Smart Investor's Daily
3 Feb 202404:26

TLDRJames Alier, a seasoned AI expert and successful entrepreneur, emphasizes the monumental wealth-building opportunity presented by AI 2.0 in the US economy. He shares his track record of accurate predictions, including Facebook and Bitcoin, and asserts that AI will add $15.7 trillion to the economy. Alier offers a blueprint for investing in AI 2.0 and invites viewers to access a free presentation outlining his top three investment strategies to capitalize on this technological boom.


  • 🚀 AI is considered the largest wealth-building opportunity in US history.
  • 🧐 James Aler, the speaker, has a history of making accurate predictions about technology, such as Facebook and Bitcoin.
  • 💡 AI is expected to add approximately $15.7 trillion to the US economy, with significant benefits for those who invest wisely.
  • 🌐 The speaker differentiates between AI 1.0 (investing in tech companies) and AI 2.0 (a new wave of AI technologies).
  • 📈 AI 2.0 represents the biggest wealth-building opportunity in over 150 years, according to the speaker.
  • 🤖 The speaker emphasizes that the wealth from AI will not come from traditional investment paths but from understanding and investing in AI 2.0 technologies.
  • 📚 James Aler has a long background in AI, dating back to his first AI program in 1987 and his academic paper in graduate school.
  • 💼 Aler's experience includes writing books on business, investing, and entrepreneurship, as well as programming his own AI tool as a hedge fund manager.
  • 🎥 The speaker has had numerous AI experts on his podcast, contributing to his deep understanding of the field.
  • 📈 AI 2.0 is rapidly developing, and it is crucial to understand and invest in the right areas to benefit from this growth.
  • 🎁 The speaker offers a free blueprint for investing in AI 2.0, outlining his top three strategies for capitalizing on this technological boom.

Q & A

  • Who is the speaker in the transcript and what is his claim to fame?

    -The speaker in the transcript is James Aler, who is known for making accurate predictions about wealth-building opportunities, such as Facebook and Bitcoin, before they became widely recognized.

  • What was James Aler's prediction about Facebook in 2007?

    -In 2007, James Aler predicted that Facebook, which was being valued at $1 billion at the time, should actually be worth a hundred billion dollars.

  • How did people initially react to James Aler's prediction about Facebook?

    -People initially reacted with skepticism to James Aler's prediction about Facebook, laughing at him and not taking his prediction seriously.

  • What does James Aler claim AI will add to the US economy?

    -James Aler claims that AI will add approximately $15.7 trillion to the US economy, signifying a major shift and wealth-building opportunity.

  • What is the difference between AI 1.0 and AI 2.0 according to James Aler?

    -According to James Aler, AI 1.0 involves investing in well-known tech companies like Microsoft or Nvidia, whereas AI 2.0 represents a new wave of AI technology that he believes will be the biggest wealth-building opportunity.

  • What is James Aler's background in AI?

    -James Aler has a strong background in AI, having written his first AI program in 1987 through a grant from the National Science Foundation, publishing an academic paper on AI during graduate school, and even programming his own AI Quant investing tool as a hedge fund manager.

  • Why does James Aler emphasize that the wealth-building opportunity from AI 2.0 is different from traditional investment?

    -James Aler emphasizes this point because he believes that the wealth-building opportunity from AI 2.0 is not just about investing in established tech companies, but rather about recognizing and investing in the next generation of AI technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the market.

  • What is the main message James Aler wants his audience to take away from the transcript?

    -The main message James Aler wants his audience to take away is that the next generation of AI, or AI 2.0, is currently the biggest wealth-building opportunity in US history and that anyone who invests in the right kind of AI 2.0 can dramatically improve their financial situation.

  • How can one learn more about James Aler's strategies for investing in AI 2.0?

    -One can learn more about James Aler's strategies for investing in AI 2.0 by watching a short, free presentation he released, which can be accessed by clicking a button provided in the transcript.

  • What is the significance of the timing in James Aler's discussion about AI 2.0?

    -The significance of the timing is that James Aler believes the AI 2.0 market is on the verge of a major boom, and there is a limited window of opportunity for everyday people to get involved and benefit from this wealth-building opportunity.

  • What does James Aler suggest about the common misconceptions regarding making money with AI?

    -James Aler suggests that common misconceptions about making money with AI involve thinking that one can simply make a million dollars by creating content or social media accounts related to AI. He argues that these approaches are not as effective as understanding and investing in the right AI 2.0 technologies.



🚀 Introduction to AI's Economic Impact

The speaker, James Aler, introduces the topic by highlighting AI as the largest wealth-building opportunity in U.S. history. He shares his experience of being doubted when he predicted Facebook's valuation in 2007 and Bitcoin's success in 2013, both of which came true. He emphasizes that AI will significantly affect the economy, estimating it to add $15.7 trillion to the US economy. Aler differentiates between AI 1.0, which involves investing in well-known tech companies, and AI 2.0, which he considers the biggest wealth-building opportunity in over a century. He warns against listening to gurus who promise wealth through superficial means and assures his credibility through his long-standing involvement with AI, from writing academic papers to managing a hedge fund with AI tools.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is portrayed as a transformative technology with the potential to create significant wealth-building opportunities, particularly through AI 2.0, which is distinguished from earlier iterations of AI.

💡Wealth Building

Wealth building refers to the process of accumulating wealth through various means, such as investments, entrepreneurship, or innovation. In the video, the speaker identifies AI as the biggest wealth-building opportunity in US history, suggesting that those who invest wisely in AI technologies can significantly improve their financial situation.

💡AI 2.0

AI 2.0 is a term used in the video to distinguish the next generation of AI technologies from previous ones. It implies advancements and new developments in AI that go beyond the initial wave of AI companies and technologies. The speaker suggests that AI 2.0 will be the source of the significant economic growth and wealth-building opportunities he predicts.


The economy refers to the system of production, consumption, and trade of goods and services in a region or country. In the video, the speaker discusses the impact of AI on the economy, particularly in the US, where he predicts AI will add substantial value and create wealth-building opportunities for those who invest wisely.


Investing involves putting money into financial schemes, shares, property, or a commercial venture with the expectation of achieving a profit. In the context of the video, investing in AI 2.0 is presented as a strategic way to capitalize on the predicted economic growth and wealth-building potential brought about by advancements in AI technology.


A blueprint is a detailed plan or a set of guidelines that outlines the steps to achieve a particular goal. In the video, the speaker offers a blueprint for investing in AI 2.0, which includes his three best strategies for people to take advantage of the technology super boom and potentially improve their financial situation.

💡Quant Investing

Quantitative investing, or quant investing, is an investment strategy that uses mathematical models, algorithms, and data analysis to make informed decisions, with the aim of removing emotions from the investment process. In the video, the speaker mentions programming his own AI quant investing tool as a hedge fund manager to help pick stocks, highlighting his practical experience and understanding of AI applications in finance.

💡National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by the United States Congress to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense. In the video, the speaker mentions receiving a grant from the NSF to write his first AI program in 1987, which underscores his long-standing involvement and contribution to the field of AI.


A podcast is a digital audio file made available for streaming or download, often series of lectures or discussions on a particular topic. In the video, the speaker mentions having a podcast with over 40 million downloads, indicating his influence and reach in sharing knowledge and ideas, including those related to AI, with a broad audience.


To predict is to forecast or anticipate a future event or trend based on current or past data, often with a degree of uncertainty. In the video, the speaker emphasizes his ability to make predictions about the success of technologies like Facebook and Bitcoin, which were initially met with skepticism but later proved to be accurate.


Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency, without a central bank or single administrator, that can be sent from user to user on the peer-to-peer bitcoin network without the need for intermediaries. In the video, the speaker mentions his prediction of Bitcoin's success when it was trading at just $114, which serves as an example of his ability to foresee the potential of emerging technologies.


AI is the biggest wealth building opportunity in US history.

James Aler predicts AI will add $15.7 trillion to the US economy.

James Aler's accurate prediction of Facebook's value in 2007, which was initially met with skepticism but later validated during its IPO.

James Aler's early prediction about the success of Bitcoin in 2013 when it was valued at just $114.

AI 2.0 is distinguished from AI 1.0, focusing on the next generation of AI technologies.

James Aler's experience in writing AI programs since 1987, funded by the National Science Foundation.

James Aler's academic paper on AI during his graduate school days.

James Aler's podcast featuring over 40 million downloads and numerous AI experts.

James Aler's background as a hedge fund manager, utilizing AI in quantitative investing to remove emotions from stock picking.

The importance of understanding AI 2.0 for potential investors.

James Aler's three best strategies for investing in AI 2.0, available in a short presentation.

The urgency to act on the AI 2.0 investment opportunity as the wealth window is only open for a brief moment.

James Aler's extensive writing and sharing of ideas on investing, spanning over 20 years.

The offer of a free video presentation detailing the investment blueprint for AI 2.0.