I Was Never Meant to Have This Prototype CPU
TLDREl script explora el chip de procesador Centaur CPU, un dispositivo de prototipo x86 que encaja en un socket Intel pero no es compatible con procesadores Intel o AMD. Fabricado por Centaur Technology, una subsidiaria de VIA Technologies, el chip se destaca por su integración total de un sistema en un chip (SoC), su núcleo de aceleración de inteligencia artificial llamado Encor y su capacidad para soportar AVX-512. Aunque el proyecto Centaur Halls no logró concluir, su historia y tecnología proporciona una visión única de la evolución de los procesadores x86 y los intentos de competir en un mercado dominado por AMD e Intel. El video también destaca la importancia de la personalización y la capacidad de los chips para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de los usuarios, a pesar de los desafíos técnicos y el rápido cambio en la industria.
- 🧩 La CPU Centaur es un procesador x86 de prototipo que no fue fabricada por Intel ni AMD.
- 🔌 La placa base tiene un socket LGA 2011 V3, compatible físicamente pero no electrónicamente con CPUs de Intel.
- 🛠️ La placa base está cubierta de puentes y interruptores, indicativos de que es una plataforma de desarrollo.
- 🤖 El CPU es altamente integrado, similar a un Threadripper, con un acelerador de IA integrado llamado Encor.
- 🏷️ La placa fue ensamblada por Kodiak Assembly en septiembre de 2019.
- 📈 Centaur Technology fue fundada en 1995 y adquirida por VIA Technologies en 1999.
- 🚀 El CPU Centaur incluía soporte para AVX-512 y un acelerador de IA, pero su rendimiento era significativamente menor comparado con CPUs contemporáneas.
- 🔄 A pesar de su bajo rendimiento, el CPU Centaur pudo ejecutar Windows 10 y algunos juegos ligeros.
- 🔍 Se especula que la cancelación de Centaur Halls pudo estar influenciada por Intel, especialmente después de que parte del personal de ingeniería de Centaur fue adquirido por Intel.
- 🕸️ El CPU Centaur es capaz de falsificar su identificación, reportándose como otro modelo de CPU para ejecutar aplicaciones que de otra manera requerirían una CPU diferente.
- ⏰ El proyecto Centaur Halls se encontró con desafíos significativos debido a la rápida evolución de la industria y la competencia de soluciones existentes en el mercado.
Q & A
¿Qué es un procesador Centaur CPU?
-Un procesador Centaur CPU es un procesador x86 de prototipo que se adapta a un socket Intel en una placa base, pero no es fabricado por Intel ni AMD. Fue desarrollado por la compañía Centaur Technology, fundada en 1995.
¿Por qué la placa base con el socket LGA 2011 V3 no es compatible con un CPU de Intel?
-Aunque es físicamente el mismo, es eléctricamente incompatible. Esto se debe a que, a pesar de compartir la apariencia del socket, los signals internos son completamente diferentes, similar a un puerto USB etiqueta RS232 que reutiliza la carcasa y los pines pero con señales diferentes.
¿Qué indica la presencia de saltos y interruptores DIP en la placa base?
-La presencia de saltos y interruptores DIP sugiere que se trata de una plataforma de desarrollo. Estos permiten cambiar las características del procesador o el comportamiento de la placa base según lo que se esté probando.
¿Qué es el procesador Centaur HALLS o CHA?
-El procesador Centaur HALLS o CHA es un sistema en chip (SoC) con hasta ocho núcleos, soporte para AVX-512 y una frecuencia de reloj de hasta 2.5 GHz. Incluye un acelerador de inteligencia artificial integrado llamado ENCOR que tiene una conexión de alta velocidad bidireccional con el CPU.
¿Por qué el proyecto Centaur HALLS no logró concluirse y llegar al mercado?
-El proyecto Centaur HALLS enfrentó varios desafíos, incluyendo la llegada de soluciones de Intel y AMD con rendimiento superior, la invasión del mercado por GPUs y tarjetas de aceleración de IA, y la rápida evolución de la industria que dejó el proyecto obsoleto antes de su lanzamiento.
¿Qué es iFixit y cómo puede ayudar con la consola de juegos?
-iFixit es una empresa que ofrece partes y herramientas para la reparación de consolas de juegos. Proporciona una amplia gama de repuestos, como carcasas frontales, suministros de energía, botones táctiles y pantallas, además de guías detalladas para ayudar a los usuarios a realizar reparaciones por sí mismos.
¿Qué es el socket LGA 2011 V3 y cuáles son sus características?
-El socket LGA 2011 V3 es un tipo de conector eléctrico utilizado en placas base de computadoras para alojar procesadores de Intel. Se caracteriza por ser compatible con una variedad de procesadores Intel y tener una configuración de memoria cuádruple.
¿Qué es una tarjeta de desarrollo y por qué es importante tener saltos y interruptores DIP en ella?
-Una tarjeta de desarrollo es una placa base diseñada para el diseño, prueba y desarrollo de hardware y software. Los saltos y los interruptores DIP son importantes porque permiten a los desarrolladores modificar características específicas del procesador o la placa base sin necesidad de un firmware actualizado.
¿Qué es el acelerador de inteligencia artificial integrado ENCOR y cómo funciona?
-El acelerador de inteligencia artificial integrado ENCOR es una unidad adicional en el procesador Centaur HALLS diseñada para acelerar procesos de aprendizaje automático y IA. Tiene una conexión de alta velocidad con el núcleo del CPU y la memoria del sistema, lo que le permite acceder a los datos de manera muy rápida.
¿Por qué el procesador Centaur HALLS no fue un éxito en el mercado?
-El procesador Centaur HALLS no fue un éxito debido a varios factores, incluyendo la fuerte competencia de procesadores existentes de Intel y AMD, la entrada de GPUs y tarjetas de aceleración de IA en el mercado de aprendizaje automático, y el rápido avance de la tecnología que hizo que el producto se volviera obsoleto antes de su lanzamiento.
¿Qué sucedió con la mayoría del personal de ingeniería de Centaur después de 2021?
-Después de 2021, la mayoría del personal de ingeniería de Centaur fue adquirido por Intel, lo que dejó a VIA con principalmente la propiedad intelectual de Centaur.
🔍 Introducción al Centaur CPU y su singularidad
Se discute la singularidad del Centaur CPU como un procesador x86 de bajo costo y bajo consumo de energía, diseñado para el mercado de PCs económicos. Aunque no es un producto de Intel ni AMD, este CPU prototipo encaja en un socket Intel y no es compatible con procesadores de dichas marcas. Se menciona que el CPU es como un 'mitológico bestia', haciendo referencia a su nombre y a su eficiencia en el mercado de PCs de bajo costo. Además, se habla de la empresa que lo patrocina, iFixit, especializada en la reparación de consolas antiguas.
🛠️ Características técnicas del motherboard y el CPU
Se examina el motherboard con el socket LGA 2011 V3, que a pesar de ser físicamente similar a los de Intel, es eléctricamente incompatible. Se destaca la presencia de múltiples puentes y interruptores, indicativos de que se trata de una plataforma de desarrollo. El motherboard también incluye una variedad de pines y conectores, como un puerto USB-C, que sugieren su uso para fines de diagnóstico y desarrollo. Además, se menciona la presencia de un chip de audio segmentado y un módulo de controlador de plataforma integrado, lo que hace que el CPU sea altamente integrado.
🏭 Historia y contexto de Centaur Technology
Se explora el origen de Centaur Technology, fundada en 1995 como subsidiaria de IDT, con el objetivo de crear un CPU de bajo costo para el mercado de PCs de menos de $1,000. A pesar del éxito moderado del WinChip, la competencia de Intel resultó en dificultades para la empresa. En 1999, Via Technologies adquirió a Cyrix y a Centaur, y aunque el CPU Cx3 no tuvo éxito en el mercado de escritorios, tuvo un impacto en los sistemas embebidos. Se menciona un acuerdo de licenciamiento de x86 entre Via y Intel que duró hasta 2017.
🤖 Funcionalidades y especificaciones técnicas del CPU Centaur
Se describe el CPU Centaur, también conocido como Centaur Halls o CHA, como un sistema en chip (SoC) con hasta ocho núcleos y una frecuencia de reloj de hasta 2.5 GHz. Soporta AVX-512 y tiene un acelerador de IA integrado llamado Encor, que proporciona una conexión de alta velocidad con la caché de nivel tres y la memoria del sistema. A pesar de su potencial para ser una plataforma de bajo costo con aceleración de IA, el rendimiento del CPU resultó ser insuficiente en comparación con otras opciones disponibles en el mercado.
📈 Pruebas de rendimiento y análisis de la industria
Se realizan pruebas de rendimiento del CPU Centaur, incluyendo la ejecución de Cinebench R20, que demuestra que el rendimiento del CPU es significativamente inferior en comparación con otros procesadores del mercado. Se discute la evolución rápida de la industria, con la entrada de soluciones de GPU y aceleradores de IA que superaron el rendimiento del CPU Centaur. Además, se especula sobre la posible influencia de Intel en el cancelamiento del proyecto Centaur Halls, y se destaca el desafío que representaba competir con otras soluciones tecnológicas más maduras y económicas.
🎮 Apoyo a la comunidad de consolas y promoción de iFixit
Se hace un llamado a la comunidad de usuarios de consolas para que, en lugar de desear sus consolas antiguas, las reparen y les den una nueva vida con los servicios de iFixit. Se menciona la disponibilidad de una amplia gama de piezas de repuesto y guías detalladas que facilitan el proceso de reparación, promoviendo así la reducción del desperdicio electrónico.
💡Centaur CPU
💡Development Platform
💡AI Accelerator
💡PCI Express
💡Zeon CPU
💡Xiaan Joint Venture
Centaur CPU is a prototype x86 CPU that fits into an Intel socket but is not made by Intel or AMD.
The motherboard has an Intel socket LGA 2011 V3 but is electrically incompatible with Intel CPUs.
The development platform board is covered in jumpers and dip switches, allowing for CPU or motherboard behavior modifications.
The CPU is highly integrated, resembling a Threadripper, and lacks a platform controller hub.
The CPU has an onboard AI accelerator named Encor, offering high-speed bidirectional connectivity.
Centaur Technology was founded in 1995 to create low-cost, energy-efficient CPUs for the sub $1,000 PC market.
Centaur's CPUs faced significant competition from Intel, which led to legal battles and eventual settlements.
The Centaur Halls (CHA) CPU has up to eight cores and supports AVX-512, similar to AMD's Zen 4 architecture.
The CHA CPU was still in development as of 2021, with a BIOS build date indicating ongoing work.
The debug board has customizable CPU configurations and fuses that can alter functionality.
The CPU can be made to appear as a different model to software, potentially bypassing compatibility checks.
Performance testing indicates the CHA CPU is significantly slower than contemporary CPUs, even when using AVX2.
The CHA CPU struggled with gaming performance, even with older or lighter games.
The USB-C port on the CPU is functional and can be used for peripherals like controllers.
Linux compatibility and driver support for the CHA CPU and its onboard AI accelerator were problematic.
Centaur's engineering staff was sold to Intel in 2021, leaving Via with mainly intellectual property.
The CHA CPU was an attempt to compete with Intel's Xeon CPUs but faced insurmountable industry headwinds.
The CHA CPU's development timeline coincided with rapid advancements in GPUs and AI accelerators, making its proposition less viable.
HR needs you to tell the difference
between these two chips nothing how
about now what is a centaur CPU I mean
it certainly isn't the kind of thing
you'd find on new eggs or how'd we get
our hands on one I can't tell you that
but what I can tell you is that it is a
prototype x86 CPU that fits into an
Intel socket on this motherboard that
doesn't work with an Intel CPU it's not
made by Intel or AMD for that matter and
while it doesn't have much in common
physically with a mythical Beast it very
much is one just like our beastly
sponsor I fix it if your favorite old
console is on the fritz don't go replace
it just yet give it a new leas on life
with the help of iix it check out their
game console Parts using the link down
we're going to get to who Centaur is in
a moment but first what is up with this
motherboard it's got an Intel socket LGA
2011 V3 to be exact but we were told by
our anonymous source that you should not
put an Intel CPU in it so it's
physically the same but electrically
completely incompatible kind of like
when you see a USB port that's labeled
rs232 they've just reused the housing
and the pins in order to save time and
cost but all the signal in is completely
different I have never seen that done
with a CPU socket though and the
motherboard it soldered to is a trip
there's normal stuff you got what
appears to be a quad Channel memory
configuration just like we saw on the
Intel CPUs that used this socket
standard PC power inputs PCI Express
expansion slots couple m.2 storage slots
those were showing up on Intel around
this time as well but as we dig deeper
it is absolutely covered in jumpers and
dip switches and that is an indication
that this is a development platform
board so with these which I've been
instructed not to touch you can actually
change the characteristics of either the
CPU itself or the behavior of the
motherboard depending on what you're
trying to test this was a weird one for
me too it's actually got one of those
gamery segmented audio sub pcbs with a
CD audio connector okay now hold on a
second we need to take a closer look at
this moving along the bottom we've got a
USBC Port not a header an actual Port so
that probably connects either to some
kind of Hardware interface or another PC
for Diagnostic and development purposes
and then back to the front I've been
told that I should take the heat sink
off of here guess we'll put you back
later and have a look at this guy zx200
what are you interesting
USB SATA networking and PCI Express
switching that's about it it and what
that means is that this CPU is a highly
integrated s so without the platform
controller Hub that you would find on an
Intel motherboard of this generation so
it's more like a thread ripper in our
search for identifying marks we found
some cool stuff there's a bunch of probe
points on this board which are Super
useful for developers when they're
trying to figure out what's going on
with power delivery or on the various
buses and we found this little label
ch001 DC next to the Centaur Tech
technology logo and maybe more
importantly this sticker the QR code
doesn't go anywhere but Kodiak assembly
is a company that provides PCB assembly
and other fabrication services and this
date has this board manufactured in
September of 2019 that is not that long
ago most PCS these days and really for
almost the last 25 years use CPUs from
AMD and Intel a duopoly that they
maintain by refusing to license the x86
instruction set to any other part
but there is another sentaur technology
was founded in 1995 as a subsidiary of
IDT by former IBM fellow Glenn Henry to
do what IBM didn't do and the concept
was simple a small team building a low
complexity lowcost energy efficient
desktop CPU for the then new sub $1,000
PC market this became the win chip and
it was modestly successful mostly in
Market markets outside of the US
offering adequate performance at half of
the size of a contemporary Pentium class
CPU unfortunately Intel took notice and
did what Intel did best in the 9s and
absolutely crushed them centaur was
ultimately acquired then alongside cyrix
by via Technologies in
1999 their next CPU the cyx 3 found
little Commercial Success on the desktop
but in embedded systems it was so
popular that many ITX was developed
specifically to show off its successor
the C3 Now intel who had already sued
via over chipset patents in the 90s sued
via again in 2001 for x86 patent
infringement and Via counter sued for
the infringement of centaur's patents
ultimately they both settled in 2003
with a 10-year cross- licensing
agreement that stipulated that via /
Centaur could continue creating x86
designs as long as they were not in any
way compatible with Intel chipsets a fun
bit of trivia here is via used to make
motherboard chipsets and the settlement
gave them until 2017 to stop doing that
for Intel chips so that explains how
Centaur got away with building an x86
CPU but it doesn't explain why they
built it and to find that out we've got
to take a closer look at what it is
starting with what it's not it's not a
CPU it's an S so code named Centaur
halls or cha that's why our motherboard
has no chipset on it it's all on the
chip itself it's got up to eight cores
clocked it up to 2.5 GHz though 2.0 is
stock on our chip and it supports AVX
512 kind of like AMD has done on their
most recent Zen 4 architecture in such a
way that it doesn't require the chip to
be downclocked like intels did at the
time the biggest piece though is an
onboard AI accelerator code named encor
it added essentially no cost but it
could access the cpu's level three cache
and system memory extremely quickly it
was meant to be the killer app for this
platform with an extremely high-speed
bidirectional 160 gab pers second
connection to the CPU itself that's more
bandwidth than a pcie Gen 6 by6 slot
unfortunately while their idea for a
lowcost AI accelerated platform was
pretty well timed the actual execution
well not so much we'll get into that a
little bit later first did I tell you
this thing works let's fire it
up even the fact they got as far as
silicon power on means they were deep
into development of this platform like
real work was done and that is
mindblowing the BIOS build date is
2021 guys that is 2 and 1/2 years ago
they were still developing for this
thing and just 2 months before Intel
purchased centaur's engineering staff
from via man I feel like a kid who just
got dropped off at the playground what
do I go on first the monkey bars or the
marryg go round now because this is a
debug board there's a lot of items that
go nowhere and do nothing but there's
some really cool stuff in here oh did it
just turn off it sure did it did um
uh what I mean what all is there for us
to play with here CPU configuration
there's our 2 GHz clock speed oh
nonfused CPU ah fuses apparently there's
a whole bunch of fuses that we can blow
in here and if you're not familiar fuses
can lock functionality like uh
instruction sets or even uh CPU cache
and that's one of the ways that we get a
lower-end chip from a higher end chip so
theoretically they could put a top speec
chip in a board like this one blow up
the parts they don't need and end up
with any chip from the lineup the
concluder now hold on a sec if I'm
understanding this correctly it changes
the CPU ID to be whatever it is that I
tell it to be Intel probably wouldn't
like this for AVX
512 that would have been really useful
for this kind of application I wonder if
this thing's a PlayStation 3 emulation
monster demo board is just onboard land
enable disable I guess they hadn't put
it in the proper category yet this is
surprisingly robust and finished looking
PCI Gen 2 only though this was toward
the very end of pcie gen 2's life cycle
this is really important setting Dam
timings because oh my God those default
timings I can see why you had to put it
all in manually for now we're going to
leave all of this alone including the
ever so tempting the concluder button
and let Windows see the real deal while
we wait for it to boot by the way you
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grab it while you can hey look at that
we're in Windows the first thing you'll
probably notice is we're running Windows
10 that's cuz there's no firmware TPM
and no module that we were able able to
easily find for the header that's on the
board so Windows 10 then uh we could try
to bypass the lock for Windows 11 but
I've been told realistically the
system's slow enough on 10 steam 100%
the CPU easily when downloading at I
mean let's do a quick speed test there
it is 2 GHz at super super slow timings
we'll get these tweaked we'll get these
tweaked before we do any oh my
God sorry I was about to say performance
testing but I guess I mean lack of
performance testing 350
megabit that is not fast this is cool
though it knows that it's Centaur
technology even has the right code name
it is often amazing to me how much
information something like a CPU Z is
able to pull off of Hardware that in the
wild doesn't exist in the mainboard tab
we see the chipset is made by Jin that's
name that's going to come up later also
PCI Express 3.0 now wait a second it
said pcie Gen 2 in the Bios but the bus
spec say gen 3 here honestly I would
trust CPU Z over that janky bios and gen
3 makes way more sense for that time
period because we were on the cusp of
Gen 4 by that point enough fooling
around for now though Emily's going to
get this thing dialed in and we're going
to do some performance testing and
sometime later we're going to have an
exclusive over at lm. g/f flat plane of
Emily going through everything that was
changed we've got there we go that's
more like it and I can drag a window
around now yes without it lagging behind
me I guess the first thing I want to do
is run C bench R20 look at this I'm on
the internet on a centaur loads the way
you'd expect I mean it's x86
right there's some differences but but
but mostly that is not
fast 3 hours later almost there
1660 to put that in context the ryzen 7
1700x which was not even the top
performing ship at the time came out 7
years ago and is more than double that
score I'm afraid to see what's going to
happen in gaming I'm afraid to see what
a single core run would look like how
many points was
that no no points I bet we can gain
though we'll just play older games
lighter games play Dave the diver
oh my goodness and this isn't even
because it has a mechanical hard drive
in it this is just how fast it
is I mean In fairness it does work our
next game is Doug hug which was created
as a prank I guess to generate fake
outrage around the time of the launch of
Duke Nukem Forever and uh they said they
would do it 13 years ago and actually
followed through here it is in 2024 it's
time to generate some some positivity
cuz games are just too negative
this there are sharks in the sky Let's
help this granny across the street shall
we here we go mimo let's go let's go
let's go let's go let's go come on pick
up the pace
lady yeah okay she'll make it I can't
stop frown I think it's some kind of
turn that frown upside down that's not
the same voice actor as Duke Nukem is it
it is that is John St John oh now is the
perfect opportunity to find out if that
USBC Port is in fact a functioning USBC
Port can I plug a controller into it yes
now that doesn't mean that it isn't for
Diagnostics it very likely is but it
also just happens to be a USBC Port it's
a super cool game it's a Rog light
hockey game you go on a campaign to
restore hockey to its former glory uh
there's all kinds of cool upgrades like
you can throw your stick at opponent you
can fart and push them away so they
can't body check you pretty fun and with
the latest beta supports five player
local multiplayer so you can have every
player on your team be human controlled
just don't lose a game or your
campaign's over hey look at this in the
lightest possible games we can get 150
frames per second no problem
buddy here we go here we go here we go
let's go come
on you know what it feels pretty laggy
though I'm not not going to lie it does
not feel like 150 frames per second the
point is other than being slow there's
nothing that really sets this thing
apart from any other computer that I've
used it works try C bench 2024 no
avx2 I know where we're going with this
I'm going to pretend to be a different
CPU now right that is where the
concluder comes in as far as we can tell
some applications instead of checking
the instruction set support are just
checking a list of I don't know CPU
models that are known to support the
instruction set and if you don't happen
to have it they're just spitting out an
error and cinebench 24 would be one of
them cuz according to CPU Z the CPU does
in fact support avx2 but I guess we're
about to find out if we artificially
change the reporting ID to Skylake X
will it run I mean probably won't run
but it might walk oh that's hilarious oh
Intel would would not be happy about
this it even shows an Intel logo it even
misreports does it even misreport the
socket that's super weird oh my God this
cor speed okay it has no idea what's
going on why does it say PCI E Gen 4 now
there's no way that's right hold on a
second what is our GPU reporting oh this
is fascinating no it's gen 3 wait but it
report it reports a bus interface of Gen
4 is it Gen 4 not my
knowledge yes no no what and of course C
bench 2024 totally launches in an effort
to get the end core neural processor
working we fired up Linux as well but we
had even more problems in Linux than we
did in Windows it takes forever to boot
the desktop is even laggier and our pcie
devices seem to run at incorrect speeds
also no public driver seems to exist for
the encor so we weren't able to test it
and the fonics test Suite takes forever
just to download let alone to run with
how customizable Linux is I think this
is one of if not the first time that
we've had some weird esoteric piece of
Hardware that works less completely or
less reliably on Linux than it does on
Windows but hey even Champions have bad
days all of which is interesting but
doesn't answer our big questions how did
this come to be and why Why didn't it
get over the Finish Line in order to
answer that we've got to do a little bit
of a history lesson the final
commercially released design from
centaur was the Via Nano X2 code name
Isaiah that came out back in 2011 and
was a dual core chip meant for Pico ITX
systems and meant to compete with Intel
atom now in the 2010s pretty much
everyone Intel included saw the writing
on the wall for embedded x86 not to
mention that via's patent cross license
deal with Intel with which included the
x86 license was only guaranteed until
2013 so that same year then via started
the xiaan joint venture with the
Shanghai municipal government where s
so's would be developed for the Chinese
market where uh pesky things like IP
licensing deals don't matter quite as
much but in spite of their obvious
attempts to safeguard their future by
investing in China they weren't out of
the global market just yet in 2014
rumors circulated of a Poss Centaur x86
SL arm hybrid project but nothing came
of it and then in 2019 they announced
the cha the S so that we're looking at
today the idea was that it would be
positioned against Intel's Zeon CPUs at
an estimated price of just $500 to
$1,000 which sounds like a pretty
compelling story but the headwinds were
many and they were Mighty in 2019 alone
Intel's lowcost Cascade Lake launched
Intel's high-end ice Lake SB was due to
launch and amd's epic Ram launched with
Incredible core counts that absolutely
dwarfed what Centaur Halls was expected
to deliver in the second half of 2020
not only that but gpus and AI
accelerator cards had already taken over
the task of machine learning from the
CPU and the performance was not even
close don't believe me ask Jensen hang's
accountant nvidia's Tesla T4 which was a
downclocked RTX 2070 super was 2 $2,000
in 2019 which is a lot more than one of
these but absolutely Stomps all over the
end course performance even with an
older four core Skylake CPU that cost
$213 so generously if we assume that
Centaur Halls launched at $500 that Zeon
plus T4 combo is 4 and half times the
price for four to five times the
performance which actually sounds pretty
reasonable until you consider that going
the other route you'd get a platform
from a company that's launched more than
one commercial chip in the past 8 years
you could use Cuda so you have broader
compatibility and you can throw consumer
gpus in these things for a lower price
too so yeah they had a good idea for
2017 but by 2019 the industry was just
moving too fast for it to make any sense
and by 2021 much of centaur's
engineering was sold over to Intel
leaving via with mainly just Cent
intellectual property which kind of
makes you wonder if intel had a hand in
Centaur Halls cancellation Centaur Halls
was as far as we know the final s so
designed in-house by Centaur and much of
its DNA is actually shared with the Xian
chips like the one that we looked at
some time ago which makes it kind of a
missing link between where xia Shin is
today and the Isaiah based via Nano and
unfortunately that's all it is a missing
link to our sponsor I fix it that loud
buzzing noise coming from your console
it's probably bad news but it's not the
end of the world because iix it has the
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PlayStation to the Xbox 360 which yes
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all you need is a little DIY spirit I
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to help reduce E-Waste by checking out
iFixit game console Parts at the link
down below if you guys enjoyed this
video why not check out the one where we
looked at one of those xiaosen CPUs at
the time we were looking at it going how
did these guys get an x86 license and
well they kind of didn't I guess
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