Yapay Zeka Peygamberimizi Çizecek mi Diye Kontrol Ettik! Midjourney ve ChatGPT l Sözler Köşkü

Sözler Köşkü
27 Jun 202326:38

TLDRThe transcript explores the imaginative capabilities of AI in creating unique images, such as a depiction of the Sirat Bridge and a vision of Muslims praying on Mars. It delves into the potential of AI to enhance storytelling, particularly in religious contexts, and reflects on the excitement of witnessing the intersection of technology and faith. The conversation also touches on the transformative power of AI in envisioning historical and religious narratives, ultimately expressing a profound hope and aspiration for a future where technology and spirituality harmoniously coexist.


  • 🌌 The conversation revolves around the use of AI, specifically an application called Midjourney, to create images that don't exist on the internet.
  • 🤖 The AI is described as capable of generating unique photographs based on detailed textual descriptions provided by the user.
  • 🚀 There's a sense of excitement and anticipation as the characters discuss the potential of AI to create realistic and fantastical images.
  • 🌉 The script mentions the creation of an image depicting the Sirat Bridge with hell beneath it, which sparks amazement among the characters.
  • 🕌 The discussion touches on the idea of Muslims praying on Mars, showcasing the blend of religious belief and futuristic imagination.
  • 🌙 There's a mention of a surreal scene where the moon is divided into two, reflecting a miracle from Islamic tradition.
  • 🎥 The characters discuss the potential of creating videos with AI, hinting at the future of content creation and its impact on society.
  • 📖 The script references the Islamic faith and its teachings, emphasizing the belief in miracles and divine intervention.
  • 🌍 There's a strong emphasis on the unity of Muslims worldwide and the hope for a future where Islam is more prevalent and accepted.
  • 🛍️ The conversation includes a hypothetical scenario where a Muslim buys Starbucks and changes its activities to align with Islamic practices.
  • 📚 The characters express their desire to witness and experience historical and religious events, showing a deep interest in their faith's past and future.
  • 🌟 The script concludes with a reflection on the power of AI to inspire and the hope that it can be used to spread positive messages and religious teachings.

Q & A

  • What is Midjourney and how does it relate to the discussion in the transcript?

    -Midjourney is an AI image generation application that was discussed as a tool for creating images that do not exist on the internet. The characters in the transcript use it to generate images based on their descriptions, showcasing its ability to produce unique and imaginative visuals.

  • What is the significance of the Sırat Köprüsü (Sirat Bridge) in the context of the conversation?

    -The Sırat Köprüsü, often associated with the afterlife in Islamic belief, is mentioned as an example of a concept that the characters want to visualize using the AI application. It represents a bridge over hell that people must cross on the day of judgment, and the discussion revolves around creating a unique image of it.

  • How does the conversation reflect the characters' excitement about the capabilities of AI?

    -The characters express great excitement and anticipation when using the AI to generate images. They are amazed by the quality and creativity of the images produced, and they discuss how AI has evolved, comparing it to a double AI experience when combined with ChatGPT's support.

  • What is the role of the AI in the creation of the video that the characters are discussing?

    -The AI plays a crucial role in the video creation process by generating images and visuals based on the characters' descriptions. It is also used to simulate real-life scenarios, such as people praying on Mars or the historical events of the prophets, which are central to the video's content.

  • How does the discussion about the potential future with AI and its capabilities affect the characters' emotions?

    -The characters display a range of emotions, from excitement and awe to fear and contemplation, as they discuss the potential future advancements in AI. They consider the ethical implications and the transformative effect AI could have on society, as well as the potential for AI to create realistic and impactful religious and historical visualizations.

  • What is the significance of the historical and religious events depicted in the AI-generated images?

    -The historical and religious events depicted in the AI-generated images serve to illustrate the deep connection between faith and technology. They also demonstrate the potential for AI to educate and inspire by bringing to life stories and scenarios from religious texts and history, making them more accessible and relatable to viewers.

  • How does the conversation highlight the cultural and religious identity of the characters?

    -The conversation is rich with references to Islamic faith, history, and cultural identity. The characters discuss scenarios and images that are significant to their beliefs, such as the Sirat Bridge, the Kaaba, and the prophetic events, showcasing their strong connection to their religious and cultural heritage.

  • What is the role of the AI in the visualization of the afterlife as described in the transcript?

    -The AI is used to create vivid and imaginative representations of the afterlife, including depictions of heaven and hell, as well as scenes from religious narratives. These visualizations serve to explore and reflect on spiritual concepts, providing a unique perspective on afterlife as understood in their cultural and religious context.

  • How does the discussion about AI and its capabilities lead to a reflection on the nature of existence and the afterlife?

    -The characters engage in a philosophical discussion about the nature of existence, the afterlife, and the role of AI in understanding and representing these concepts. They ponder the potential for AI to simulate or even provide insights into spiritual and metaphysical realities, leading to a deeper contemplation of life's purpose and the beyond.

  • What is the significance of the characters' desire to see historical and religious events visualized through AI?

    -The desire to visualize historical and religious events through AI reflects the characters' longing to connect with their heritage and faith in a tangible and modern way. It also demonstrates their belief in the potential of technology to enhance spiritual understanding and to make religious narratives more accessible and engaging for contemporary audiences.

  • How does the conversation about AI-generated images of religious and historical scenes contribute to the characters' understanding of their faith?

    -The conversation contributes to the characters' understanding of their faith by allowing them to explore and discuss religious narratives and historical events in a new and engaging way. The AI-generated images serve as a catalyst for reflection and discussion, deepening their appreciation for their faith and its teachings.



🤖 AI and the Journey of Creation

The paragraph discusses the excitement and anticipation around using an AI application called Midjourney to create unique photographs that do not exist on the internet. The conversation revolves around the capabilities of AI in generating creative content, such as a photo of Sırat Köprüsü (the Bridge of Sirat) with specific details, and the amazement at the quality of the resulting image. The discussion also touches on the potential of combining AI with human creativity, as seen in the collaboration between Midjourney and ChatGPT, to produce even more impressive results. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the rapid advancements in AI and its potential impact on the future of content creation.


🌟 Divine Miracles and Historical Events

This paragraph delves into the recounting of historical and religious events, with a focus on the miraculous experiences of prophets and their depiction in the Qur'an. The conversation includes the story of Prophet Moses (Hz. Mûsâ) and the parting of the sea, as well as the trial of Prophet Abraham (Hz. İbrâhim) being thrown into fire but being saved by God's miracle. The paragraph also explores the emotional impact of these stories and the vivid imagery they create in the mind, emphasizing the role of faith and divine intervention in human history. The discussion concludes with a reflection on the power of storytelling and the importance of preserving these narratives for future generations.


🌙 The Vision of the Moon and the Beauty of Islam

The paragraph presents a vision of the moon being split in half and the associated wonders of Islamic teachings. It discusses the creation of a Muslim Russia, with the Red Square filled with Muslims performing prayers, symbolizing the triumph of faith and the spread of Islam. The conversation reflects on the potential for positive change and the hope for a future where Islam is more widely accepted and practiced. The paragraph also touches on the role of technology and AI in promoting and understanding Islamic culture and values, as well as the importance of unity and cooperation among Muslims to achieve common goals.


🕌 The Future of Islamic Spaces

This paragraph imagines the future of Islamic spaces, such as the Kaaba and the Prophet's Mosque, filled with worshippers and the sound of the adhan (call to prayer). It discusses the idea of a world where Islam is the dominant faith and the positive impact it could have on society. The conversation includes the anticipation of a day when the world will embrace the beauty and truth of Islam, leading to a more just and peaceful society. The paragraph also reflects on the importance of faith and the transformative power it has on individuals and communities.


🌍 The Global Spread of Islam

The paragraph discusses the global spread of Islam and its impact on various aspects of society, including the potential for Islamic practices to be integrated into everyday life in non-Muslim countries. The conversation includes the idea of having Islamic practices, such as reading the Qur'an, being conducted in public spaces like Starbucks, and the impact this would have on the perception of Islam. The paragraph also touches on the importance of interfaith dialogue and the need for understanding and tolerance among different religious groups. The discussion concludes with a reflection on the potential for a more harmonious world where different faiths coexist peacefully.


🏙️ The Eternal Abode of Paradise

The final paragraph contemplates the eternal nature of Paradise as described in Islamic teachings, emphasizing its incomparable beauty and the joy of those who enter it. The conversation includes the anticipation of witnessing historical and religious scenes from the life of the Prophet (Hz.) and other significant events in Islamic history. The paragraph also reflects on the desire to experience the wonders of Paradise and the importance of living a righteous life to attain it. The discussion concludes with a call for unity and prayer among Muslims, with the hope of entering Paradise through God's mercy and grace.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is used to create images and videos that do not exist on the internet, showcasing its capability to generate unique content. For example, the script mentions an AI image creation application called Midjourney, which is used to produce images with specific instructions, like 'Kâbe'de 300 kişi tavaf ederken, 20 tane kuş uçsun, yürüyen adamların sarığı kırmızı olsun.'


Midjourney is mentioned as an AI image creation application in the script. It represents a tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to generate images based on textual descriptions provided by users. The application is used to create unique and imaginative visuals that do not exist on the internet, as exemplified by the excitement and anticipation of the characters in the video when they await the results of their AI-generated images.


Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the ultimate final events of human history, or the end of the world. In the video, eschatological themes are explored through the depiction of the Sırat Köprüsü and discussions about the afterlife, such as the concept of Cennet (Paradise) and the scenarios that might occur there. These elements serve to illustrate the characters' beliefs and hopes for the end of time, as well as their fascination with the intersection of technology and spiritual belief.

💡Faith and Spirituality

Faith and spirituality are central to the video's narrative, as they drive the characters' curiosity and excitement about the potential of AI to create images and scenarios that align with their religious beliefs. The characters' faith is evident in their discussions about the afterlife, their eagerness to see depictions of天堂 (Paradise), and their reflections on the power of prayer and the significance of religious rituals.

💡Cultural and Religious Identity

Cultural and religious identity refers to the sense of belonging and self-understanding that individuals have in relation to their cultural and religious backgrounds. In the video, the characters' discussions and the images they create with AI reflect their strong connection to their faith and cultural heritage. Their identity is expressed through their excitement about seeing religious symbols and scenes visualized through technology.

💡Technology and Innovation

Technology and innovation are key themes in the video, as they are the driving force behind the AI's ability to create unique images and the characters' fascination with these creations. The script showcases the characters' enthusiasm for the potential of technology to enhance their understanding and expression of their faith and cultural identity.

💡Imagination and Creativity

Imagination and creativity are essential in the video, as they enable the characters to envision and describe scenarios that they want the AI to create. These faculties allow them to explore their faith and cultural identity in new and innovative ways, transcending the limitations of existing images and representations.

💡Futuristic Scenarios

Futuristic scenarios in the video involve设想 (conceptualizing) future events and technological advancements that blend with religious and cultural elements. These scenarios are used to explore the characters' hopes and aspirations for the future, as well as their curiosity about how technology might shape their understanding of faith and spirituality.

💡Religious Symbolism

Religious symbolism involves the use of symbols, images, and actions to represent religious beliefs and ideas. In the video, religious symbolism is evident in the characters' discussions and the AI-generated images, which often include elements from their faith, such as the depiction of天堂 (Paradise) and religious rituals.

💡Cultural Exchange

Cultural exchange refers to the sharing of ideas, values, and practices between different cultures. In the video, cultural exchange is implied through the characters' discussions about how their religious and cultural identity might be represented and understood in different contexts, such as through AI-generated images and futuristic scenarios.

💡Faith-based Community

A faith-based community refers to a group of individuals who share common religious beliefs and practices, often providing support and a sense of belonging to its members. In the video, the characters express their desire for a community where their faith can be openly practiced and celebrated, as seen in their excitement about the potential of AI to create images of large gatherings for prayer and other religious activities.


The discussion revolves around the capabilities of an AI photo generation application called Midjourney, which can create images that don't exist on the internet.

The excitement and anticipation for the generated images are palpable, as the group eagerly awaits the results.

The group's amazement at the quality of the AI-generated images, with one member exclaiming it's 'very royal'.

The conversation touches on the concept of creating a real photograph using ChatGPT's support, showcasing the synergy between AI technologies.

The group expresses their astonishment at the non-existence of the generated images on Google, highlighting the uniqueness of AI creations.

The discussion includes a hypothetical scenario of Muslims praying on Mars, reflecting on the adaptability of religious practices in extraordinary circumstances.

The group contemplates the logistics of finding the Kaaba on Mars for prayer orientation, showcasing their imaginative and problem-solving thinking.

The conversation takes a creative turn as the group imagines a scene of astronauts wearing religious attire while praying on Mars.

The group's fascination with the realistic depiction of the AI-generated scenes, comparing them to actual events and historical moments.

The discussion includes a reflection on the potential future where AI becomes so advanced that it raises ethical and philosophical questions.

The group's excitement about the potential of AI in creating educational content, as they imagine a video series explaining religious and historical events.

The conversation highlights the group's belief in the power of AI to create positive and inspiring content, envisioning a future where AI-generated images can spread hope and faith.

The group's discussion about the potential of AI in creating a visual representation of religious paradise, exploring the intersection of technology and spirituality.

The group's contemplation on the impact of AI-generated images on their faith and spiritual journey, discussing how such technology can deepen their understanding of religious concepts.

The conversation includes a reflection on the transformative power of AI in changing perceptions and challenging preconceived notions about the capabilities of technology.

The group's excitement about the potential of AI in creating a visual representation of historical and religious events, as they imagine a future where such technology can make learning more engaging and immersive.

The discussion concludes with the group's hope for a future where AI-generated content can help spread positivity, faith, and understanding, envisioning a world where technology serves as a tool for enlightenment and spiritual growth.