36 Weekly Review
TLDR本视频由Dr. Kripp主持,重点介绍了肯尼斯·伯克的五要素分析法(pentad),这是一种系统性分析文本、电影或生活事件的方法。五要素包括行动(act)、代理人(agent)、代理(agency)、场景(scene)和目的(purpose),分别对应五个问题词:谁、什么、何时、何地、为何。通过分析大众汽车广告,Dr. Kripp展示了如何应用五要素来揭示广告中的种族、性别和文化偏见。此外,视频还讨论了如何使用五要素分析乔纳森·斯威夫特的《一个温和的建议》,以及如何构建论文提纲和使用引用。视频强调了研究先行、写作随后的重要性,以科学归纳法构建论文。
- 📚 本周课程重点介绍了肯尼斯·伯克的五要素分析法(pentad),这是一种可以用于分析文本、电影或生活中事件的方法。
- 🔍 五要素包括行为(act)、代理人(agent)、代理手段(agency)、场景(scene)和目的(purpose),对应于五个问题词:谁、什么、何时、何地、为什么。
- 🎬 通过分析大众汽车的广告,展示了如何运用五要素分析法来解读广告中的代理人、行为、代理手段、场景和目的。
- 👥 广告中的代理人分析揭示了性别、种族和着装等元素,暗示了广告中的潜在偏见和文化表达。
- 🚗 广告中的行为分析指出了对话和汽车的破坏,这些行为与德国工程和电子机械的主题相联系。
- 🏭 场景分析强调了广告中工业环境的白色主题,这与德国工程的品牌形象相呼应。
- 🤔 广告的目的分析提出了疑问,是否广告旨在帮助人们,还是仅仅嘲笑美国人和他的车,或是为了展示德国人的优越性。
- 📖 将五要素分析法应用于《一个温和的建议》文本,帮助理解斯威夫特的讽刺和对都柏林社会各阶层的描绘。
- 📝 课程还讨论了论文写作中的论点陈述和提纲形式,强调了清晰表达主张和支持点的重要性。
- 📚 强调了在写作中正确使用引用的重要性,并提倡首先进行研究,然后通过归纳法得出结论和构建论点。
- 🛠️ 肯尼斯·伯克的五要素分析法因其系统性而有价值,可以作为写作和分析的有力工具。
Q & A
📚 肯尼斯·伯克五要素分析法
本段视频脚本由Dr. Kripp主讲,重点介绍了肯尼斯·伯克的五要素分析法(pentad),这是一种可以应用于文本、电影或生活中事件的分析方法。五要素包括行为(act)、代理人(agent)、代理手段(agency)、场景(scene)和目的(purpose),分别对应问题词:谁、什么、何时何地、为什么和如何。Dr. Kripp通过分析大众汽车广告来实践这种方法,指出广告中的人物角色、动作、代理手段、场景设置以及广告的目的,揭示了广告中潜在的种族和性别偏见。
🚗 大众汽车广告分析
Dr. Kripp继续分析大众汽车广告,指出广告中的不平衡情况,如两个男性角色与一个女性角色的互动,以及广告中明显的种族和性别象征。广告通过展示德国工程技术,使用电子和机械来摧毁旧车并展示新车,以此来强调德国制造的优越性。场景设置为工业风格,进一步强化了德国工程的主题。然而,广告的目的并不明确,可能是嘲笑美国人和他的车,或是为了展示德国人和德国工程的优越性。
📖 斯威夫特《一个温和的建议》分析
Dr. Kripp将肯尼斯·伯克的五要素分析法应用于斯威夫特的《一个温和的建议》,揭示了文本中对都柏林社会不同阶层的描绘。斯威夫特以出售婴儿为食的提议为引子,实则批判了当时社会的贫困和不公。通过分析代理人、场景和目的,文本展示了都柏林的乞丐、无助的婴儿、小偷以及上层社会的地主、绅士和家庭。斯威夫特通过这种讽刺手法,希望读者认识到社会问题,并接受他提出的其他解决方案。
📝 论文写作和引用技巧
视频的最后部分讨论了论文写作的基本技巧,包括撰写论文提要、使用MLA格式以及合理引用。Dr. Kripp强调了研究先行、写作在后的重要性,并提倡使用归纳法来构建论点和主张。他提醒学生,大学教育的目的是获取新知识和新思想,而不仅仅是表达个人意见。通过研究和引用,学生可以更有效地支持自己的论点,提高写作质量。
hello again I'm Dr kripp and it's time
for our weekly review before we get into
it please remember as always there's my
email address aaronin gmail.com please
email me if you have any questions or
comments about the course so this
weekend or this week sorry we focused
very heavily on Kenneth Burke's pentab
because it's a method that we can use
any time to try to analyze something
whether it be a text or a movie or an
event in our lives we don't just have to
rely on the chin scratching method as I
call it and just hoping that we come up
with an idea we can be methodical using
his five terms remember he calls it the
pentad because of that those five terms
act agent agency scene and purpose and
they basically correspond to the five w
words the question words who what when
where why and how also so act is what
happens like verbs for example and if
you just think about a movie or
something then in the movie what are the
verbs that the people do it might be
mostly about falling in love or it might
be about stealing some money or getting
the magic thing or whatever so it's
basically actions that people are doing
agent is about uh who the people are and
when we think about that we want to try
to give multiple answers don't just
simply say well it's Elon Musk or what
you could say well he's also a man he's
a husband he's a father he's a
billionaire and so forth and with each
one of those answers that you give
there's a different story and a
different way to analyze it or a
different way to look at it agency is
about how you do the things that you do
um and a good example is a superhero
movies in which uh they do everything
that the superhero has a superhuman
strength they're stronger than normal so
they do everything by using their extra
strength that's their agency or they
have X-ray vision they can see through
the walls and see what's happening
behind the wall using that x-ray vision
is their agency or there many movies
about magic a character has magic and
they do everything by the Magic by using
magic or they're some kind of Genius a
computer genius or just a regular genius
uh those are all agency scene is when
and where and it also includes a
situation and we'll talk about that when
we look at Jonathan Swift's a modest
proposal and then purpose is why people
are doing
things so in order to help us practice
uh with Kenneth burk's pentad we looked
at a few Volkswagen
advertisements and you remember this one
let's take a look at the agents first of
all in this ad and remember we want to
give more than one answer so in what
they are saying in their speech they
talk about German engineering and so one
way to analyze this or look at it is
that there are two Germans and one
American in the advertisement another
would be to say there are two men and
one woman and then simply by looking at
this then we can notice some things for
example uh the two men are standing in
front and the woman is standing behind
which is very traditional and common the
two men are wearing more clothes the
woman is wearing less clothes that's
also very common uh if we go on looking
at the agents we also notice there are
two white people and one black person
and their clothes go along with that the
white people are wearing white clothes
and the non-white person is wearing
non-white clothes then we notice also
the cars are the same the white people
have a white car the non-white person
has a non-white car so the idea of
whiteness and color is very strong in
this advertisement we also notice there
are two tall people and one short person
there and even we can just say they're
basically in general two against one and
it almost seems like a bullying
situation as we go on and look at the
acts that the two do to the one so
that's the next thing that we can
consider is the acts and the verbs that
they are doing in this advertisement the
first noticeable one is just that
they're simply talking and if we compare
that to the agents we just talked about
we'll notice that the Germans talk the
most and the men talk the most also
specifically the German man talks the
most then the German woman talks the
second most and the the American man
talks the least and if we keep going
down looking at the agents the two tall
people talk more the two people talk
more than the one person so it's very
much an unbalanced situation it's almost
like bullying a little bit uh another
act that we notice is that the man
pushes a button and then that causes the
car to be destroyed this goes along with
the theme of the German engineering
pushing a button Electronics Machinery
that fits this theme of German
engineering we also see that they
destroy the man's car and then they
present a new car I don't know if
they're giving him the car or not and
that is an important question too really
finally at the end the German man makes
these hand signs and those are similar
to American uh Urban gang signs so that
lets us know something that the
advertisement is trying to do is kind of
translate uh American Urban Black
Culture into a white German better
culture supposedly in the
advertisement if we keep up with our use
of Kenneth Burke's pentet and look at
agency we notice the very remarkable
part about the advertisement is the way
they destroy the car with this machinery
and again this fits that theme of German
engineering using electronics and
Machinery in order to destroy the
car if we look at the scene then look at
the lower picture here we get a better
view of the scene we'll notice it's very
industrial which again fits with the
theme of German engineering and it's all
white too you can see even those traffic
cones around the car that are normally
orange are white here so it's a very
white environment and that reinforces
this theme of whiteness white Place
white car white people white clothes
against a nonwhite person nonwhite
clothes nonwhite car uh the color is
very very significant in these
advertisements then if we ask what the
purpose is it's a little bit unclear are
they trying to help this person are they
simply saying that his car is worse than
their car it's not clear that they're
giving this car to him it is clear that
they could give him the car in a in a
nicer way in a more obvious way if they
wanted to so there's some question here
are they being nice are they helping him
or not it seems like uh the purpose of
this advertisement is more to kind of uh
laugh at the um laugh at the American
and his car or uh assert that the German
engineering and the Germans are better
Superior now if we take uh Kenneth
Burke's pentad and apply it to a modest
proposal it helps us with this famously
confusing and shocking text uh Swift
claims that his purpose is to make
useful members of society and the way
that he wants to do that is selling
babies for food which is shocking And he
as the author knows that this proposal
will not be accepted so that part is not
really serious he's not hoping that
these two elements of his proposal will
be accepted it's the other parts that he
states which he hopes will be accepted
as true or Sound True to his audience so
when he gets into the agency of how he
wants to go about selling these babies
for food we start to see a picture of
the Society of Dublin he mentions
fattening the babies before sale then
selling them to taverns where the fine
gentlemen eat and for the Lord mayor's
Feast he talks about making new recipes
and gloves for the lady and boots for
fine gentlemen and we're starting to see
this other level of society the Lord
mayor the fine gentlemen the ladies and
these elements emerge even more as we go
further into the The Proposal uh the
include one level of society which we
meet just in the very first paragraph
the Beggars of the female sex children
all in rags mothers helpless infants
thieves this is just in paragraph number
one in the very first sentences of the
proposal so at first we think that this
is who uh he is focused on is are the
poor people of Dublin but as we read
further we start to see this higher
class of people uh emerge in The
Proposal landlords he mentions five
times and so this is something you can
do just simply use the contrl F on your
computer keyboard to do a search for the
word landlord in the text you find it's
there five times that's a way to measure
how interested is Jonathan Swift in
these landlords well he mentions them
five times and he says the landlords
have already devoured the parents so why
not eat the children as well Swift also
mentions gentlemen six times for example
talking about making some boots for fine
gentlemen he mentions fine families as
well and this is one of the main points
of the proposal he's he writes 1,000
families in this city would be constant
customers for in infants flesh so he's
telling us who the people in the town
are this is also part of the scene that
we'll talk about in a minute in Dublin
or in Ireland well in Dublin in the city
there are 1000 th families who are
basically eating all the poor people
Jonathan Swift expresses here now all of
those people who we just saw are
residents of Dublin they are part of the
scene like we just saw the Beggars and
the children in rags the thieves and
helpless infants those are introduced in
the first
paragraph Swift also mentions the
present deplorable state of the kingdom
and notice uh that is a Time
the present and uh it is a place the
kingdom although it's a very big place
it's not very specific but the
deplorable state is more of a situation
and that shows us part of the scene
that's not a when or where part but the
the deplorable state is a situation
Swift also mentions voluntary abortions
which bother him the vast number of poor
people who are aged diseased or maimed
the young laborers who cannot get at
work Protestants who have chosen to
leave their country plump young girls
who cannot stir abroad without a chair
all of these are people who he sees in
Dublin they are part of the scene and in
which he makes his proposal and these
are the things that he hopes will be
recognized as true in his
text this week we also looked at thesis
statements and I talked about the
outline form let's just remember uh
that's kind of very basic and simple but
it is a clear way and a good starting
point if you when you're writing your
essay uh we looked at an MLA format
example that declared in the first
paragraph basically uh the claim and two
supports it said regulation is needed
because a drivers using phones are
seriously impaired and B present laws do
not work so at the end of your
introduction in your essay you can have
this sentence the last sentence of the
introduction that states the claim such
as regulation is needed and the reasons
why because this and because this when
the reader sees that then they know they
expect the the two parts of the essay
after this will be part A and Part B and
that helps reader comprehension and
that's good for you because that's what
you want is your reader to understand
you finally we talked about uh using
quotations well and this is a more and
more important part of writing in the
21st century we want to use induction
the way of science popularized by Sir
Isaac Newton beginning in
1687 we do research first and writing
second we all know that's how scienti do
it that's how we should be doing it too
if we're not doing it that way we're not
doing a useful process okay we don't go
to university simply to State all of our
opinions that we had before we came to
the university we go to the university
to get new information and new ideas and
learn new methods and that's what we do
when we do research first and find some
new information and then by the process
of induction uh use those pieces of
research to come to some conclusion and
make a claim and construct an argument
there so that is our review of the week
um remember Kenneth Burke's pentad is
valuable because it's methodical you can
use it every time and the although it's
tempting to turn to AI to do our uh
research for us before writing an essay
actually the fastest and truest way of
writing a good essay is by first doing
research on our
own and then deriving a main idea from
that all right I'm going to stop here
for today until the next video take care
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