How To Use Leonardo Ai - Create Consistent Characters

AI Tutorial Planet
12 Dec 202308:27

TLDRThe video script offers a step-by-step guide on using Leonardo AI for consistent character generation. It emphasizes the importance of selecting a detailed prop for better output and demonstrates how to use image guidance with varying strengths to maintain character consistency across generations. The tutorial also suggests exploring different styles and actions to achieve the desired result, while acknowledging that backgrounds may vary.


  • 🎨 Start by exploring the AI image generation feature on Leonardo AI's platform.
  • 🔍 Find inspiration for your character on the homepage by browsing creations by others.
  • 🖌️ Select a detailed prop or character to ensure better consistency in image generation.
  • 🌐 Redirect to the generation page to begin creating your character and output.
  • 👧 Use image guidance with a downloaded image to maintain consistency in character design.
  • 📈 Adjust the strength of the image prompt to control the level of consistency.
  • 🛠️ Add details to your character, such as actions or accessories, while keeping the original prompt intact.
  • 🎯 Experiment with different types of image prompts to achieve desired outputs.
  • 🏃 Incorporate action words to change the character's pose or activity in the generated images.
  • 🌈 Explore the highest strength setting for image prompts to maximize originality and consistency.
  • 📚 Remember that background consistency may vary, but maintaining character consistency is the primary goal.

Q & A

  • What is the primary feature of Leonardo AI discussed in the transcript?

    -The primary feature discussed in the transcript is the AI image generation.

  • How can users find inspiration for their AI-generated characters?

    -Users can find inspiration by browsing the homepage and looking at different generations made by other people.

  • Why is it important to select a detailed prop for AI image generation?

    -A detailed prop is important because it helps the AI to generate output more accurately without struggling to understand and recreate simple or minimalistic props.

  • What model does the speaker choose for generating their character, and why?

    -The speaker chooses the Dream Shaper version 7 because it offers a wide range of abilities and styles for creating diverse outputs.

  • How does image guidance work in Leonardo AI?

    -Image guidance uses an input image to detect its style and semantics, which then guides the AI in generating a new image that is consistent with the original.

  • What is the significance of maintaining the original prompt when adding details?

    -Maintaining the original prompt helps the AI to keep the consistency of the character and its features across different generations.

  • How can users adjust the consistency of their AI-generated images?

    -Users can adjust the strength of the image guidance or explore different types of image prompters to achieve the desired level of consistency.

  • What does the speaker suggest to achieve better consistency in the character across generations?

    -The speaker suggests using a higher strength setting for image guidance to maintain the originality of the character more closely.

  • How does the speaker interpret the different backgrounds in the generated images?

    -The speaker suggests imagining the different backgrounds as various scenes, such as entering the Labyrinth and being inside the Labyrinth, to maintain the character's consistency.

  • What advice does the speaker give at the end of the transcript?

    -The speaker encourages viewers to try out the AI generation themselves, implying that practice and experimentation will lead to better outputs and more consistency.



🎨 Character Creation and Image Guidance in Leonardo AI

This paragraph introduces the process of using Leonardo AI for character generation and maintaining consistency. It explains the selection of the AI image generation feature and the importance of generating a character for consistent outputs. The speaker suggests looking at previous generations for inspiration or starting from scratch. The paragraph details the steps of copying a prop, using the generator, and selecting a model for a better output. It emphasizes the use of image guidance to help generate images based on a pre-existing style and semantics, and the importance of keeping the prompt original for consistency.


🏃‍♀️ Enhancing Character Consistency with Action Words

This paragraph discusses the challenges and strategies in maintaining character consistency while adding action words to the prompt. It describes the process of generating an image with the character Luna running, and how the output changes with different action words. The paragraph highlights the importance of adjusting the strength of image guidance to achieve closer results to the original image. It concludes with a suggestion to explore different types of image generation while keeping the character consistent, and ends with a call to action for viewers to try it themselves for better outputs.



💡AI image generation

AI image generation refers to the process of creating visual content using artificial intelligence algorithms. In the context of the video, it involves using Leonardo AI's capabilities to generate images based on user inputs, such as character designs or scenes. The script mentions selecting this feature to be redirected to the generation page, where users can generate outputs consistent with their desired characters or themes.

💡Character consistency

Character consistency in the video script refers to maintaining the same visual appearance and attributes of a character across multiple generated images. This is important for creating a cohesive narrative or visual style. The video provides tips on how to achieve this by using image guidance and keeping the original prompt as intact as possible.

💡Image guidance

Image guidance is a feature in AI image generation that allows users to upload a reference image to guide the style and semantics of the new image being created. This helps in maintaining consistency, especially in the appearance of characters or objects. The video script describes using image guidance to upload a downloaded photo to ensure the generated images adhere to the desired visual style.

💡Dream Shaper version 7

Dream Shaper version 7 is mentioned as the AI model chosen for generating images in the video. It is characterized as having a wide range of abilities and styles, which suggests that it can produce diverse outputs. The choice of model impacts the quality and variety of the generated images.

💡Photo AL

Photo AL, or Adversarial Learning, is a technique used in AI image generation that involves training models to produce high-quality images. However, in the context of the video, it is mentioned as a feature not available for free users, indicating that certain advanced capabilities may require a subscription or payment.

💡Style and semantics

Style and semantics in AI image generation refer to the visual characteristics and meaning conveyed by an image. The video discusses using image guidance to detect and replicate the style and semantics of an input image, which helps in creating outputs that are stylistically consistent and semantically relevant to the original image.

💡Strength of guidance

The strength of guidance in the context of AI image generation is a parameter that determines the influence of the input image on the generated output. A higher strength value means the generated image will more closely resemble the original image in terms of style and content. The video script mentions adjusting this value to achieve greater consistency in character appearance across generations.

💡Action words

Action words in the video script refer to specific verbs that describe what the character in the image is doing. These words are used in the prompt to direct the AI to generate images that depict the character performing certain actions, such as 'flying with butterfly wings' or 'running'. The choice of action words can significantly alter the context and narrative of the generated images.


Backgrounds in AI-generated images provide context and setting for the characters or objects in the foreground. The video script discusses the challenges of maintaining consistent backgrounds while keeping the main character consistent. Different backgrounds can suggest varied scenes or environments for the character, offering a creative aspect to the image generation process.


In the context of the video, 'output' refers to the final result or image generated by the AI based on the user's input and guidance. The quality and consistency of the output are influenced by factors such as the chosen model, the strength of guidance, and the details included in the prompt. The video provides examples of different outputs and how they can be improved or adjusted.


Introduction to Leonardo AI's user interface and tools.

Selecting AI image generation feature for consistent character creation.

Clearing the prompt as the first step in the generation process.

Browsing the homepage for inspiration from other users' generations.

Choosing a character for consistent output based on detailed props.

Utilizing the dream shaper version 7 for a wide range of styles.

Using image guidance for maintaining consistency in character generation.

Integrating pattern, shadow, and character details like 'Little Girl Luna'.

Downloading preferred images for consistency in future generations.

Explaining how image prompt detects style and semantics for guided generation.

Adding details to the prompt while maintaining originality for consistency.

Adjusting the strength of image guidance for better consistency.

Demonstrating the effect of different actions on character consistency.

Exploring the impact of increasing the guidance strength on output originality.

Maintaining character appearance while experimenting with background changes.

The importance of playing around with the strength setting for desired outputs.

Concluding with a demonstration of character consistency across different scenes.