Video Generation w/AnimateDiff LCM, SD15 and Modelscope + any upscale!

Stephan Tual
14 Mar 202433:40

TLDRIn this video, the creator discusses the latest advancements in video generation using open-source tools. They highlight the introduction of new model scope nodes by Exponential ML, which support SD 1.5 input, significantly improving the quality of video generation. The video demonstrates how to install and use these new nodes, as well as the process of integrating them with existing workflows. The creator also shares their progress on a universal video generator, showcasing the potential for generating high-quality, detailed images and videos. They delve into the technical aspects of setting up the nodes, downloading necessary models, and configuring the workflow for optimal results. The summary emphasizes the ease of use and the impressive outcomes achievable with these tools, encouraging viewers to experiment and refine their own video generation processes.


  • 🚀 New ModelScope nodes with SD 1.5 input have significantly improved the quality of the first stage of video generation, marking a breakthrough in open-source tools.
  • 🔧 Replacing the second stage with Super and AnimateDiff LCM resulted in astonishing 4K details from 60 FPS video, showcasing the potential of this technique.
  • 📚 No official documentation exists for the new nodes, so learning is done through trial and error, often involving long nights of work.
  • 💻 Users need to manually clone the nodes from a repository, download models, and place them in the correct directories for the workflow to function.
  • 🌐 A special model, Laura, is required and is made available through a download link provided in the video description.
  • 🔗 The workflow involves connecting various nodes, including ModelScope T2V Loader, Clip, and others, to generate the video, with careful attention to model dimensions and settings.
  • 🎨 The video generation process allows for artistic control through the use of prompts and negative prompts, influencing the output significantly.
  • 📈 The use of AnimateDiff can further enhance the video by smoothing movements and adding details, with careful parameter tuning to avoid unwanted effects.
  • 🧩 The workflow is modular, allowing for the addition of nodes and models to upscale and add details to the video, with options like SuperScaler and SDXL Lightning.
  • ⏱️ The process can be time-consuming, especially when fine-tuning parameters and waiting for renders, but the results are often worth the effort.
  • 🔄 The workflow is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it requires customization and experimentation to achieve the desired output for different types of videos.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the new set of ModelScope nodes with SD 1.5 input?

    -The new set of ModelScope nodes with SD 1.5 input allows for the integration of Control Nets IP adapters, leading to a considerable improvement in the quality of the first stage of video generation, marking a breakthrough in using open source tools for this purpose.

  • How does the technique introduced in the video enhance the generation of human beings in videos?

    -The technique enables the generation of rather convincing human beings by leveraging the right models and finding the correct AnimateDiff evolve settings, which allows for the extraction of 4K worth of details from an interpolated 60 FPS workflow.

  • What is the role of the CLIP model in the workflow?

    -The CLIP model is used to match images to text descriptions, which is a crucial step in ensuring that the generated images align with the intended concept or description.

  • Why is it important to use the correct dimensions for the latent and how does it affect the model?

    -Using the correct dimensions for the latent is important because it ensures that the model operates as it was trained to, which in this case is 576x320. Incorrect dimensions may lead to unexpected results or poor performance.

  • What is the purpose of the 'AnimateDiff' in the workflow?

    -AnimateDiff is used to improve the temporal consistency of the video frames. It helps in smoothing out the transitions between frames, which can enhance the overall quality and fluidity of the generated video.

  • How does the 'Super' upscaler differ from the 'V2V' model in terms of adding detail to the video?

    -The 'Super' upscaler is more effective at adding detail and correcting blemishes compared to the 'V2V' model. It provides sharper and more photorealistic enhancements to the video quality.

  • What is the recommended batch size for frames in the video generation process?

    -The recommended batch size for frames is about 20. Going below 16 may result in loss of detail, while going above 42 may lead to a loss of temporal consistency, making the video unusable or noisy.

  • How does the 'AnimateDiff LCM' node contribute to the video generation process?

    -The 'AnimateDiff LCM' node is used to upscale the video while maintaining a high level of detail and quality. It helps in achieving a more photorealistic look and feel to the generated video.

  • What is the significance of the 'negative prompt' in the video generation process?

    -The 'negative prompt' is used to specify elements that should not be included in the generated video. It helps in guiding the model to avoid unwanted features or artifacts in the output.

  • How can one ensure the output video has the desired artistic style?

    -To ensure the output video has the desired artistic style, one should experiment with different prompts, parameters, and models. Using fewer words in the prompt can lead to more precise results, which can then be built upon over time.

  • What is the benefit of using the 'SDXL Lightning' upscaler in the workflow?

    -The 'SDXL Lightning' upscaler uses AnimateDiff and multiple control networks to potentially achieve an even better image quality. It allows for more control over the final output, catering to specific needs such as adding details like snow or facial freckles.

  • How does the workflow handle videos with different content, such as an 'Asian woman dancing in a bedroom'?

    -The workflow is adaptable to different video content by changing the prompt to match the content. For instance, changing the prompt from 'a beautiful woman smiling' to 'an Asian woman dancing in a bedroom' helps the model generate images that align with the new description.



🚀 Introduction to Video Generation Breakthrough

The speaker discusses a significant advancement in video generation using open-source tools. They mention that a method they had previously described became outdated within 10 hours due to a new set of model scope nodes introduced by Exponential ML. These nodes feature an SD 1.5 input, which allows for superior quality in the first stage of video generation. The speaker also shares their success in replacing the second stage of their model with 'super', leading to astonishing results. They demonstrate the technique's ability to generate convincing human beings and discuss the workflow they developed, which includes film grain and other visual effects, all achieved through the right models and settings.


📚 Installing and Configuring the New Nodes

The paragraph outlines the process of installing the new nodes required for the video generation technique. It involves using the file explorer to access the custom node directory and cloning the repository from a terminal window. The speaker also explains the necessity of downloading the correct models and placing them in the appropriate directory. They provide a step-by-step guide on setting up the workflow, including the use of a specific Laura model and the creation of a text-to-video folder. The paragraph concludes with a note on the availability of the Laura model through a provided download link.


🔍 Navigating the Workflow and Model Selection

The speaker details the process of setting up the workflow for video generation, starting with a blank page. They guide through the selection of the model scope t2v loader and the loading of the clip for text description matching. The importance of using the correct dimensions for the latent and batch size is emphasized, along with the recommendation to stick to about 20 frames for the video. The paragraph also covers the use of a standard sdxl V and a case sampler, with a seed set to 'Lucky 777'. The speaker shares their tests with different samplers and settings, and concludes with a brief demonstration of the output.


🎨 Enhancing Video Quality with Upscaling Techniques

The speaker addresses the challenge of improving the quality of generated videos, particularly when dealing with human images. They discuss the use of an upscaler step involving an all-in-one anime diff LCM, which serves as a smoothing or reconstruction step to enhance the output. The paragraph delves into the technical aspects of the workflow, including the use of temporal attention strength and convolution strength settings. The speaker also introduces the concept of 'noodling', which refers to the process of connecting different nodes in the workflow. They conclude by promising an educational segment on how to use the workflow effectively.


🔗 Integrating Model Scope with Animate Diff

The paragraph focuses on the integration of Model Scope with Animate Diff for enhanced video generation. The speaker describes the process of adding a checkpoint, selecting a model, and connecting it to the Model Scope t2v loader. They also discuss the use of Animate LCM for SD 1.5 t2v Laura sensors and the creation of a pipeline for Animate Diff. The speaker provides insights into the settings and parameters for Animate Diff, including the scale multiplier and context options. They conclude by emphasizing the importance of adjusting the workflow to achieve the desired output.


📈 Advanced Workflow for Superior Video Upscaling

The speaker presents an advanced workflow for video upscaling that involves multiple stages, including t2v Z scope, v2v, and the use of a super scaler. They discuss the process of replacing the v2v Zer scope with a super scaler for better detail addition and blemish correction. The paragraph also introduces the concept of an sdxl lightning upscaler, which uses animate diff and multiple control Nets for potentially superior image quality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of adjusting parameters and experimenting with different models to achieve the best outcome. They conclude by demonstrating the workflow with a complex example and discussing the potential for further enhancements.


🌟 Final Upscaling and Restoration of Old Videos

The speaker discusses the final stage of upscaling and the restoration of old videos using the ultimate SD upscaler with animate defl CM. They demonstrate the process using an old video with a very low resolution and explain the importance of adjusting the composited prompt and other settings. The paragraph highlights the successful upscaling of the old video and the potential for further improvements with additional tools. The speaker concludes by inviting feedback and collaboration from the audience and expresses excitement for future developments in the field.



💡AnimateDiff LCM

AnimateDiff LCM refers to a specific technique or tool used in the video for generating and enhancing video content. It stands for Animate Diffusion with a Laplacian Pyramid and is used to upscale and improve the quality of generated images or videos. In the context of the video, it is a breakthrough technology that allows for the creation of high-quality, detailed animations and videos from lower resolution inputs.


SD15, or Stable Diffusion 1.5, is a version of a model used in the video generation process. It is a type of AI model that is capable of understanding and generating images based on text descriptions. In the video, it is mentioned as an input for the ModelScope nodes, which suggests that it plays a significant role in the initial stage of video generation, contributing to the quality of the output.


ModelScope is a platform or a set of tools that the video's creator uses to develop and manipulate AI models for various tasks, including video generation. In the script, it is mentioned that a new set of ModelScope nodes has been created, which is a significant development for the video generation process described in the video.

💡Control Nets

Control Nets are a component in the video generation workflow that allows for the manipulation and control of specific aspects of the generated content. They are used to guide the AI in creating the desired output. In the video, the creator discusses using Control Nets in conjunction with other tools to achieve high-quality video generation.

💡Video Upscaling

Video upscaling is the process of enhancing the resolution of a video from a lower to a higher quality. In the context of the video, upscaling is a crucial part of the workflow, where techniques like AnimateDiff LCM and Super Resolution are used to improve the detail and clarity of the generated videos, even achieving 4K quality from lower resolution sources.

💡Ky (K-diff)

Ky, or K-diff, seems to refer to a specific tool or process within the video generation workflow. Although not explicitly defined in the script, it is implied to be a part of the process where various models and settings are leveraged to achieve the desired video output. It is used in conjunction with other techniques to control the final appearance of the generated video.

💡Film Grain

Film grain refers to the random noise or texture that is characteristic of footage shot on traditional film cameras. In the video, the creator discusses adding film grain to the generated videos to give them a more authentic, cinematic look. This is part of the aesthetic choices made to achieve a specific visual style.


Oversaturation in the context of video generation refers to the intentional increase in the color intensity of the video to create a vivid and striking visual effect. The video's creator mentions using oversaturation as part of the process to achieve a particular look for the generated videos.

💡Universal Video Generator

A Universal Video Generator is a term used in the video to describe a workflow or system that the creator has been developing. It is designed to generate videos with a high level of detail and quality, and is flexible enough to be used for a wide range of video generation tasks. The creator discusses their progress on this generator and its potential applications.

💡GitHub Repo

A GitHub repository, often referred to as a 'repo', is a remote collection of files and folders associated with a software project that is stored on the GitHub platform. In the video, the creator mentions the GitHub repo as a resource for up-to-date information, support, and potential changes to the nodes and tools used in the video generation process.

💡Temporal Attention

Temporal attention in the context of video generation refers to the process of ensuring that the generated frames maintain a consistent flow and relation to each other over time. It is important for creating smooth and coherent videos. The video's creator discusses adjusting the strength of temporal attention to control the连贯性 (consistency) of the generated video sequence.


A new set of model scope nodes with SD 1.5 input has been created by Exponential ML, significantly improving the quality of video generation.

The introduction of a breakthrough technique for generating convincing human beings using open source tools.

The replacement of the second stage with Super and immediate results that exceeded expectations.

The ability to extract 4K worth of details from an interpolated video at 60 FPS using the developed workflow.

The process of installing and creating a workflow for the new nodes without any existing documentation.

The importance of downloading the correct models and placing them in the right directory for the workflow to function.

The use of a specific Laura model, which is hard to find, and its availability through a provided download link.

The detailed step-by-step guide on setting up the workflow from a blank page.

The significance of using a few words in the prompt for better control over the image generation process.

The recommendation to leave the negative prompt blank due to the training set's good handling of copyright.

The use of AnimateDiff LCM for faster rendering and improved video quality.

The creative process of adjusting parameters and experimenting with different models to achieve desired video outcomes.

The integration of an upscaler step using AnimateDiff LCM to smooth out and reconstruct images, avoiding the ugliness of straight upscaling.

The addition of a checkpoint to the workflow to address the struggle with generating human images.

The development of an SDXL Lightning upscaler for potentially better image quality, depending on user needs.

The emphasis on the need for users to adjust workflow parameters to get the best outcome for their specific requirements.

The successful upscaling of a very old and low-resolution video to a surprisingly good quality using the developed workflow.

The future plans to expand the workflow with more tools and techniques, including puppeteering through open pose.