Viral question - The Main Question Everyone Got Wrong

Brian Logic
14 May 202410:09

TLDRThis video challenges viewers to solve a simple math problem that many get wrong: 36 divided by 3, 8 minus 6 in parentheses, all divided by 6. The presenter explains that the correct answer is four, not one, emphasizing the importance of order of operations. Historically, division could imply dividing by the entire right-hand side, but modern calculators and mathematical conventions dictate evaluating from left to right, leading to the answer of four. The video encourages viewers to check their answers with scientific calculators and learn from mistakes to improve their mathematical skills.


  • 😀 The video discusses a viral math problem that many people get wrong.
  • 🧐 The problem involves simple arithmetic operations: division, subtraction, and multiplication.
  • 🤔 The challenge is to calculate \( 36 ÷ (3 × (8 − 6)) ÷ 6 \) without a calculator.
  • 🗣️ There is a debate on whether the correct answer is one or four.
  • 👉 The first step in solving the problem is to simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
  • 🔢 After simplifying, the expression becomes \( 36 ÷ 3 × 2 ÷ 6 \).
  • 🤷‍♂️ Historically, the division symbol was used to mean dividing by the entire product on the right, which is not the current standard.
  • 🔄 The modern interpretation is to follow the order of operations from left to right: division, then multiplication.
  • 📚 The correct answer, according to current mathematical standards and calculators, is four, not one.
  • 👨‍🏫 The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the correct order of operations to avoid mistakes.
  • 🔍 It's suggested to use a scientific or graphing calculator to verify the solution by inputting the entire expression at once.

Q & A

  • What is the main problem discussed in the video?

    -The main problem discussed in the video is a mathematical expression involving division and multiplication: 36 divided by 3, 8 minus 6 in parentheses, and then the result divided by 6.

  • Why are people getting the problem wrong according to the video?

    -People are getting the problem wrong because they are not following the correct order of operations or are misunderstanding the historical interpretation of division symbols.

  • What is the correct order of operations for solving the problem?

    -The correct order of operations is to first simplify the expression inside the parentheses, then perform division and multiplication from left to right.

  • What is the debate about the correct answer in the video?

    -The debate is between people who claim the correct answer is one, and those who say it is four.

  • What does the video suggest about using a calculator to solve the problem?

    -The video suggests that using a scientific or graphing calculator and inputting the entire problem at once will yield the correct answer, which is four.

  • What is the historical interpretation of division mentioned in the video?

    -Historically, the division symbol was used to mean that you should divide by the entire product on the right-hand side of the symbol.

  • How does the video explain the incorrect historical interpretation of the problem?

    -The video explains that according to the historical interpretation, one would divide 36 by the product of 3 and 2 (which is 6), resulting in an incorrect answer of 6.

  • What is the correct answer to the problem as explained in the video?

    -The correct answer to the problem, following the modern order of operations, is four.

  • How does the video suggest writing the expression to avoid confusion?

    -The video suggests writing the expression as a fraction and using parentheses to clarify the order of operations, which would be 36 divided by (3 times 2).

  • What is the importance of the basic math concept emphasized in the video?

    -The basic math concept emphasized in the video is the correct order of operations, which is crucial for solving the problem accurately and avoiding common mistakes.

  • What advice does the video give for those who got the problem wrong?

    -The video advises not to feel bad about getting the problem wrong and to use the mistake as a learning opportunity to better understand the order of operations.



🧐 Solving a Common Math Problem with Order of Operations

The video script introduces a math problem involving basic arithmetic operations: division, subtraction, and multiplication. The presenter challenges viewers to solve the problem without a calculator and hints at a common mistake that leads to two different answers. The problem is presented as 36 divided by 3, 8 minus 6 in parentheses, all divided by 6. The script emphasizes the importance of understanding the correct order of operations. The first step is to simplify the expression inside the parentheses, resulting in 36 divided by 3 times 2, all divided by 6. The debate arises from the interpretation of the division operation in relation to the multiplication that follows. Two interpretations are discussed: the modern approach, which follows from left to right, and an older method that would imply dividing by the entire right-hand expression. The presenter clarifies that the modern, calculator-based approach yields an answer of 24 when considering the numerator, and thus the final answer is 4 after the division by 6.


🔍 Clarifying Misunderstandings in Mathematical Expressions

This paragraph delves into the historical perspective of the division symbol and how it was used differently 100 years ago, which could lead to the alternative answer of 1 if using the older interpretation. The script uses an example with variables to illustrate the point and emphasizes the importance of parentheses for clarity in mathematical expressions. It points out that without parentheses indicating the entire expression to divide by, the modern calculator-based method will always evaluate from left to right, leading to the answer of 4. The presenter advises viewers to use scientific or graphing calculators to verify the answer and to understand the order of operations to avoid such mistakes in the future. The explanation serves as a learning opportunity, encouraging viewers not to feel bad about making the error but to learn from it and improve their mathematical skills.


👋 Closing Remarks and Encouragement for Mathematical Practice

In the final paragraph, the script wraps up with well-wishes for the viewers' mathematical journeys. The presenter thanks the audience for their time and encourages them to continue exploring math with the channel's daily challenges and videos. The closing is warm and supportive, reminding viewers to take care of themselves and to look forward to the next video, fostering a sense of community and ongoing learning.



💡Viral question

A 'viral question' refers to a problem or query that has gained widespread attention and has been shared or discussed extensively across various platforms. In the context of the video, the viral question is a math problem that has sparked debate among people, with many getting it wrong and arguing over the correct answer, which contributes to its viral nature.

💡Order of operations

The 'order of operations' is a fundamental concept in mathematics that dictates the sequence in which operations must be performed to correctly solve an expression. In the video, the presenter emphasizes the importance of following the correct order of operations to arrive at the right answer to the viral math problem, highlighting how misunderstanding this can lead to incorrect conclusions.


Parentheses are used in mathematical expressions to indicate that the operations within them should be performed first. In the script, the presenter explains that simplifying the expression inside the parentheses is the universally agreed-upon first step in solving the viral question, showcasing the role of parentheses in determining the order of operations.


Division is one of the four basic arithmetic operations, where a number (the dividend) is divided by another number (the divisor) to yield a quotient. In the video, division plays a key role in the viral math problem, with the presenter discussing how it should be handled in conjunction with other operations according to the order of operations.


Multiplication is another basic arithmetic operation where numbers are combined to find their product. The video script uses multiplication as part of the viral question, illustrating how it interacts with division in the context of the order of operations to affect the final answer.


Subtraction is the arithmetic operation of taking one number (the subtrahend) away from another (the minuend) to get a difference. In the video, subtraction is part of the expression inside the parentheses, which must be simplified before proceeding with other operations, as per the order of operations.


A calculator is an electronic device used to perform arithmetic operations. The script mentions calculators as tools that can be used to check the correctness of the answer to the viral question. It also discusses how calculators today evaluate expressions from left to right, adhering to the modern understanding of the order of operations.


A fraction represents a part of a whole, expressed as one quantity divided by another. In the video, the presenter rewrites the viral question as a fraction to demonstrate an alternative way of solving the problem, which simplifies to the same result and reinforces the correct order of operations.

💡Scientific graphing calculator

A scientific graphing calculator is a type of calculator that can perform complex mathematical functions and graph equations. The script suggests using a scientific graphing calculator to check the answer to the viral question, implying that these calculators are capable of handling the order of operations as intended.

💡Implied multiplication

Implied multiplication is a concept where a number and a variable are multiplied without an explicit multiplication sign. The video script briefly touches on this concept, noting that it can be easily checked on a scientific calculator, which understands the implied operation when the entire expression is entered.

💡Historical interpretation

Historical interpretation refers to the way things were understood or done in the past, which may differ from current practices. The video discusses an older interpretation of the division symbol, suggesting that it meant dividing by the entire expression on the right-hand side, which contrasts with the modern approach of evaluating from left to right.


Introduction to a viral math problem that many people get wrong.

The problem involves basic arithmetic operations: division, subtraction, and multiplication.

Debate between two possible answers: one or four.

Emphasis on a basic math concept that leads to common mistakes.

Explanation of the correct order of operations.

Step-by-step guide to simplify the expression inside the parentheses first.

Historical perspective on how division symbols were interpreted differently 100 years ago.

Two interpretations of the numerator: modern and historical.

How calculators evaluate expressions today versus older usage.

The importance of parentheses in clarifying the order of operations.

Demonstration of how to write the expression as a fraction for clarity.

The correct answer to the numerator is revealed to be 24, not 6.

Final calculation and the correct answer is option B, which is four.

Advice on using scientific or graphing calculators to avoid common pitfalls.

Encouragement to learn from mistakes and improve mathematical skills.

Invitation to explore more math challenges and brain teasers on the channel.