Liver King Confession... I Lied.
TLDRالمتحدث في هذا النص يعترف بوجوده العلني ويأسف على التزوير والدخ الخطأ الذي قام به في السابق. يعترف بأنه استخدم استرويدز وأنه يستمر في استخدامها تحت إشراف طبيب متخصص. يشرح أن الهدف من وجوده العام هو توعية الناس بأهمية العيش التقليدي للتخفيف من الاكتئاب والقلق والضعف. يعترف بأنه كان يحاول تخفي استخدام الستيرويدز لأنه أعتقد أنه لا يؤثر على رسالته، لكنه الآن يعترف بخطأه ويتعهد بالإفصاح الكامل والعمل على تحسين الشخصية ليكون مثالًا أفضل.
- 🙇♂️ الاعتراف: يعترف الشخص في النص بأنه كذب وضلل الكثير من الناس.
- 💉 استخدم الستيرويدات: يعترف بأنه استخدم استيروييدات وأنه يستمر في استخدامها تحت المراقبة والإدارة من قبل طبيب متخصص.
- 🧬 هدف الشخص: يهدف إلى نشر رسالة توعية عن الانتماء التقليدي للمساعدة في تحسين الصحة العقلية والجسدية للشباب.
- 🤔 الخلط بين الرسالة: يعتقد أن استخدام الستيرويدات له لا علاقة بالرسالة الأساسية التي يريد أن ينشرها.
- 🙅♂️ الرفض المستمر: يعترف بأنه رفض دائمًا الاعتراف باستخدام الستيرويدات، مما أدى إلى تعميق القضية.
- 🧬 تجربة العلاج: يوضح أنه حاول عدة مزيجات من البيوباتيدات لزيادة هرمون النمو لكنها لم تنجح.
- 💊 استعمال الأدوية: يعترف بأنه استخدم هرمون نمو طبي ونجح في إدارة مستوياته الطبية.
- 🚫 استعمال الستيرويدات الأخرى: يؤكد أنه لا يستخدم أي استيروييدات أخرى بخلاف التستوستيرون.
- 😅 المزحة: يعترف بأن بعض الأشياء التي ذكرها مثل العمليات التجميلية أو التعديل الجيني كانت مزحة.
- 💪 الدافع الشخصي: يشير إلى أن الشعور بالضعف هو السبب الذي يدفعه إلى التدريب الجسدي الشاق واستخدام الأدوية.
- 🤝 الشكر: يشكر الجميع على الدعم والانتقادات والحب والكراهية والأمانة.
Q & A
لماذا قام بتصوير الفيديو؟
-قام بتصوير الفيديو لتقديم اعتذار لأنه كذب وضلل الكثير من الناس، بسبب التعرض العلنية التي لم يتوقعها.
ماذا كان يحاول أن ينقل الرسائل؟
-كان يحاول أن ينقل الرسائل حول العيش الأصلي (ancestral living) وثمانية قواعد أصلية لتخفيف المعاناة ويساعد الناس على التعبير عن أعظم وأكثر تفوقًا شكلًا.
لماذا كذب في السابق عن استخدام الستيرويدز؟
-كذب لأنه أعتقد أن هذا لا يتصل برسالة الأصلية، وأنه ليس متنافسًا في أي نوع من الرياضات، فكان يعتقد أنه يمكن أن يتجاهل هذا الموضوع.
هل استخدم الستيرويدز لصالح الإعلام العام؟
-نعم، لقد استخدم الستيرويدز، ولكن بمراقبة وإدارة من قبل طبيب هرمون مدرب.
لماذا يعتقد أنه كان يجب أن يتحدث عن استخدامه للستيرويدز؟
-يعتقد أنه يجب أن يتحدث عن استخدامه للستيرويدز لأن هناك وقت ومكان لتدخل فارماكولوجي، وأنه يجب أن يحتوي على المراقبة الطبية.
ماذا كان يحاول أن يفعل بتجربة 'الملك الكبدي'؟
-كان يحاول أن ينشر رسالة و يرفع الوعي عن الاكتئاب والقلق والعجز التلقائي والضعف العاطفي، والضعف والامتناع في الشباب.
هل قام بأي عمليات جراحية لتحسين مظهره؟
-لا، لم يفعل أي عمليات جراحية لتحسين مظهره، وأنه كل ما ذكره عن العمليات الجراحية وتعديل الجينات كانت نكتة.
هل كان لديه أي تأثير على نجاح его الشركات؟
-لا، لم يؤثر على نجاح شركاته، حيث كانت شركاته ناجحة من قبل و还在增长 بنفس المعدل بعد الشخصية العمومية.
لماذا يعاني من الesteem الذاتي المنخفض؟
-يعاني من الesteem الذاتي المنخفض لأنه جزء من 85٪ من السكان الذين يعانيون من الesteem الذاتي المنخفض، وهذا هو السبب في أنه يمارس الرياضة بجد.
ماذا يؤمن به أن الطريقة إلى الجنة؟
-يؤمن بأن الطريقة إلى الجنة مرصعة بجحيم، مما يشير إلى أن النجاح يتطلب جهدًا كبيرًا والعمل الصعب.
ماذا يريد أن يفعل الآن بعد الكشف عن الحقيقة؟
-يريد أن يأخذ المسؤولية الشاملة ويصبح أحسن إنسان، ويتقدم لمناقشة كل شيء بوضوح، ويسعى لتحقيق حياة أفضل.
🙇♂️ Public Apology and Steroid Admission
In this paragraph, the speaker begins with a public apology for lying and misleading people. They admit to using steroids under the supervision of a trained hormone clinician. The speaker explains that their public persona, 'Liver King,' was created to raise awareness about mental health issues and promote ancestral living as a solution. They acknowledge having lied about never using steroids in previous interviews, rationalizing it as unrelated to their message. The speaker also admits to trying various peptides and pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone to manage their health, which had previously been unsuccessful. They express remorse for their actions, take responsibility, and commit to being more open about the use of pharmacological interventions in the future.
💪 Personal Struggle with Self-Esteem and the Impact of Hormone Replacement
The speaker discusses their personal struggle with self-esteem, which is part of a larger statistic affecting 85% of the population. They reveal that this struggle drives them to work extremely hard in the gym, doing 12 to 15 intense workouts a week to feel adequate. The speaker shares that hormone replacement has significantly helped them physically and cognitively, but they still believe in the idea that success requires overcoming great challenges. They express gratitude for recent events that have forced them to confront and openly discuss their use of steroids and hormone therapy. The speaker concludes by acknowledging their mistakes, expressing deep regret, and pledging to take ownership of their actions and strive to be a better person.
💡الوعي الاجتماعي
💡العيش الأصلي
💡التمثيل الجسدي
💡الأدوية الطبية
💡المراقبة الطبية
💡الثقة الذاتية
💡التأثير الشخصي
Apologizes for lying and misleading people about his use of steroids.
Acknowledges the complexity of the topic due to his public persona and personal beliefs.
Explains the initial anonymity and subsequent public exposure due to social media.
Admits to using steroids under the supervision of a trained hormone clinician.
Describes his public figure 'Liver King' as an experiment to raise awareness about mental health issues.
Details the purpose of promoting 'ancestral living' and its tenets to alleviate human suffering.
Clarifies his past dishonesty about steroid use during podcast interviews.
Reflects on his self-justification for not disclosing his steroid use.
Admits to digging himself into a deeper hole by continually dismissing the topic.
States that there is a time and place for pharmacological intervention under professional guidance.
Reveals his personal experience with hormone replacement therapy at the age of 43.
Confesses to trying several peptide combinations and pharmaceutical grade growth hormone.
Denies using other steroids like dandrillone or Winstrol currently, but admits to past use.
Shares the negative health effects he experienced from using steroids without clinical oversight.
Clarifies that the Liver King brand is not the reason for his business success.
Dispels rumors about AB implants, etching, plastic surgery, and gene editing.
Explains that the joke about gene editing was an expression of 'ancestral 10' to have fun.
Discusses his personal struggle with self-esteem and the impact on his intense workout regimen.
Expresses gratitude for the recent events that have prompted an open discussion on the topic.
Commits to taking responsibility, improving, and leading a better life as a human.
Invites any remaining questions and thanks everyone for their support, criticism, love, hate, and loyalty.
primals I'm making this video to
because I [ __ ] up
because I'm embarrassed and ashamed
because I lied
and I misled a lot of people
I've stated that this is a complicated
as [ __ ] Topic at least to me it is
because before social media I was rich
and Anonymous and after social media I'm
still rich but no longer Anonymous and I
never expected this kind of exposure in
the public eye
it's been tricky as [ __ ] to navigate
clearly I did it wrong and I'm here now
to set the record straight
yes I've done steroids and yes I am on
steroids monitored and managed by
trained hormone clinician
liver King the public figure was an
experiment to spread the message to
bring awareness to the 4 000 people a
day who kill themselves the 80 000
people a day that try to kill themselves
our people are hurting at record rates
with depression autoimmune anxiety
infertility low ambition in life
our young men are hurting them both
feeling lost weak and submissive so I
made it my job to model teach and preach
a simple elegant solution called
ancestral living then nine ancestral
tenants so our people no longer have to
suffer so we can collectively express
our highest and most dominant form this
is my fight this is why I exist
while spreading the message I've been on
several podcasts and when asked if I've
ever taken steroids I've always said no
I don't touch this stuff not going to
touch the stuff never touch the stuff
that was a lie
I've convinced myself that this had
nothing to do with the ancestral message
I convinced myself that
I'm not a competitive athlete of any
kind so who the [ __ ] am I cheating I
convinced myself
that this topic was a placeholder for a
far more important conversation I
convinced myself that this would
overshadow that 36 years of working out
usually twice a day without
I've convinced myself
that this was the vocal minority usually
in the fitness category driving to an
unproductive conversation
and I had convinced myself that this
would be the wrong message to send to
the 15 year old boys
so I continually dismissed it and I dug
myself into a bigger and deeper hole
I have only myself to blame I did that
and it was all wrong
I will be better I will talk about it
openly because I believe that there's a
time and a place for pharmacological
intervention monitored and managed by a
trained hormone physician
in 2021
when I was 43 years old
I didn't feel 100 physically or
cognitively so I went to get monitored
and managed by a trained hormone
clinician to see what the [ __ ] was going
on with my life
and so yes it's true I have tried
several peptide combinations in an
effort to increase my growth hormone and
it didn't work meaning that my levels
still remained below the normal level
so yes it's also true
that I've tried pharmaceutical grade
growth hormone and I finally found
success in managing therapeutic levels
in the normal range
yes this is true I've continued on with
.6 cc's of testosterone per week roughly
120 milligrams of testosterone a week
and no
don't take any other steroids like
dandrillone or Winstrol but I have tried
them in the past without so
yes it's also true that my blood
chemistry got all [ __ ] up while taking
angelone and went strong
my lipids got all deranged my liver
enzymes went Sky High which is why
clinical oversight is an absolute must
nope the liver King brand has had
nothing or at least very little to do
with my business success my companies
were already kicking ass already
successful before the liver King public
figure growing at 50 year over year and
still growing at the same Pace after the
liver King public figure
nope I've never had AB implants AB
etching or any other plastic surgery and
I sure as [ __ ] never actually had Gene
editing done in Singapore I made all of
that up it was all intended to be a joke
and that's an expression of ancestral 10
and 10 have a little goddamn fun
why did I or why do I do them
when I talk about the 85 percent of the
population that suffers from self-esteem
that's me
I'm part of that statistic this is why I
[ __ ] work myself to death in the gym
this is why I do 12 to 15 blood burning
workouts a week just to feel like I'm
still I have to absolutely Crush myself
to do so and I'm wrecked physically and
cognitively and hormone replacement
has helped in a profound and significant
way and still I believe that the path to
Paradise is paved in [ __ ] hell
I previously have said in a weird way
I'm grateful for the recent events that
have shed light on this complicated as
[ __ ] topic I knew I needed to take this
opportunity to openly discuss
for me to be a better human
if there are any questions that remain
unanswered send them my way
I fully own that I [ __ ] up I am as
sorry as a man can be and all I can do
is take extreme ownership right now be
better and Lead myself to a better life
as a better human again thank you to
everyone for the support the criticism
the love the hate and above all else
the loyalty
never King that
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