What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

IBM Technology
23 Aug 202306:35

TLDRThe video script introduces Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework designed to enhance the accuracy and currency of large language models (LLMs). It addresses common LLM challenges such as outdated information and lack of sourcing by incorporating a content store retrieval step prior to generating responses. This approach allows LLMs to provide up-to-date, evidence-backed answers, reducing the likelihood of misinformation and improving the overall reliability and utility of AI in responding to user queries.


  • 🤖 Large language models (LLMs) are capable of generating text in response to user queries but can sometimes be inaccurate or outdated.
  • 🔍 The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework aims to improve the accuracy and currency of LLMs by incorporating external information retrieval.
  • 🌌 An anecdote about the solar system's moons illustrates the common pitfalls of relying on outdated or unverified information, even from knowledgeable individuals.
  • 📚 The RAG framework addresses two main challenges of LLMs: the lack of up-to-date information and the absence of source verification.
  • 🔄 In RAG, the LLM first retrieves relevant content from a data store before generating a response, leading to more accurate and current answers.
  • 💡 The RAG approach allows LLMs to provide evidence for their responses, reducing the likelihood of misinformation.
  • 🚫 The framework discourages LLMs from fabricating answers, instead encouraging them to acknowledge when they lack the information to provide a reliable response.
  • 🔄 Updating the data store with new information allows the LLM to stay current without the need for retraining the entire model.
  • 🌐 The content store can be sourced from the open internet or a closed collection of documents, policies, etc., providing flexibility in the type of information used.
  • 🔍 Improving the quality of the retriever is crucial for providing LLMs with high-quality grounding information, which in turn affects the quality of the final response.
  • 🤝 Ongoing efforts at IBM and elsewhere focus on enhancing both the retrieval and generation components of RAG to optimize LLM performance and user experience.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the transcript?

    -The main topic discussed in the transcript is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework designed to improve the accuracy and currency of large language models (LLMs).

  • Who is the speaker in the transcript?

    -The speaker in the transcript is Marina Danilevsky, a Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research.

  • What are the two main challenges with LLMs that the speaker highlights?

    -The two main challenges with LLMs highlighted by the speaker are the lack of sourcing, leading to potentially baseless information, and the models being out of date due to not incorporating the latest data.

  • How does the speaker illustrate the problem with LLMs using a personal anecdote?

    -The speaker uses the example of answering a question about the planet with the most moons in our solar system. Initially, the speaker incorrectly identifies Jupiter as the answer based on outdated information, highlighting the issues of no sourcing and being out of date.

  • What is the solution proposed to address the challenges faced by LLMs?

    -The solution proposed is the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, which involves augmenting LLMs with a content store to retrieve relevant information before generating a response, ensuring more accurate and up-to-date answers.

  • How does RAG improve the sourcing of information for LLMs?

    -RAG improves sourcing by instructing the LLM to first retrieve relevant content from a data store before generating a response, thus grounding the answer in primary source data and providing evidence for the response.

  • What is the potential downside of a retriever not being sufficiently good in the RAG framework?

    -If the retriever is not sufficiently good, it may not provide the LLM with the best, most high-quality grounding information, which could result in the LLM failing to answer answerable user queries or providing less accurate responses.

  • What is the significance of the RAG framework in terms of LLM development?

    -The RAG framework is significant as it addresses key challenges in LLMs by ensuring that they provide answers with up-to-date information and proper sourcing, reducing the likelihood of misinformation and enhancing the reliability of LLMs.

  • How does RAG help LLMs to avoid hallucinating or making up answers?

    -By instructing the LLM to first retrieve relevant content and combine it with the user's question before generating an answer, RAG reduces the reliance on the LLM's trained parameters alone, thus lowering the chances of hallucinating or making up believable but potentially misleading answers.

  • What is the role of the content store in the RAG framework?

    -The content store in the RAG framework serves as a source of up-to-date and relevant information that the LLM can retrieve to augment its knowledge before responding to a user's query, ensuring that the response is grounded in the latest available data.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a positive behavior for LLMs when faced with unanswerable questions?

    -The speaker suggests that when faced with unanswerable questions based on the data store, the LLM should acknowledge its limitations and respond with 'I don't know,' rather than fabricating an answer that could mislead the user.



🤖 Introduction to Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

This paragraph introduces the concept of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), a framework designed to enhance the accuracy and currency of large language models (LLMs). The speaker, Marina Danilevsky, a Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research, uses the analogy of her own outdated knowledge about the number of moons of Jupiter to illustrate the common challenges faced by LLMs, such as providing incorrect information and lacking up-to-date data. The solution presented is RAG, which involves first consulting a content store (like the internet or a collection of documents) to retrieve relevant information before generating a response to a user's query. This approach addresses the issues of outdated information and lack of sources by grounding the LLM's responses in the most current and reputable data available.


🔍 Enhancing LLMs with Retrieval-Augmented Generation

In this paragraph, the speaker further elaborates on how the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework improves the functionality of large language models (LLMs). By instructing the LLM to pay attention to primary source data before generating a response, the model becomes less likely to hallucinate or leak data, as it relies less on information learned during training. The RAG framework encourages the model to acknowledge when it lacks the knowledge to answer a question accurately, thereby preventing the generation of misleading information. However, the effectiveness of RAG depends on the quality of the retriever; if it fails to provide high-quality grounding information, some answerable queries may go unanswered. The speaker mentions ongoing efforts at IBM to refine both the retriever and the generative model to ensure the best possible user experience. The paragraph concludes with a call to action for viewers to like and subscribe to the channel for more information on RAG.



💡Large language models (LLMs)

Large language models, often abbreviated as LLMs, are advanced artificial intelligence systems designed to process and generate human-like text based on the input they receive, known as a prompt. These models are trained on vast amounts of data to understand and produce text in a way that can be remarkably accurate but also prone to errors, as they may lack up-to-date information or source verification. In the context of the video, LLMs represent the core technology being discussed for improving accuracy and currency of information.

💡Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)

Retrieval-Augmented Generation, or RAG, is a framework designed to enhance the capabilities of large language models by incorporating an additional retrieval step before the generation of responses. This approach allows the model to consult a content store, which could be the internet or a specific collection of documents, to retrieve relevant and up-to-date information before generating an answer. RAG aims to address the common issues of outdated information and lack of source verification by ensuring that the model's responses are grounded in current and credible data.

💡Generative model

A generative model is a type of machine learning model that is trained to produce new data instances that are similar to the training data. In the context of the video, the generative model refers to the LLM's ability to generate text based on the input it receives. The generative aspect is crucial in creating responses to user queries, but it also introduces the potential for errors when the model's knowledge is not current or verified.

💡Content store

A content store refers to a collection of information that can be accessed by a retrieval system. In the context of the video, the content store is the source from which the Retrieval-Augmented Generation framework retrieves relevant information to augment the LLM's responses. This could be an open source like the internet or a closed, curated collection of documents, policies, or other data.

💡Out of date

The term 'out of date' refers to information that is no longer current or accurate due to changes or updates that have occurred since the information was last verified or collected. In the context of the video, this issue is highlighted as a common challenge with LLMs, where their responses may be based on outdated knowledge that has not been updated since their last training.

💡Source verification

Source verification is the process of confirming the accuracy and credibility of information by checking its origin and reliability. In the video, the importance of source verification is emphasized to address the issue of LLMs providing answers without proper sourcing, which can lead to the dissemination of incorrect or misleading information.


In the context of the video, 'hallucination' refers to the phenomenon where an LLM generates responses that are coherent but factually incorrect or not based on actual data. This can occur when the model relies solely on its training data and does not have access to up-to-date or verified information, leading to the creation of believable but false statements.

💡Data store

A data store is a repository of data that can be used for various purposes, such as machine learning models to improve their performance. In the video, the data store is augmented with new information to keep the LLM's responses current and accurate. This allows the model to retrieve the most recent information when answering user queries.

💡Primary source data

Primary source data refers to the original, authoritative, and most reliable information about a topic, often directly obtained from the source of the information. In the context of the video, primary source data is crucial for the LLM to provide accurate and well-grounded responses, as it reduces the reliance on potentially outdated or incorrect information learned during training.

💡Information retrieval

Information retrieval is the process of obtaining relevant information from a collection of data in response to a query or need. In the video, information retrieval is a key component of the RAG framework, where the LLM retrieves relevant content from a content store to augment its knowledge and provide more accurate answers.

💡User query

A user query is a request for information or a question posed by a user to an information system or AI model. In the context of the video, user queries are the prompts that the LLM or RAG framework responds to by generating text or providing answers.


Marina Danilevsky introduces a framework to enhance large language models' accuracy and timeliness: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

RAG combines retrieval of up-to-date information with generation capabilities of LLMs to provide more accurate responses.

Illustrates LLM limitations with a personal anecdote about providing an outdated answer to a question about the solar system's moons.

Emphasizes the importance of sourcing information and the challenge of LLMs being out of date.

Describes how LLMs can give confident yet inaccurate answers based on outdated training data.

Explains that RAG enables LLMs to consult an updated content store before generating an answer, enhancing accuracy.

Shows how RAG helps address the issues of sourceless and outdated information by grounding responses in current data.

RAG allows LLMs to provide evidence for their responses, increasing their reliability.

Highlights the flexibility of RAG in keeping LLMs up-to-date without the need for retraining, by simply updating the data store.

Points out that RAG encourages responsible model behavior by enabling it to say "I don't know" when appropriate.

Acknowledges potential downsides if the retrieval component does not supply high-quality information.

Notes ongoing efforts at IBM and elsewhere to enhance both the retrieval and generative aspects of RAG-equipped LLMs.

Emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement of the retriever to provide the best grounding information.

Encourages further research and development on RAG to improve the interaction between retrieval and generation.

Concludes with an invitation for the audience to engage with the topic and support further exploration of RAG.