Getting Started With Hugging Face in 15 Minutes | Transformers, Pipeline, Tokenizer, Models

3 Apr 202214:48

TLDRThe video script introduces the Hugging Face Transformers library, a leading NLP tool in Python, highlighting its ease of use for beginners. It covers installation, utilizing pipelines for various NLP tasks like sentiment analysis and text generation, and integrating with deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow. The script also explains the process of saving and loading models, using models from the official model hub, and touches on fine-tuning models with custom datasets. The tutorial aims to equip viewers with the knowledge to leverage this powerful library for their own NLP projects.


  • 🚀 The Hugging Face Transformers library is a highly popular NLP library in Python, known for its state-of-the-art models and user-friendly API.
  • 📦 To get started, install the Transformers library alongside a deep learning framework like PyTorch or TensorFlow using pip install transformers.
  • 🛠 The library abstracts many complexities through its 'pipeline' feature, which simplifies the application of various NLP tasks.
  • 🌟 Sentiment analysis is one of the many tasks available, and it involves pre-processing, model application, and post-processing.
  • 📈 The output of the sentiment analysis includes a label (positive/negative) and a score indicating the confidence of the prediction.
  • 🔧 Pipelines can be customized with specific models from the Hugging Face Model Hub or by using local saved models.
  • 🔄 The Transformers library also supports text generation, zero-shot classification, and a variety of other NLP tasks.
  • 🔍 Understanding the underlying processes of a pipeline involves working with tokenizers and models directly.
  • 🧠 Tokenizers convert text into a mathematical representation that models can understand, and they have methods for encoding and decoding.
  • 🤖 The library can be integrated with PyTorch or TensorFlow, allowing for fine-tuning models and working with tensors directly.
  • 💾 Models and tokenizers can be saved and loaded from a specified directory for further use or sharing.
  • 🌐 The Model Hub provides access to thousands of pre-trained models created by the community, which can be used for various tasks and languages.

Q & A

  • What is the Hugging Face Transformers library?

    -The Hugging Face Transformers library is a popular Python library for natural language processing (NLP) that provides state-of-the-art models and a clean API for building powerful NLP pipelines, suitable even for beginners.

  • How do you install the Transformers library?

    -To install the Transformers library, you should first have a deep learning library like PyTorch or TensorFlow installed. Then, you can install the Transformers library using the command 'pip install transformers'.

  • What is a pipeline in the context of the Transformers library?

    -A pipeline in the Transformers library simplifies the application of an NLP task by abstracting away many underlying processes. It involves pre-processing the text, applying the model, and post-processing to present the results in an expected format.

  • What types of tasks can the Transformers library pipelines handle?

    -The Transformers library pipelines can handle various tasks such as sentiment analysis, text generation, zero-shot classification, audio classification, automatic speech recognition, image classification, question answering, and translation summarization.

  • How can you use a specific model in the Transformers library?

    -To use a specific model, you can provide the model's name when creating a pipeline object or when using the 'auto tokenizer' and 'auto model' classes with the 'from_pretrained' method, specifying the model for tokenization and classification tasks.

  • What is the role of a tokenizer in the Transformers library?

    -A tokenizer in the Transformers library converts text into a mathematical representation that the model can understand. It tokenizes the text, converts tokens to unique IDs, and can also decode IDs back to the original string.

  • How can you combine the Transformers library with PyTorch or TensorFlow?

    -You can use the tokenizer and model classes from the Transformers library within a PyTorch or TensorFlow workflow by applying the tokenizer to your data and then using the model for inference within the respective deep learning framework's syntax.

  • How do you save and load a tokenizer and model in the Transformers library?

    -To save a tokenizer and model, you specify a directory using the 'save_pretrained' method for both. To load them again, you use the 'AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained' and 'AutoModel.from_pretrained' methods with the directory or model name as an argument.

  • How can you find and use models from the Hugging Face Model Hub?

    -You can explore and filter models on the Hugging Face Model Hub's official website. Once you find a suitable model, you can copy the model name and paste it into your code to use that model in your pipelines or tasks.

  • What is fine-tuning in the context of NLP models?

    -Fine-tuning involves adjusting a pre-trained model to a specific dataset for better performance on a particular task. This process typically involves preparing your own dataset, encoding it with a pre-trained tokenizer, loading a pre-trained model, and using a trainer class to adjust the model's parameters.

  • Where can one find more information and documentation on using the Hugging Face Transformers library?

    -The official Hugging Face documentation provides extensive information and examples on using the Transformers library. It also allows switching between PyTorch and TensorFlow code snippets and offers a Colab environment to experiment with the code.



🚀 Introduction to Hugging Face's Transformers Library

This paragraph introduces the Hugging Face's Transformers Library, highlighting its popularity and functionality. It emphasizes the library's ease of use, even for beginners, due to its clean API and state-of-the-art NLP models. The speaker outlines the topics that will be covered in the tutorial, such as using the pipeline, models, tokenizers, integration with PyTorch or TensorFlow, saving and loading models, utilizing the official model hub, and fine-tuning models. The installation process of the library is also briefly discussed, suggesting the combination with other deep learning libraries like PyTorch or TensorFlow.


🛠️ Understanding and Using the Pipeline

The speaker delves into the concept of the pipeline in the Transformers Library, explaining its role in simplifying the application of NLP tasks. The pipeline abstracts several complexities, allowing users to perform tasks like sentiment analysis with minimal code. The process of creating a pipeline object, such as a sentiment analyzer, and applying it to a string of text is demonstrated. The results, including a label and a score, are discussed, and the three-step process of pre-processing, model application, and post-processing within the pipeline is explained. The paragraph also touches on other available tasks and how to use different models with the pipeline.


🧠 Deeper Dive into Tokenizers and Models

This section provides a deeper understanding of tokenizers and models within the Transformers Library. The speaker explains how to import and use specific tokenizer and model classes for sequence classification tasks. The process of creating instances of these classes using a model name and the importance of the 'from_pretrained' method in Hugging Face are highlighted. An example is given where the default model is used to produce results similar to the pipeline. The tokenizer's role in converting text into a mathematical representation is discussed, along with its various functions like tokenization, conversion to IDs, and decoding back to the original string.

🤖 Combining Transformers with PyTorch or TensorFlow

The speaker demonstrates how to combine the Transformers Library with PyTorch or TensorFlow. An example is provided where the pipeline is applied to multiple sentences, and the process is broken down into tokenizing the input data and performing inference in PyTorch. The use of arguments for padding, truncation, and tensor return format is discussed. The results are compared to those obtained from the pipeline, emphasizing the similarity. The process of saving and loading tokenizers and models is also covered, along with the use of the model hub for accessing different community-created models.

📚 Tutorial Summary and Further Learning

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker summarizes the tutorial and encourages further exploration of the Transformers Library. The availability of almost 35,000 models from the community is highlighted, and the process of filtering and searching for specific models on the official model hub website is explained. The use of code examples and the simplicity of applying models from the model hub are discussed. The topic of fine-tuning a model with one's own dataset is briefly introduced, with a reference to the official documentation for detailed instructions. The speaker invites questions and suggests related content for further learning.



💡Hacking Face

In the context of the video, 'Hacking Face' seems to be a typo or mispronunciation for 'Hugging Face', which is the name of a popular open-source company that provides AI models and tools, particularly for natural language processing (NLP). The video is about getting started with Hugging Face's Transformers library, which is a key tool for working with NLP models in Python.

💡Transformers Library

The Transformers Library is a widely-used open-source library developed by Hugging Face. It provides a variety of state-of-the-art NLP models and a user-friendly API, making it accessible for beginners to build powerful NLP applications. The library includes pre-trained models for tasks such as sentiment analysis, text generation, and more.

💡NLP (Natural Language Processing)

NLP is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. The Transformers Library is a tool that simplifies the development of NLP applications by providing pre-trained models and a straightforward API.


In the context of the Transformers Library, a pipeline is a high-level interface for performing specific NLP tasks. It abstracts away the complexities of using the models by handling the pre-processing, model application, and post-processing steps. Users can simply create a pipeline object for a given task, input data, and receive results without needing to understand the underlying model intricacies.


A tokenizer is a component of NLP systems that breaks down text into smaller units, such as words, phrases, or sentences, known as tokens. Tokenization is a crucial pre-processing step that prepares the text data for models to understand and process it. In the Transformers Library, tokenizers are used to convert raw text into a format that can be fed into models for tasks like classification or text generation.


PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library developed by Facebook's AI Research lab. It is widely used for applications such as computer vision and NLP. The video demonstrates how to combine the Transformers Library with PyTorch, allowing users to leverage the library's models within a PyTorch workflow for tasks like training and inference.


TensorFlow is an open-source software library for machine learning, developed by Google Brain. It is used for a variety of applications, including training and deploying machine learning models. Similar to PyTorch, TensorFlow can be combined with the Transformers Library to facilitate the use of NLP models within a TensorFlow environment.

💡Model Hub

The Model Hub is a repository provided by Hugging Face that hosts a wide range of pre-trained models for various NLP tasks. These models have been trained by the community and are available for users to download and use in their applications. The Model Hub simplifies the process of finding and utilizing suitable models for specific tasks by providing a centralized platform.


Fine-tuning is the process of adapting a pre-trained machine learning model to a specific task or dataset by further training it on new data. This technique allows for the improvement of model performance on specialized tasks without starting the training process from scratch. In the context of the video, fine-tuning is mentioned as a way to customize models using one's own data.

💡Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is an NLP task that involves determining the emotional tone or attitude expressed in a piece of text. It is often used to gauge positive, negative, or neutral sentiments towards a product, service, or topic. The Transformers Library includes pre-trained models for sentiment analysis, which can be easily utilized through pipelines or by combining tokenizers and models for more customized applications.

💡Text Generation

Text generation is an NLP task where a model automatically creates human-like text based on a given input or prompt. This capability can be used for a variety of applications, such as creating content, automating responses, or even creative writing. The Transformers Library includes models that can be used for text generation, which the video illustrates by generating sample text based on a given prompt.


The Hugging Face Transformers library is the most popular NLP library in Python with over 60,000 stars on GitHub.

The library provides state-of-the-art natural language processing models and a clean API for building powerful NLP pipelines.

The tutorial covers installation of the Transformers library alongside deep learning frameworks like PyTorch or TensorFlow.

Pipelines abstract away complex processes, making it easy to apply NLP tasks for beginners.

The sentiment analysis example demonstrates how to use the pipeline for classification tasks.

The pipeline handles pre-processing, model application, and post-processing for the given task.

The tutorial showcases text generation using a pipeline with customizable return sequences.

Zero-shot classification is explained, where the model predicts categories without prior knowledge of the labels.

The available pipelines extend beyond text to audio classification, speech recognition, image classification, and more.

The tokenizer's role in converting text to a mathematical representation for the model is detailed.

Combining the Transformers library with PyTorch or TensorFlow is demonstrated for further customization and control.

The process of saving and loading models and tokenizers is outlined for future use.

The Model Hub is introduced as a resource with nearly 35,000 community-created models for various tasks.

Fine-tuning your own models with the Transformers library is briefly discussed with references to detailed documentation.

The tutorial encourages exploration of different pipeline tasks and models to understand their practical applications.

The video concludes with an invitation to engage in the comments and explore related content on OpenAI and GPT-3.