Use AI to create EPIC Promo Videos in Minutes with ChatGPT and InVideo

InVideo For Content Creators
12 Mar 202310:44

TLDRDiscover how to effortlessly create captivating promo videos using AI technology with the help of ChatGPT and InVideo. This tutorial outlines a five-step process that guides you from conceptualizing your video to finalizing it with a voiceover. Start by defining your target audience, the problem you solve, and the benefits of your product. Utilize ChatGPT to swiftly generate a script, then use InVideo's vast template library to create your video. Customize the template with your text, media, and music, and add a personal touch with a voiceover. The platform's intuitive editor makes it simple to adjust and sync all elements to produce a professional video that can be exported for various social media platforms, reaching a wider audience with minimal effort.


  • 📈 Brands are using promo videos to generate thousands of views and leads.
  • 🚀 AI enables the creation of high-converting promo videos in minutes.
  • 🤔 Define your target audience, the problem you solve, and the benefits of your product or service.
  • 📝 Use Chat GPT to write your video script by providing clear prompts.
  • 🎬 Choose a video template from InVideo's library to match your brand and message.
  • 🖼️ Customize the template by replacing placeholder text and media with your own.
  • 🎵 Select appropriate music to enhance the mood of your video.
  • 🎧 Optionally add a voiceover for a personal touch and to make the video stand out.
  • 🔊 Adjust the music volume to ensure the voiceover is audible.
  • ✂️ Edit the voiceover and video scenes to match the timing.
  • 🌟 Preview the video before exporting to ensure quality and impact.
  • 📊 Repurposing the video for multiple platforms can maximize your reach with the same effort.

Q & A

  • Why are brands using promo videos?

    -Brands are using promo videos to generate thousands of views and attract hundreds of leads for their business.

  • How can artificial intelligence help in creating promo videos?

    -Artificial intelligence, with the help of tools like Chat GPT and InVideo, can create high converting promo videos in minutes without the need for extensive script writing or video editing skills.

  • What are the three key questions to consider when creating a concept for a promo video?

    -The three key questions to consider are: Who is your target customer or audience, what problem are you helping them solve, and what benefits about your product or service do you want to highlight.

  • How can checking out competitors' campaigns help in creating a promo video?

    -Checking out competitors' campaigns can provide insights into the kind of campaigns that have worked for them, which can be useful in formulating your own effective concept.

  • What is the purpose of the soda brand's promo video in the tutorial?

    -The purpose of the soda brand's promo video is to target health-conscious consumers by offering a healthier alternative to sugary sodas, highlighting benefits such as being sugar-free, having a good taste, using natural ingredients, and supporting gut health.

  • How does Chat GPT assist in creating a video script?

    -Chat GPT assists by generating a script based on the prompts given by the user, which include the type of video, product or service, target consumer, video length, desired tonality, and any additional details.

  • What is the next step after creating the video script?

    -The next step is to copy and paste the script into a word document for minor adjustments and then start creating the video using a platform like InVideo.

  • How does InVideo help in creating the video?

    -InVideo provides a library of over 5000 templates to create videos. Users can choose a template, customize it with their own text, media, music, and logo, and use the platform's editor to sync everything to create a professional-looking promo video.

  • Why is it recommended to record your own voiceover for the video?

    -Recording your own voiceover helps to prevent any potential copyright issues and adds a personal touch to the video, making it more engaging and unique.

  • How can the final promo video be repurposed for multiple platforms?

    -The final promo video can be repurposed for multiple platforms by using InVideo's 'auto resize for social media' feature, which automatically resizes the video for different aspect ratios, allowing it to reach a wider audience.

  • What support options are available if someone gets stuck while creating a video with InVideo?

    -InVideo offers 24/7 support through a chat icon on the platform, with a response time of less than 30 seconds. Additionally, users can access tutorials and articles on their help page for further assistance.



🚀 Promo Video Creation with AI: An Overview

This paragraph introduces the use of promotional videos by brands to generate views and leads. It highlights how artificial intelligence can be utilized to create high-converting promo videos quickly and efficiently, without extensive knowledge in scriptwriting or video editing. The paragraph outlines a five-step process to create a promo video, starting with defining the concept based on understanding the target audience, the problem being solved, and the benefits of the product or service. It uses the example of a soda brand targeting health-conscious consumers, emphasizing benefits like being sugar-free, natural ingredients, and supporting gut health. The paragraph also suggests looking at competitors' campaigns for inspiration.


📝 Writing the Script with Chat GPT

The second paragraph details the process of turning the video concept into a script using an AI tool like Chat GPT. It explains the importance of crafting prompts that include the video type, product or service, target consumer, video length, desired tonality, and any specific details like an intro slogan or a call-to-action. The paragraph demonstrates how to refine the script through iterations, making it concise and suitable for filming. It then transitions into using the InVideo platform to create the video, starting with selecting a template, customizing text and media, and choosing music that fits the video's mood.


🎬 Customizing Video Elements and Adding Voiceover

The third paragraph focuses on the steps to customize the video further by replacing placeholder text and media with the user's content. It covers how to adjust text formatting, including font, size, color, and animation, and emphasizes the importance of clear and concise text per scene. The paragraph also guides on replacing media with the user's own pictures or videos, or by using InVideo's stock library. It then discusses changing the default music track to match the video's pace and mood, and the process of recording and editing a voiceover for the video. The importance of balancing the voiceover with the music volume and adjusting scene durations to fit the voiceover timing is also covered. Finally, it touches on exporting the video, accessing support, and repurposing the video for multiple platforms.



💡Promo Videos

Promo videos are short, engaging video clips created to promote a product, service, or brand. They are designed to generate interest and attract potential customers. In the script, promo videos are mentioned as a tool used by brands to generate thousands of views and hundreds of leads for their business.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is harnessed to create high-converting promo videos quickly without the need for extensive video editing or scriptwriting skills.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT, or Chatbot Generated Text, is a reference to the use of AI chatbots for generating text. In the video script, it is used to create a script for the promo video by providing prompts to the AI, which then generates the script in real-time.


InVideo is an online platform for creating videos using templates, stock media, and other tools. It is mentioned in the script as the tool that will be used to create the promo video, allowing users to choose from a library of templates and customize them to fit their needs.

💡Target Customer

The term 'target customer' refers to the specific group of people a business aims to attract with its marketing efforts. In the script, it is emphasized as a critical aspect of creating an effective promo video concept, as understanding the target customer helps in tailoring the message to their needs and preferences.

💡Product Benefits

Product benefits are the advantages or positive outcomes that a product provides to its users. In the video script, highlighting the benefits of a healthier soda alternative is a key part of the promotional message, emphasizing features like being sugar-free, having natural ingredients, and supporting gut health.


A script is a written text that serves as the dialogue or plan for a video, play, or movie. In the context of the video, the script is generated by Chat GPT based on the provided prompts and is essential for guiding the narrative and content of the promo video.


Templates in video creation are pre-designed formats that serve as a starting point for making a video. They often include placeholders for text, images, and other media. In the script, InVideo's library of over 5000 templates is mentioned as a resource for quickly starting the video creation process.


A voiceover is a recording where a voice is added to a video, typically to narrate or explain what's happening on the screen. It's mentioned in the script as an optional step to add personality and make the promo video stand out, suggesting that the voiceover should be recorded by the user themselves.

💡Stock Media

Stock media refers to pre-produced and readily available media content such as images, video clips, and music that can be used in various projects. In the video script, InVideo's stock library is used to replace placeholder media with content that fits the soda brand's message.

💡CTA (Call to Action)

A Call to Action is a prompt designed to encourage viewers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. In the script, it's mentioned as an additional detail to include in the video output, which can help guide viewers towards the desired response.


Brands are using promo videos to generate thousands of views and hundreds of leads.

Artificial intelligence enables the creation of high converting promo videos in minutes.

Five easy steps are outlined to create a promo video with Chat GPT and InVideo.

Identify the target customer, problem solved, and benefits highlighted for the product or service.

Gain clarity on the promo video concept by understanding the target audience and product benefits.

Check out competitors' campaigns for inspiration on effective video strategies.

Use Chat GPT to write the video script by providing prompts based on the video concept.

Include key elements in the prompt such as video type, product, target consumer, and tonality.

Chat GPT generates the script in real time, allowing for quick iterations and adjustments.

Copy and paste the script into a word document for minor adjustments.

Choose from over 5000 video templates on InVideo to create your promo video.

Customize the template by replacing placeholder text and media with your own content.

Edit text and adjust formatting options such as font, size, color, and animation.

Upload personal pictures or videos, or use InVideo's stock library to replace media.

Select royalty-free music tracks that match the mood and genre of the promo video.

Record a voiceover for the promo video to add personality and make it stand out.

Adjust the music volume and edit the voiceover for clarity and synchronization.

Preview the video to ensure all elements are correctly timed and visually appealing.

Export the video in the recommended resolution for the best results.

Utilize InVideo's 24/7 support team and additional tutorials for assistance.

Repurpose the video for multiple platforms and aspect ratios to reach a wider audience.