Mall Vocabulary In English

Ariannita la Gringa | Native English Teacher
3 Aug 202317:57


TLDR在这个充满活力的视频中,Ariannita la Gringa带领观众游览了辛辛那提最大的购物中心Kenwood Towne Centre。她详细介绍了购物中心的设施,包括餐厅、美食广场、商店和品牌专柜。视频中,她不仅分享了购物词汇,还展示了如何使用购物中心的导航系统,以及如何找到特定商品。她还探讨了不同商店的特色,从流行的快餐连锁店到高端的奢侈品店,以及如何在预算内寻找优惠商品。视频最后,Ariannita以购买了一个橙色的南瓜灯作为万圣节装饰结束了这次愉快的购物之旅。


  • 🏬 肯伍德镇中心(Kenwood Towne Centre)是辛辛那提市最大的室内购物中心。
  • 🍽️ 购物中心内有多种餐厅和美食广场,提供各种快餐和当地特色美食。
  • 📜 购物中心内有指南,帮助顾客找到他们想要去的商店。
  • 🛍️ 商店分为不同的区域,如男士服装、女士服装、电子产品等。
  • 📊 商场有两层,上层和下层,顾客可以通过楼梯、扶梯或电梯在不同楼层间移动。
  • 🍕 视频中提到了Sbarro披萨店,以及在美国一片披萨的价格。
  • 🍔 介绍了Gold Star Chili、Popeyes、Chick-fil-A和Chipotle等快餐连锁店。
  • 👗 阿基拉(Akira)是一家只卖女装的时尚服装店。
  • 👠 鞋店中有流行的Birkenstocks凉鞋和Converse运动鞋。
  • 🎮 视频游戏店出售新旧游戏,顾客可以试玩游戏后再决定是否购买。
  • 💄 化妆品店如Sephora提供各种化妆产品,顾客可以在店内试用。

Q & A

  • Ariannita在哪个城市的购物中心拍摄视频?

    -Ariannita在俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的Kenwood Towne Centre购物中心拍摄视频。

  • Kenwood Towne Centre是一个什么样的购物中心?

    -Kenwood Towne Centre是一个室内购物中心,所有的商店都在室内。

  • Ariannita提到了哪些购物中心内的设施?


  • Ariannita在视频中学到了哪些购物相关的词汇?


  • Ariannita在食品广场看到了哪些快餐连锁店?

    -Ariannita在食品广场看到了Sbarro、Gold Star Chili、Popeyes、Chick-fil-A和Chipotle等快餐连锁店。

  • Ariannita在哪个商店尝试了一件衬衫?

    -Ariannita在Abercrombie and Fitch商店尝试了一件衬衫。

  • Ariannita在哪个商店购买了什么东西?

    -Ariannita在Bath and Body Works商店购买了一盏会发光的南瓜灯。

  • Ariannita提到的最昂贵的乐高套装是什么?


  • Ariannita在哪个商店看到了她最喜欢的商店?


  • Ariannita在哪个商店看到了她最喜欢的化妆品品牌?


  • Ariannita在哪个商店看到了她最喜欢的运动品牌?

    -Ariannita在视频的最后提到了她最喜欢的运动品牌有Nike, Air Jordan, Adidas, Puma, Crocs, Converse, Reebok, Champion, Sony, Timberland和Sonetti。



🛍️ 逛肯伍德购物中心

Ariannita la Gringa带领观众参观辛辛那提的肯伍德购物中心,介绍了购物中心的入口、餐厅、食品广场以及购物词汇。她提到了购物中心的空调和室内环境,以及如何使用购物中心的目录来找到想要的商店。她还介绍了如何通过楼梯、坡道和自动扶梯在不同楼层间移动。


👗 探索不同商店

Ariannita继续她的购物中心之旅,展示了不同类型的购物场所,包括商店和小型售货亭。她解释了商店和售货亭的区别,并介绍了她最喜欢的商店Akira。她与Tonya Malaysia讨论了他们最喜欢的商店,并探讨了在购物中心的活动。Ariannita还介绍了鞋店、视频游戏店和运动装备店,以及它们所提供的商品。


🛒 部门商店与奢侈品

Ariannita带领观众参观了Macy's这样的大型百货公司,介绍了其内部的服装、玩具、美容产品等。她还提到了星巴克在购物中心的分店,并探讨了美国人对咖啡的喜爱。她通过电梯移动到上层,寻找化妆品,并在LEGO店外发现了一些昂贵的玩具套装。她还提到了Bath and Body Works的香薰产品和季节性展示。


📱 苹果店与奢侈品




💡Kenwood Towne Centre

肯伍德购物中心是位于美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的一个大型室内购物中心。在视频中,它是Ariannita la Gringa带观众进行购物体验的地方。这个购物中心有多个入口,内部设有各种商店、餐厅和娱乐设施,是当地居民和游客购物休闲的热门目的地。

💡Shopping Vocabulary

购物词汇指的是在购物过程中可能会用到的专业术语或日常用语。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa通过在购物中心的实地体验,教授观众一些基本的购物相关词汇,如商店、食品广场、目录等,帮助观众更好地理解和参与购物活动。

💡Food Court

食品广场是购物中心内的一个区域,通常集中了各种快餐店和小吃摊,供顾客选择不同的餐饮服务。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa带观众参观了食品广场,并介绍了那里的各种快餐连锁店。


商店是购物中心内的零售空间,专门销售特定类型的商品。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa参观了多个商店,如卖帽子的店、卖运动鞋的店等,展示了不同类型的商店和它们所提供的商品。


亭子或小型售货亭是购物中心内的一种小型零售空间,通常比正规商店小,提供有限的商品或服务。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa提到了一个卖手机配件的亭子。


人体模型,通常用于服装店展示服装。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa提到了商店橱窗中的人体模型,这些模型穿着店内销售的衣服,吸引顾客进店购物。

💡Department Store

百货商店是一种大型零售商店,提供各种商品,如服装、化妆品、家居用品等。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa参观了Macy's,这是一个典型的百货商店。


电梯是一种垂直运输设备,用于在建筑物的不同楼层之间运送人或货物。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa使用电梯在购物中心的不同楼层之间移动。

💡Luxury Brands

奢侈品牌指的是那些提供高端、昂贵商品的品牌,通常与高品质、独特设计和高社会地位相关联。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa提到了购物中心内的奢侈品牌区域,如路易威登、古驰和劳力士。

💡On Sale

打折或促销是指商品以低于正常零售价格出售。在视频中,Ariannita la Gringa在Nordstrom百货商店寻找打折商品,以适应她的预算。


Ariannita la Gringa is taking viewers on a shopping trip at Kenwood Towne Centre, the largest mall in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The mall is an indoor shopping center, providing a cool escape from the summer heat.

The Cheesecake Factory is one of the many restaurants in the mall, known for their famous cheesecake.

The mall has a directory with a map to help shoppers navigate the various stores.

The mall has two levels, upper and lower, with multiple ways to move between them, including stairs, escalators, and elevators.

The food court offers a variety of fast food chains and local franchises.

Sbarro, a fast food chain, sells Italian food like pizza, with a slice costing $4.99.

Gold Star Chili is a local franchise selling hot dogs with chili and cheese, known as a coney.

Popular franchises like Chick-fil-A and Chipotle have long lines, indicating their popularity.

A store is a larger retail space, while a kiosk is a smaller, often temporary, retail setup.

Akira is a store that sells trendy women's clothing, with mannequins displaying the latest styles.

Tonya Malaysia shares her favorite stores at the mall, including Foot Locker and Chipotle.

The shoe store offers popular brands like Birkenstocks and Converse.

A video game store sells both new and pre-owned games for various consoles.

Macy's is a department store selling a wide range of products, from clothing to cosmetics.

The mall has a Starbucks kiosk and a full-sized Starbucks store, reflecting the American love for coffee.

The LEGO store features expensive sets, with one of the most costly being The Eiffel Tower set at $629.99.

Bath and Body Works sells fragrances and home products, with a Halloween display even in July.

Sephora is a makeup store, and Abercrombie and Fitch is a clothing store with fitting rooms for trying on clothes.

The Apple Store is always busy with people looking to buy electronic devices.

Luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Rolex are located at the other end of the mall, with increased security.

Nordstrom is another department store with many items on sale, offering a variety of brands at reduced prices.

The mall has a security system to prevent shoplifting, with alarms that sound if items are taken without being paid for.



Hey guys! It's Ariannita la Gringa and  welcome back to my YouTube channel!  


Today I'm gonna take you guys with me to go  shopping and we are going to go shopping at  


the biggest mall in my city of Cincinnati,  Ohio called Kenwood Towne Centre. This mall  


is an indoor shopping mall and that means  that all of the stores are inside so come  


along with me and let's go and learn  some shopping vocabulary at the mall


I just entered through the main entrance  of the mall. This mall has four entrances,  


but this is the main entrance. Also, it feels so  nice and refreshing to be inside the mall because  


this mall has A/C and lots of cool air to cool me  down because right now we are in the middle of the  


summer and it's scorching hot. It feels so nice to  be inside. When you walk inside the main entrance,  


to my left, the first thing that you see is a  restaurant called The Cheesecake Factory and  


they're famous for their cheesecake. Here at the  mall, they have a ton of different restaurants but  


they also have a food court which I'll show you  guys later. But, let's continue on with the video.  


When you enter the mall, you can walk up these  stairs right behind me or you can choose to walk  


up this huge ramp. And why do they have a ramp  and a set of stairs? Well they have a ramp so  


people who have a disability or people who use a  wheelchair or a cane can go down this ramp instead  


of walking up the stairs. When you go to the mall  you may know exactly what you want to buy and  


what store you want to go to. Well behind me is a  directory and it has a huge map of all the stores  


that they have inside this mall so it makes it a  lot easier for you to go shopping. This directory  


shows you all of the different sections of things  you want to buy. If you want to buy something  


specific (clothing for men) you would look at the  apparel for men. Or if you want to look at a store  


that has clothing for both men and women you will  look at the section that has apparel for men and  


women. So they have different sections like  electronics, eyewear, jewelry and accessories  


that you can see in this directory. The main  entrance leads me to the upper level. Right now,  


I'm on the upper level and this mall has two  levels the upper level and the lower level.  


There are three different ways to go downstairs  the first one is using the stairs (going down the  


stairs) and the second one I'll show you but first  you guys have to name it. So come along with me!  


I'm going to use this to go downstairs  to the lower level but first I'll give  


you three seconds to tell me what it's called...


This is called an escalator escalator and I'm  going to take you guys with me to go down.


I just went down the escalator. Now I'm on the  lower level of the shopping mall and behind me  


is the food court. As you can see, there is a sign  that says we are at the food court. So let's see  


what kind of restaurants and fast food chains  that they have here. In this food court they  


have fast food chains and local franchises at  the mall. So I'm gonna take a look to see what  


type of different fast food chains that they have.  Also, they don't have restaurants here. Normally  


the restaurants are by the exit of the mall like  the Cheesecake Factory was by the main entrance  


of the mall. So let's take a look at the food that  they have. Right here is Sbarro. It's a fast food  


chain and they sell Italian food like pizza. Here  I'm at Sbarro and they sell pizza. I wanted to  


ask you guys... How much does one slice of pizza  cost you guys in your country? Here in America it  


costs $4.99 for one slice of pizza. Do you guys  think that is cheap or do you guys think that is  


expensive? If you wanted to make it a combo with  an extra side and a drink that would be $8.99. Let  


me know if you guys think that's expensive. Let's  keep on moving on and see what other franchises  


they have at this food court. This is a local  franchise called Gold Star Chili and they sell  


a hot dog with chili and cheese on top. If you  guys saw my baseball video you guys would know  


exactly what I'm talking about and that is called  a coney. Of course, you can't miss out on ordering  


Chinese food at the mall. I think almost every  mall sells Chinese food. But, let's keep moving  


on and see what else they have. How do you call  this franchise behind me? This is called Popeyes  


and they sell a lot of chicken and their main  competitor is KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). And  


behind me are two of the most popular franchises  in the U.S. they are called Chick-fil-A and  


Chipotle. As you can see, they're pretty popular  because people are waiting in line long lines at  


the mall. Compared to the other fast food chains  these are more popular because there is a line.  


Walking away from the food court, now I'm going  to show you two different places where you can  


do your shopping. The first place is right behind  me. This is called a store. This store sells hats.  


And another place where you can go shopping  is this thing right here. What is it called?  


This is called a kiosk and this kiosk sells things  for your phone like phone cases and chargers and  


it's a lot smaller compared to a store. Now that  we've been to the upper level, the lower level,  


the food court, and you guys know the difference  between a store and a kiosk, let's keep on moving  


on and see what this mall has to offer for their  shoppers. Right behind me is one of my favorite  


stores at this shopping mall and it's called  Akira. Also, they sell clothes just for women and  


these clothes are trendy which means these clothes  are in style. And behind me are clothes that are  


pink because right now the Barbie movie is trendy.  Also, how do you call this person that is wearing  


clothes? That is called a mannequin mannequin.  And why do stores have mannequins by their window?  


Well stores like clothing stores have mannequins,  so when people walk around through the mall they  


can look at the mannequins and see wow what nice  clothes they have and maybe they can even enter  


the store and buy the things they're looking at.  Now I'm here with Tonya Malaysia and I'm gonna ask  


them what are their favorite stores at this mall.  I would say Foot Locker because I like shoes or I  


like to go to Chipotle. 'Cuz' is an informal way  of saying 'because' so the correct way to say this  


is 'I would say Foot Locker because I like shoes  or I like to go to Chipotle. I say Hollister. Foot  


Locker they be havin' alotta good stuff. 'I say'  is incorrect grammar. The correct phrase is 'I  


would say'. 'Hollisters' is not the official  name of the store. It's called 'Hollister'.  


They be havin' is informal English. 'Alotta' is  an informal contraction of 'a lot of. The correct  


way to say everything is... I would say Hollister.  Foot Locker has a lot of good stuff. And what do  


you like to do at the mall? What do you normally  do here? We like we chill. We be hanging out with  


our friends and just buying stuff. Just livin'  life. Walking around, getting food, buying stuff,  


shopping, basically just hanging out. Awesome!  Thank you guys! Now I'm at a shoe store so I'm  


going to see what they have. This is a sandal and  Birkenstocks are one of the most popular sandals  


right now because they are very comfortable for  your feet. This shoe store also has shoes like  


Converse. These are Converse. They also have  Crocs with holes in them. This is a video game  


store. Come along with me and let's see what are  the most popular video games that they have...


These video games are for the newest PS5. So,  let's see how much each game costs. This game  


costs $29.99. This video game costs $89. Would  you guys pay $89 for a video game? Let me know  


down below. This store sells pre-owned video  games so this just means that people have used  


these before and this is a good way if you have  had a video game for a really long time and you  


want to sell it to the store and now the store  will resell this video game for a cheaper price.  


This price is $14. This is definitely cheaper  compared to the newer video games. They also  


have video games for different consoles  like Xbox and I believe that these video  


games are a bit cheaper. This store also has  another console called Nintendo so they have  


a TV right here and with this controller I can  try out some of their games like Mario Kart,  


or I can play Donkey Kong or Minecraft and I  can try out a game to see if I want to buy it.  


This is a store that sells athletic gear  here they sell Nike, Air Jordan, Adidas,  


Puma, Crocs, Converse, Reebok, Champion Sony,  Timberland, and Sonetti. Now let's go inside.


These shoes are called gym shoes or sneakers  and they cost $160. This store sells athletic  


gear like sweatshirts, shorts, and sweatpants.  I'm going to see the price. This tag says $100.  


These shorts cost $70 and these sweatpants cost  $95. And this store behind me is Macy's. This is  


a department store. And what is a department  store? A department store is a large store  


located at the end of a mall. This store sells  things like clothes, perfume, cologne, cosmetics,  


home accessories, jewelry, anything you can name  of inside of a huge store so let's see what they  


have. A department store sells things like girls  clothing for little girls. They also sell toys.  


They have beauty products right here. And, if you  get lost and you need to find something they have  


signs on the ceiling. With the clothing they  have the different ages so if you're a girl and  


you're 7 to 16 years old this would probably  be your size. Inside this department store,  


they have a Starbucks kiosk just a little mini  Starbucks store in this small. They also have  


a bigger Starbucks store and that lets you guys  know that here Americans love their coffee. They  


are "coffee lovers". Are you guys a coffee lover?  Let me know down below. There are three ways you  


can move from the lower level to the upper level  at the mall. The first way is going up the stairs,  


the second way is up the escalator, and the  third way is this... What is this called?  


This is called an elevator elevator and  I'm going to move from the lower level  


to the upper level. I'm going to push this button.


I went up the elevator. Here at Macy's they  have a lot of cosmetic products and you can  


ask someone for help in case you need it.  Hi! I'm looking for a lipstick, but I want  


a pink lipstick. All right all of our options  are right here. Perfect! Thank you. There are  


two ways to pronounce the highlighted word. You  can pronounce it like 'Hour' 'Hour'. For example:  


It's my dog and your dog. It's our dog. The  other way to pronounce this word is 'Are'  


'Are'. Our dog. In America, 'Are' is the most  common pronunciation. All right, all of our  


options are right here. Now, we're on the upper  level and I found the LEGO store. So this is a  


toy store for kids or for adults so let's see  what is the most expensive Lego set inside.


I wasn't allowed to record inside the LEGO store  (the toy store), but I found one of their most  


expensive sets of Legos (The Eiffel Tower) at  $629.99. Is that pricey? Let me know. Also, that  


price tag $629 does not include the tax. It can  get very expensive when you're shopping for items  


over a hundred dollars. Over here, they have the  Darth Vader display and that is just for display,  


but you can go inside and take a picture with it.  When I pass by this store it smells like a candy  


shop but it's not a candy shop. This store Bath  and Body Works sells things like candles, perfume,  


shampoo, conditioner, everything that would make  your house smell so good. I'm going to pop in  


the store and check out their products and smell  their candles. This is a beautiful display but it  


looks kind of weird. You know why? Because this  display is just for Halloween. Right now we are  


in the month of July. I'm recording this right now  in July and they have things for Halloween. July,  


August, September, October... We're almost  four months away from Halloween and they  


have a huge display. I'm going to smell this  candle and it's called pumpkin pecan waffles.  


It smells like a pumpkin pecan waffle. I was  making fun of all of the products they have  


out for Halloween, but I picked out something I'm  going to buy. This is a pumpkin, but it lights up  


and I think you can see a skeleton light up inside  so I'm gonna take this pumpkin and pay at the cash  


register over there. There's no one in line right  now so I'm just going to walk up to the counter.  


Now I'm going to pay with my phone using Apple  pay. The receipt is fine in the bag. Thank you.


Thank you so much! I spent $35 on a pumpkin  and that's the good thing about going inside  


the stores and checking things out because you  never know what you're gonna find or buy. If  


you're a woman you probably know what this store  is. This is Sephora and they're famous for their  


makeup products. I'm not going to go inside the  store because I'm not on a shopping spree. I'm  


not trying to buy everything in each store. I'm  just trying to walk around. Now I'm inside a  


clothing store called Abercrombie and Fitch and  I want to try on this shirt to see if it fits or  


to see if it's too small for me. I'm not sure if  I'm going to buy it or like it, but you can try  


things on at the fitting room. It's also called  the dressing room. So come along with me and  


I'm going to try this on. They have many fitting  rooms, but they gave me fitting room 107 so I'm  


gonna go ahead and try it on. I just tried on this  white shirt but I didn't like it so I'm going to  


put it back on the hanger and now I'm going to  check out another store. Now, I'm at the Apple  


Store. This is the electronic store at the mall  and it's always busy. As you can see behind me,  


there are people inside trying to buy things like  phones, iPads, tablets, computers... You name it!  


Now I'm at the other end of the mall. Behind me  are the luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci,  


and Rolex. They have a lot of security guards here  because as you guys know these luxury brands are  


very expensive and they are out of my budget.  Which means I cannot afford these items inside  


the store. Also, the furniture behind me is very  comfortable for people shopping at these stores  


and feels like luxury compared to other parts of  the mall where they have seating sections. I don't  


think I can record inside the store, but I'm going  to try to find the most expensive Gucci item. Of  


course, when I entered the Gucci store, I wasn't  able to record anything inside and when I looked  


at the shoes there weren't any price tag. That  means it was out of my budget. I'm going to go  


to this store right here called Nordstrom.  It's another department store like Macy's,  


but they have a lot of things on sale and it's a  little bit more in my budget. Now I'm at the end  


of the mall at my very last store called Nordstrom  and they have things on sale. so on sale means at  


a reduced price so I'm going to see things on sale  to see if it fits my budget. When something is on  


sale, that means it is at a reduced price. For  example, these boots right here were $170 and  


after the sale $100. You can find things on  sale like that all over the store. They have  


different brands at different tables and you can  try to find things that would fit your budget.  


And what happens if someone takes something  and walks out the store? Well that is called  


shoplifting and they have a security system right  here that prevents people from shoplifting items.  


If you walk past this security system, the alarm  will sound and the whole store will know that you  


took something from the store without paying  for that item. Okay guys! I'm finally outside  


the mall and I hope you guys have learned a  lot of shopping mall vocab inside the mall!  


I hope you guys can go ahead and give my video a  like (a thumbs up), go ahead and subscribe, and  


give me a super thanks if you like to support my  channel. Thanks to you guys, I'm able to buy this  


beautiful orange pumpkin for Halloween. I love  you guys and I'll see you guys next week. Bye!

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