The Sudden Collapse Of Open AI

Sasha Yanshin
20 Nov 202310:17

TLDROpenAI, once seen as a contender to rival tech giants, experienced a dramatic downfall by firing its CEO, Sam Altman, leading to internal chaos and a scramble to find a replacement. The board's lack of foresight and experience resulted in a hasty decision that left the company reeling. Microsoft, a major investor, capitalized on the situation by welcoming Altman to lead a new AI research team at their company, signaling a shift in the AI landscape and leaving OpenAI to grapple with the aftermath of their actions.


  • 💥 OpenAI, a leading tech company, experienced a dramatic self-destruction over the weekend, shocking the tech world.
  • 🔥 The board of OpenAI fired CEO Sam Altman, citing a lack of trust due to his inconsistent communication with the board.
  • 🧐 The decision to fire Altman was made by a young and homogeneous board, lacking diverse perspectives and experience.
  • 🔄 Altman's departure led to immediate chaos, with the board scrambling to find a replacement and attempting to bring him back the next day.
  • 🏆 Microsoft emerged as the biggest winner, as they had invested billions in OpenAI and owned a significant stake in the company.
  • 🤝 Altman was offered a 'made-up role' with no real responsibility upon his return, which he rejected.
  • 👥 The firing of Altman sparked a wave of support for him on social media from OpenAI engineers, raising the risk of a mass exodus.
  • 🆕 The new CEO of OpenAI is EMT Sheer, who was quickly appointed after Altman's refusal to return.
  • 📈 Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella made a passive-aggressive announcement, highlighting the lack of consultation before the leadership change at OpenAI.
  • 🚀 Altman and other key figures from OpenAI, including the former chairman Greg Brockman, are joining Microsoft to lead a new AI research team.
  • 🌪️ The board's不成熟决策可能导致OpenAI失去其在AI领域的领导地位, 同时微软和其他竞争者将加大力度开发自己的AI技术。

Q & A

  • What happened to OpenAI over the weekend mentioned in the script?

    -OpenAI underwent a significant internal upheaval where the board decided to fire Sam Altman, the CEO, leading to a spectacular case of corporate self-destruction.

  • What was the reason given by the board for firing Sam Altman?

    -The board stated that Sam Altman was not consistently candid in his communications with them, hindering their ability to exercise their responsibilities, and they lost confidence in his ability to continue leading OpenAI.

  • Who was appointed as the interim CEO of OpenAI after Sam Altman's departure?

    -Mira Morati, who was the Chief Technology Officer before the appointment, was named the interim CEO.

  • How did the tech world react to the news of Sam Altman's firing?

    -The tech world was shocked as the news came out of nowhere and nobody outside of OpenAI seemed to have any idea it was a possibility.

  • What was the composition of OpenAI's board that made the decision to fire the CEO?

    -The board consisted of tech whiz kids, with the oldest member being Tasha McCoy at 41 and most other members in their mid-30s, all with similar profiles and lacking diverse perspectives.

  • What was the immediate aftermath of the firing of Sam Altman?

    -The board faced a backlash with engineers from OpenAI posting support for Sam on social media, and there was a real risk of Sam starting a direct competitor with the support of the engineers.

  • What did the board try to do after realizing their mistake?

    -The board tried to negotiate with Sam Altman to come back, offering him a made-up role without real responsibility to save face.

  • Who was appointed as the new CEO of OpenAI after the failed negotiations with Sam Altman?

    -EMT Sheer, the former CEO of Twitch, was appointed as the new CEO after a quick search by the board.

  • How did Microsoft respond to the leadership change at OpenAI?

    -Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella announced that Sam Altman would be joining Microsoft to lead a new Advanced AI research team, indicating a shift in their relationship with OpenAI.

  • What is the potential impact of these events on OpenAI's future?

    -OpenAI may face a slowdown as they deal with internal politics and the potential loss of engineers. Microsoft and other companies like Elon Musk's are poised to enter the AI market, increasing competition.

  • What did one of the board members, who was responsible for firing Sam Altman, express after the event?

    -Elas Sukova, one of the board members, expressed deep regret for their actions, stating that they never intended to harm OpenAI and would do everything to reunite the company.



💥 OpenAI's Sudden Self-Destruction

The script begins with the shocking news of OpenAI's self-destruction, a company once touted to rival tech giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. The catalyst was the firing of Sam Altman, the CEO, by the board for alleged lack of transparency in communications. This unexpected move led to a chaotic situation, with Microsoft, a major investor, emerging as a significant beneficiary. The board's decision to appoint Mera Morati as interim CEO and initiate a search for a permanent successor caused a stir in the tech world. The narrative highlights the board's lack of experience and the potential risks of such a hasty decision, including the possibility of Sam Altman starting a direct competitor with the support of OpenAI's engineers.


🚀 Microsoft's Strategic Response and New Leadership

The paragraph discusses the aftermath of OpenAI's leadership crisis and Microsoft's strategic response. After the board's failed attempt to rehire Sam Altman with a diminished role, Microsoft's CEO, Satya Nadella, seized the opportunity. He announced that Sam Altman and Greg Brockman, along with other colleagues, would join Microsoft to lead a new Advanced AI research team. This move signifies Microsoft's commitment to AI innovation and highlights the board's lack of communication with Microsoft prior to the leadership change. The announcement also suggests that Microsoft is eager to capitalize on the situation by welcoming OpenAI's talent and resources, potentially overshadowing OpenAI's future in the AI domain.


🌪️ The Consequences of OpenAI's Board Decision

The final paragraph reflects on the long-term consequences of OpenAI's board decisions. It suggests that OpenAI's actions may lead to regrettable outcomes, as the company's potential to become a dominant force in AI was undermined by immature boardroom politics. The board's decision to fire Sam Altman without a clear plan backfired, leading to a loss of key personnel and potential competitors. The narrative ends with a board member expressing regret for the actions taken, indicating a realization of the severity of the situation and the potential for OpenAI to lose its competitive edge in the AI race.




OpenAI is the company behind the popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT. In the context of the video, it is portrayed as a fast-growing tech company that was touted to become the next big player in the tech industry, alongside giants like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. However, the company undergoes a significant upheaval when its CEO is fired, leading to a series of events that result in the company's self-destruction.

💡Sam Altman

Sam Altman is the former CEO of OpenAI who was abruptly fired by the company's board. His dismissal is a pivotal event in the video's narrative, as it triggers a chain reaction that leads to the company's significant internal turmoil and public relations crisis.

💡Board of Directors

The Board of Directors in the context of the video refers to the group of individuals responsible for overseeing the management of OpenAI. The board's decision to fire Sam Altman led to a corporate crisis, highlighting the significant role boards play in shaping company direction and handling critical decisions.

💡Corporate Harakiri

Corporate harakiri is a metaphor used in the video to describe a company's self-destruction, akin to the Japanese ritual of seppuku, where a person commits suicide to restore honor. In the context of OpenAI, it refers to the company's rapid downfall following the controversial decision to fire its CEO, Sam Altman.


Microsoft is a major technology company that had invested billions of dollars into OpenAI and owned a significant 49% stake in the company. In the video, Microsoft is portrayed as a key player that benefits from OpenAI's internal turmoil, as it ends up acquiring Sam Altman and other key personnel to lead a new AI research team.

💡Mira Morati

Mira Morati is mentioned as the interim CEO of OpenAI after Sam Altman's dismissal. She was the Chief Technology Officer prior to her appointment as interim CEO, indicating her technical expertise and leadership role within the company.

💡Greg Brockman

Greg Brockman is identified as the chairman of OpenAI's board who resigned from his position following the firing of Sam Altman. His departure, along with others, signifies the internal chaos and loss of leadership within OpenAI.


In the context of the video, engineers refer to the technical staff and experts at OpenAI who were supportive of Sam Altman. The potential mass exodus of these engineers to form a competitor or join another company like Microsoft is a significant concern for OpenAI's future.

💡EMT Sheer

EMT Sheer is introduced as the new CEO of OpenAI, appointed after the board's failed attempt to rehire Sam Altman. His appointment is seen as a desperate move by the board to rectify their mistake and stabilize the company.

💡Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft who plays a significant role in the video's narrative by publicly addressing the situation with OpenAI. His statements are analyzed for their passive-aggressive tone, indicating Microsoft's dissatisfaction with how OpenAI handled the leadership change.

💡AI Research

AI research refers to the scientific and technological advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. In the video, it is the core competency of OpenAI and the reason for Microsoft's interest in the company. The potential shift of AI research talent from OpenAI to Microsoft signifies a major power shift in the tech industry.


OpenAI, the company behind chat GPT, experienced a significant internal upheaval.

The company self-destructed in a spectacular manner, with Microsoft emerging as a key beneficiary.

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, was fired by the board for not being consistently candid in his communications.

The board's decision to fire Altman was made after a deliberate review process.

Mira Morati, the former CTO, was appointed as interim CEO following Altman's departure.

The tech world was shocked by the unexpected news of Altman's firing.

The board of OpenAI was composed of young tech whiz kids, with Tasha McCoy being the oldest at 41.

The board's lack of diverse perspectives may have contributed to the company's mishandling of the situation.

OpenAI's board fired the CEO without a clear plan for the company's future.

Sam Altman was rehired after the board realized the severity of their mistake.

Greg Brockman, the chair of the board, also resigned from OpenAI following the firing of Altman.

Many engineers from OpenAI publicly supported Sam Altman on social media.

There was a risk of Altman starting a direct competitor with the support of the engineers.

The board's decision was made without considering the political and PR implications.

Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella announced that Altman and other OpenAI members would join Microsoft.

Microsoft expressed frustration with OpenAI's board for not consulting them about the leadership change.

Microsoft is expected to build its own AI models with the resources and engineers from OpenAI.

Other companies like Elon Musk's are also entering the AI research field.

The board member who regretted the firing of Altman highlighted the company's immaturity.

OpenAI's potential as a leader in the AI world was undermined by internal disagreements and poor decision-making.