This Free AI System Will Create Unique Content in Seconds!
TLDRيقدم الفيديو دليلاً شاملاً لبناء تدفق عمل التلقائي باستخدام منصة Make وتطبيق الويب لاستخراج المحتوى. يشرح كيفية البحث عبر الإنترنت واستخراج المحتوى وتوليد المقالات باستخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي، مع توفير الوصول المجاني إلى تطبيق مخصص وتوجيه الخطوات بسهولة. يوضح الفيديو أيضًا تكوين وتشغيل سيناريو التلقائي المتقدم لإجراء بحوث مكثفة وإنتاج نتائج متميزة بفضل استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي وتوجيه موجز مؤثر.
- 🚀 **自动化工作流程**: 通过AI驱动的自动化,可以快速生成博客文章、社交媒体帖子或研究报告。
- 🔍 **互联网搜索**: 输入一个主题,自动化工具将搜索互联网,提取前10、20、30、50个结果。
- 🔗 **内容提取**: 自动化工具将遍历所有链接,提取内容,阅读博客帖子,并从中提取主要思想和主题。
- 📝 **内容生成**: 利用从互联网收集的所有信息和想法,结合强大的提示和AI的能力,生成最终的博客文章或其他内容。
- 🛠️ **无需编码平台**: 使用Make平台,可以免费开始并自动化几乎任何业务流程。
- 📱 **应用程序集成**: 安装名为'Extract Web Content'的免费应用程序,它在自动化流程中起着重要作用。
- 🔑 **API密钥配置**: 需要配置Serper API、自定义应用程序和OpenAI的API密钥以使工作流程正常运行。
- 🔄 **迭代器和文本聚合器**: 使用迭代器模块循环处理搜索结果,并使用文本聚合器将多个文章的内容合并为一个输入。
- ✅ **一键运行**: 用户只需点击运行,输入主题,自动化流程即开始工作,最终生成完整的文章。
- 📈 **高级工作流程**: 高级版本不仅搜索和生成内容,还涉及从文章中提取主题和想法,然后对每个主题进行深入研究。
- 📚 **研究论文生成**: 高级工作流程可以生成深入研究的论文,这需要更详细的研究和更多的时间来处理。
- ✍️ **提示的力量**: 最终输出的质量取决于用户输入的提示,这决定了AI如何生成内容。
Q & A
ما هي الخطوة الأولى في بناء سير العمل التلقائي الموضح في الفيديو؟
-الخطوة الأولى هي فهم سير العمل التلقائي الرئيسي، وهو سير يبحث في الإنترنت، ويدخل موضوعاً ويبحث في الويب ويستخرج أفضل النتائج التي تختارها، ثم يستخدم هذه المعلومات لإنشاء المحتوى المطلوب.
ما هو منصة Make وكيف يمكن استخدامها في هذا السيناريو؟
-منصة Make هي منصة تتيح الإنشاء بدون الكود (no-code) لإنشاء سير العمل التلقائي. يمكن استخدامها لتكرار أي عمل في الأعمال، وتتيح بدء الاستخدام مجاناً، ويمكن للمستخدمين الاستفادة من النسخة الاحترافية مجاناً لفترة زمنية مع الاشتراك.
كيف يمكن لمستخدمي Make استخدام التطبيق المجاني المطور من القناة؟
-يستطيع مستخدمو Make تثبيت التطبيق المجاني من خلال نسخ الرابط الموجود في الوصف ولصقه في المتصفح، ثم النقر على تثبيت، واختيار المنظمة المناسبة، وبذلك يصبح التطبيق جاهزاً للاستخدام.
ما هي الخطوات المطلوبة لبناء وتكوين سير العمل الرئيسي؟
-بعد تثبيت التطبيق، يبدأ المستخدم بإنشاء سيناريو جديد، ثم ياستيراد المخطط البرمجي (blueprint) الذي تم تنزيله من الوصف، ويحدد التكوينات اللازمة مثل مفتاح API لـ Serper وـ OpenAI، ويتصل بـ Google Docs إذا كنت يرغب في النشر على Google Docs.
كيف يساعد التطبيق في استخراج المحتوى من المواقع الإلكترونية؟
-التطبيق يساعد في قراءة الروابط واستخراج المحتوى من المقالات، مما يوفر المحتوى المطلوب لـ OpenAI لتحليلها واستخراج الأفكار والموضوعات الأساسية لإنشاء المحتوى النهائي.
ما هي الميزة الرئيسية لـ Make Automation D1 الذي تم مشاركته في الفيديو؟
-ميزة رئيسية لـ Make Automation D1 هي قدرته على البحث في الإنترنت واستخراج الأفكار والموضوعات الأساسية من المقالات، ثم استخدام هذه المعلومات لإنشاء محتوى مثل المقالات الإلكترونية أو المنشورات في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أو الأوراق البحثية.
كيف يمكن لمستخدمي القناة الوصول إلى السيناريو البرمجي المتقدم في سير العمل؟
-يتم توضيح ذلك في الفيديو، حيث يشرح كيفية استخراج الأفكار والموضوعات من المقالات الأولى، ثم البحث في الإنترنت لكل موضوع للحصول على نتائج بحثية جديدة، واستخدام هذه المعلومات لإنشاء المحتوى النهائي.
ماذا يمكن أن يولد سير العمل التلقائي المتقدمة؟
-سير العمل التلقائي المتقدمة يمكن أن يولد أي نوع من المحتوى المطلوب، مثل المقالات الإلكترونية، المنشورات في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، السكريبتات لفيديوهات YouTube، أو حتى الأوراق البحثية، باعتماد المقدمة الصحيحة.
كيف يمكن لمستخدمي القناة تعلم كيفية صياغة المقدمات القوية؟
-يمكن لمستخدمي القناة الاطلاع على دورة مجانية مقدمة من قبل القناة لتعلم كيفية صياغة المقدمات القوية وهندسةها.
ماذا يشير القناة إلى أنه يمكن للمستخدمين فعله مع سير العمل التلقائي؟
-القناة تشير إلى أنه يمكن للمستخدمين استخدام سير العمل التلقائي لإجراء بحث شامل حول موضوع معين، ثم باستخدام OpenAI ومقدمة صحيحة، يمكن لهم إنشاء أي نوع من المحتوى يحتاجوا إليه.
ماذا ينصح القناة بفعله المستخدمين إذا تعلموا شيئاً جديداً من الفيديو؟
-إذا تعلمتم شيئاً جديداً من الفيديو، ينصح القناة بضغط زر الإعجاب (like button).
كيف يمكن للمستخدمين التفاعل مع القناة لمعرفة المزيد؟
-يمكن للمستخدمين التفاعل مع القناة من خلال التعليق على الفيديوهات أو التعليق على الفيديوهات القادمة.
🚀 Introduction to AI-Powered Automation Workflow
The video introduces an AI-powered automation workflow that can research a given topic, read articles, summarize content, and generate a blog post. The presenter shares a custom application that significantly aids this process. The workflow is designed to search the internet, extract top results, loop through links, and use AI to create various types of content. The presenter also offers a free pro version of a no-code automation platform called 'Make' for one month and guides viewers on how to install and use the workflow and its components, including the Serper API for web searches and OpenAI for content generation.
📘 Configuring the Automation Workflow and Applications
The second paragraph explains the process of configuring the automation workflow. It covers adding API keys for Serper and OpenAI, using the presenter's custom application for extracting web content, and setting up Google Docs for publishing the final output. The workflow involves searching Google, parsing JSON data, iterating over search results, extracting content, and using OpenAI to generate the final article. The presenter also discusses customizing the workflow and the importance of the iterator and text aggregator modules in combining content from various sources.
🔍 Advanced Workflow for In-Depth Research and Content Generation
The third paragraph delves into an advanced version of the automation workflow. Unlike the basic version, this one performs a more detailed research process. It extracts topics from the initial search results and then searches Google for each topic to gather comprehensive data. This approach generates a more in-depth final output suitable for various content types, such as research papers, social media posts, or YouTube scripts. The presenter emphasizes the flexibility of the workflow, which depends on the prompt given to OpenAI, and encourages viewers to learn more about crafting effective prompts.
💡Automation Workflow
💡Content Extraction
💡Custom Application
💡Google Docs
💡Scenario Builder
💡Research Papers
💡Social Media Post
The video demonstrates building an AI-powered automation workflow for generating blog posts and other content types.
The automation searches the internet, reads articles, summarizes them, and extracts content to create a blog post.
The presenter has developed a custom application that can extract web content, which is a game changer in the process.
The automation workflow can create content ideas, social media posts, blog posts, and research papers.
The presenter offers free access to a no-code automation platform called Make, which can automate various business tasks.
Make allows users to start for free and provides a pro version for testing.
The custom application 'Extract Web Content' is installed within Make to facilitate content extraction.
The workflow includes configuring modules for Serper API, the custom app, and OpenAI for content generation.
Google Docs can be used for publishing the final blog post or other content generated by the automation.
The automation process involves entering a topic, searching the web, extracting top results, and generating content.
The workflow is designed to save time by automating the process of content creation and research.
The presenter explains how to import and configure the workflow in Make for immediate use.
The video provides a detailed guide on how to set up API keys for Serper, the custom app, and OpenAI.
The final blog post or content is generated by combining information from multiple sources using AI.
The presenter discusses the possibility of customizing the workflow for different types of content creation.
An advanced workflow is introduced for more in-depth research and content generation.
The advanced workflow involves extracting topics from articles, conducting detailed research, and generating comprehensive outputs.
The final output of the automation is determined by the prompt entered by the user.
The video concludes with an invitation to learn more about crafting powerful prompts for AI.
hi friends in this video I will show you
how to build this automation workflow
you click on run you enter any topic you
want for example email marketing click
okay and now in seconds what will happen
is that this automation powered by AI
will do a research on the internet read
articles summarize them extract content
from and then we'll create and generate
a Blog full blog post and this is the
final output not only that in this video
you will get access free access to my
custom application that I developed here
which is a game changer as you will see
also you'll get access to the advanced
automation workflow this one will help
you create almost anything from content
ideas to social media post to blog post
to research papers almost anything I'm
so excited this video if you are ready
let's get started so step number one is
to understand the main automation
workflow so what we are going to build
or what we built here in this video is a
workflow that will search the internet
you enter a topic it will search the web
and extract the top 10 20 30 50 results
whatever you want then it will Loop
through all these results all these link
and extract the content it will read the
blog posts then from each blog post it
will extract the main ideas and topics
that is required to write a blog for
example or to create maybe a social
media post or a research anything you
want then we will use all the
information collected from the internet
all the ideas to create what you want we
will combine them all with a powerful
prompt and with the power of AI to
generate the final blog post or the
final output the idea is simple let's
see how we can build this step two we
need a no code automation platform and
what's better than make I start using it
recently and I really fell in love with
this awesome platform it allows me to
automate almost anything in my business
anything you can get started for free
and what's really awesome I partnered
with make and now you can get free
access to the pro version for one month
so you can test everything for free in
the description below you'll find the
link just click and join make to get
free access to the platform so free
access with my free apps with the free
workflow everything is free just go and
test and see the power of AI Automation
and make to help you save countless
hours for you or your clients remember
you can also sell this for your clients
as a service so let's get started again
click on the link and log into your new
account if it's your first time it will
ask you some questions just select what
best fits you and let's get started here
where the magic will begin step three is
to install my free application inside
make just copy the link in the
description again and paste in your
browser it's an app invitation it's
called extract web content click install
you will see how much this application
is important in a in seconds select your
organization and click install and
perfect it's installed now super simple
step number four is to build and
configure the workflow this main
workflow now when I build this it took
me around 4 5 hours building the
application and testing and
creating the prompts and so on now to
make things simple for you and save your
time I will give you the workflow so you
can directly Implement and configure
again in your account click on create a
new scenario you will see how simple is
this and here is a scenario Builder or
or the automation workflow Builder what
you will do simply is click on these
three dots click on import blueprint
choose file and simply input the Json
you downloaded from the description
below that I shared with you it's called
make automation D1 Open click on Save
and boom you will have the full scenario
imported in your account now you need to
configure few things to make this work
click on the first module and you will
see here I am calling serper API what is
serper if you go here to serer website
it's simply a service allows you to
search Google through an API and you can
get 2,500 free queries so just sign up
for free and go here to API keys and
simply copy your key and go back and
simply click on ADD and enter your API
key here that's it okay next click on my
application open it we see the API key
here just make sure to enter Hassan 2024
hn 2020 4 this will give you free access
to my app then open CH GPT or open AI
module and connect with your API key
again click on ADD and enter your open
AI API key in case you don't know how
just go here to open just log
into your account and here you'll find
the API Keys just create a new one copy
it and paste here and we are done you
will see the prompts are configured
confed everything is configured for you
and the last step is to configure Google
Docs if you want to publish on Google
Docs again you can click on ADD
connection and log in with Gmail it's
super simple just sign in and you'll be
connected and that's it now when you
click on run it will ask you for a topic
how I added this input simply here we
have something called scenario inputs
and I added something called topic with
type text it's super simple
now when you click on run it will ask
you the topic let's say automate email
marketing any topic you want click okay
and now the automation will run you can
see it searched the web it converts to
Json then it iterates over all the URLs
and then using my awesome application
start extracting web content so it reads
the URL and extract the blog post this
is super important so you can pass the
blog post to open AI the AI analyze and
extract ideas from you can see now open
is working if you zoom in you see 5 six
reading the Articles seven how many
articles eight we have 10 URLs and now
it's filtering out the ones that has
content so we got eight articles we
combined all this with tools then we
passed everything to the final open ey
module to generate the final article and
if you click here here you will see the
link to your Google doc you can open it
to see the final output and here we are
so this is how our first example Works
our main example on generating blog
posts using Ai and my web extract
application and this awesome automation
workflow now before I move on and give
you the advanced automation workflow and
show you how it works please give me one
minute or maybe 30 seconds to explain
few things here I think it will help you
if you want to change things in the
automation workflow if you want to build
customized version or so on this module
is calling server API searching Google
for results using HTTP request then
using this Json module we are reading
the Json we are parsing the Json you can
see here simply reading the data from
this API we got the Json then we use
something called iterator it simply
loops Loops over the organic results
coming from Json if you go here you will
see in the Json we have organic results
which are Google results so we looped
through these results and then for each
result we are extracting the blog
content content the web page content
using my free application this is why
this is a game changer without it you
need to scrape I don't know how you read
the content so you are using this free
application that I developed for you to
read the content then pass it to chpt or
AI API so we provide the article one by
one and using this prompt we are
extracting the main ideas and
information to be used in the final
article and then we use something called
text aggregator so you can see those
four modules connected together and if
you open this to you will see that the
source module is the iterator please
focus on this it's very important when
you want to use a text aggregator select
the iterator model so now it will
combine everything came from the
iterator the content and combine in one
output the text content and then we can
pass this output this one output as an
input to our new open AI module you can
see here we have the text the final
that will be used to generate a
comprehensive 1,500 blog post using this
prompt also and and then publish on
Google Docs you can even add here for
example a module to publish a draft on
WordPress you can see connect WordPress
or anything you want you can update this
workflow so what I want to focus on here
is the iterator and the text aggregator
so we are combining multiple outputs
from different article into one piece of
text to pass as an input for the final
AI module to generate the article so
this is our main workflow let's now move
on to the advanced workflow and see
what's going on here now the main
difference in this Advanced workflow is
instead of searching Google getting the
top 10 articles and creating content
directly from these articles what I'm
doing here in this part I'm again
searching Google getting the top 10
articles what I'm doing here is
extracting topics from these articles
and not using them to generate the
content extracting topics and ideas then
for each topic so we'll have like maybe
50 topics 50 ideas we will search Google
for each topic and get 10 results so
it's like doing a full research
searching tons of Articles maybe
hundreds of Articles then B based on
that we will generate the final output
you will see here if we run this
automation for example let's say AI
agents click okay it will take somehow a
little more time because we have
detailed research it's like an AI agent
with no code built on make it's really
awesome so in the first place here we
are extracting the first 10 results you
can see here
reading the content and then extracting
the topics and searching Google for each
topic and for each topic we get the
results and using open AI again we read
the articles and create the final output
let's wait a little bit to see the
output we are here and now we are
writing the final research paper let's
see what we will get
saving let's see
open the result and you will see this
research remember that what decides the
final output is your prompt here if you
open this one you will see a very basic
prompt now generate a full research
paper you can here generate maybe
Twitter post Facebook posts you can
generate a YouTube script anything you
want based on the research so this
automation workflow is to do an
intensive research about a certain topic
and finally give it it to open Ai and
with the right prompt you can generate
anything you want this is why I told you
with this automation workflow at the
beginning of the video you can generate
anything you want it's all about the
final prompt you enter here and if you
want to learn more about crafting and
Engineering powerful prompts you can
check my full free course here on my
channel I hope you learned something new
today if yes smash the like button and
see you in the upcoming video
4.8 / 5 (42 votes)

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كورس هندسة التلقين | Prompt Engineering MasterClass