Minecraft but I Open a Business!
- 🚀 主角在Minecraft中开设了一家柠檬水摊,并计划将其发展成游戏中最大的企业。
- 💰 初始资金有限,仅有15美元,但通过购买地产和设备,成功建立了第一家柠檬水摊。
- 🛒 主角通过与可疑商人交易,以优惠价格购买到了收银机、开放标志、柠檬水罐和优惠券等必需品。
- 🏗️ 为了获取柠檬水,主角巧妙地引导一辆载有柠檬的卡车进入自己设置的“陷阱”。
- 👷 通过雇佣村民作为员工,主角的柠檬水摊开始正式运营。
- 📈 主角采取了一系列策略,包括破坏竞争对手、收购和扩张,逐步建立起商业帝国。
- 💣 主角使用TNT等工具破坏了煤炭商店,并通过解救工人获得了新的员工。
- 🛒 主角购买了汽车清洗服务,并通过一系列策略,如用胶水和鸡堵塞洗车设备,破坏了竞争对手的业务。
- 🍽️ 在铁板烧餐厅,主角通过在食物中加入不适宜的成分,如微波牛排和厕所中的酒,来破坏餐厅声誉。
- 💎 主角通过伪装成珠宝修理工,用假珠宝替换真品,并最终接管了金店。
- 📚 在钻石软件公司,主角通过传播电脑病毒,破坏了公司的运营,进而收购了该公司。
Q & A
-主角首先收购了一家名为Coal Hardware的煤炭商店。
在收购Coal Hardware时,主角使用了哪些工具?
-主角使用了螺栓剪和TNT炸药来进入Coal Hardware,并最终收购了这家企业。
Dragon Inc.采取了什么措施来破坏主角的业务?
-Dragon Inc.发布了负面文章,导致主角失去了所有顾客,甚至员工也被他们挖走了。
主角为了报复Dragon Inc.,采取了什么行动?
-主角购买了世界上最热的咖啡,并将其送到Dragon Inc.的CEO那里,以此作为报复。
在收购Dragon Incorporated之后,主角在Minecraft中拥有了多少家企业?
-在收购Dragon Incorporated之后,主角在Minecraft中拥有了所有的企业。
😀 开启柠檬水摊,拓展商业帝国
💣 炸毁竞争对手,扩张商业版图
💎 夺取珠宝店,深入慈善黑幕
🖥 病毒攻击,夺取钻石软件公司
在钻石软件公司,主角通过穿上实习生服装,潜入公司内部,并在适当时机上传了病毒,导致公司破产。随后,主角收购了该公司,并将其更名为Excess Storio Software,进一步扩大了自己的商业帝国。
🎬 恐慌电影,夺取影剧院并成为电影大亨
主角通过在Netherite电影院后台进行一系列破坏活动,包括替换爆米花为种子,以及将电影更换为恐怖片,制造了观众的恐慌,导致电影院破产。之后,主角以高价买下了电影院,并将其转变为Exoro Studios,巩固了自己在Minecraft世界的商业垄断地位。
☕ 热咖啡复仇,击败邪恶的Dragon Inc.
面对Dragon Inc.的不正当竞争,主角采取了报复行动,通过购买热咖啡和外卖服装,成功破坏了Dragon新闻的运营,最终使用热咖啡对Dragon Inc.的CEO进行了象征性的攻击。在一系列的斗争和策略之后,主角最终成功地将Dragon Inc.也纳入了自己的商业版图,完成了对Minecraft世界所有商业的垄断。
成功将煤炭商店纳入旗下,更名为Exoro Inc,扩大产品线。
面对Dragon Inc.的激烈竞争,采取报复行动,通过交付热咖啡来破坏其业务。
最终成功收购Dragon Inc.,实现了在Minecraft中拥有所有商业的目标。
this is Minecraft but I open a business
today I'm starting a humble lemonade 10
and trying to grow it to the biggest
business around from selling water to
expanding a car wash to even buying out
the competition my goal is to own a
monopoly of all the businesses in
Minecraft but the competition is
ruthless so who's my biggest competitor
stay tuned to find out so these are all
the businesses in Minecraft all the way
to Dragon Inc and these are the
customers I'm trying to get and as for
me I have no business but we have $15
which can buy this property for our
first business so let's buy the property
and we got our first business which is a
lemonade stand that's all we could
afford and we clearly need equipment
where we can buy it from the business
shop where we only have $10 to use in
here but it's all good cuz the
suspicious Trader is going to give me
the best deals for example we can buy
the cash register for two emeralds very
important to get money the open sign got
to get it open one pitcher cuz it is a
lemonade stand an empty bottle for the
lemonade itself business sign and some
coupons for our first customers and the
last thing we need is one employee card
for the first employee we have of the
business all right thanks sir okay so
reminder we're going to be taking down
all this competition and making it ours
but this is not going to cut it so this
is why we got first the business side of
exor Incorporated the greatest lemonade
of all time can't forget about the open
sign right there cash register will be
right here and for now we'll Pretend
This is where the lemonade is but we
actually got to get that soon but first
let's put down the picture right there
and I assume the bottles will go right
here hey okay so we need lemonade yep
that that sounds about right new plan
hijack lemon truck wait is that it over
there oh wait that's it it's a living
truck that's how we get our inventory
right there okay so I think we got to
get the traffic cones and then maybe we
can lead it to me or the body of water
right behind me this is how we start our
business all right don't mind me
construction worker looks like we have
some great concrete right here and some
white concrete and a detour sign okay
this is starting to make sense also this
is better than my sword so I'm going to
grab that and while they're doing their
lunch break let's just borrow these guys
that's one number two and number three
oh it's now telling me to build a side
road to the lake so we're going to get
that guy make it come on all the way
this way and Detour into that lake so
don't mind me I'm just going to break
this right here and make a small Road
you got to do what you got to do for
customers now for the phone
part this might actually work yeah I
think this might be good and now we just
got to place the cones which we'll do
right here 1 2 and three and to redirect
traffic I just got to put the detour
sign to be right here yeah I think that
might be convincing oh and here it comes
okay okay I'm just going to look away
come on is it going to go it's going
it's going this is all we get our
inventory come on and lemonade acquired
now that it's crch here we got our
supply as for getting it there we'll
worry about that later but for now the
new mission is to hire a villager which
I assume will be in this Village okay
where is a villager I can hire oh wow
that that was easy literally right here
the first unemployed villager all right
we have our one employed card there you
go and they're on the way and before we
go back real quick you take a coupon
come to accur eliminated there you go
another one for you and for you and
you're right there don't go to the
Copper Car Wash come get some lemonade
and now we're ready for business
completely forgot we got to turn on the
open sign first before we do that though
this is our first employee and because
we did get lemonade down there
completely natural let's see if we can
get some of our own product oh we got it
this is the existor lemonade all right
let's drink this up and that was
delicious Mr employee I think you're
doing amazing and so now all that's left
is to open it up and take over all these
stories all right here goes nothing
we're open and it looks like customers
are coming oh they're not going to Coal
they're coming to to us yes get your
lemonade everyone and with our first
customers I think it's already time to
expand into the competition oh my gosh I
almost got right over there's
Lamborghinis going through yep the
business get better okay before we do
anything do we make any money 30 bucks
now that's business okay so we're going
to be taking down our neighbor business
the coal store where first it looks like
we got to buy some bolt cutters from in
here which uh will we have enough money
oh 20 emeralds yep we do all right and
now we got to sneak into coal Hardware
okay coal Hardware all right so what
does coal Hardware even offer oh it's
straight up a hardware store they're
sing tools and stuff okay so there's a
door back there and I'm going to guess
that's why I have these bull Cutters all
right don't mind me great business by
the way just making my way over here
great products you guys have but let's
just get back here oh and it's open okay
let's go down now enter with the coal
mines they got a full on mine down here
oh my gosh they do what's going on down
here defeat the coal task Masters what
is this this definitely does not pass oh
a compliance they we got mining supplies
oh I'll take the iron pickaxe and so
much TNT and a remote Detonator got it
I'm going to just borrow a couple of
these things uh don't mind me got some
cooked chicken sure and uh blocks of
coal but let's fight these guys come on
get over here all these employees they
will actually have a good employer after
this oh gosh okay okay yeah this is not
an ethical business right now my
goodness they have so many let's real
quick take out the couple last of them
last one right here oh gosh and if only
my customers do I'm doing this right
under the business oh gosh and we're
good and now to free them how how do I
do this do I just right click them oh
you're free have fun no longer under the
capitalism coal Place let's get you out
of there free this guy this guy and this
guy there you go all of you are free and
I think this might be the last one look
at them go and now for the last task to
loot the mighty supplies um I mean why
not all right I might as well grab some
more TNT oh and now we got to fill up
with TNT yeah this is the fun part all
right we're going to make a big old
explosion but I can't blow up my own
business that would be very bad how do
they have this entire operation and only
sell stone tools makes no sense okay
let's get it right here I think that
might be enough TNT and now all that's
left is to use the delayed Detonator all
right real quick let's get the B Cutters
again wait danger vacu Co Hardware oh
gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I did not
know that was going to trigger a alarm
let's run that was Lally right behind
this St and without further Ado let's
donate oh my gosh that's loud and it
looks like coold Hardware is now for
sale nice we saved the city oh there it
is for 50 emeralds this is going to be
our sale oh oh oh I kind of blew up part
of it um we can fix that with X store
Incorporated right right yep all right
well these customers real quick come to
us since our competition's kind of gone
let's see if we made any more money oh
we did $74 which is the perfect amount
we need to buy coal Hardware we did it
oh wait and the stand is now part of the
source we even have a big logo but you
know what that means we got to keep
expanding and take down the next one
with the copper we're not done until we
get all these stores under us let me
show you guys a new store then first off
let's put the sign back there we go
exoro Inc we're still open and since we
bought the business we have two pictures
lots of lemonade and all the product is
stocked we're lemonade store now the
lemonade business increases and we're
making more money with over $100 now
this isn't enough though now it's time
to take down the car wash wait is that
me as a villager he stole my suit oh
yeah we're taking them down and as you
can see from the top we got to buy a
glue bucket good to be back and where's
a glue bucket oh there it is $50 buckets
of glue all right let's grab one of
these and I'm going to guess it's part
of the sabotage which also includes
chickens we might be sabotaging the
inside looks like there's a forest right
here here's the chickens all right I
need to grab a good bit of these so
let's real quick just right click them
come on chickens this is all part of the
sabotage all right there we go 10
chickens and now I got to get the lemon
truck out of the lake oh we might be
taking it into the car wash how am I
going to get this thing out of the lake
can I just ride it oh all right let's
roll quick can I jump it yes we can
we've saved the lemon truck and this
will now be extor property all right now
I got to pretend to deliver soap to the
car wash which can easily be done I
assume this slide is to come out and so
we're going to just go this way all I
don't mind me just a humble liated car
going straight through here oh wait
maybe not here that's where we clean it
we got to actually do a delivery do we
put it over here then let's just go
right here come out the car and so where
do I deliver in here oh fill soap tank
with Glu and chickens is this it no oh
this is it are these the tanks do I just
like right click this oh soap tank all
right so I'll put a bucket of glue in
some chickens okay that's one and here's
the other one oh wait and what's that
noise out oh yo I would not want to put
my car through that and now we got to
sneak into the office okay let's go
through here and what do we got in here
oh and the copper car key oh that's for
the prize possession car all right Mr
odor looks like you have Angry customers
so don't mind me let's right click this
car and we're out of here let's go we're
going to take it all the way to the
store over here oh and I can just sell
his car that is incredible all right so
sell car oh thank you suspicious Trader
that car is all yours and now we can buy
the car wash sorry buddy oh and the
owner just disappeared okay okay before
I buy this we'll probably have to fix
that at some point holy and we need some
money first so uh did we get some money
from this oh my gosh 32 we do have
enough money okay without further Ado
let's expend from this to now having our
car wash section and there it is the
Nester Car Wash we now have two
businesses side by side and the journey
continues for the rest for the next one
is the iron griddle okay what do we have
here oh and by the way we now have the
Lambos coming to our place oh and it
looks like they have security outside oh
yep iron security that might be why we
have the mission to buy a giant magnet
in a chef hat that's that's how we
infiltrate so real quick let's go to the
store collect some of our money we're
making money at a good pay down and back
to our favorite spot the shop did the
guy disappear with the car huh anyways
things we need first a giant magnet
there we go it's kind of small compared
to why is the hat so big huh this is the
Chef at this is the magnet oh well let's
real quick put this on and we're ready
Chef Nester is established and all
that's left to do now is to use the
magnet to remove the guards so would I
like put it right here oh it's a giant
magnet do I just like activate it oh my
God go that's amazing all right and so
now without security we can just sneak
on in don't worry guys on the security
is gone but I am here to work the ways
how's it going waiters anyways let's uh
real quick go through here go to the
back and now where is the kitchen oh is
it right here maybe maybe they go up
okay so this is the kitchen I think
let's real quick sneak in Oh and it is
all right don't mind me just a normal
Chef right here how it going fellow
chefs and oh we got microwaves in the
kitchen okay that that's pretty normal
let me real quick try the cake it's it's
a very good cake don't worry guys so
what do we got in here oh fancy wine
okay visit the bathroom with proper
toilets oh there's raw beef and the
smokers hold on we can just real quick
grab these then and what if we microwave
them tip put food in microwave to ruin
it got it okay let's just real quick put
a lot of these in here and we are now
microwaving the steaks oh microwave
steak it tied in vain oh you know what
we'll put them right here as evidence
there we go that's one way to sabotage
actually don't worry Guys these are good
for serving right there don't don't take
the cake just take the meat and now to
take the fancy wine out of the wine cast
oh okay so do I just do this uh what do
I do with this oh wait maybe I have an
idea cuz we did see some toilets over
here maybe we can uh put them in here
yeah let's put these down real quick and
that should do it and now to serve it Ru
in food to customers oh wait we have
toilet wine now how did that double you
know what I'm not going to question it
anyways so let me grab these real quick
guys I think they're ready for serving
actually so uh let's grab these and I'll
go server myself all right this looks
like a good plane guys let's just go all
the way down here and now customers I
got you your food some steak for you
some steak for you uh for some reason
they're liking it but uh oh wait no nope
they're trying it and they're getting
angry oh they're going up to the waiters
all right take that take some of the
wine there you go and it looks like
everyone's angry oh wait wait wait wait
wait wait why did this man just spawn
defeat the head chef is that Wolverine
huh oh gosh okay we got to fight this
guy hold up let me just get him stunned
in the corner can't even swing at me I
got him stunned with the Crowbar there
we go and oh yeah sorry about that uh
you guys might be part of my company
soon but let's just completely ignore
that and we get knife hands sick more
attack damage than the Crowbar and now
the iron rle is ruined and as always the
place is now for sale for $500 all right
before we do that then let's real quick
check if we made any money especially
cuz we have the nice car wash now I
should probably move this so let me real
quick grab this and put it all the way
back at our spot all right don't mind me
let's put the lemon truck right about
here there we go and now Mr employee do
we have enough money oh we do time to
expand cuz now with 500 let's real quick
buy this and now it's the Nester Cafe so
we got 1 2 three businesses and many
more to go we're next up is is gold all
right what's our mission here it's a
pretty big place sabotage of the gold
jewelry store before we go get the
supplies let's count out the area real
quick oh what does it say all proceeds
go to charity oh that's really kind
we'll keep that policy when we open up
the business anyway zo how are we
sabotaging this place looks like they
really are pushing that proceeds to go
to charity this sounds a little
suspicious oh is this like a little TV
thing oh that's amazing it's a subscribe
button what you guys should do right now
thank you thank you they even have a
sign saying buy more so we can donate to
charity be a good villager I don't know
man oh they even call jewelry right here
okay so our mission is to buy repairman
disguise fake jewelry and foam swords
sounds easy enough let's go to the shop
real quick also get some money along the
way oh my gosh we have $1,700 the
businesses are booming oh let me go back
to normal that's a lot better and so
real quick we need these things right
here the repairment outfit that's one
plastic jewelry 10 of them and finally
the foam sword oh wow this is actually
really expensive all right does no
damage so let's put on the repairment
outfit there we go and now our mission
is to go to gold jewelry with the
plastic stuff I don't know who I'm
fooling with this disguise but oh we're
here all right let's start going inside
and really investigate the proceeds
going to charity thing do we really
believe that find a disable first floor
security system oh cuz of the cameras hm
is there anything around here oh wait
what about this maybe I can open this
with the bolt cutters let's open this up
oh there we go and do I disable this
come on oh we did it security disabled
oh and now we can go in we're going to
go in replace our jewelry with the fake
one and make sure no guards get us all
right don't mind me how's it going guys
just uh walking in with my copper Cary
you know I'm definitely uh good for this
stuff oh this is a customer so he
wouldn't mind all right let's just go
quick then let's grab these and just put
the fake ones in no worries though I
will just give this to charity later
let's just grab everything we can oh
gosh I hear an iron golem nearby oh gosh
let's make it quick there we go last one
and we did it and now I got to find and
disable the other security system oh
that's security right there oh gosh okay
okay okay we're going to make a run for
it oh it is that it right there I mean
no one's looking come on oh we got it
this guy is completely clueless okay
let's go to the next floor oh oh gosh
okay third floor just another customer
here here hold this looks like the
charity thing is up there we'll check
that out soon some more fancy customers
how's it going guys and uh oh and staff
is this where I replace the foam swords
oh yeah security supplies oh these are
it okay so if we just real quick throw
these away and then put some foam swords
this is the brand new upgrade and as for
these guys let me just uh put a hole
right there one two one two last one and
we'll block it off like nothing happened
and I'll finally loot all the charity
gold is it in here is this it nope those
are be IES I think is all the way back
okay don't mind me just got to go
straight back this way okay and the
charity is up here all proceeds go to
charity again a little fishy on this oh
this is it charity let me just use the
Bol cutters here all right open up huh
do not donate from management I knew it
well look at this all right wait am I
supposed to steal all this gold this is
going to take forever my goodness also
that's a big diamond how am I supposed
to M all this oh just in case oh yep yep
I'm going to be keeping this real quick
this is a lot better now this is how we
grab all the gold from our fellow
competitor every single bit is going to
be ours now it's a little bit satisfying
yeah well give me one sec while I
literally mine everything almost done
and there we go I'm just going to let it
despawn and finally really all that's
left now is just to grab one big diamond
oh wait why is there an alarm defeat the
security guards oh no no no no no hey y
okay KN hand time to do your thing oh
stay away stay away stay away oh wait
they don't do that much damage cuz they
have the F swords it's working yes the
plan is made off let's take on the last
security guard and that's what they get
for not actually donating to charity now
looks like it's sign to leave the
building let me go out this way I'll let
my employees to donate that gold down
there later oh and the gold jewelry is
bankrupt wait no way let me go to the
front is there water oh um good thing we
have our own water bucket okay the place
is for sell apparently let's go down and
there we go oh there it is the gold
standard for 2500 we did it what about
this diamond ring what do I do with this
thing oh I guess I'll leave it right
there nice marketing oh my gosh we have
a lot of customers anyways let me real
quick get some money 2900 should be
enough and without further Ado time to
expand again oh and there we go gems I
like that name better and now that makes
four businesses with number five being
the diamond office building what do we
do here I wonder oh it's Diamond
software okay looks pretty empty unless
there's people inside oh there are
that's so many computers yo all right
looks like it's time we go back to the
store okay so we need the virus and the
intern shirt that is way above my pay
grade let's AFK for a little bit and see
if we can get enough money one eternity
later please tell me we have enough oh
my gosh wait I waited for way too long
yeah that is definitely enough oh and
look at that ni Scar and they're going
to my car wash yes the monopo is growing
anyways so to grow even more let's go
ahead and get this intern shirt and not
the remote detonators but a good old
virus oh gosh this will definitely do
some damage as for the intern shirt this
looks to be my intern outfit it just
kind of looks like I made my outfit gray
all right it'll do and holy cars our
business is huge and it looks like we're
getting a lot of jewelry customers too
and that sign Ashley is true for once
anyways without further Ado now that we
have the interns outfit let's just walk
on inside hello Mr employee looks like I
have an internship here and oh Tech
manager is this who I got to talk to
hello sir uh let me just walk inside oh
wait I think I followed them all right
oh my gosh there's so many people in
here type of business is this what do we
even sell all right uh guess she's
leading me to my cubicle okay I kind of
excited for this where are we going I
have the virus in hand but no one knows
oh gosh that's a big diamond block thing
over there oh did he just break the
chair for me all right thank you uh here
I'll uh give you a nice piece of cooked
chicken just for you buddy and I guess
this is it should I just right click the
computer or do I right click it with the
virus let me right click it with the
virus oh wait repair computer fix the
circuits oh okay I didn't use the virus
yet I don't think so what am I supposed
to do here oh gosh there's so many
circuits looks like there's a lot of
redstone missing do I got to like light
all these things up where do I get the
Redstone unless I can just grab a lot of
these there we go and then let's turn
these on real quick and then if we do
this oh okay that's one on that's two on
and then that's three right there if we
got to do more of these it's going to be
a bit hard wait how do I get redstone oh
wait there's a chest right there hold on
so we got to do a parkour here and
there's Redstone Dust along the way okay
let's make sure we don't lose inside the
computer not sure if that's good for
business but let's just go all the way
up there we go oh and it's just this
jump right here and then what's inside
this chest oh Redstone yo okay I'm going
to just grab all that let's ml water
down and now I think we should be good
to power all this up oh and I probably
need levers too let me grab one of these
and these so if I turn this on that
turns on one of these and then what
about this yes that's two okay there's
another one here we just do this right
there okay let's get those powered up
let's turn this on oh forgot that okay
that's another two lights and it's that
all them I think that might be all them
have we turned on the computer oh we did
it and that's computer repaired the
bosses please now my new job is to
design a game uh how do I do that oh
wait my manager's Back Sir what do I do
oh I guess we're following him okay so
it's not time to use this yeah oh gosh
you didn't see that okay okay we're just
going to keep going hello how's it going
customer service an inter turn just
doing my thing over here oh and is this
like the headquarters wait what's in
here then oh wait Tycoon FPS RPG
fighting oh platforms and themes was
this here before Oh so I'm game
designing so we got medieval futuristic
Apocalypse in Jungle and we're making a
game oh that makes sense okay okay so we
should make why don't we do a fighting
game okay we're going to make a fighting
game okay okay pay attention real quick
then we're going to make it on the PC is
where I play Minecraft we're going to
put it right here there we go and we're
going to have the themes of apocalypse
and medieval a medieval apocalypse think
actually sounds pretty cool so imagine a
nukes happened during the medieval times
what what what do we think sir no no no
that doesn't sound good oh gosh okay uh
here here let me reink this it going to
be a PC game still we're still going to
make an apocalypse but we won't make a
medieval fighting What If instead we
make an RPG okay we're going to make an
RPG and this time it's also going to be
futuristic how about that big game lots
of cells well what are we thinking oh he
loves it and I got a promotion oh wait
what at senior intern batch he was B
server room well thank you I'm totally
not going to you know put a virus on the
second floor now so don't mind me just
going to go all the way up here and so
where is the server room is this it
right here oh it is server room all
right um anyone looking no no no one's
looking let's real quick Tippy Toe in
here oh and it's good to be here so
where do I upload the virus to I guess
this is the main frame do I just like
insert it on here I'm just right click
oh uploading virus oh gosh Come on
escape from building wait what's
happening now oh I think we got the job
done let's real quick go down then act
like nothing happened and oh my gosh
there's evil computers oh oh oh oh oh
okay I'm so sorry to all the executives
but don't worry I will make it up by um
by the business anyways have a great day
everyone I'm just going to run this way
employee sorry about that but I'm going
to fire myself okay and how's that
diamond software bankrupt oh my gosh
that's expensive Mr employe I'm going to
rehire you but just give me one sec I
need to go collect some funds also let
me take off th that's a bit better all
right my first employee let's get the
money and oh my gosh yep we are doing
good but what we can can do is buy
diamond software and it is now excess
storio software and now that's literally
almost every business except two final
ones the netherite movie theater and the
dragon Incorporated the final one oh
wait there's school buses here is
someone on a field trip well before we
go it looks like we got to buy seeds in
a scary movie oh yep looks like there's
a field trip all right so expand the
Monopoly let's go get that scary movie
guys there are stacks of customers right
there buying lemonade let me grab some
of that oh my gosh that's just so much
money and so we don't need any of that
where is the stuff oh here it is the
scary here by movie oh gosh and some
seeds huh I don't know what I need the
seeds for but now let's get to the
cinema oh my gosh look how many
customers we have this is crazy and
there's even fancy customers we're
making a big everyone and here we are
guys the netherite cinema I got my
popcorn so I guess I can just walk in
right oh replace popcorn with seeds in
concession area oh food over here okay
let me just walk over here is this how I
can get backstage oh wait this might be
oh wait I can just break in and this is
how we get in okay so I just got to
replace this with seeds all right don't
mind me just going to place a few of
these down and the real popcorn let me
just go ahead and grab that and can we
eat it oh we can oh and that's complete
okay now we got to use the Bol Cutters
to break into the projector room all
right let's go back through this way and
so where's the actual movie oh is this
the movie literally just says subscribe
you know what the movie says so do it if
you haven't already but um how do we get
backstage I'm going to guess we got to
go through this way okay let's whisper
can't ruin the movie okay okay if I were
a projector room where would I be not
here maybe it's up here wait not here
either oh wait this might be it right
here hold on oh we're in okay replace
wholesome movie with scary movie Yep
this is the wholesome movie and now for
the scary movie do we just put it in
here oh okay let me take out that the
wholesome kids show and now the scarier
herbine show oh my gosh and it's causing
panic all right well that's one way to
bankrupt them and now let's just leave
the netherite cinema don't mind me just
going to jump straight down here there
we go and so sorry for the Panic don't
worry EX St business will fix this once
we actually acquire the business and now
that we're gone oh they've been suited
into Oblivion sick oh and it's 200,000
emeralds going to get this time we
actually check how much we have holy
customers all right we're about to have
some good money in here let's real quick
go over here check in and
$678,000 oh my gosh and there's really
only one place to go after this let's go
ahead and buy it and let's see what it
becomes it is now exoro Studios oh yep
that looks good I like that and now all
that's left is the dragon Incorporated
the evil business of the whole Lane and
so uh what do we do here I have my knife
hands ready ready to take it over Dragon
news it releases a negative article wait
what what do you mean oh my customers
are lost huh wait where are they payback
time go to business store guys they took
every single customer I had even my
employees they've sabotaged me you know
what it's time for payback we have
$478,000 and there's two things we
haven't bought yet the food delivery
outfit which uh where is that there it
is $20 let's get that delivery outfit
there we go I like the mustache and oh I
got to buy the hot coffee uh one sec
please tell me there's enough money
please tell me oh my gosh there it
definitely is this is going to take all
the money oh my gosh why is it this much
money this better be the world's hottest
coffee hold up it's so small oh well
here it is we got the hot coffee and now
we just got to deliver it to Dragon news
this is how we get payback we don't do
lemonade anymore we do hot coffee who
stole my sign wait they even got
bodyguards now what is this and don't
mind me uh just delivering some coffee
uh big big uh dragon Golem guys I'm just
going to walk up front right now and
deliver this to your boss okay looks
like they have employees and are any of
these guys mine doesn't look like it all
right I'm just checking in and it looks
like we got to go up all right let's get
up here oh my gosh they even got parkour
for me to get all the way up this is why
you see no customers outside who is
going to do business with these guys
when they got to do fullon parkour is
this even possible W well we made it
possible all right oh gosh oh gosh this
is hard jumps hard jumps hard jumps okay
let's get to the top and oh I think we
got to swim okay up here and oh nothing
going on so far let's just keep the
coffee with us where is the CEO at I'm
here to talk to him I just want to talk
maybe this door right here oh I guess we
got to keep going up my goodness how
many stairs are there oh we found him
hello sir you took all my customers and
how I'm going to thank you is with some
coffee all right sir take your coffee oh
and it's hit him I guess I launched
coffee on him and revenge completed it's
just business yep that's how we end it
guys let's real quick 360 and MLG down
oh gosh what if I die from this uh oh
we're good okay well looks like we now
own everything though so with that being
done guys hope you guys all enjoyed a
great one and video just like this one
bye guys
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