This is the End of AI: Humane Pin & Rabbit R1

Utsav Techie
30 Apr 202409:37

TLDRThe video discusses the ambitious yet flawed attempts by Humane and Rabbit to revolutionize personal technology with their AI pin and R1 devices, respectively. Both companies envisioned a future without smartphones, offering futuristic alternatives that aimed to perform tasks through AI and cloud-based operations. However, upon release, these devices failed to meet the basic functionalities expected of a modern smartphone. Humane's AI pin, a projector-based device running on outdated hardware, was criticized for its inaccuracies and bugs. Rabbit R1, while more affordable, faced usability issues and an over-reliance on cloud processing, which raised concerns about user control and data accuracy. The video also explores the broader trend of companies pursuing AI hardware to challenge the smartphone duopoly of Apple and Google. Despite the initial setbacks, the presenter suggests that first-generation devices often face challenges and that there may be potential for growth and integration with market feedback. The question remains whether AI hardware can truly replace smartphones or if it's facing an imminent end.


  • 📱 Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 are devices aiming to replace smartphones by offering futuristic alternatives to traditional mobile phone functions.
  • 🚀 Both companies envisioned a future where users interact with AI capabilities without the need for a smartphone, but upon market release, they faced criticism for not meeting basic smartphone functionalities.
  • 🔍 The AI pin by Humane was touted as a futuristic device with a projector and hand gesture controls, but it turned out to be an outdated Android phone with a projector instead of a screen.
  • 📉 The Rabbit R1 faced issues with its large action model, where tasks were meant to be performed in the cloud, but basic functionalities like touch screen control and camera orientation were flawed.
  • 💰 Rabbit R1 gained some popularity due to its lower price point of $200, whereas Humane's AI pin was criticized for its high price of over $700.
  • 📈 The success of Apple's iOS and Google's Android has created a duopoly in the smartphone market, making it difficult for new entrants to compete.
  • 🤖 The rise in AI popularity has led companies to explore AI hardware as an alternative to breaking into the smartphone market dominated by Apple and Google.
  • 🌐 AI's role in smartphones is mostly cloud-based, with data processed on servers before being presented to the user, which is different from the on-device processing capabilities of modern smartphones.
  • 📉 Despite the hype, AI in smartphones is still somewhat gimmicky and not fully matured, with more advancements expected in the future.
  • 🔮 The future of AI hardware companies is uncertain, as their devices have not yet been able to replace smartphones, which continue to improve and integrate more advanced features.
  • ❓ The question remains whether AI hardware will eventually replace smartphones or if the current state of these devices marks the end of their viability in the market.

Q & A

  • What is the main aim of Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1?

    -The main aim of Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 is to replace mobile phones in the future, allowing users to perform tasks traditionally done on smartphones using their respective devices.

  • How does Humane's AI pin present its futuristic vision?

    -Humane's AI pin is presented as a futuristic device with a projector instead of a screen, hand gestures, and stick cameras, suggesting a wearable device rather than a pocket-sized one.

  • What are the technical specifications of Humane's AI pin?

    -The AI pin runs on an outdated Snapdragon 720G processor and is based on Android 12Q, indicating that it uses older hardware and software.

  • What is the operational mechanism of the AI pin?

    -The AI pin uses a camera to collect data from the microphone, sends it to a server for processing, and then presents the information back to the user.

  • What are the issues with the AI pin's performance?

    -The AI pin has been criticized for being inaccurate, buggy, and of mediocre quality, failing to perform basic smartphone tasks effectively.

  • How does Rabbit R1 differentiate itself from traditional smartphones?

    -Rabbit R1 differentiates itself by offering AI capabilities in a small device, with no need for apps on the device itself. It operates on a cloud-based model, where users can command the device to perform tasks through voice commands.

  • What are the limitations of Rabbit R1's functionality?

    -Rabbit R1 has limitations such as the inability to always use the touchscreen effectively with one hand and issues with the camera orientation. It also faces problems with accurately filling in data and performing tasks in the cloud.

  • Why did companies like Humane and Rabbit attempt to create alternatives to smartphones?

    -Companies like Humane and Rabbit attempted to create alternatives to smartphones to break the duopoly of Apple's iOS and Google's Android in the smartphone market and offer innovative AI-driven devices.

  • What is the current state of AI in smartphones?

    -AI in smartphones is currently at a high level, with most of the processing happening in the cloud. However, smartphones are becoming increasingly capable of processing information on the device itself.

  • What is the future outlook for AI hardware companies like Humane and Rabbit?

    -The future for AI hardware companies is uncertain. While they may continue to evolve and improve their devices based on market feedback, it is unlikely that they will significantly disrupt the smartphone market in the near future.

  • What is the significance of the price point for Rabbit R1?

    -The price point of Rabbit R1, being only $200, was a significant factor in its market appeal, contrasting with the higher price of Humane's AI pin, which was criticized for exceeding $700.

  • How do first-generation devices like Rabbit and Humane's AI pin compare to the first iPhone?

    -First-generation devices like Rabbit and Humane's AI pin share similarities with the first iPhone in that they were initially criticized for not being able to perform basic tasks and lacked certain features. However, over time, these devices have the potential to evolve and improve.



📱 The Futuristic Vision of AI Gadgets vs. Smartphones

The first paragraph introduces two companies, Humane and Rabbit, that aimed to replace mobile phones with their innovative devices: Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1. Both presented a futuristic vision, with Humane focusing on non-visual interaction and Rabbit advocating for a smartphone-less future. However, upon review by MKBHD, it was revealed that these devices could not perform basic smartphone tasks. Humane's AI pin, despite its advanced features like a projector and hand gestures, was essentially an outdated Android phone with a projector instead of a screen. Rabbit R1 proposed a cloud-based app system, removing the need for personal device storage. Yet, both devices faced significant usability issues and failed to deliver on their promises, highlighting the ongoing dominance of smartphones in the market.


🤖 AI in Smartphones and the Market's Response to AI Hardware

The second paragraph delves into the broader context of AI in the smartphone market, discussing the duopoly of Apple's iOS and Google's Android and the inability of other tech giants to disrupt this market. It explores the reasons behind companies pursuing AI hardware and the public's growing interest in AI capabilities. The paragraph also addresses the current state of AI in smartphones, noting that while AI is present, it operates predominantly in the cloud. It further discusses the challenges faced by AI hardware companies, such as the inability to perform basic smartphone functions and the high costs associated with some devices. The speaker speculates on the future of AI hardware, suggesting that while there may be room for growth, it is unlikely that these devices will replace smartphones in the near future. The paragraph concludes with a call for viewer engagement, inviting opinions on the future of AI hardware in the comments.



💡Humane's AI pin

Humane's AI pin is a futuristic device presented by the company Humane, which aims to replace the traditional mobile phone. It features a projector instead of a screen and incorporates hand gestures and stick cameras for interaction. The device is designed to be worn rather than carried in a pocket, signifying a shift towards wearable technology. However, as per the video, it was found to be essentially an outdated Android phone with a projector, running on a 4-year-old Snapdragon 720G processor and based on Android 12Q, which highlights the gap between its futuristic presentation and actual technological capabilities.

💡Rabbit's R1

Rabbit's R1 is another device that was introduced with the intention of replacing smartphones. It is portrayed as an AI-capable device that eliminates the need for traditional apps by performing tasks through cloud computing. Users can instruct the device to perform actions like booking a ticket or ordering food, with the device handling the process in the cloud. The concept is centered around a 'large action model' where the device takes actions on behalf of the user without requiring direct interaction with apps. Despite its innovative approach, the device faced criticism for its impracticality and inability to perform basic smartphone functions effectively.

💡Snapdragon 720G

The Snapdragon 720G is a chipset developed by Qualcomm for mid-range smartphones. It was released about four years prior to the context of the video, which implies that the technology used in Humane's AI pin is outdated. In the context of the video, the use of this older chipset in a device marketed as 'futuristic' highlights a discrepancy between the device's presentation and its actual technical specifications.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is a central theme as it is the technology that both Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 leverage to perform tasks and make decisions without direct user interaction. The video discusses the current state of AI in smartphones and questions the practicality of AI-driven hardware that aims to replace traditional smartphones.

💡Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of various services through the internet. It allows data to be stored, processed, and managed remotely on servers instead of locally on the user's device. In the context of Rabbit's R1, cloud computing is used to perform tasks and run applications, eliminating the need for users to interact with apps directly on their device. This concept is presented as a futuristic approach to smartphone functionality, although the video raises concerns about its practicality and user experience.

💡iOS and Android

iOS and Android are the two dominant mobile operating systems in the market, developed by Apple and Google respectively. The video discusses how these operating systems have created a duopoly in the smartphone market, making it difficult for new companies to break into the space. The discussion around AI hardware and its potential to disrupt this duopoly highlights the competitive landscape of the smartphone industry.

💡Meta Quest VR headset

The Meta Quest VR headset, formerly known as the Oculus Quest, is a virtual reality headset developed by Meta (formerly Facebook). It is mentioned in the video as an example of a company diversifying into AI hardware. The headset represents Meta's venture into creating immersive AI-driven experiences, separate from traditional smartphone functionalities.

💡Horizon OS

Horizon OS is the operating system used in the Meta Quest VR headset. It is designed to provide a unique interface for virtual reality experiences. The video suggests that other companies might follow Meta's lead by developing their own operating systems to support AI-driven hardware, potentially offering an alternative to the dominant iOS and Android ecosystems.

💡AI in smartphones

The video discusses the presence of AI in current smartphones, highlighting features like voice assistants (e.g., Google Assistant and Siri) and predictive services. It suggests that while AI is integrated into smartphones, its capabilities are often high-level and not fully realized, with most processing happening in the cloud. The discussion questions whether AI hardware can offer a more tangible and immediate benefit to users compared to the AI capabilities already present in smartphones.

💡Screenless future

The concept of a 'screenless future' refers to the idea that future devices may not require physical screens for interaction, instead relying on AI and other technologies for user engagement. Both Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 are presented as devices that align with this vision. However, the video expresses skepticism about the feasibility of screenless technology, given the current reliance on screens for verifying and controlling device functions.

💡First-generation devices

First-generation devices are the initial versions of a new technology or product line. The video compares Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 to first-generation devices like the original iPhone, which faced criticism and had limited functionality. It suggests that while these AI-driven devices may have shortcomings, they could evolve and improve over time with feedback and market adaptation.


Humane's AI pin and Rabbit's R1 are two companies aiming to replace mobile phones with their innovative devices.

Humane's AI pin is a futuristic device with a projector, hand gestures, and stick cameras, but it is essentially an outdated Android phone.

The AI pin runs on a 4-year-old Snapdragon 720G processor and an Android 12Q-based operating system.

AI pin's functionality relies on a camera and microphone to collect data and process it through a server.

The device has been criticized for being inaccurate, buggy, and of mediocre quality as a first-generation product.

Rabbit R1 is a small AI-capable device that eliminates the need for apps on the device itself, processing everything in the cloud.

Users can control Rabbit R1 by voice commands, which then executes tasks in the cloud, but this approach has faced usability issues.

Rabbit R1 faced criticism for its touch screen limitations and awkward camera positioning.

Both companies aimed to disrupt the smartphone market but failed to match the capabilities of smartphones.

The current state of AI in smartphones is still considered gimmicky, with most processing happening in the cloud.

The speaker suggests that AI hardware may not be able to replace smartphones in the near future due to their limitations.

Rabbit R1 gained some popularity due to its lower price point of $200, compared to the Humane AI pin's $700 price tag.

The market has seen a surge in AI startups and hardware, possibly due to the popularity of AI like chat GPT.

Meta's Quest VR headset and Horizon OS are examples of companies exploring alternative AI hardware.

The speaker predicts that AI functionality may eventually be integrated into mobile phone operating systems like Android.

Apple's Vision Pro was an attempt to create an alternative to smartphones but was not successful.

First-generation devices like Rabbit and Humane's AI pin may evolve over time with market feedback.

The speaker questions whether AI hardware has a future or if it is destined to fail upon market introduction.

The video concludes by inviting viewers to share their opinions on the future of AI hardware in the comments.