The only FaceSwap & DeepFake you will ever need - ROOP UNLEASHED Setup Tutorial

17 Jan 202405:30

TLDRIn this video, Toby introduces 'RP Unleashed', a state-of-the-art face-swapping software capable of seamlessly integrating faces into existing videos or images. He demonstrates its superior quality and ease of use, detailing the installation process on a Windows system, including the need for Visual Studio and specific settings for optimal performance. Toby guides viewers through a simple image-to-video face swap, highlighting the software's features and recommending settings for best results. He concludes by endorsing the software as the best he's encountered for deep fakes.


  • 🤯 The software introduced in the video is capable of face swapping, also known as deep faking, using AI technology.
  • 💻 RP Unleashed is the advanced version of the software being discussed, offering superior performance compared to the standard RP.
  • 📱 The software is compatible with any computer system and has an easy-to-use interface.
  • 🖥️ The setup process for Windows is detailed in the video, with links for other operating systems provided in the description.
  • 🔗 Visual Studio is a prerequisite for running RP Unleashed, with specific instructions given for its installation.
  • 🔄 During Visual Studio installation, it's important to select C++ desktop and C++ gaming to ensure compatibility.
  • 📂 The RP Unleashed software is downloaded from a GitHub page, with detailed instructions on extracting and installing it.
  • 🖌️ Users are guided through the process of selecting processing options (CPU or GPU) based on their hardware capabilities.
  • 🎨 The software offers various post-processing options like gpen and gfp, with gpen being recommended for its performance.
  • 🕒 The processing time varies based on the resolution and length of the video, and it's faster for image-to-image swaps.
  • 👍 The video creator, Toby, highly recommends RP Unleashed for its quality and ease of use, suggesting it as the best face swap software he's encountered.

Q & A

  • What is face swapping or deep faking?

    -Face swapping or deep faking is a method where artificial intelligence (AI) is used to implement a face into an already existing video or image.

  • What software is Toby from Visual by Toby referring to?

    -Toby is referring to a software called RP Unleashed, which is an advanced version of the regular RP (Rub) software, used for face swapping with outstanding precision and an easy-to-use interface.

  • What are the system requirements for RP Unleashed?

    -RP Unleashed works on any computer system available, but the setup process may vary depending on the operating system.

  • How can one set up RP Unleashed on a Windows machine?

    -To set up RP Unleashed on a Windows machine, one needs to download and install Visual Studio Community Edition, selecting C++ desktop and C++ gaming during the installation. After that, the RP Unleashed software can be downloaded from a GitHub page and installed following the provided instructions.

  • What are the recommended post-processing options for face swapping in RP Unleashed?

    -For post-processing, Toby recommends using GPEN and GFP GN, with an image blend ratio of about 0.8 for optimal results.

  • How long does it take for RP Unleashed to process a face swap?

    -The processing time for a face swap in RP Unleashed depends on the video's resolution and length. For image-to-image face swaps, it usually only takes a few seconds if the computer is powerful enough.

  • How does one check for updates in RP Unleashed?

    -Every time RP Unleashed is opened, the user will be prompted to check for updates. The user can answer with 'y' for yes or 'n' for no to proceed.

  • What type of GPU is recommended for using RP Unleashed?

    -If the user has an Nvidia GPU, they should select 'Cuda' as the provider in the settings. If they have an AMD GPU, it is recommended to read the documentation for further guidance.

  • Where can one find the download links and documentation for RP Unleashed?

    -The download links and documentation for setting up RP Unleashed on different operating systems can be found in the video description.

  • How does Toby ensure the quality of the face swaps produced by RP Unleashed?

    -Toby ensures the quality by recommending specific post-processing options like GPEN and GFP GN, as well as an image blend ratio of about 0.8, which are based on his experience with the software.

  • What is the main advantage of RP Unleashed according to Toby?

    -According to Toby, the main advantage of RP Unleashed is its ability to perform face swapping with outstanding precision, ease of use, and compatibility with any computer system.



🤖 Introduction to RP Unleashed for Face Swapping

The paragraph introduces the software RP Unleashed, a tool for face swapping or deep faking, which involves implementing a face into an existing video or image using AI. The software is noted for its outstanding perfection in the process, user-friendly interface, and simple installation. It is compatible with any computer system. The speaker, Toby, explains that the software enhances the standard version of RP, and provides a walkthrough for setting it up on a Windows operating system. The requirements include downloading Visual Studio and RP Unleashed from specific links, ensuring the correct installation of Visual Studio with C++ desktop and gaming options, and restarting the computer for completion. The RP Unleashed setup involves downloading a zip file from GitHub, extracting it, and running the installer. Once completed, users can open and run the software by clicking the run Windows File and check for updates upon launching.


👍 Demonstration and Conclusion of RP Unleashed's Capabilities

In this paragraph, Toby demonstrates the software's capabilities by guiding through the process of performing an image to video face swap. Users are instructed to select an image and a video, and to set post-processing options, recommending gpen and an image blend ratio of 0.8. The paragraph emphasizes the software's efficiency, with the processing time depending on the video's resolution and length. Toby also mentions that image to image processing is usually faster. The results of the face swap are presented, and Toby invites viewers to share their opinions and ask questions in the comments section. The video concludes with a call to action for new subscribers and a sign-off for the next video.



💡Face Swapping

Face swapping, also known as deep faking, is a technique that involves using artificial intelligence to replace a person's face in an existing image or video with another individual's face. In the context of the video, this technology is showcased as an impressive and seamless method to alter visual content, with the software 'RP Unleashed' being introduced as a tool that excels at this task, offering outstanding perfection in its execution.

💡Deep Faking

Deep faking is a process that employs deep learning algorithms to generate or manipulate media in a way that is increasingly difficult to distinguish from reality. This term is often used interchangeably with face swapping and is the underlying technology that enables the realistic replacement of faces in digital content. In the video, the presenter, Toby, highlights the capabilities of 'RP Unleashed' in performing deep fakes with high precision and ease of use.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, AI is the driving force behind the face swapping and deep faking capabilities of 'RP Unleashed', enabling users to integrate faces into existing videos or images with remarkable accuracy.

💡User Interface

A user interface (UI) is the space where interactions between humans and machines occur, encompassing the design of computer applications and devices with the aim of making them user-friendly and accessible. In the context of the video, 'RP Unleashed' is praised for its easy-to-use user interface, which allows users to perform complex tasks like face swapping without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

💡Installation Process

The installation process refers to the steps taken to set up and prepare software for use on a computer system. In the video, the presenter, Toby, provides a detailed walkthrough of the installation process for 'RP Unleashed' on a Windows machine, emphasizing the need for Visual Studio and specific configurations to ensure the software runs smoothly.

💡Operating System

An operating system (OS) is the software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides essential services for computer programs. The video discusses the compatibility of 'RP Unleashed' with various operating systems, highlighting its versatility and ability to function on different computer systems.

💡Visual Studio

Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft that provides a platform for software development. It supports various programming languages and is used to develop, debug, and publish applications. In the video, Visual Studio is a prerequisite for running 'RP Unleashed', and the community version is recommended for users looking to utilize the face swapping software.


GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration that allows developers to store and manage their code, track changes, and work together on projects. In the video, 'RP Unleashed' is hosted on GitHub, where users can download the software by clicking on the 'code' button and selecting 'download zip'.


CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by NVIDIA that allows developers to use NVIDIA GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) for general-purpose processing. In the video, users are instructed to select CUDA in the settings of 'RP Unleashed' if they have an NVIDIA GPU, which can enhance the performance of face swapping and deep faking tasks.


Postprocessing refers to the final stages of processing or editing that occur after the initial creation or recording of content. In the context of the video, postprocessing involves refining the quality of the face swap by selecting options like GPEN and GFP, GN, and adjusting the image blend ratio to achieve a more natural and seamless result.


Updates in software refer to the latest versions or improvements made to a program to fix bugs, add new features, or enhance performance. In the video, 'RP Unleashed' checks for updates upon opening, prompting users to answer 'y' for yes or 'n' for no to determine whether they wish to update the software to the latest version.


The introduction of face swapping, also known as deep faking, as a method where AI implements a face into an existing video or image.

The software being showcased, RP Unleashed, is described as performing face swapping with outstanding perfection and ease of use.

RP Unleashed is compatible with any computer