Russian vaults are open & Putin reveals the black identity of the biblical Israelites

Redirecting-Proverbs 31 School of Wisdom
25 Mar 202442:24

TLDRThe video transcript discusses the importance of revealing the true identity of biblical Israelites and the impact of historical misinformation. It highlights the role of world leaders, like Vladimir Putin, in acknowledging historical truths that challenge established narratives. The speaker emphasizes the need to confront lies and unmask the man of sin, who rejects truth, while advocating for the embracing of a more inclusive understanding of history and spirituality. The video呼吁观众支持和传播真相,并鼓励人们忏悔和回归正义之路。


  • 🌐 The script discusses the importance of unveiling the true identity of biblical Israelites and the impact of historical misinformation.
  • 📜 It mentions a conscious effort to flood the world with historical information from a European perspective, omitting the truth.
  • 🗣️ Vladimir Putin is highlighted as a world leader acknowledging the truth about the true identity of biblical figures.
  • 🖼️ The script talks about the deliberate alteration of images to hide the true appearance of historical figures.
  • 📚 Reference is made to the book of Maccabees and the efforts to change the way images are portrayed.
  • 🌍 The uncovering of truth is compared to a wildfire that cannot be contained, signifying its unstoppable spread.
  • 🙏 There is a call for repentance and a return to the teachings of the most high, as the truth is revealed.
  • 🚫 The script criticizes those who reject the truth and the implications of such rejection.
  • 💭 The concept of the 'man of sin' is discussed, relating it to those who do not accept the truth.
  • 🌈 The message emphasizes the importance of embracing a wider, more inclusive understanding of history and spirituality.
  • 📢 The script encourages the spreading of truth and the challenging of established narratives.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic being discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is the unveiling of the true identity of biblical Israelites and the importance of recognizing and accepting historical truths that have been concealed or misrepresented.

  • What is the significance of the reference to the 'Whiteed Out' documentary?

    -The 'Whiteed Out' documentary is mentioned as a source that highlights the conscious effort to flood the world with historical information from a European perspective, which often involves the rewriting and concealing of true history.

  • How does the speaker address the role of Western Nations in shaping historical narratives?

    -The speaker suggests that Western Nations have played a significant role in altering historical narratives to fit their own perspectives, often at the expense of accuracy and truth.

  • What is the speaker's view on the importance of revealing historical truths?

    -The speaker believes that revealing historical truths is crucial for correcting misconceptions and谎言, and for promoting a more inclusive and accurate understanding of history and spirituality.

  • What does the speaker say about the discovery made in the oldest vault mentioned in the transcript?

    -The speaker mentions that the discovery in the oldest vault challenges long-held beliefs and reveals figures of biblical proportions that are black, suggesting a profound and transformative truth about history and spirituality.

  • How does the speaker relate the discussion to the broader context of race and spirituality?

    -The speaker emphasizes that the discussion is not only about historical facts but also about the broader implications of race and spirituality, arguing that divinity and spiritual truth transcend race and that common humanity unites people more than differences divide them.

  • What is the speaker's stance on the role of the media and major outlets in covering historical truths?

    -The speaker criticizes the media and major outlets for not covering the historical truths being discussed, suggesting that there is a deliberate effort to ignore or suppress these truths.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the reaction to the unveiling of these historical truths?

    -The speaker suggests that there will be resistance and discomfort from those who are used to the old narratives and who may find it hard to accept the revealed truths.

  • How does the speaker connect the discussion to the concept of the 'man of sin'?

    -The speaker connects the discussion to the 'man of sin' by suggesting that those who reject or hide the truth, particularly in the context of racial and historical narratives, are embodying the 'man of sin' or Antichrist nature.

  • What is the speaker's call to action for those who learn about these historical truths?

    -The speaker encourages those who learn about these historical truths to spread them widely, to question assumptions, and to embrace a more inclusive understanding of history and spirituality.



🌐 Unveiling Historical Truths

The paragraph discusses the importance of revealing the true identity of biblical Israelites and the ongoing effort to uncover historical truths that have been obscured. It highlights the role of European perspective in rewriting history and the need for a global recognition of these concealed facts. The speaker acknowledges the contribution of their son Aliia and expresses gratitude for the widespread sharing of this information. The paragraph also touches on the significance of global leaders, like Vladimir Putin, in acknowledging these truths and the impact it has on societal beliefs and understanding.


📜 Putin's Revelation on Historical Figures

This paragraph delves into a translation of a statement allegedly made by Vladimir Putin, which suggests a monumental revelation about the true appearance of biblical figures. It discusses the discovery of figures that challenge conventional beliefs and the implications this has for understanding history and spirituality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of embracing a more inclusive understanding of history and the need to reexamine long-held assumptions. The paragraph also addresses the manipulation of historical images and the resistance that comes with revealing the truth.


🧐 Questioning Accepted Historical Narratives

The speaker in this paragraph questions the accepted historical narratives and the deliberate attempts to hide the truth about the origins of mankind. They discuss the high cost of obtaining certain historical texts and the tactics used to suppress knowledge. The paragraph highlights the personal experiences of the speaker's husband and brother-in-law in trying to access these texts and the insights they gained. The speaker also touches on the global fear of black history and the anticipation of a significant revelation that will challenge the world's understanding.


😇 The Man of Sin and the Rejection of Truth

This paragraph focuses on the concept of the 'man of sin,' explaining that it is not just a single individual but represents anyone who rejects the truth. The speaker argues that even those who identify as Christian can be considered 'Antichrist' if they do not embrace the truth. The paragraph discusses the resistance to accepting the truth and the role of the 'man of sin' in spreading falsehoods. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of revealing the truth, regardless of the source, and the need for people to be open to this revelation.


🙏 The Importance of Repentance and Truth

The paragraph concludes with a call for repentance and a continued pursuit of truth. The speaker expresses gratitude for the ongoing revelations and hopes that these discoveries will lead to a change in the hearts of people. They stress the significance of acknowledging and embracing one's history and the impact it has on future generations. The speaker also encourages viewers to stay informed and to continue seeking the truth, despite the challenges and resistance that may come with it.



💡biblical Israelites

The biblical Israelites refer to the ancient people of Israel as described in the Hebrew Bible. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of recognizing the true identity of these historical figures, which is linked to the broader theme of uncovering hidden or distorted truths about history and culture.

💡European perspective

The European perspective, as mentioned in the video, refers to the historical bias where European viewpoints and interpretations have dominated the telling of world history. This has often led to the misrepresentation or omission of the achievements and cultures of non-European peoples.

💡Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is the President of Russia, who, according to the video, is said to have acknowledged the truth about the historical identity of certain biblical figures. His mention in the context implies that even influential world leaders are beginning to challenge and reveal previously concealed historical truths.

💡biblical proportions

Biblical proportions refer to events or discoveries of significant magnitude or importance that are reminiscent of the epic stories found in the Bible. In the video, this term is used to describe the uncovering of historical truths that have the potential to reshape our understanding of history and spirituality.

💡diversity and unity

Diversity and unity are concepts that emphasize the coexistence of variety and differences within a group or society, while also highlighting the common bonds that bring people together. In the context of the video, these terms are used to discuss the inclusive nature of faith and the importance of recognizing the shared humanity among people of different races and cultures.

💡spiritual truth

Spiritual truth refers to the fundamental principles or beliefs that underpin one's spiritual or religious understanding of the world. In the video, the concept is used to argue that the essence of spirituality transcends racial and cultural boundaries, emphasizing the universal nature of spiritual truths.

💡reexamine history

Reexamine history means to look back at past events and narratives with a critical eye, often to correct inaccuracies or to gain a new understanding in light of new evidence or perspectives. In the video, this concept is central to the argument that historical narratives need to be reassessed to include the contributions and experiences of marginalized groups.

💡man of sin

The term 'man of sin' is often used in religious contexts to refer to a person who opposes or rejects the truth, particularly in matters of faith. In the video, it is used to describe those who deny or conceal the true history and spiritual truths about the identity of biblical figures and the contributions of various cultures.


In religious terms, Antichrist refers to a figure or entity that is against Christ or the principles of Christianity. In the video, the concept is expanded to include not only a single individual but also anyone who rejects the truth, especially in the context of historical and spiritual understanding.


Repentance is the act of feeling regret or remorse for one's wrongdoings and seeking forgiveness, often with the intention of changing one's behavior. In the video, the speaker encourages viewers to repent for the historical wrongs and misrepresentations, and to embrace the truth as a step towards healing and unity.


The topic discussed is the true identity of the biblical Israelites and the importance of unveiling this truth to the world.

There has been a historical effort to flood the world with information from a European perspective, leading to the rewriting of history and the covering up of truths.

The speaker acknowledges the role of Western Nations in perpetuating these historical inaccuracies and the resistance to change.

A major world leader, specifically Vladimir Putin, is said to have acknowledged the truth about the biblical figures being black, challenging long-held misconceptions.

The speaker references the book of Maccabees to illustrate how the Heathen sought to change the images and likeness of their figures, reflecting a historical manipulation of truth.

The discovery of figures in an ancient vault that challenge the conventional understanding of biblical proportions and history is mentioned.

The notion of a 'Black Jesus' is introduced as a symbol of universal values and a call for a more inclusive understanding of history and spirituality.

The speaker criticizes the deliberate glossing over and hiding of history, emphasizing the importance of truth and the deception involved in altering historical narratives.

The impact of revealing the truth on those who have based their beliefs on historical inaccuracies is discussed, highlighting the resistance and discomfort that comes with the unveiling of truth.

The speaker shares personal anecdotes about the difficulty of accessing certain historical texts and information, illustrating the lengths that have been taken to hide the truth.

The concept of the 'man of sin' is explored, tying it to those who reject the truth and the significance of truth in the context of faith and righteousness.

The speaker calls for a global embrace of truth and the rejection of lies, regardless of discomfort or inconvenience.

The importance of acknowledging and embracing the full scope of history, including the contributions and experiences of those overlooked or forgotten, is emphasized.

The speaker expresses hope that the revealing of truth will lead to repentance and a return to righteous ways, as prophesied in the Bible.

The transcript concludes with a call to action for viewers to stay informed, share the truth, and maintain a prayerful perspective on these revelations.