Accurate Video Subtitles And Video Transcriptions w/ Happy Scribe

Ever Educating
27 Nov 202013:29

TLDRThe video transcript introduces Happy Scribe, a tool for creating accurate video subtitles and transcriptions. The speaker, an educator, shares a Black Friday deal available through AppSomo, offering 80% off the usual price, which includes two hours of video transcription per month. The tool is praised for its accuracy, including punctuation and capitalization, which is superior to YouTube's automatic subtitles. The process of using Happy Scribe is demonstrated, showing how to upload videos, edit subtitles, and customize their appearance. The speaker also discusses the tool's utility for educators and content creators, emphasizing its potential for making videos more accessible. A referral link is provided for first-time AppSumo users to receive a $10 credit.


  • 📚 **Inexpensive Video Transcription**: The speaker found a cost-effective way to transcribe videos without a pay-per-video or subscription model.
  • 🎓 **Educator-Friendly Tool**: The tool, Happy Scribe, is recommended for educators and content creators looking to make their videos more accessible.
  • 💻 **DIY Subtitles**: Happy Scribe automates the creation of subtitles, saving time compared to manual editing.
  • ⚖️ **Accuracy Over YouTube**: The subtitles produced by Happy Scribe are more accurate, with better punctuation and capitalization, compared to YouTube's auto-generated subtitles.
  • 🔗 **AppSumo Deal**: A Black Friday deal is available through AppSomo, offering significant discounts for new users.
  • ⏰ **Time-Saving**: The tool is particularly useful for those with limited time, like teachers juggling multiple responsibilities.
  • 📈 **Custom Vocabulary**: Happy Scribe allows users to add a personalized vocabulary, helping the system recognize unique or uncommon terms.
  • 🌐 **Internet-Friendly**: The tool works well even with a slow internet connection, making it accessible for a wider range of users.
  • 🖥️ **User-Friendly Interface**: The dashboard is intuitive, allowing users to easily edit, format, and correct subtitles.
  • 🎨 **Customization Options**: Users can customize the appearance of subtitles, including font type, size, and color to match their branding.
  • 📝 **Transcription for Other Media**: Besides YouTube, the transcriptions can be used for blog posts, PDFs for students, or other content.
  • 📅 **Monthly Subscription Model**: The service offers a monthly subscription with a set amount of video transcription hours, refreshable at the start of each month.
  • 📢 **Accessibility for Students**: The tool can be used to make educational videos more accessible for students, potentially improving learning outcomes.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the Happy Scribe tool discussed in the video?

    -The main purpose of Happy Scribe is to provide an inexpensive and accurate way to transcribe videos and create subtitles, which is particularly useful for educators and content creators looking to make their videos more accessible to viewers.

  • What is the current deal being offered by Happy Scribe?

    -The current deal being offered by Happy Scribe is a Black Friday deal that provides a significant discount, 80 percent off its usual price, and includes two hours of video transcription per month.

  • How does Happy Scribe handle the accuracy of subtitles compared to YouTube's automatic subtitles?

    -Happy Scribe provides more accurate subtitles than YouTube's automatic feature, including correct punctuation and capitalization, which are often lacking in YouTube's autogenerated subtitles.

  • What is the process for adding a video to Happy Scribe for transcription?

    -To add a video to Happy Scribe, you can either connect your YouTube channel or provide a public link to the video. Once the video is uploaded, you select whether you need a transcription or subtitles, choose the language, and submit the request.

  • How does Happy Scribe assist with editing subtitles?

    -Happy Scribe highlights words in red that it is unsure of, allowing users to easily identify and edit areas of uncertainty. Users can listen to specific portions of the video, scroll through the transcript, and make corrections as needed.

  • What customization options are available for subtitles in Happy Scribe?

    -Happy Scribe allows users to customize subtitles by changing the playback speed, editing subtitle limits such as the number of lines and character per line, and formatting the appearance of the subtitles, including font choice and color.

  • How does Happy Scribe help with the transcription of less common words or proper nouns?

    -Happy Scribe has a feature called 'My Vocabulary' where users can add words that are often used in their videos but might not be recognized by the program, such as proper nouns or industry-specific terms.

  • What are the benefits of using Happy Scribe for educators?

    -Educators can use Happy Scribe to make their video content more accessible to students by adding accurate subtitles. This can be particularly helpful for students who are hearing impaired or for those who prefer to read along with the video content.

  • Can Happy Scribe be used for purposes other than YouTube videos?

    -Yes, Happy Scribe can be used to transcribe and add subtitles to videos that are not on YouTube. Users can download the video with subtitles and host it on their own platforms, such as a teachable page, Udemy, or their blog.

  • What is the advantage of using the referral link provided in the video?

    -Using the referral link provided in the video offers a $10 credit to new AppSumo customers towards their first purchase, and also provides a $10 credit to the person who shared the link.

  • How does the Happy Scribe tool handle the synchronization of subtitles with the video?

    -Happy Scribe allows users to adjust the timing of the subtitles to match the speaker's words. If there are errors in synchronization, users can manually move the subtitles to align them properly with the video.

  • What is the speaker's plan for using Happy Scribe in the future?

    -The speaker plans to use Happy Scribe to subtitle new videos each month within the two-hour limit and also to go back and subtitle older videos until all content is transcribed.



🎉 Discovering Happy Scribe for Video Transcription

The speaker introduces an inexpensive video transcription tool called Happy Scribe, which is particularly beneficial for educators and content creators. They mention a Black Friday deal available through AppSomo, valid until the end of November, offering 80% off the usual price. This deal provides two hours of video transcription per month. The speaker also explains the process of using Happy Scribe, including editing subtitles for accuracy, and emphasizes the importance of accurate punctuation and capitalization.


🖥️ Behind the Scenes with Happy Scribe

The speaker takes the audience through the process of using Happy Scribe, starting with uploading a video and selecting the required service, which in this case is subtitles. They explain how to connect the tool to a YouTube channel for ease of file upload and how to utilize the 'my vocabulary' feature to improve transcription accuracy for personalized terms. The speaker also demonstrates the editing process, highlighting the tool's ability to identify uncertain transcriptions and allowing for easy corrections. Additionally, they discuss the customization options for subtitles, including playback speed adjustments and formatting choices.


📝 Finalizing Subtitles and Using Happy Scribe for Future Content

The speaker concludes by detailing the final steps of using Happy Scribe, which include downloading the corrected subtitles and uploading them to the respective video platform, such as YouTube. They highlight the tool's user-friendly interface and customization options, such as punctuation and capitalization, which are significant improvements over YouTube's automatic subtitles. The speaker also discusses the potential for using Happy Scribe beyond YouTube, like for teaching videos or online courses, and mentions the option to download videos with subtitles for self-hosting. They encourage viewers to take advantage of the AppSumo deal and share any knowledge of better transcription services in the comments.



💡Video Subtitles

Video subtitles are textual representations of the dialogue or narration in a video, which can be particularly useful for making content accessible to viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, or for those who speak a different language. In the video, the speaker discusses the importance of accurate subtitles for educational content and how Happy Scribe can help create them efficiently.

💡Video Transcriptions

Transcriptions are the written versions of the spoken content in a video. They are essential for accessibility and for providing a reference for the content. The speaker mentions that Happy Scribe offers transcription services that are more accurate and detailed than automatic options, which is crucial for educational purposes.

💡Happy Scribe

Happy Scribe is a tool mentioned in the video that provides video transcription and subtitle creation services. It is highlighted for its accuracy and ease of use, which is particularly beneficial for educators and content creators looking to make their videos more accessible. The speaker shares a tutorial on how to use Happy Scribe to add subtitles to videos.

💡Black Friday Deal

A Black Friday deal refers to a special offer or discount that is available for a limited time, typically around the Black Friday shopping event which occurs the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. In the context of the video, the speaker recommends a Black Friday deal for Happy Scribe, which provides a significant discount on their services.


Accessibility in the context of digital content refers to the degree to which it can be accessed and used by people with a wide range of abilities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making videos more accessible through accurate subtitles and transcriptions, which is a core theme of the video.

💡YouTube Subtitles

YouTube subtitles are automatically generated captions provided by YouTube for videos hosted on its platform. The speaker criticizes these subtitles for their lack of accuracy and punctuation, which can be problematic for viewers who rely on them for understanding the content.


AppSumo is a platform that offers deals on software, apps, and various digital products. The speaker mentions a deal related to Happy Scribe that is available through AppSumo, which allows users to get Happy Scribe services at a discounted rate.


In the context of video transcription, vocabulary refers to the specific set of words that a transcription service recognizes and correctly transcribes. The speaker discusses the 'my vocabulary' feature in Happy Scribe, which allows users to add personalized words to improve the accuracy of the transcription.

💡Transcription Accuracy

Transcription accuracy refers to how well the transcribed text matches the spoken words in the video. The speaker praises Happy Scribe for its high level of accuracy, including correct punctuation and capitalization, which is important for professional and educational content.

💡Educational Content

Educational content is material that is designed to inform, teach, or instruct. The video's focus is on making educational videos more accessible through the use of accurate subtitles and transcriptions, which is why the speaker is recommending Happy Scribe to educators and students.

💡Referral Link

A referral link is a unique URL that allows the person who shares it to receive some form of benefit, such as a discount or credit, when someone uses the link to make a purchase. The speaker provides a referral link for Happy Scribe, which offers a $10 credit to first-time AppSumo buyers.


Happy Scribe offers an inexpensive way to transcribe videos without a pay-per-video or subscription model.

A Black Friday deal is available for educators and content creators looking to make their videos more accessible.

Happy Scribe provides a more accurate transcription service compared to YouTube's automatic subtitles.

The tool includes punctuation and capitalization for a professional look.

Users can earn a $10 credit with a referral link for first-time AppSumo buyers.

The current deal offers 80% off the usual price, including two hours of video transcription per month.

Happy Scribe allows for transcriptions and subtitles to be customized and uploaded to various platforms.

The 'My Vocabulary' feature helps the program recognize unique or specialized terms.

Subtitles can be edited for accuracy with a user-friendly interface.

The tool supports multiple languages for a wider audience.

Happy Scribe provides options to adjust subtitle appearance, including font, color, and line spacing.

Users can adjust playback speed to make corrections more efficiently.

The proofreading helper and other settings allow for a tailored transcription experience.

Transcriptions can be exported in various formats, including text documents and blog posts.

Happy Scribe is suitable for educators and those creating less than two hours of video content per month.

Older videos can be retroactively subtitled using the monthly allowance.

The service can be used for videos not hosted on YouTube, such as those on Teachable or Udemy.

The tool is recommended for its ease of use and customization options.

An upcoming video will cover three ways of using video to give student feedback on their work.