girl, Anastasia, maintains a fondness for people, largely due to the support of friends who reached out to her.
  • 🎂 Anastasia's family in her 100th life is doting and celebrates even small milestones, such as her first rollover, with a party, showing their deep affection for her.
  • 🛡️ Anastasia possesses mysterious powers that accumulate over her many lives, which she uses to protect herself and her family from various threats.
  • 👶 As a baby, Anastasia is cautious of her new family's love, fearing it might be another form of manipulation or lead to further sacrifice.
  • 👧 Anastasia's older sister, Lara, and brother, Damen, shower her with love and gifts, which is unfamiliar and overwhelming for her given her past experiences.
  • 🏰 The family dynamics are complex; Anastasia's father is overprotective, and her interactions with Male, a friend of her brother, are filled with mixed feelings.
  • 🌐 Anastasia's story is set in a fantasy world where magic and political struggles play a significant role, with hints of an impending disaster.
  • 🔮 Anastasia has a mysterious dream involving a chained entity that pleads for her help, which may be connected to her past lives or powers.
  • 🎉 The family celebrates Anastasia's first birthday with a grand party, highlighting the joy and love they have for her, which is a new experience for her.
  • 🤔 Anastasia grapples with her past memories and the responsibility she feels towards her family and the world, as she senses a looming threat.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the story 'It's My First Time Being Loved'?

    -The main theme of the story is about a young girl who, after experiencing 99 lives filled with neglect and abuse from her family, is reborn into a new life where she is adored and cherished by her family.

  • Why does the protagonist decide to sacrifice herself to save the world?

    -The protagonist decides to sacrifice herself because she is the only human capable of preventing the world's destruction, and she has grown tired of her family's false benevolence and manipulation.

  • What is the protagonist's reaction to her family's attempt to manipulate her into sacrificing herself?

    -The protagonist is no longer fooled by her family's manipulations. She restrains her father from playing such games and decides that he deserves to pay a high price for his actions.

  • How does the protagonist's relationship with her family change in her 100th life?

    -In her 100th life, the protagonist is born into a noble family where she is showered with love and affection. Her parents and siblings treat her with kindness, which is a stark contrast to her previous lives.

  • What is the protagonist's initial reaction to her father's affectionate behavior in her 100th life?

    -The protagonist is initially surprised and suspicious of her father's affection, as it is a stark contrast to the treatment she received in her previous lives.

  • Why does the protagonist maintain a fondness for people despite the absence of love from her family?

    -The protagonist maintains a fondness for people largely due to the support and kindness she has received from friends who reached out to her.

  • What is the protagonist's name in her 100th life, and why was it chosen?

    -The protagonist is named Anastasia in her 100th life. Her mother believes she saved the world, and thus, the name Anastasia, which is befitting a hero, is chosen for her.

  • How does the protagonist's older sister, Lara, show her affection towards Anastasia?

    -Lara shows her affection by offering her pudding and her precious stuffed toy to Anastasia, despite being too young for the former and not being able to sleep without the latter.

  • What is the protagonist's reaction to her brother Damen's gift of his favorite tiger doll?

    -The protagonist is initially suspicious of Damen's motives for giving her his favorite toy, but she later perceives the entire family as peculiar for their kind treatment towards her.

  • What is the significance of the protagonist's first birthday in her 100th life?

    -The protagonist's first birthday in her 100th life is significant because it is the first time she experiences a peaceful and joyful celebration with her loving family, contrasting sharply with her previous lives.

  • How does the protagonist's family react to the news of her kidnapping?

    -The family reacts with shock and concern. Her father is a mix of anger and concern, and her mother is burdened with guilt for not staying by her side. They both show genuine kindness and remorse towards her.



📖 Introduction to a Heartrending Tale

The video begins with a recap of a fantasy novel where a young girl, unlike those fortunate with loving families, endures a life devoid of familial affection. Her parents exploit her, even to the point of self-sacrifice, under the false pretense of altruism. The protagonist, having lived 99 lives marked by mistreatment, holds a mysterious power to avert global catastrophe—a responsibility she bears wearily. After enduring a cycle of abuse and sacrifice, she is reborn into her 100th life, harboring a simple wish for a peaceful existence. Her journey reflects the struggle between her past and the hope for a different future.


🎭 A New Life, A New Hope

Anastasia, the protagonist, is reborn into a noble family and experiences a stark contrast to her previous lives. Her new family showers her with love and care, which initially fills her with suspicion due to her traumatic past. However, as she observes their genuine affection, she begins to lower her guard. Anastasia's family, including her pink-haired father, her mother with jet-black hair and red eyes, and her siblings, all contribute to her growing sense of belonging. Despite this, she remains cautious, fearing the burden of her heroic name and the expectations it may bring.


🛡️ A Crisis of Protection and Betrayal

Anastasia's peaceful life takes a dark turn when she is abducted, triggering her innate magical abilities. However, she is saved by a young boy, a friend of her brother's, who shows bravery beyond his years. The incident reveals the vulnerability of her family and the lengths they will go to ensure her safety. Anastasia's parents, filled with remorse and concern, take further measures to protect her. The ordeal strengthens Anastasia's resolve to shield her family from harm.


👶 A Baby's Growth and the Power of Family

As Anastasia grows, she learns to trust her family more, especially after an incident where she falls ill. Her family's quick actions and the intervention of Male, a friend, save her life. This experience solidifies her bond with her family and her determination to protect them. Anastasia's father, the Duke, organizes a martial arts competition, involving Anastasia and her sister, to foster a sense of unity and strength within their family and their people.


🏆 A Duke's Display and A Princess's Debut

The Duke's martial arts competition is a grand event that brings the community together. The Duke's participation is a symbol of his commitment to his people and his family. Anastasia, despite her young age, plays a significant role in the event, offering the winner a bouquet of flowers. The competition showcases the Duke's bravery and the unity of the family, ending with a celebration that includes the entire community.


🎉 A Royal Celebration and A Magical Reunion

Anastasia's first birthday is marked by a grand celebration that reflects her father's love for his people and his family. Amidst the festivities, Anastasia uses her magical powers to summon Choco, a magical entity from her past lives, to help her understand a mysterious figure that has appeared in her dreams. The celebration is a poignant moment for Anastasia, who cherishes the love and warmth of her family, contrasting sharply with the loneliness of her previous lives.


👑 A Princess's Resolve and A Mysterious Encounter

Anastasia's life is filled with both joy and mystery. She experiences a deep connection with her family, particularly her sister Lorenia, and begins to trust in the possibility of a happy life. However, she is also haunted by dreams of a mysterious man who seems to know her from a past life. Despite the challenges, Anastasia remains determined to protect her family and maintain the warmth of her current life, even as she grapples with the mysteries of her past and the potential threats to her future.


🌊 A Vacation of Unexpected Experiences

Anastasia's family vacation brings a mix of relaxation and unexpected challenges. She is confronted with the reality of a potential threat to her family, but also experiences moments of joy and connection with her siblings. Anastasia's determination to protect her family is tested, but she is reassured by their love and support. The vacation ends on a positive note, with Anastasia resolving to cherish her family and the life they share.


🧍‍♀️ Sibling Rivalry and A Sister's Concern

Lorena, Anastasia's sister, feels a sense of rivalry with Male, who she perceives as stealing her sister's attention. Despite her efforts to be friendly, Male's cold treatment towards her contrasts with his behavior towards Anastasia. Lorena's protective instincts towards her younger sister are highlighted as she plans an adventure for the two of them, aiming to strengthen their bond and ensure Anastasia's happiness.




Reincarnation refers to the rebirth of a soul in a new body after death. In the context of the video, the main character, Anastasia, has lived 99 different lives and is now in her 100th life, which is a central theme of the story. Her past lives and experiences influence her current life and her interactions with her family.

💡Family Affection

Family affection denotes the love and warmth that family members share. In the video, Anastasia experiences a stark contrast in family dynamics in her 100th life compared to her previous lives. Her new family showers her with love and care, which is a significant change from the neglect and abuse she suffered in her past lives.


Sacrifice is the act of giving up something valuable for the sake of others or a greater cause. Anastasia has been made to feel responsible for saving the world in her past lives, often at the cost of her own life. This theme of sacrifice shapes her character and her wary approach to her new life and family.


Mistreatment involves the abuse or poor treatment of someone. The video script describes how Anastasia's family in her past lives mistreated her, which is a key reason for her cautious and guarded behavior in her current life with her new family.

💡Magical Powers

Magical powers refer to supernatural abilities that are beyond the scope of normal human capabilities. Anastasia possesses mysterious and accumulating magical powers, which play a significant role in the story. These powers are a source of her strength but also a cause of fear and concern for her.


Neglect is the failure to provide the necessary care or attention someone needs. In the video, Anastasia's past family neglected her and her brother, which is a key element that led to her guarded and cautious behavior in her current life.


A hero is a person noted for courageous actions or nobility of character. Anastasia's mother believes she saved the world and thus names her Anastasia, a name befitting a hero. The concept of being a hero is tied to the expectations and pressures Anastasia faces in her new life.


Abduction refers to the act of taking someone away illegally by force or deception. Anastasia is kidnapped in the story, which triggers a series of events that reveal the loyalty and love of her new family and the protective measures they take for her safety.


Rebirth is a term that can be used interchangeably with reincarnation in some contexts. It signifies a new beginning or cycle of life. For Anastasia, her rebirth as a baby in a noble family offers her a chance at a different life, filled with family love and care.


Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental health. Anastasia's past traumas from her previous lives make her wary and cautious in her new life, impacting her ability to trust and open up to her new family.


Protection is the act of preventing someone or something from being harmed or damaged. Anastasia's family, upon learning of the threats to her safety, takes measures to protect her. This theme of protection is evident in the assignment of knights to ensure her safety and the concern shown by her family.


A young girl, who has been reborn many times, experiences a loving family in her 100th life after enduring neglect and abuse in previous lives.

The protagonist's parents in her past lives regarded starting a family as a mere checklist item, leading to a neglectful upbringing.

Despite her family's lack of love, the girl maintains a fondness for people due to the support from friends who reached out to her.

The girl sacrifices herself to save the world from destruction, a task she has been manipulated into believing only she can accomplish.

After her 99th death, she reincarnates as a newborn in a noble family, hoping for a peaceful life.

Anastasia, named by her mother who believes she saved the world, is anxious about the implications of being named after a hero.

Anastasia's family showers her with affection, which is a stark contrast to the abuse she faced in her previous lives.

The girl, now Anastasia, is kidnapped, but is rescued by a young boy, highlighting her importance to her family and others.

Anastasia's family increases her security, showing their commitment to her safety after the kidnapping attempt.

Anastasia's siblings compete to make her smile, revealing their deep affection and playful family dynamics.

The family's concern for Anastasia's lack of typical baby behaviors, like crying or laughing, demonstrates their attentiveness to her well-being.

Anastasia's cautious nature towards her family's kindness stems from her past traumas and experiences of exploitation.

Anastasia's older sister, Lara, and brother, Damen, show their protective and caring sides despite Anastasia's initial wariness.

The story explores the theme of family bonds and the impact of past lives on present relationships.

Anastasia's dream encounters with a mysterious entity suggest a deeper connection to her past and a potential guiding force in her life.

The family's martial arts competition brings the community together and showcases the Duke's love for his people.