The pipeline function

11 Jun 202104:35

TLDRThis video introduces the Transformers library's pipeline function, the high-level API that simplifies the journey from raw text to actionable predictions. It highlights the seamless integration of pre-processing, model processing, and post-processing to produce human-readable results across various tasks like sentiment analysis, text classification, text generation, and more. The video showcases how different pipelines like zero-shot classification, named entity recognition, question answering, summarization, and translation operate, using models like GPT-2 and BERT, and encourages exploration of diverse models available on the Hugging Face hub, demonstrating the library's versatility in processing language.


  • 🚀 The pipeline function is the high-level API of the Transformers library that streamlines the process from raw text to predictions.
  • 🤖 The core of the pipeline is the model, complemented by necessary pre-processing and post-processing steps for human-readable outputs.
  • 📊 Sentiment analysis pipeline classifies text as positive or negative, providing confidence scores for its predictions.
  • 🔤 The zero-shot classification pipeline offers flexibility by allowing users to define custom labels for text classification.
  • 🔄 Text generation pipeline auto-completes prompts with an element of randomness, customizable by length and number of sentences.
  • 🔍 Users can select from a variety of models on the model hub, not limited to English, for different pipeline tasks.
  • 🏋️ Lighter models like distilgpt2, a version of gpt2, can be used for text generation pipelines to optimize performance.
  • 🎯 The fill mask pipeline, based on BERT's pretraining objective, predicts the value of masked words in a sentence.
  • 🏷️ Named Entity Recognition identifies and groups entities like persons, organizations, and locations within a text.
  • 📄 Extractive question answering pipeline pinpoints the answer to a question within a given context.
  • 🌐 The summarization pipeline provides concise summaries of lengthy articles, and the translation pipeline offers multi-language text translation capabilities.

Q & A

  • What is the primary function of the pipeline in the Transformers library?

    -The pipeline function in the Transformers library is a high-level API that streamlines the process of converting raw text into usable predictions. It encapsulates all necessary pre-processing and post-processing steps, ensuring that the input is correctly formatted for the model and that the output is human-readable.

  • What is the role of pre-processing in the pipeline?

    -Pre-processing is crucial in the pipeline as it transforms the raw text data into a format that the model can understand. Since models do not directly process text but rather numerical inputs, pre-processing converts text into numbers, preparing it for the model's analysis.

  • How does post-processing enhance the model's output?

    -Post-processing is used to make the model's output interpretable by humans. It translates the model's numerical predictions into a format that is easily understood, such as class labels or confidence scores associated with predictions.

  • What does the sentiment analysis pipeline do?

    -The sentiment analysis pipeline performs text classification on input text, determining whether the sentiment expressed is positive or negative. It provides a label and a confidence score indicating the likelihood of the assigned sentiment.

  • Can the sentiment analysis pipeline handle multiple texts?

    -Yes, the sentiment analysis pipeline can process multiple texts at once. It treats them as a batch, returning a list of individual results in the same order as the input texts.

  • How does the zero-shot classification pipeline differ from the sentiment analysis pipeline?

    -The zero-shot classification pipeline is more versatile than the sentiment analysis pipeline. It allows users to define their own labels for classification, enabling the model to recognize and classify text based on a set of user-provided categories.

  • What is the main purpose of the text generation pipeline?

    -The text generation pipeline is designed for auto-completing a given text prompt. It generates output with a degree of randomness, producing different results each time it is called with the same prompt.

  • Can we use different models with the pipeline beyond the default ones?

    -Yes, the pipeline can be used with any model that has been pretrained or fine-tuned for the specific task. Users can explore the model hub to find suitable models for their requirements.

  • What is special about the distilgpt2 model?

    -The distilgpt2 model is a lighter version of the gpt2 model, created by the Hugging Face team. It offers the same functionalities but with reduced computational requirements, making it faster and more efficient.

  • How does the fill mask pipeline work?

    -The fill mask pipeline is based on the pretraining objective of BERT, which involves guessing the value of a masked word in a sentence. The model provides the most likely word replacements for the masked positions, enhancing language understanding and prediction capabilities.

  • What is Named Entity Recognition and how does it function within the pipeline?

    -Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a task that involves identifying and classifying entities such as persons, organizations, or locations within a sentence. The pipeline can group together different words associated with the same entity, providing a detailed understanding of the text's content.

  • How does the summarization pipeline assist with long articles?

    -The summarization pipeline helps in generating short summaries of lengthy articles. It condenses the main points and essential information into a concise format, making it easier for readers to grasp the key takeaways without going through the entire text.

  • What task does the translation pipeline perform?

    -The translation pipeline is designed for language translation. It uses models trained on specific language pairs to convert input text from one language to another, facilitating cross-language communication and understanding.



🛠️ Introduction to the Pipeline Function

The Pipeline function is the high-level API of the Transformers library, encapsulating the entire process from raw text input to generating usable predictions. It is centered around a model, with additional pre-processing to convert text into numerical format and post-processing to interpret the model's output into a human-readable format. The script begins with an example of a sentiment analysis pipeline, which classifies text as positive or negative, demonstrating how it can process multiple texts in a batch and provide individual results for each. The confidence levels for the classifications are highlighted, showing the model's accuracy.



💡pipeline function

The pipeline function is the central high-level API in the Transformers library, which streamlines the process of converting raw text data into actionable predictions. It encapsulates all necessary pre-processing steps to transform text into numerical format understandable by machine learning models, as well as post-processing steps to interpret model outputs into human-readable forms. In the video, the sentiment analysis pipeline is used as an example to illustrate how it classifies text as positive or negative, showing the pipeline's core role in text classification tasks.

💡Transformers library

The Transformers library is an open-source software framework developed by Hugging Face, which provides a wide range of pre-trained models and tools for natural language processing tasks. It is the foundation upon which the pipeline function is built and is instrumental in facilitating various NLP tasks such as text classification, generation, translation, and more. The library's design allows for easy integration of different models and tasks, as demonstrated in the video through the use of various pipelines for tasks like sentiment analysis and text generation.

💡sentiment analysis

Sentiment analysis is a text classification task that aims to determine the emotional tone behind a piece of text, typically categorizing it as positive, negative, or neutral. In the context of the video, the sentiment analysis pipeline is used to evaluate whether given texts convey positive or negative sentiments, with a confidence score indicating the likelihood of the classification. For instance, the pipeline attributes a 95% confidence to a text being positive, showcasing its utility in understanding and predicting the sentiment behind textual data.

💡zero-shot classification

Zero-shot classification is a type of text classification that allows for the classification of text into user-defined categories, without the need for training on those specific categories. This is illustrated in the video where the pipeline is used to classify text based on labels such as 'education', 'politics', and 'business'. The zero-shot classification pipeline leverages the generalization capabilities of the underlying model to recognize and classify text according to the provided labels, as seen when the text is recognized as mainly about 'education' with an 84% confidence score.

💡text generation

Text generation is the process of creating new, coherent text based on a given prompt or context. The pipeline function in the Transformers library can be utilized for this task, as demonstrated by the text generation pipeline in the video. This pipeline uses models to auto-complete prompts, generating outputs that are not fixed but have an element of randomness, thereby creating unique text each time the generator is called. The text generation task is exemplified by the video's mention of the GPT-2 model and its lighter version, distilgpt2, which are used to produce text continuations based on a given prompt.

💡model hub

The model hub is an online repository hosted by Hugging Face that contains a multitude of pre-trained and fine-tuned models for various natural language processing tasks. It serves as a central platform where users can discover, share, and utilize models suited for their specific needs. In the video, the model hub is referenced as a resource for finding and using different models, such as GPT-2 and distilgpt2, in conjunction with the pipeline function for tasks like text generation and translation.

💡fill mask

The fill mask task, which is central to the BERT model's pretraining objective, involves predicting the value of a masked word within a sentence. This task tests the model's ability to understand the context and meaning of words in relation to their surrounding text. In the video, the fill mask pipeline is used to find the two most likely words to fill in the blanks, providing answers that are mathematically or computationally oriented. This task exemplifies the model's capability to comprehend and complete textual information, contributing to its overall utility in natural language understanding.

💡Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Named Entity Recognition, or NER, is the process of identifying and classifying specific entities within text, such as persons, organizations, locations, etc. The video demonstrates this task through the NER pipeline, which correctly identifies entities like 'Sylvain' as a person, 'Hugging Face' as an organization, and 'Brooklyn' as a location within a given text. The use of the grouped_entities=True argument in the pipeline is highlighted to show how it groups different words that refer to the same entity, enhancing the model's ability to understand and represent the entities in a more comprehensive manner.

💡extractive question answering

Extractive question answering is a task where the model identifies a specific piece of information or 'span' from a given context that directly answers a posed question. This is distinct from other question-answering methods that might require generating an answer. In the video, the pipeline API is used to perform extractive question answering, where the model scans a context and pinpoints the text containing the answer to the question. This task showcases the model's ability to comprehend and extract relevant information from larger text bodies, providing precise and actionable responses.


Summarization is the process of condensing longer pieces of text into shorter, concise summaries while retaining the most important information. The video discusses the use of the summarization pipeline to aid in creating brief summaries of extensive articles. This task is particularly useful for managing and understanding large volumes of textual data by presenting the core ideas in a more digestible format, as illustrated by the video's mention of the summarization pipeline's capability to support this need.


Translation is the process of converting text from one language to another while maintaining the original meaning and context. In the video, the translation pipeline is used to demonstrate this capability, where a French/English model from the model hub is employed to translate an input text from French to English. This task highlights the versatility of the pipeline API and the Transformers library in facilitating cross-linguistic communication and understanding.


The pipeline function is the most high-level API of the Transformers library.

It regroups together all the steps to go from raw texts to usable predictions.

The model used is at the core of a pipeline, but the pipeline also include all the necessary pre-processing.

The sentiment analysis pipeline performs text classification on a given input, determining if it's positive or negative.

Multiple texts can be passed to the same pipeline and processed as a batch.

The zero-shot classification pipeline allows providing custom labels for text classification.

The text generation pipeline auto-completes a given prompt with some randomness.

Pipelines can be used with any model that has been pretrained or fine-tuned on a specific task.

The model hub allows filtering available models by task.

The fill mask pipeline is the pretraining objective of BERT, guessing the value of masked words.

Named Entity Recognition identifies entities such as persons, organizations, or locations in a sentence.

The grouped_entities=True argument in pipelines helps group different words linked to the same entity.

Extractive question answering identifies the span of text containing the answer to a question.

The summarization pipeline helps in getting short summaries of very long articles.

The pipeline API supports translation tasks using models like French/English.

Inference widgets in the model hub allow users to try out different tasks.