Unleash the power of 360 cameras with AI-assisted 3D scanning. (Luma AI)

Olli Huttunen
15 Jun 202311:50

TLDRThe video explores the innovative use of neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for 3D modeling, a technology that allows for the creation of detailed 3D models from a series of photos. The host, olithutunen, discusses two primary methods for generating NeRF models: a complex, command-line approach and a more user-friendly cloud service called Luma AI. Luma AI simplifies the process by enabling users to create models through a mobile app, which sends videos of objects captured from various angles to the cloud for processing. The resulting models can be manipulated and viewed from different perspectives. The video also highlights the advantages of using a 360-degree camera for scanning, as it captures a wider field of view and allows for easier positioning around the subject. The host demonstrates how to edit the captured footage using Insta360 Studio and upload it to Luma AI for processing. The technology's ability to handle reflections and transparent objects is noted, as well as its potential for future development. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with NeRF modeling and Luma AI, suggesting its potential for opening up new creative possibilities in 3D scanning.


  • 📱 The script discusses the use of 360-degree cameras with AI-assisted 3D scanning technology, specifically using Luma AI, to create 3D models.
  • 🚀 Luma AI is a user-friendly cloud service that allows users to create Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) models by scanning objects with their phones.
  • 🔍 NeRF is an advanced method that uses AI to calculate and produce a volume model from the environment recorded by a camera, which can be explored in 3D space.
  • 📹 The process involves videoing an object from all sides and then sending the footage to Luma AI's cloud for processing, resulting in a 3D model within 30 minutes.
  • 🌟 With Luma AI, users can create new camera movements and render retakes within the scanned environment without returning to the original location.
  • 🌈 NeRF models can represent reflections and transparent objects, which are difficult to capture with traditional photogrammetry methods.
  • 📷 Luma AI supports various materials, including videos and still photos, and can process them through a web browser for scanning.
  • 🔬 360-degree cameras can be used with Luma AI, which understands the double fisheye lens shots and the equirectangular image format typical for these cameras.
  • 🤳 The use of a 360-degree camera allows for easier capture of objects from all sides, especially when using features like stabilization and horizon lock.
  • 🎨 Post-processing with applications like Insta360 Studio can help keep the subject centered and prepare the footage for uploading to Luma AI.
  • ☁️ Overcast weather is recommended for shooting as it results in fewer shadows and more even lighting, which is beneficial for the scanning process.
  • 🧩 NeRF models can be exported into 3D programs like Unreal Engine as volume models, offering new possibilities for lighting and camera movements.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the video?

    -The main topic discussed in the video is the use of neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) for 3D modeling with AI-assisted technology, specifically using Luma AI and 360 cameras.

  • What is a neural Radiance Field (NeRF)?

    -A neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a method that uses AI to analyze the environment recorded by a camera and produces a volume model that can be explored in three-dimensional space.

  • How does Luma AI make the process of creating NeRF models more user-friendly?

    -Luma AI offers an easy-to-use app that can be downloaded to a phone, allowing users to create NeRF models by simply scanning an object from different angles and sending the video to Luma's cloud for processing.

  • What are the benefits of using a 360 camera for NeRF scanning?

    -A 360 camera can capture much wider areas, making it easier to capture a subject from all sides without needing to move the camera excessively. It also allows for capturing high and low angles conveniently.

  • How does Luma AI handle the user's presence in the captured 360 images?

    -Luma AI uses AI to remove the user from the picture during the processing, ensuring that only objects that remain in place are included in the final model.

  • What are the ideal conditions for shooting NeRF models?

    -The best conditions for shooting NeRF models are in overcast weather with few shadows and even lighting on the subjects.

  • How can the full 360-degree images be useful in certain scenarios?

    -Full 360-degree images are useful in scenarios where space is limited and it's not possible to move around objects, such as narrow alleys or corridors.

  • What is the current state of NeRF models when exported into a 3D program?

    -NeRF models exported into a 3D program may not be very accurate and can have many loose vertices and distortions, making them less useful in their current state for direct use in 3D modeling.

  • What are the potential uses of NeRF models in Unreal Engine?

    -In Unreal Engine, NeRF models can be used as volume models, offering new possibilities for lighting, camera movements, and depth of field effects.

  • How does the video presenter feel about the future of neural Radiance Fields?

    -The presenter is fascinated by the technology and believes it will be very interesting to see where neural Radiance Fields will lead in the future.

  • What recommendation does the video presenter make to the viewers?

    -The presenter recommends viewers to try using Luma AI and their 360 cameras with NeRF technology, as it's a fun and innovative way to utilize their devices.

  • What is the main takeaway from the video regarding NeRF technology?

    -The main takeaway is that NeRF technology, while still in its early stages, offers a new perspective on 3D modeling and has the potential to revolutionize the field as it continues to develop.



📱 Exploring 360 Cameras and Neural Radiance Fields in 3D Modeling

The video script introduces the viewer to the capabilities of modern smartphones and 360-degree cameras in the context of 3D modeling. The host, olithutunen, discusses the concept of Neural Radiance Fields (Nerf), a cutting-edge technology that uses AI to create 3D models from a series of photos or videos. Nerf is a significant advancement over traditional photogrammetry, as it can handle reflections and transparent objects more effectively. The video outlines two primary methods for creating Nerf models: a complex, programming-intensive approach and a user-friendly cloud service called Luma AI. Luma AI allows users to create 3D models by simply recording videos of objects from various angles, which are then processed in the cloud. The resulting models can be manipulated and viewed from different perspectives. The script also touches on the possibility of using 360-degree cameras with Luma AI, which can capture a wider field of view and is particularly useful for scanning objects from all sides. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to experiment with this technology and hints at the potential future developments in the field of AI and 3D modeling.


🌟 Editing and Utilizing 360-Degree Scans with Luma AI

The second paragraph delves into the post-processing of 360-degree scans using Luma AI. It explains how users can edit their shots with the Insta 360 Studio application to keep the subject centered in the frame before uploading to Luma for processing. The video highlights the ability of Luma AI to remove the photographer from the final model, which is particularly useful when shooting in sunny conditions that might cast temporary shadows over the subject. The host also advises on the best conditions for shooting, such as overcast weather for even lighting and minimal shadows. Additionally, the script discusses the use of full equirectangular images for capturing tight spaces and the creative possibilities it presents for building camera movements in 3D environments. The video also addresses the limitations of using neural Radiance Fields for surface models and the need for further development in this area. Finally, it provides insights into the potential of translating Nerf models into 3D polygon surfaces and the unique visual results this can produce.


🚀 The Future of 3D Modeling with Neural Radiance Fields

The final paragraph of the script reflects on the potential future of 3D modeling with Neural Radiance Fields. It acknowledges that while the technology is still in its early stages, it is evolving rapidly. The host expresses excitement about the unique perspective that Nerf modeling offers for thinking about 3D and the possibilities it opens up, particularly when integrated with platforms like Unreal Engine as a volume model. This allows for dynamic lighting and sophisticated camera features, offering a novel approach to 3D environment creation. The video ends on a positive note, with the host having found a new use for their 360 camera and encouraging viewers to try out this fascinating technology for themselves. The host invites viewers to like the video, subscribe to the channel, and looks forward to meeting them in the next video.



💡360 cameras

360 cameras are devices that capture a full panoramic view of the surroundings, recording everything around them. They are typically equipped with two fish-eye lenses to capture a 360-degree field of view. In the video, the host discusses how these cameras can be used with AI-assisted 3D scanning to create immersive and detailed 3D models.

💡3D modeling

3D modeling is the process of creating a three-dimensional representation of an object or environment using specialized software. It is used in various fields such as architecture, video games, and film. The video explores the use of AI in enhancing 3D modeling through neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), which can produce more realistic and detailed models.

💡Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF)

NeRF is a cutting-edge technology that uses artificial intelligence to generate 3D models from a series of 2D images. It is a significant advancement from traditional photogrammetry, as it can calculate the environment's volume and produce a model that can be explored in three-dimensional space. The video highlights how NeRF can handle reflections and transparent objects, which are challenging for traditional 3D modeling techniques.

💡Luma AI

Luma AI is a cloud service that offers an easy-to-use app for creating NeRF models. Users can simply record a video of an object using their phone, and then upload it to Luma AI's cloud for processing. The service simplifies the process of creating 3D models, making it accessible to a wider audience without requiring advanced programming skills.


Photogrammetry is a technique where 3D models are created from a series of 2D photographs. It involves taking multiple images of an object from different angles and then using software to calculate the depth and position of each point in the images to form a 3D model. The video contrasts photogrammetry with NeRF, emphasizing the latter's ability to handle complex lighting and reflections.

💡Reflections and transparent objects

In the context of 3D modeling, reflections and transparent objects are challenging to accurately represent because they require complex calculations of light behavior. The video discusses how NeRF technology is capable of capturing these effects, which is a significant advantage over traditional photogrammetry.

💡Insta 360 camera

The Insta 360 camera is a specific brand of 360-degree cameras mentioned in the video. It is noted for its good stabilization and Horizon lock feature, which keeps the image level during rotation. These features are beneficial for scanning NeRF models as they allow for smooth and stable capture of the object from all angles.

💡Equirectangular image format

The equirectangular image format is a method of representing a 360-degree panoramic image in a 2D plane. It is a typical output format for 360 cameras and is supported by Luma AI for processing NeRF models. This format allows for a wide field of view to be captured in a single image, which is useful for creating comprehensive 3D models.

💡Selfie stick

A selfie stick is a portable extension pole that can hold a camera or smartphone, allowing users to take wide-angle selfies or capture images from a distance. In the video, it is used with a 360 camera to capture subjects from various heights and angles, contributing to the creation of detailed 3D models.

💡Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is a game engine used for developing high-end video games and other interactive applications. It is known for its advanced rendering capabilities and is mentioned in the video as a platform where NeRF models can be imported and further manipulated. This opens up possibilities for creating dynamic and interactive 3D environments.

💡AI-assisted 3D scanning

AI-assisted 3D scanning is a process that involves using artificial intelligence to assist in the creation of 3D models from captured data, such as images or videos. The video focuses on how AI, specifically through NeRF technology, can enhance the 3D scanning process, making it more efficient and capable of producing more realistic models.


Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) is a technology that revolutionizes 3D scanning and model creation by using AI for environmental calculations.

NeRF produces a volume model from camera recordings that can be explored in 3D space.

Luma AI is a user-friendly cloud service for creating NeRF models with a simple mobile app.

Luma AI allows for the creation of new camera movements and rendering of retakes without returning to the shooting location.

NeRF can capture reflections and transparent objects, which are difficult in traditional photogrammetry.

360 cameras are compatible with Luma AI, offering a wider field of view and ease of capturing subjects from all sides.

Insta 360 cameras provide stabilization and horizon lock features, which are crucial for scanning NeRF models.

Using a 360 camera eliminates the need to keep the subject centered in the frame during scanning.

Insta 360 Studio can be used to edit and center subjects in 360-degree footage before uploading to Luma AI.

Luma AI can remove the photographer from the final model, leaving only stationary objects.

Overcast weather is ideal for shooting NeRF models as it minimizes shadows and provides even lighting.

NeRF models can be exported into Unreal Engine as volume models, opening up new possibilities for lighting and camera features.

NeRF technology is young and rapidly developing, offering a fresh perspective on 3D modeling.

NeRF models are not yet ideal for direct use in 3D programs due to their complexity and the need for cleaning and smoothing.

Luma AI's service allows for the translation of NeRF models into surface models, although they may appear uneven in a browser.

Full 360-degree images are useful for capturing tight spaces where movement around objects is not possible.

The future of NeRF technology is promising, with potential applications in various fields as it continues to evolve.

Using Luma AI with a 360 camera provides a new and fun purpose for these devices.