3D to AI - THIS is the REAL Power of AI

Olivio Sarikas
26 Mar 202410:17

TLDRThe video script outlines a straightforward process for creating impressive compositions using AI with Blender, a free 3D editor, and SketchFab for 3D models. It emphasizes the importance of a depth map for AI generation, demonstrating how to set up and use Blender, adjust camera settings for the depth map, and export the necessary files. The tutorial also covers installing and using the Creator plugin, adjusting style settings, and generating AI-based images with a depth map for a unique and cinematic result.


  • 🎨 The video introduces a process for creating compositions using AI, specifically with Blender and a 3D modeling technique.
  • πŸš€ Blender is a free and powerful 3D editor that can be easily downloaded and installed for creating 3D compositions.
  • 🏠 Utilize Sketchfab to source free 3D models, considering the licensing terms such as Creative Commons for usage rights.
  • πŸ”„ After downloading Blender and a 3D model, import the model into Blender by selecting 'File' and then 'Import'.
  • πŸŽ₯ Adjust the model's orientation and position within Blender to set up the scene as desired.
  • πŸ“Έ Create a depth map from the camera's perspective within Blender for higher quality and precision.
  • 🌐 Add a ground plane to the scene in Blender to avoid issues with the model intersecting the ground.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Export the scene as an image from Blender's 'Render' menu for use in AI composition.
  • πŸ”„ In the Creator plugin, adjust the depth map by inverting it to prepare for AI integration.
  • 🎨 Use the Creator plugin to select styles and models, ensuring to save new styles before making changes to avoid altering existing presets.
  • ✨ The AI can generate images based on the depth map, allowing for dynamic scene creation without repainting the entire scene.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about creating compositions using AI, specifically with Blender and 3D models, to achieve amazing results.

  • Which software is recommended for 3D editing in the video?

    -Blender is recommended as a free and powerful 3D editing software in the video.

  • Where can one find free 3D models for their projects?

    -Free 3D models can be found on Sketchfab, as mentioned in the video.

  • What is the significance of a depth map in this process?

    -A depth map is crucial as it provides the AI with information about the 3D scene's structure, allowing it to generate more accurate and detailed images.

  • How can you adjust the camera's focal length in Blender?

    -You can adjust the camera's focal length in Blender by going to the camera settings and changing the value under the camera icon, for example, setting it to a more cinematic 35 mm.

  • What is the purpose of creating a ground plane in the scene?

    -The ground plane is created to provide a base for the 3D scene, and in the video, it's used to create a swamp-like situation to add more context to the composition.

  • How does the video suggest exporting the depth map from Blender?

    -The video suggests creating a camera view that shows just the miss over the scene, then using the 'Missed' pass in the shading settings to generate the depth map, and finally exporting it as an image.

  • What is the role of the Creator plugin in the process?

    -The Creator plugin is used to integrate the AI capabilities into the software, allowing users to generate images based on the 3D scene and depth map.

  • Why is it important to set up the base path correctly in the yaml file for the Creator plugin?

    -Setting up the base path correctly ensures that the Creator plugin can locate and load all the necessary models and files, which is essential for the AI to function properly.

  • What is the advantage of using a depth map over a painted input in this process?

    -Using a depth map allows for more flexibility in generating images, as it enables the AI to create new scenes without having to repaint the entire 3D scene, making adjustments simpler and more efficient.



πŸš€ Introduction to AI-Enhanced 3D Compositions

This paragraph introduces the viewer to a simple yet effective method for creating impressive 3D compositions using artificial intelligence. The host expresses enthusiasm for sharing this process and mentions a more detailed video on Patreon, where viewers can learn about kit bashing and other techniques. The primary tool discussed is Blender, a free and powerful 3D editor that can be easily downloaded and installed. The paragraph also highlights the availability of free 3D models on SketchFab, emphasizing the ease of finding and using these models under various licenses, such as the free standard or creative common licenses. The host guides the viewer through the initial steps of using Blender, including importing 3D models and navigating the interface, and touches on the importance of understanding the software's basic functionalities like rotating and zooming within the scene.


πŸ› οΈ Creating a Depth Map and Adding a Ground Plane

In this paragraph, the focus shifts to the creation of a depth map from the camera's perspective within the 3D scene. The host explains the process of accessing the camera view and adjusting the focal length for a more cinematic effect. The necessity of a ground plane is addressed, with a step-by-step guide on creating and positioning a plane in the scene to achieve a swamp-like setting. The paragraph then details the export process of the scene as an image, which is crucial for the next steps in the composition process. The host also introduces the use of the Creator plugin, providing advice on organizing and accessing 3D models for use in the AI-driven composition process. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the importance of saving changes correctly to avoid overwriting existing presets.


🎨 Applying the Depth Map and Generating AI-Enhanced Scenes

This paragraph delves into the application of the previously created depth map to generate AI-enhanced scenes. The host demonstrates how to use the Creator plugin to load the depth map and generate an image based on it. The process involves adjusting the settings to ensure that the AI creates the image without relying on the existing background layer, allowing for a fully AI-generated composition. The host showcases the versatility of this method by creating different scenes using the same 3D model, such as a house in a snow landscape, and emphasizes the power of AI in creating unique and fantastical compositions. The paragraph concludes with a reminder to save the video and an invitation for viewers to explore other related content.

πŸŽ₯ End Screen and Additional Resources

The final paragraph serves as an end screen, providing viewers with options to explore further content related to the topic. The host encourages viewers to like the video if they enjoyed it and to engage with other cool content available. The paragraph ends with a hopeful note of seeing the viewers again soon, indicating a friendly and engaging conclusion to the video script.




Compositions refer to the arrangement of visual elements within a frame to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing image. In the context of the video, the main theme is about creating impressive compositions using AI, which involves strategically placing 3D models and other elements to produce a visually appealing scene.

πŸ’‘AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the video, AI is used to generate images and scenes based on a depth map and style input, showcasing its capability to enhance the creative process.


Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software used for creating animations, visual effects, art, interactive 3D applications, and games. In the video, Blender is the primary tool for editing 3D models and setting up the scene for AI-generated compositions.


SketchFab is an online platform that provides 3D models for various uses, including game development, architecture, and 3D printing. In the video, SketchFab serves as the source for free 3D models that are used in Blender to build the composition for AI processing.

πŸ’‘3D Models

3D Models are digital representations of three-dimensional objects or characters that can be manipulated and viewed from various angles. In the video, 3D models are the core elements used to construct the scenes that will be enhanced by AI.

πŸ’‘Depth Map

A depth map is a visual representation that defines the distance of objects from the camera in a 3D scene, determining which objects are closer or further away. In the video, the depth map is crucial for guiding the AI in creating a realistic composition.

πŸ’‘Camera View

Camera view refers to the perspective from which the camera captures a scene in 3D software. Adjusting the camera view can change the framing, focus, and overall look of the scene. In the video, adjusting the camera view is part of the process to create a depth map and set up the scene for AI enhancement.

πŸ’‘Creator Plugin

The Creator Plugin is a software tool that integrates with certain applications to provide additional functionality, such as AI-based image generation. In the video, the Creator Plugin is used to import the depth map and style settings into the software for AI processing.

πŸ’‘Style Preset

A style preset is a saved set of parameters or settings in a software application that allows users to quickly apply a specific look or style to their work. In the video, style presets are used to define the visual style that the AI will use when generating the composition.

πŸ’‘CR (Creator Software)

CR, or Creator Software, is a platform that utilizes AI to generate images based on user inputs such as depth maps and style settings. In the video, CR is the software where the AI composition process is finalized and the final image is generated.


Exporting in the context of 3D software like Blender refers to the process of saving or converting a project or part of it into a file format that can be used elsewhere, such as in another software or for sharing. In the video, exporting is a crucial step to obtain the depth map and the final AI-generated composition.


A process for creating amazing compositions with AI is introduced.

Blender, a free 3D editor, is recommended for its power and ease of use.

Sketchfab is suggested as a source for free 3D models with various licensing options.

A detailed guide on importing 3D models into Blender is provided.

Adjusting the camera view in Blender to create a depth map from the perspective of the camera is explained.

Creating a ground plane in Blender to enhance the scene is demonstrated.

Exporting a depth map and scene view from Blender for further processing is described.

Using CR (an AI software) with a depth map for image generation is outlined.

Setting up the Creator plugin in CR for efficient model management is discussed.

The importance of using a depth map over a painted input for AI image generation is highlighted.

A step-by-step tutorial on creating a fantastically easy composition with AI is provided.

The use of a depth map ensures a better quality and sharper image in AI-generated content.

The video on Patreon offers extended content, including kit bashing and modeling a simple scene.

The tutorial emphasizes the ease of rotating and zooming in on scenes without repainting the entire image.

A guide on how to properly set up and use Blender and CR for 3D modeling and AI image generation is presented.