Yann LeCun on Google's Gemini woke AI drama | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Lex Clips
11 Mar 202410:00

TLDRThe speaker discusses the criticisms surrounding Google's Gemini 1.5 AI system, highlighting its controversial features such as altering historical content and censoring sensitive topics. They argue that AI systems are inherently biased due to the data they're trained on, reflecting societal biases. The solution proposed is the adoption of open-source AI models, allowing for diversity and customization by various groups to prevent the control of information by a few entities, thus protecting democracy and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity.


  • 🚫 The criticism of Google's Gemini 1.5 highlights issues of AI systems being 'super woke' and potentially biased.
  • 🌐 AI biases are inevitable as they reflect the distribution of training data, which in turn reflects societal biases.
  • πŸ’­ The quest for an unbiased AI system is impossible due to differing perceptions of bias among individuals.
  • πŸ—£οΈ Open source is proposed as the solution to the problem of AI bias, promoting diversity and freedom of information.
  • 🌍 Diverse AI systems are essential for preserving local culture, language, and values in the digital age.
  • πŸ” Future interactions with the digital world will increasingly be mediated by AI, making the diversity of these systems crucial.
  • πŸ’‘ AI development should not be controlled by a few companies to prevent monopolization of human knowledge.
  • πŸ”§ Open source platforms allow for fine-tuning AI systems for specific purposes, promoting specialization and customization.
  • πŸ“š Examples include tailoring AI to understand and translate local languages or providing medical information in underserved areas.
  • 🏒 Businesses can benefit from AI systems trained on proprietary data to enhance customer service and internal operations.
  • 🎯 The future of AI industry relies on open source platforms, which enable the creation of specialized systems for various applications.

Q & A

  • What is the criticism surrounding Google's Gemini 1.5?

    -Google's Gemini 1.5 has been criticized for being overly sensitive to contemporary social attitudes, to the extent of modifying historical contexts and censoring specific content, such as the Tiananmen Square protests, which is seen as an act of rewriting history to align with current political or social expectations.

  • How does Gemini 1.5 handle controversial historical content?

    -Gemini 1.5 has been noted for refusing to comment on or generate images and descriptions of sensitive historical events like Tiananmen Square. This approach has raised concerns about the role of AI in filtering and presenting historical facts.

  • What was the response on social media to the biases observed in Gemini 1.5?

    -The script indicates that the response involved extensive commentary across various social platforms, criticizing the biases inherent in AI systems like Gemini 1.5, which are seen as reflecting societal biases or being influenced by the data they are trained on.

  • Is it possible to create an AI system that is completely unbiased?

    -According to the script, creating an entirely unbiased AI system is deemed impossible because biases are subjective and vary between individuals. What one may consider biased, another might see as neutral.

  • What analogy is used to explain the necessity of diversity in AI systems?

    -The necessity for diversity in AI systems is likened to the principle of a free press in liberal democracies, where diverse perspectives are essential for a healthy discourse and the progression of ideas, similarly necessary in AI for fairness and comprehensiveness.

  • How can open source AI contribute to diversity in AI applications?

    -Open source AI allows various entities, including individuals, companies, and governments, to develop and fine-tune AI models on their own data, leading to a proliferation of diverse AI systems that cater to different languages, cultures, and needs.

  • What are the potential benefits of AI mediated interactions in daily life?

    -AI-mediated interactions can significantly enhance everyday tasks, such as translating menus, providing real-time language translation, offering information about landmarks, and answering queries instantly through smart devices like glasses integrated with AI.

  • What concerns does the script express about AI control?

    -The script raises concerns about the concentration of AI control within a few large corporations, particularly those based on the US West Coast. This concentration is viewed as a threat to democracy, cultural diversity, and the balanced distribution of knowledge.

  • What is the role of governments in the context of AI diversity according to the script?

    -Governments, as indicated in the script, play a crucial role in ensuring AI diversity. They are concerned about their citizens' digital consumption being dominated by a few foreign corporations, which could influence national culture, values, and independence.

  • How can AI influence the future of industry-specific applications?

    -AI can transform industry-specific applications by allowing companies to fine-tune open-source AI platforms to develop tailored solutions that meet specific business needs, such as customer service bots, specialized knowledge bases, and more.



πŸ€– Challenges of AI Bias and Censorship

The paragraph discusses the criticisms surrounding Google's Gemini AI, particularly its handling of sensitive content and historical accuracy. It highlights the inherent bias in AI systems due to the data they are trained on, which reflects societal biases. The speaker argues that an unbiased AI system is impossible due to differing perceptions of bias. They advocate for open-source AI as a solution, drawing parallels with the necessity of a free and diverse press in a democracy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of diverse AI systems to avoid a monopoly of information by a few companies and to preserve cultural diversity and local values.


🌐 The Future of Open-Source AI and its Global Impact

This paragraph expands on the idea that AI systems will mediate our interactions with the digital world, and the importance of having diverse AI systems to avoid control by a few companies. The speaker discusses the high costs and challenges of training AI models, making it difficult for many entities to develop their own. They argue for open-source AI as a means to enable various groups to fine-tune AI systems for their specific needs, promoting diversity in language, culture, and political opinions. The paragraph also touches on the potential for AI to serve local needs, such as providing medical information in underserved areas, and the role of open-source platforms in fostering an AI industry that can cater to specialized applications across different industries.



πŸ’‘Gemini 1.5

Gemini 1.5 refers to a recently released AI system by Google. It is mentioned in the context of criticism for being overly 'woke,' implying that it might be too politically correct or sensitive to certain social issues. The speaker uses this as an example to discuss broader concerns about AI bias and censorship.


The term 'woke' is used to describe a heightened awareness of social and political issues, particularly related to racism and inequality.


Criticism of Google's Gemini 1.5 for being overly 'woke' and biased.

The absurdity of AI modifying historical content, such as generating images of a black George Washington.

Refusal of AI to generate content related to Tiananmen Square and the Tank Man, reflecting censorship by the Chinese government.

The inherent bias in AI systems due to the distribution of training data, which mirrors societal biases.

The impossibility of creating an unbiased AI system as bias is subjective.

The importance of free speech and diverse information sources in a democratic society.

The future where AI systems mediate our interactions with the digital world.

The potential for smart glasses with AI assistants to provide real-time information and translation.

The necessity of diverse AI systems to avoid control by a few companies and to preserve democracy and culture.

The high cost and difficulty of training AI models, limiting their accessibility to only a few companies.

Open-source AI systems allowing for fine-tuning by various groups to meet their specific needs.

The French government's stance against digital diets controlled by US companies for democratic reasons.

The initiative to fine-tune AI models to speak all 22 official languages in India.

The importance of local language AI systems for accessing crucial information in regions with limited resources.

The potential for specialized AI systems built on open-source platforms for industry-specific applications.

The vision of an AI industry built on minimal fine-tuning of pre-trained models by various groups.