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Natalie Ledwell
3 Nov 202304:09

TLDRNatalie Ledwell, a prominent Law of Attraction expert on YouTube, presents a secret to her audience that she claims can help manifest financial blessings ranging from $500 to $10,000 quickly. She shares her personal journey from struggling with three jobs and $20,000 in debt to achieving financial freedom and a life of abundance. Ledwell emphasizes the importance of unlocking the power of the subconscious mind to manifest desires and offers a free diagnostic quiz designed with top manifestation experts to identify and remove unique 'success blockers'. By identifying and addressing these limiting beliefs, individuals can supercharge their ability to attract success and blessings into their lives. She encourages viewers to take the quiz and embrace the opportunity to transform their lives.


  • 🌟 Natalie Ledwell is a leading Law of Attraction expert on YouTube with a large subscriber base.
  • 🎯 She claims to have a secret that can help manifest financial blessings quickly, even up to $10,000.
  • 🤔 Natalie acknowledges skepticism and shares her own past struggles with financial debt and personal challenges.
  • 💡 She attributes her current success and abundance to harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction.
  • 📚 Natalie has written a best-selling book, been featured on TV, and found true love, all after discovering her secret.
  • 🧠 The key to manifesting desires is unlocking the power of the subconscious mind.
  • 💡 She offers a free quiz designed to help remove negative energy from the subconscious mind.
  • 🌐 Thousands of students have used this quiz to change their lives, and it takes only 30 seconds to complete.
  • 🚀 Spiritual leaders refer to energy blocking beliefs as 'success blockers' that prevent the universe from sending success.
  • 🔍 There is no single way to remove success blockers due to individual differences.
  • 🎓 Natalie spent three years creating a quiz with top manifestation experts to diagnose and address unique personal success blockers.
  • 🔑 After identifying the success blocker, she provides a personalized video guide and a simple daily practice to remove limiting beliefs and unlock full manifesting power.

Q & A

  • Who is Natalie Ledwell?

    -Natalie Ledwell is the number one most subscribed Law of Attraction expert on YouTube, who claims to have been sent by the universe to reveal a secret to help others manifest financial blessings.

  • What is the secret Natalie Ledwell claims to reveal?

    -The secret Natalie Ledwell claims to reveal is unlocking the full power of the subconscious mind to manifest one's desires, which she believes can lead to financial blessings.

  • What is the lifestyle that Natalie Ledwell currently enjoys?

    -Natalie Ledwell enjoys a lifestyle of almost magical abundance, with a successful business, complete financial freedom, and the joy of doing what she loves.

  • What was Natalie Ledwell's situation before she discovered the secret of the Law of Attraction?

    -Before discovering the secret, Natalie Ledwell was working three jobs, struggling to earn money, and was in over $20,000 of credit card debt. She was also in poor health and felt lonely.

  • What is the 'Success Blockers Quiz' that Natalie Ledwell mentions?

    -The 'Success Blockers Quiz' is a diagnostic tool created by Natalie Ledwell and a team of manifestation experts. It is designed to identify an individual's unique personal success blocker in the subconscious mind.

  • How long does it take to complete the 'Success Blockers Quiz'?

    -The 'Success Blockers Quiz' takes just 30 seconds to complete.

  • What happens after identifying one's success blocker using the quiz?

    -After identifying the success blocker, Natalie Ledwell provides a personalized video guide to help remove the limiting belief, along with a simple daily practice to unlock the full power to create one's reality.

  • What are 'success blockers' according to the spiritual leaders mentioned in the script?

    -According to the spiritual leaders, 'success blockers' are energy blocking limiting beliefs that literally block the universe from sending success to an individual.

  • Why is there no single universal way to remove everyone's success blocker?

    -There is no single universal way to remove everyone's success blocker because all individuals are unique, and the dominant limiting beliefs in their subconscious minds are different.

  • What is the purpose of the quiz according to Natalie Ledwell?

    -The purpose of the quiz is to help individuals unlock their full power to manifest success by identifying and removing their unique personal success blockers from their subconscious mind.

  • How does Natalie Ledwell describe the manifestation process after removing success blockers?

    -After removing success blockers, the power of the energy radiating from an individual's mind will dramatically increase, which is how they unleash their full power to attract success.

  • What is the significance of the phrase 'there are no accidents in the universe' in the context of the script?

    -The phrase 'there are no accidents in the universe' suggests that the opportunity to take the quiz and receive the gift from Natalie Ledwell is not a coincidence but a part of the individual's journey, implying that it is meant to be for their benefit.



🌟 Introduction to the Law of Attraction Expert Natalie Ledwell

Natalie Ledwell introduces herself as the top Law of Attraction expert on YouTube. She claims to have a secret that can help manifest financial blessings quickly. Natalie shares her personal journey from struggling with debt and poor health to achieving financial freedom and happiness. She attributes her success to harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction and unlocking the subconscious mind. To help others, she offers a quiz to identify and remove negative energy from the subconscious, which she believes is key to attracting success and abundance.



💡Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. In the video, Natalie Ledwell, a self-proclaimed expert on this topic, suggests that understanding and harnessing this law can lead to financial and personal success. It is central to the video's message as it is the foundation upon which the secret for manifesting blessings is based.


To manifest means to make something happen or appear through one's thoughts and beliefs. In the context of the video, Natalie Ledwell talks about using the power of the subconscious mind to manifest financial blessings, which is a core concept of the video's narrative about achieving abundance and success.

💡Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind refers to the part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness but can influence one's thoughts and actions. Natalie Ledwell emphasizes the importance of unlocking the power of the subconscious mind to manifest desires, suggesting that it is a key to attracting success and abundance.

💡Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a state where one has enough savings, investments, or other financial resources to cover all their needs and live life without financial constraints. Natalie Ledwell mentions experiencing financial freedom as part of her personal transformation, which serves as an example of what can be achieved through the application of the Law of Attraction.

💡Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt refers to the money owed on credit cards that has not been paid off. In the video, Natalie Ledwell recounts her past struggle with over $20,000 of credit card debt, which she describes as 'soul crushing,' illustrating the negative impact of financial burdens and how they were overcome through the application of the Law of Attraction.

💡Success Blockers

Success Blockers, as mentioned in the video, are limiting beliefs that prevent an individual from achieving success. Natalie Ledwell discusses a quiz designed to identify these personal success blockers, which are crucial to the video's theme of personal transformation and unlocking one's full potential.

💡Diagnostic Quiz

A diagnostic quiz, in this context, is a tool that helps identify personal barriers to success. Natalie Ledwell offers a quiz that is said to reveal an individual's unique success blockers in their subconscious mind, which is a key step in the process of manifesting success according to the video's message.

💡Personalized Video Guide

A personalized video guide is a customized set of instructions or advice tailored to an individual's specific needs or situation. In the video, Natalie Ledwell offers to create a personalized video guide for each person once their success blocker is identified, which is intended to help them remove the limiting belief and manifest their desires.

💡Daily Practice

A daily practice refers to a routine or activity that is done consistently every day with the aim of improving oneself or achieving a goal. Natalie Ledwell suggests that after identifying one's success blocker, a simple daily practice can be followed to remove the limiting belief, which is depicted as an essential part of the process of personal transformation.

💡Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are thoughts or perceptions that restrict a person's potential or their ability to achieve goals. In the video, Natalie Ledwell speaks about removing these beliefs from the subconscious mind to increase one's ability to attract success, which is a fundamental concept in the video's approach to personal growth.

💡Soul Crushing

The term 'soul crushing' is used to describe an experience or situation that is emotionally or mentally devastating to the point where it feels as if it is crushing one's spirit or will to live fully. Natalie Ledwell uses this phrase to describe her past financial struggles, emphasizing the depth of her transformation through the application of the Law of Attraction.


Natalie Ledwell is a top Law of Attraction expert on YouTube.

She claims to have a secret to manifest financial blessings quickly.

Ledwell used to struggle financially, even with knowledge of the Law of Attraction.

She now enjoys a lifestyle of abundance, financial freedom, and success.

Natalie has written a bestseller and been featured on TV shows.

The secret to manifesting is unlocking the power of the subconscious mind.

A free diagnostic quiz is offered to remove negative energy from the subconscious.

The quiz has helped thousands of students worldwide change their lives.

Limiting beliefs are referred to as 'success blockers' by spiritual leaders.

Removing success blockers increases the power of the mind's energy.

There's no single way to remove everyone's success blocker due to individual differences.

Ledwell spent three years crafting a quiz with top manifestation experts.

The quiz identifies unique personal success blockers.

A personalized video guide is provided to remove the identified success blocker.

A simple daily practice is given to unlock full power to create reality.

The universe has no accidents; the quiz is a critical point in one's journey.

The audience is urged to receive the gift and start attracting blessings.