Google's Woke AI Gemini Attempts to Rewrite History And Gets Blasted

27 Feb 202408:06

TLDRGoogle faces criticism as its Gemini AI platform generates controversial images that appear to rewrite history. The platform, designed to create realistic images based on user descriptions, has inadvertently produced images that have sparked a significant backlash, leading to its temporary suspension. Critics argue that the AI's output reflects a political bias, while others see it as a technological error. The incident has ignited a broader debate about the role of AI in education and cultural wars, with concerns about its potential to influence and infiltrate classrooms. The discussion also touches on the impact of big tech and the need for critical thinking in the age of AI.


  • 🚨 Google's Gemini AI platform is under scrutiny for generating controversial images that appear to rewrite history.
  • 🖼️ The platform, designed to create realistic images based on user descriptions, has produced images of historical figures that have sparked backlash.
  • 💭 Examples of the AI's output include inaccurate depictions of the founding fathers and a Pope, which have gone viral online.
  • 🌪️ Google faced significant backlash for these issues, with critics accusing the company of promoting a woke agenda.
  • 🛑 In response to the controversy, Google suspended the platform, but some argue that the damage has already been done.
  • 📚 Journalist Peter J. Hassen accused Gemini of fabricating negative reviews about his book on Google's leftwing bias, attributing fake quotes to real publications.
  • 🗣️ Public figures, including Elon Musk, have weighed in on the issue, with Musk tweeting about Google's 'insane racist anti-civilization programming'.
  • 🎤 A poem generated by Gemini about Kamala Harris was contrasted with one about Donald Trump, highlighting the AI's perceived bias.
  • 🤖 The conversation around AI's role in society and its potential impact on education and cultural attitudes was a key point of discussion.
  • 🌐 Concerns were raised about the influence of big tech on cultural wars and the potential for AI to be used to indoctrinate students in classrooms.
  • 💡 The importance of critical thinking and not blindly trusting AI or big corporations was emphasized, encouraging individuals to question the information they encounter.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue with Google's Gemini AI platform?

    -The main issue with Google's Gemini AI platform is that it has been accused of rewriting history by generating images that misrepresent historical figures and events.

  • How did the AI-generated image of the founding fathers go wrong?

    -The AI-generated image of the founding fathers went wrong by depicting them in a way that does not align with historical records or common understanding, leading to controversy and backlash.

  • What was the outcome of the AI-generated image of the Pope?

    -The AI-generated image of the Pope was strange and did not accurately represent the religious leader, contributing to the criticism of the Gemini platform.

  • What was the social media user's prompt that led to the controversial German Soldier image?

    -The social media user gave the prompt '1943 German Soldier,' which resulted in an AI-generated image that was not in line with historical accuracy, causing further controversy.

  • How did Google respond to the backlash against Gemini AI?

    -Google responded by promising to swiftly rectify the situation and eventually suspended the platform to address the issues raised.

  • What allegations did journalist and author Peter J. Hassen make about Gemini AI?

    -Peter J. Hassen alleged that Gemini AI invented fake, negative reviews about his book on Google's leftwing bias and falsely attributed these quotes to real publications.

  • What was Elon Musk's reaction to the Gemini AI controversy?

    -Elon Musk tweeted about the controversy, expressing his disapproval of Google's AI image generation and suggesting that it revealed Google's 'insane racist anti-civilization programming.'

  • How did the discussion on Fox News about Gemini AI's poem for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump highlight the AI's bias?

    -The Fox News discussion highlighted the AI's bias by pointing out the stark difference in the generated poems for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with the former being positive and the latter being non-existent and replaced with a suggestion to use Google search for accurate information.

  • What concerns were raised about AI's role in education and cultural influence?

    -Concerns were raised that AI might exacerbate the issue of cultural Marxism and critical race theory in classrooms, as teachers could potentially use AI-generated lesson plans without taking responsibility for the content, thus avoiding accusations of indoctrination.

  • What broader implications were discussed regarding the trustworthiness of AI and big corporations?

    -The discussion touched on the broader implications of relying on big corporations like Google and Microsoft for technological advancements, questioning the trustworthiness of AI and the potential for these corporations to influence cultural and political narratives.

  • What advice was given in response to the uncertainty surrounding AI's impact on society?

    -The advice given was to use one's own mind, think rationally, and not blindly trust anything seen or read, especially considering the potential for AI to create misleading or fabricated content in the future.



🤖 Google's Gemini AI Controversy

The first paragraph discusses the recent criticism faced by Google's Gemini AI platform for generating controversial images based on user prompts. The AI was supposed to create realistic images from descriptions, but it has been accused of altering historical figures' appearances and promoting a particular political agenda. The backlash includes allegations of fake quotes and negative reviews, with public figures like Elon Musk commenting on the issue. The conversation touches on the broader implications of AI in society, its potential misuse in education, and the need for a more in-depth discussion on the role of AI in cultural and political discourse.


🏫 AI's Impact on Education and Society

The second paragraph delves into the concerns about AI's influence on education, particularly with the use of AR in creating classroom plans. It highlights the worry that AI might exacerbate the existing issue of political bias in educational content. The discussion points out that the real problem lies not with AI infiltrating classrooms, but with the ideologies that are already present and being taught. The conversation also touches on the broader reliance on big corporations and the role they play in shaping cultural narratives through technological advancements. It emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and the need for individuals to question the information they encounter online.



💡Gemini AI

Gemini AI is a platform developed by Google that is designed to create realistic images based on user descriptions. In the context of the video, it has come under fire for allegedly altering historical figures and generating controversial content, leading to a significant backlash against Google.

💡Rewriting History

The term 'rewriting history' refers to the act of altering or misrepresenting past events to fit a particular narrative or agenda. In the video, it is suggested that Gemini AI has been accused of doing this by generating images that misrepresent historical figures, which has sparked controversy and criticism.


Backlash refers to a strong negative reaction from a segment of the public or community in response to an event, decision, or action. In the video, Google faces backlash due to the perceived misrepresentations and controversial outputs of the Gemini AI platform.


Wokery, often associated with 'woke culture,' refers to a perceived excessive focus on political correctness and social justice issues, sometimes to the point of excluding other perspectives. In the video, Google is criticized for allegedly promoting woke ideology through the Gemini AI platform.

💡Fake Quotes

Fake quotes are invented statements that are attributed to real individuals or publications, often to support a particular narrative or agenda. In the video, it is alleged that Gemini AI attributed fake negative reviews to a book about Google's leftwing bias, which has raised concerns about the authenticity of content generated by AI.

💡Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a renowned entrepreneur and CEO of companies like Tesla and SpaceX. In the context of the video, he is mentioned as a notable figure who criticized Google's AI platform, suggesting a broader public interest in and scrutiny of AI technology and its potential biases.

💡Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory is an academic framework that examines society and culture as they relate to race, law, and power. In the video, it is mentioned as part of a broader discussion on how educational content and ideologies are being questioned, particularly in relation to the role of AI in potentially perpetuating certain viewpoints in the classroom.

💡Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism is a term often used to describe the alleged influence of Marxist ideas on cultural and social issues, particularly in the context of political correctness and progressive social changes. In the video, it is mentioned as part of the critique against the perceived left-leaning bias in education and the potential role of AI in exacerbating this issue.

💡AI in Education

The use of AI in education refers to the integration of artificial intelligence technologies in teaching and learning processes. In the video, there is a discussion about the potential risks and benefits of AI in classrooms, including the concern that it might be used to promote certain ideologies or to shift blame for content onto technology.

💡Big Tech

Big Tech refers to large technology companies that have significant influence over the market and society due to their size, resources, and reach. In the video, the discussion around Google's AI platform and its implications touches on the broader theme of the role and responsibility of big tech companies in shaping cultural narratives and societal values.

💡Technological Advancements

Technological advancements refer to the development and application of new technologies that can improve various aspects of society, such as economic activity, standard of living, and overall quality of life. In the video, while there is criticism of specific uses of AI, there is also acknowledgment of the potential benefits that technological advancements like AI can bring to the future.


Google's Gemini AI platform is under scrutiny for allegedly altering historical figures in generated images.

The platform was designed to create realistic images based on user descriptions.

An image of the founding fathers generated by Gemini has sparked controversy online.

Gemini's attempt to generate a picture of the Pope has also been met with criticism.

Social media user's prompt for a 1943 German Soldier resulted in a controversial image.

Google faced significant backlash for these incidents, accused of promoting wokery.

The company promised to address the situation and eventually suspended the platform.

Journalist Peter J. Hassen claimed that Gemini invented fake negative reviews about his book on Google's leftwing bias.

Former owner Elon Musk tweeted about Google's AI image generation, highlighting its controversial nature.

Fox News discussed the AI's ability to create content, including a poem about Vice President Kamala Harris.

The AI's contrasting response to a request for a poem about Donald Trump was noted.

The conversation touched on the early stages of AI development and its potential misuse.

Participants debated the role of AI in cultural wars and its potential impact on education and classroom content.

There are concerns about AI exacerbating existing biases in educational systems.

The discussion included the influence of big corporations on technological advancements and their societal impact.

The potential future applications of AI, such as in healthcare and economic improvement, were mentioned.

The conversation highlighted the need for critical thinking and skepticism towards information sources.

The impact of AI on cultural and political discourse was a central theme of the discussion.

The participants expressed a range of views on the trustworthiness of AI and its creators.

The discussion concluded with a humorous plea for AI to allow humans to continue having oxygen in the future.