I Spent 500$ to Pack New Prime Hero GINOLA & UCL Icon Ronaldinho in FC MOBILE!
TLDRمستخدم يخترع محتوى يستعرض في هذا الفيديو تجربة فتح الحزم في لعبة الفوتبول الإلكترونية، يبدأ بعرض الأيقونات الجديدة مثل PSG وبطاقة جولا، ويتابع بمحاولة فتح الحزم لمحاولة الحصول على اللاعبين البارزين مثل ديفيد جينولا أو رونالدو. يستعرض النتائج مع عدد من الحزم التي يفتحها، ويظهر الحزم التي يحصل فيها على اللاعبين المميزين أو النقد. في النهاية، يختبر الحزم الأخرى بدرجات مختلفة، ويختبر حزمة التبادل، مع الأمل على الحصول على أيقونة. يختتم الفيديو بدعوة المشاهدة والمشاركة في القناة.
- 😀 توفر UCL PK لفتح الحزم الجديدة مع الأيقونات الجديدة.
- 🏆 تظهر الأيقونات الجديدة لنادي PSG، بما في ذلك جينولا الأسطوري والأبطال، مع إحصائيات ممتازة.
- 💪 بطاقة جينولا تتميز بـ 90 في القوة الجسدية، 89 في التصوير، 90 في التسلية، و86 في الأداء الجسدي، بالإضافة إلى خوارزم النجومية.
- 👍 بطاقة جي诺لا هي بطاقة اللاعب الكامل، مع خوارزم النجومية وحركة جيدة.
- 😐 بطاقة جوجيو تتميز بخوارزم النجومية، لكن تعاني من الضعف في التحمل الجسدي.
- 🚀 بطاقة غلي مع إحصائيات معقولة، لكن ليست مثيرة للجدل.
- 🎁 في السوق، وضعت منافسة على رونالدو، وأمل في الحصول عليه في تحديث المتجر.
- 📦 فتح الحزم الأساسية، لكن لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء إدسون القاعدة من مانشستر سيتي.
- 🤔 تغير الحظ في الحزم القياسية، مع خيار الحزم التي أضيفت فرصة الحزم المشتركة.
- 😐 الحزم لم تكن الأفضل، مع الخروج بـ Matt Hamel وليس بطاقة Masher.
- 🎉 في الحزم الفائقة، فتحت بطلاً في الدوري الإنجليزي، لكن لم يحصل على أي بطاقة مميزة.
- 👎 الحزم الفائقة لم تكن أفضل، مع الدخول على المبلغ النقدي والبطاقات الغير مرغوب فيها.
- 🔄 فتح الحزم المتسلسلة، لكن لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء كيميك الذي حصل على تقييم 92.
- 😐 الحزم المتسلسلة لم تكن أفضل، مع الدخول على المبلغ النقدي وبطاقات UCL.
- 🎁 في الحزم الأعلى، حصل على أيقونة جيدة، وهو أوكوشا، بتقييم 89.
- 📦 فتح الحزم الأساسية، لكن لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء Lucas Z الذي حصل عليه مع 7.39 مليون عملة.
- 😐 في الحزم الأساسية، لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء Kyle Walker مع 2.65 مليون عملة.
- 📦 فتح الحزم الأساسية بشكل مستمر، لكن لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء Shalan Glu بتقييم 88.
- 😐 في الحزم النهائية، لم يتم الخروج بأي بطاقة مميزة، باستثناء Danilo Perira.
- 🔄 قام بتبادل نقاط FC، لكن لم يتم الخروج بأي أيقونة مميزة، باستثناء مانويلار الgoalkeeper.
- 👍 في النهاية، يتمنى المتحدث أن يستمتع الجمهور بفيديو فتح الحزم ويطلب منهم الاشتراك والتعليق.
Q & A
ما هي الفئة الجديدة من اللاعبين التي تمت مشاركتها في UCL PK؟
-تتضمن الفئة الجديدة أربعة أيقونات جديدة من نادي PSG، وهي أيقونات الأبطال، مثل جاينولا ورونالدينو.
ما هي المواصفات الرئيسية لبطاقة جاينولا في UCL PK؟
-تتميز بطاقة جاينولا بـ 90 في القوة الجسدية، 89 في التصوير، 90 في التسلية، و86 في الأداء الجسدي، بالإضافة إلى خوارزم الخمس نجوم وحركات المهارات الخمس نجوم.
ماذا يميز لقطة RONALDINHO في UCL PK؟
-تتميز لقطة RONALDINHO بخوارزم الخمس نجوم وتحركات المهارات الخمس نجوم، مع إمكانية اللعب كصانع اللعب.
ما هي النتيجة الأولى التي حصلت عليها القناة في فتح الحزم؟
-النتيجة الأولى هي حارس النادي الإنجليزي لمانشستر سيتي، إدسون، وهو بطاقة أساسية.
ما هي الadders التي أضيفت في الحزم القياسية لزيادة فرصة الفوز؟
-تتضمن الحزم القياسية الآن فرصة الفوز على Masher Rano وبطاقة DC، وهي بطاقات Universal rankup Players.
ماذا يتمنى القناة أن يحصل عليه من الحزم التي فتحها؟
-يأمل القناة في الفوز على بطاقات David Ginola أو Ronaldinho، أو حتى بطاقة Masherano.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لفتح الحزم التي قام بها القناة؟
-على الرغم من عدم الفوز على أي من الشخصيات الهامة، إلا أن القناة حصلت على العديد من العملات اللاعبين وعملات الألعاب.
ماذا تعني الحزم المتسلسلة في UCL PK؟
-تعني الحزم المتسلسلة في UCL PK مجموعة من الحزم التي يمكن فتحها بطريقة متتالية ل赢取 المزيد من اللاعبين والمكافآت.
ما هي البطاقة التي حصلت عليها القناة في الحزمة المتسلسلة؟
-حصلت القناة على بطاقة كيميك بتقييم 92، ولها القدرة على الصعود لتقييم 93.
ما هي البطاقة التي يأمل القناة في الفوز عليها من خلال الحزم المتغيرة؟
-يأمل القناة في الفوز على بطاقات الشخصيات الهامة مثل Okocha من الحزم المتغيرة.
ماذا تعني التبادل في UCL PK وماذا يتمنى القناة من هذا الإجراء؟
-تعني التبادل في UCL PK استبدال بطاقات معينة ببطاقة أخرى من أعلى تصنيف، ويأمل القناة في الفوز على بطاقة شخصية.
😀 UCL PK 开包视频介绍
视频作者回归,开始介绍UCL PK(可能指Ultimate Champions League Player Kicks,即终极冠军联赛球员包)开包视频。首先展示传奇俱乐部(Legend Clubs)的新图标,包括PSG(巴黎圣日耳曼)的四个新图标,特别强调了Ginola Prime Hero卡片,具有出色的统计数据和五星技能。接着,作者提到了其他几个球员卡片,包括JJ Ooa和Gly的卡片,并表达了对这些卡片的看法。作者的目标是在开包中获得David Ginola或Ronaldino,并提到已经在市场中对Ronaldino出价。视频随后进入开包环节,首先是基础硬防守者特别优惠包,但结果并不理想。接着是标准包,这些包有机会开出Mashar Rano和DC卡片,作者对此表示兴奋。尽管开包结果不尽人意,但作者仍然保持乐观,并继续开更多的包。
🎰 开包过程与结果
视频作者继续开包过程,但多数包结果并不理想,没有出现特别令人兴奋的球员。作者提到了一些开包中得到的球员,如Jed Bowen、Sule和Simon,以及一些硬币。尽管没有得到期望的Mashar Rano或DC卡片,作者还是展示了一些得到的普通球员和硬币。随后,作者尝试了不同的开包策略,包括一次性开多个包,但结果仍然没有显著改善。作者提到了一些特定的球员,如Rafa和hland,但这些球员并没有给开包结果带来太大的惊喜。视频的这一部分主要展示了开包的不确定性和作者对得到更好球员的渴望。
🤔 总结与交换球员
在视频的最后部分,作者总结了开包的结果,并提到了进行球员交换的可能性。作者完成了88到91评分的交换,并希望得到一个图标球员,但最终得到了一个德国守门员Manuel Neuer,他是一个昂贵且高价值的球员。作者鼓励观众订阅频道,点赞视频,并观看其他精彩视频。这一部分强调了尽管开包结果可能不如预期,但作者仍然享受这个过程,并鼓励观众参与和互动。
💡UCL PK openings
💡walk out
💡Universal rankup Players
💡chain packs
Introduction to UCL PK openings featuring new PSG icons.
Highlight of David Ginola's icon card with impressive stats and five-star skills.
Mention of Ronaldino's card and the user's attempt to acquire him.
Opening of the first pack reveals a base Ederson card.
Introduction of Universal Rankup Players (URP) cards with increased chances.
Disappointment with the lack of walkout cards in initial pack openings.
Excitement for a walkout with Matt Hamel in the final three packs.
Opening of 83 to 94 rated player pack with a focus on Ronaldinho or David Ginola.
Opening of Ultra Packs with the hope of getting a walkout.
Receiving a walkout with Jed Bowen in an Ultra Pack.
Opening of chain packs starting with an 83 to 94 rated chain pack.
Disappointment with the first chain pack's outcome.
Positive reaction to packing a 92 rated Kimmich in a UCL chain pack.
Anticipation for the 88 to 94 rated pack with the potential for icons.
Packing an icon, Jay-Jay Okocha, in the UCL chain pack number five.
Opening of limited offer packs with unimpressive results.
Attempt to open 50 base packs in hopes of packing high-rated players.
Packing Kyle Walker and a significant amount of coins in base pack openings.
Final pack openings with the hope of packing more high-rated players.
Completion of the 88 to 91 rated player exchange with anticipation for an icon.
Final thoughts and call to action for viewers to subscribe and like the video.
yo gang what's going on so I am back
with another UCL PK openings first let's
have a look at the icons before we start
opening the packs so if you get into the
legend clubs uh so here you can see PSG
and there are four new PSG icons I mean
Heroes mostly ginola Prime hero so this
card is wonderful guys look at those
stats 90 rup 89 shooting 90 dribbling
and 86 physical perfect Striker card and
the best part is it's got five star weak
for and five star skill moves and great
stamina as well so he's got the
playmaker trade very good looking card
four star weak for five star skill moves
of course and he's got very good Pace
nice shooting nice passing nice
dribbling and overall looks like a
perfect card guys and next we've got JJ
Ooa so even this card looks good very
good to be honest five star weak foot
and little bit low in the stamina side
but I I think it's going to be fine and
then he's got the playmaker outside for
shot trate and finally we've got a right
WI card which is gly so yeah this card
89 Pace 84 shooting 81 passing and 86
dribbling uh this is the card which I'm
not really very excited about uh so yeah
these are the four new icons guys today
I'm going to try my best to pack David
ginola or ronaldino guys and also in the
market I've just put a bid on ronaldino
I was right on time so I got I hopefully
I can get him in this refresh and now
let's go and start opening the packs
guys so first let's start with this
basic hard Defender special offer pack
pack number one and that's not a workout
all right that's fine all we got is so
bad I mean yeah let's open five more
here we go this time it's a walk out
guys and that's a normal walk out Brazil
goalkeeper who this is Manchester City
ederson oh that's a base ederson not bad
actually and now we're going to open
these standard packs guys now they have
added the chance of packing a Masher
Rano and also DC card so that's amazing
these cards are Universal rankup Players
so yeah if I pack them I'm going to be
very happy especially Masano so let's go
I'm going to go one at a time and okay
that's just coins and we got Von I'm
going to go three at a time now let's go
and see okay it's not a walk out once
again and we got Pepe that's it and yeah
I'm going to open three more once again
so all right no walk out so far that is
kind of disappointing not going to lie
and the final three packs of the day
here we go and this time we finally get
the walk out all right Germany I think
that's Jamal Mousa no it's not that's
rudiger no it's not even rudiger guys
it's Matt Hamel so I mean yeah this pack
uh I mean these packs w't the best for
me but still we've got a lot more packs
to open and now we have this free 83 to
94 rated player all I want to pack is
the Ronaldinho or David ginola guys and
here we go so it's a Champions League
walk out France then back saliva no
that's not even saliva that's Simon yeah
that's simakan guys so yeah that is it
for the 883 to 94 rated player packs but
we've got lots of packs for the ultra
packs so first let's begin with opening
one pack here we go one Ultra Pack come
on all right and that's a walk out we
begin with the walk out England all
right that might be good right that's
Jed Bowen never mind that's a yeah U
card and that is it also we've got sule
and yep that's it guys and the next pack
is here the next Ultra Pack come on I
feel something good coming guys but end
of the pack opening video today France
Center back Arsenal nah it's Simon once
again and we've got Trad and we've got
Fon Torres and King and 3.75 million
coins okay that's decent and the third
Ultra Pack is here so let's see what we
going to get this time it's not a walk
out just 1.5 million coins and we've got
pidy and Fabio VI once again so yeah
that's not the best really and we've got
two more Ultra packs here we go come on
please give me a mashan that's all I ask
for England right mid once again Jed oh
it's not Jared B it's Miler no that's
much okay and yeah this is another very
bad Ultra Pack so we've got the fifth
pack here right now so here we go let's
see what we get in the fifth pack and
that's a Champions League Portugal Camp
uh that no I for oh no that's Rafa okay
never mind we've got hland and that is
it so another bad Ultra Pack if you ask
me so we've opened all the five packs
now it's time to open the chain packs
guys so let's go begin the chain pack
this is 83 to 94 rated chain pack so
let's begin for the first chain pack and
here we go let's see what is the player
that we're going to pack uh Japan right
wing uh Kubo I think that's Kubo yeah 83
that's so bad we've got gundi and that
is it very backpack guys very bad pack
and now we it's time for the chain pack
number two so 1,000 points for it so
let's go come on give her luck I mean
give her good luck and here we go the
packs open and Spain okay goalkeeper uh
real s that I'm not sure who the
goalkeeper yeah Alex Ramiro and obano
danso and nothing really good guys all
we got is 1.5 million coins that is it
and now it's time for another chain pack
which is UCL chain pack number three
hopefully we get something good in this
one you know what let's go open this one
here we go come on please be an icon no
that's not enough Germany uh CDM Joshua
Kim Kimi okay that's not bad a 92 rated
kimick guys I'm I'm going to take it and
also he has a potential of going to 93
OVR so that's not bad at all and we got
a goalkeeper we've got Oban we've got
Dano Pera and lots of U and UCL cards
and that is it so this is quite good
guys that's quite good but I was
expecting icons guys all we need are
icons that's it so let's go for the the
next pack which is a 88 to 94 rated pack
this has 1 188 to 94 rated and 15 80 to
94 rated players so come on come on this
is the big pack this is the big pack
come on EA come on please be please be a
great pack and here we go England cam n
that's probably uh Kon tripier I mean k
trip I mean trip here so that's not bad
and nacha Fernandez we've got 3.75
million coins and lots of other
Champions League conference league and
Europa League players and that is it so
that completes the UCL chain pack number
four and finally we've got the UCL chain
pack number five come on come on this is
the this is the high pack guys come on
let's see what we going to get in this
one come on EA come on please be someone
good that's an icon guys that's an icon
Nigeria oh that's okocha I mean that's
not at all bad to be honest I I'll take
it okocha is a good pull to be honest
and we've got him so how much is he
going for right now there is a lot of
demand for him and yeah I'm probably
going to rank him up as well he's 89
rated so yeah it's easy to rank him up
we also got some limited offer packs
which is this yeah this are just the
basic packs 75 to 8988 nothing
spectacular you know the best you can
pack is okoa as well here so let's go
try your luck in this one and it's not a
walk out and yeah just let's just skip
that and next now we have the 80 to 90
player pack this has a maximum of 90
over player so hopefully I get something
like Saka would be good guys and all we
got is 81 rated Lindelof and that is it
also guys we're going to open a few more
of these uh you know base packs I'm
going to try my luck you know I'm going
to go 10 at a time guys so let's go I'm
going to open uh 50 of these packs so
let's see what we're going to get and
it's a walk out guys that's good to see
uh France left pack Aston Villa who's
this ah Lucas Z okay and I mean that's
not really great but we've got 7.39
million coins which is good and now
we're going to open more of course we're
going to open 10 more at a time here we
go come on we want to see those big PS
icons and England all right right wing
that's uh that's Kyle Walker guys it
would have been good if it is you know
Kon trip here but yeah Kyle Walker is
also fine we got 2.65 million coins Kyle
Walker Diego Costa and a lot of other
you know for cards so yep that that is
it so I'm going to open 10 more we've
got 18,000 more FC points to spend so
let's go and here we go guys here we go
uh this is a Champions League walkout
Italy right back uh D Lorenzo guys I
mean yeah that's that's a decent oneth
that's it two 2 million coins a lot of
other Champions League players and yeah
some bunch of 70 to 79 R players so I'm
going to go 5 at a time now 10 at a time
it's not working well so let's go uh
okay never mind five time is also not
working all we got is 2.14 million coins
and the next five I mean next five here
we go I at least want the 40 million
coins guys even that could be good so
yeah um cam I've got no clue who this is
Japan cam oh kamada okay he's he's going
to Napoli all right didn't know that so
okay that's actually very bad guys I
think I'm going to go 10 once again so
4,000 FC points here we go let's see
what we're going to pack and it's
champions player again turkey shalan Glu
okay he's 88 rated if I'm not wrong that
is quite decent but yeah that is it 1.43
million coins and lot of other uh you
know Champions League cards and some
bronze cards and yeah that is it I'm
going to open more of course so I'm
going to go 108 at time once again so
4,000 FC points here we go and this time
it's once again a Champions League walk
out Germany cam Jamal m is back I mean
this is the 11th time me packing him so
yeah we even got dahood uh we've got
some other you know low rated players so
we've got 2.26 million coins as well so
final five packs I guess I think I can
open seven yeah I'm going to open seven
guys so here we go the final seven packs
are here so let's see what we're going
to get and all right it's Champions
League Portugal uh CDM uh I mean I
thought that was uh Bernardo Sila for a
second after I saw the Portugal flag but
yeah it's Danilo perir that's it so that
completes our FC points pack opening but
we not done yet because we have some
exchanges to do guys all right so I'm
ready for the 88 to 91 R exchange so
let's go and complete the exchange I'm
hoping for an icon guys if you get an
icon that's going to be insane I'm not
sure if we can pack an icon from this
though I think that's just normal player
Germany goalkeeper okay Manuel laer I'll
take it I think it's he's expensive I
think is more than 10 million yep it's
just around 10 million coins so yeah I
hope you all have ened enjoy this pack
opening video if you did make sure to
subscribe to my channel and like this
video for more amazing videos like this
and also make sure to go watch it
because that's a banger
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