watch this if you're avoiding homework

Gohar Khan
7 Dec 202206:27

TLDRThe video addresses the common struggle of procrastination on schoolwork. It suggests practical strategies such as deflating reality by estimating the time required for tasks, gaining control by starting with the first step immediately, establishing an after-school routine with timed breaks, focusing on the minimum viable step to begin work, and tackling tasks with a 'fixed before flexible' approach. The speaker also recommends using a timer to stay focused and evenly distributing work to prevent last-minute rushes. Additionally, they introduce the countdown method to overcome inertia and emphasize the importance of taking breaks to maintain productivity.


  • 📅 **Prioritize and Plan**: When given an assignment, estimate how long it will take and add it to your calendar to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • 🛋️ **Avoid Procrastination**: Taking short breaks can quickly turn into long ones, leading to procrastination. Start your work as soon as possible.
  • 🎓 **Start Small**: Tackle the first question or bullet point of your assignment immediately to gain momentum and reduce the activation energy needed to start.
  • 🕒 **Create a Routine**: Establish an after-school routine that includes a set break time followed by a focused work period.
  • ⏰ **Use a Timer**: Utilize a timer to define break lengths and ensure you transition back to work with a clear endpoint.
  • 📝 **Minimum Viable Step**: When feeling unmotivated, focus on the simplest action that represents progress towards your work.
  • 🔢 **Fixed Before Flexible**: Schedule fixed-time tasks before flexible ones to prevent the flexible tasks from expanding and consuming all your time.
  • 📚 **Even Distribution**: Distribute large tasks evenly over time to prevent last-minute cramming and reduce stress.
  • 🕖 **Parkinson's Law**: Understand that work expands to fill the time available for its completion, so prioritize your tasks accordingly.
  • 🏋️ **Physical Activity**: Incorporate physical activity into your routine to maintain energy levels and improve focus.
  • ⏳ **Countdown Method**: Use a countdown to create a sense of urgency that can help you start your work.
  • 🧘 **Rest is Essential**: Remember to take breaks and find a balance that allows you to work effectively without burning out.

Q & A

  • What is the main problem discussed in the video script?

    -The main problem discussed in the video script is the difficulty students face in starting their homework and how to become more productive.

  • What is the first recommendation given to manage assignments effectively?

    -The first recommendation is to figure out how long each assignment actually is and to predict how long it will take to complete it, instead of just adding them to the calendar without review.

  • Why is it suggested to answer just the first question or bullet some ideas when you get an assignment?

    -It is suggested because it helps to gain a sense of control and reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed, making it easier to continue working when you get home.

  • What is the purpose of creating an after-school routine?

    -Creating an after-school routine helps to establish a structured time for starting work right after school, which can prevent procrastination and increase productivity.

  • What is the minimum viable step technique mentioned in the script?

    -The minimum viable step technique involves focusing on the simplest and easiest action to get started with a task, such as just sitting at the desk, to overcome the initial resistance to start working.

  • What is the 'fixed before flexible' approach to task management?

    -The 'fixed before flexible' approach involves completing tasks with a fixed duration before those that have a flexible duration, to prevent the flexible tasks from expanding and taking up all available time.

  • Can you explain Parkinson's Law as mentioned in the script?

    -Parkinson's Law, as mentioned in the script, is an informal law stating that work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

  • What role does a timer play in increasing productivity according to the script?

    -A timer provides a sense of urgency and pressure, which can help to keep a person focused and increase productivity by limiting the time spent on each task.

  • What is the strategy of evenly distributing work as discussed in the script?

    -The strategy of evenly distributing work involves breaking down assignments into smaller parts and completing them over several days, which helps to prevent last-minute rushes and makes workload management easier.

  • What is the countdown method mentioned for starting work?

    -The countdown method is a technique where you count down from a certain number, and once the countdown is over, you use the momentum to jump up and start working, helping to overcome procrastination.

  • Why is it important to take breaks even when trying to be productive?

    -It is important to take breaks to maintain energy levels and prevent burnout. Everyone has different levels of energy, and finding a break system or routine that works for you is crucial for sustainable productivity.



📚 Overcoming Procrastination and Enhancing Productivity

The script addresses the common issue of procrastination faced by students, particularly with multiple assignments due in a short period. It suggests that students often inflate the reality of their workload, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed. To combat this, the speaker recommends breaking down tasks by estimating the time required for each assignment and incorporating them into a realistic to-do list. The script also emphasizes the importance of gaining a sense of control by starting work immediately upon receiving an assignment, even if it's just answering the first question or jotting down initial ideas. Establishing an after-school routine and using a timer to manage breaks are suggested as effective strategies. Additionally, focusing on the minimum viable step to initiate work and tackling tasks in a 'fixed before flexible' order based on Parkinson's Law are highlighted as key productivity techniques.


⏱️ Time Management and Productivity Techniques

This paragraph delves into specific productivity tools and methods that can help students manage their time more effectively. The use of a timer is highlighted as a way to maintain focus and complete tasks within a set timeframe. The speaker also discusses the benefits of evenly distributing work, such as reading a set number of pages or solving a fixed number of math problems daily, to prevent last-minute cramming. The 'countdown method' is introduced as a psychological trick to motivate oneself to start working after a countdown ends. Lastly, the paragraph acknowledges the importance of taking breaks and finding a personalized system for managing energy levels throughout the day, emphasizing that it's not feasible to work non-stop like a machine.




Productivity refers to the efficiency with which an individual or system performs tasks and achieves goals. In the context of the video, productivity is the main theme as the speaker discusses various strategies to overcome procrastination and increase efficiency in completing schoolwork. For example, the speaker suggests creating an after-school routine and using a timer to manage time effectively.


Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions, often leading to stress and reduced efficiency. The video addresses the issue of procrastination by illustrating how a 15-minute break can easily turn into hours of inactivity. The speaker provides tips on how to overcome this behavior, such as starting with the first question of an assignment right away.


Assignments are tasks given to students by teachers, which are typically to be completed outside of class. In the script, the concept of assignments is central to the discussion on productivity, as the speaker talks about the overwhelming feeling students may have when faced with multiple assignments due the next day.

💡Inflating Reality

Inflating reality in the video refers to the tendency to exaggerate the difficulty or amount of work associated with tasks, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed. The speaker mentions that by understanding the actual time required to complete assignments, one can prevent inflating reality and thus feel less overwhelmed.


Gaining a sense of control is presented as a method to combat procrastination. The speaker suggests that by starting work on assignments as soon as they are received, one can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed and maintain a sense of control over their workload.

💡Activation Energy

Activation energy is a term borrowed from physics, but in the context of the video, it refers to the initial effort required to start a task. The speaker uses this concept to explain why it's easier to continue a task once it has been started, as the activation energy has already been expended.

💡After-School Routine

An after-school routine is a structured plan of activities that one follows after school hours. The video emphasizes the importance of establishing a routine to transition from school to home life efficiently, including taking breaks and then starting homework at a set time.

💡Minimum Viable Step

The minimum viable step is the smallest action one can take towards starting a task. The speaker recommends focusing on this concept to overcome the initial inertia of starting work, such as simply sitting at the desk or standing up.

💡Fixed Before Flexible

Fixed before flexible is a strategy for managing tasks based on their duration. Fixed tasks have a set time for completion, while flexible tasks can vary. The speaker advises doing fixed tasks first to prevent flexible tasks from expanding and taking up all available time.

💡Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's Law is an adage that states 'work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.' The speaker uses this law to explain why it's important to schedule fixed tasks before flexible ones, to avoid having flexible tasks consume all available time.


A timer is a tool used to track time spent on tasks, often to increase focus and productivity. The speaker mentions using a timer to create a sense of urgency and maintain concentration on the task at hand.

💡Even Distribution

Even distribution refers to the practice of spreading out work evenly over a period of time. The speaker shares personal experiences of dividing readings and assignments into daily portions to prevent last-minute rushes and maintain a manageable workload.

💡Countdown Method

The countdown method is a technique to build momentum and initiate action. The speaker suggests using a countdown from a certain number to create an impulse to start working once the countdown ends, as a way to overcome inertia.


Breaks are periods of rest taken during work to avoid burnout and maintain productivity. The video emphasizes the importance of taking breaks, suggesting a system such as a five-minute break every 30 minutes, to recharge and stay focused.


The struggle of starting work after school due to procrastination and the importance of productivity.

Introduction to Next Admit and their services for high school students, including college essay reviews and consultation calls.

The concept of inflating reality by stockpiling assignments without assessing their actual workload.

Recommendation to estimate the time required for each assignment to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

The idea of gaining a sense of control by starting work on assignments as soon as they are received.

Creating an after-school routine and the importance of setting a timer for breaks to transition into work.

Focusing on the minimum viable step to overcome the initial hurdle of starting work.

Practicing 'fixed before flexible' to manage tasks with defined and undefined time requirements.

Understanding Parkinson's Law and its implications on task management and time allocation.

Using a timer as a productivity tool to maintain focus and complete tasks efficiently.

The strategy of evenly distributing work over time to prevent last-minute rushes and stress.

The countdown method as a technique to build momentum and start work immediately after.

The importance of taking breaks and finding a routine that works for individual energy levels.

The acknowledgment that it's impossible to be constantly productive and the need for a balanced approach.

The High School Roadmap, an upcoming service by Next Admit to help students plan their academic journey.

The video's aim to provide practical advice for students struggling with procrastination and productivity.