Training Transfer is Coming! UTOTS, UCL FINALS & Pack Opening - FC MOBILE
TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، يتحدث الرسام RK عن المكافآت النهائية لفريق الدورى ودوري الأبطال الأوروبي، ويستعرض أخبار النقل التدريبي. يبدأ الفيديو بفتح حزم في متجر الألعاب، يحصل على كارت اللاعبين Kubo وSarloт بتقييمات عاليين. يتابع RK فتح حزم أخرى بما في ذلك الحزمة المحدودة لللموسم، حيث يحصل على لاعبين بتقييم 98 و97. بعد ذلك، يتحدث عن المكافأة الأسبوعية لفريق الدورى، التي يمكن منح اللاعبين بتقييم من 98 إلى 99، ويشرح كيفية جمع النقاط من خلال الإعلانات النهارية والمهام الأسبوعية. ويختتم الفيديو بمناقشة الأحداث القادمة لدوري الأبطال الأوروبي وخيارات المكافأة الموجودة.
- 🎮 في القناة، سيتم التحدث عن المكافآت من 'UTS' و 'UCL'، وكذلك الأخبار المتعلقة بنقل التدريب.
- 🛍️ يُفتح الركن في بعض الحزم في المتجر باستخدام نقاط 'FC' و 'gems' لعرض بعض البطاقات الجديدة.
- 🏆 يُفتح الحزمة الأولى هي الحزمة 'Team of the Season Daily Offer' بتكلفة 4,000 gems، وتأتي ببطاقة 'Kubo' بتقييم 948.
- 🇳🇱 يُفتح الحزمة الثانية هي 'Team of the Season Dynamic Offer' بتكلفة 7,500 gems، وتأتي ببطاقة 'Sarlot' من النرويج بتقييم 95.
- 🇫🇷 يُفتح الحزمة الثالثة هي الحزمة 'Steam of the Season Bundle' بتكلفة 3,000 gems، وتأتي ببطاقة 'Griezmann' بتقييم 98.
- 🇩🇪 يُفتح الحزمة التالية هي الحزمة 'Steam of the Season Limited Bundle'، وتأتي ببطاقة 'Elai Gon' بتقييم 97.
- 📦 يُفتح الحزمة 'Team of the Season Mega Offer' بتكلفة 1,000 نقاط 'FC'، لكن لا تأتي ببطاقة قابلة للتداول.
- 🔄 يُفتح الحزمة 'Exchange Packs' بعد إدخال لاعبين مع تقييمات مختلفة، لكن الحزم لم تأتي ببطاقات جيدة.
- 🎯 يُناقش برنامج 'Ultimate Team of the Season'، حيث يمكن للاعبين جمع نقاط لفتح لاعبين بتقييم من 98 إلى 99.
- 📅 يُذكر أن اللاعبين من 'Premier League' و 'Bundesliga' سيظهرون في فريق 'A'، وبقية اللاعبين من العالم في فريق 'B'.
- 📲 يُذكر بضرورة تسجيل الدخول كل يوم لجمع ال نقاط من خلال مشاهدة الإعلانات وإنجاز المهام الاسبوعية.
Q & A
ما هي القناة التي يستخدمها RK لتقديم مقاطع الفيديو؟
-RK يستخدم القناة التي يُعرف بها على أنه ينشر مقاطع فيديو ممتعة وملهمة.
ما هي المكافأة التي يُناقش RK في البداية من النص؟
-RK يناقش المكافأة التي تتضمن مكافأة فريق الموسم (Team of the Season) ومكافأة نهائي دوري الأبطال الأوروبي (UCL final rewards).
لماذا يبدأ RK بفتح الحزم في البداية من الفيديو؟
-RK يبدأ بفتح الحزم لأن لديه نقاط نادي كرة القدم (FC points) وبعض الجيمس (gems) في ناديه، ويريد مشاركتنا في تجربة فتح الحزم.
ما هي القيمة الفعلية لبطاقة كوب التي حصل عليها RK من الحزمة الأولى؟
-البطاقة التي حصل عليها RK هي بطاقة كوب بتقييم 948، مما يطابق بطاقة فريق العام النهائي (Ultimate Team of the Year) لديه.
ما هي القيمة الفعلية لبطاقة ساللوت التي حصل عليها RK من الحزمة الثانية؟
-البطاقة التي حصل عليها RK هي بطاقة ساللوت بتقييم 95، وهو اللاعب الذي يقود ال得分手 في الدوري الإسباني (La Liga).
ما هي القيمة الفعلية لبطاقة جريزمان التي حصل عليها RK من الحزمة التي تتضمن بطاقة اللاعبين من 93 إلى 99؟
-البطاقة التي حصل عليها RK هي بطاقة جريزمان بتقييم 98، وهي بطاقة مركز الجبهة.
ماذا تعني العبارة 'ونحن نغادر ببطاقة 98 وبطاقة 97' في النص؟
-هذا يعني أن RK حصل على بطاقة لاعبين بتقييم 98 و97، وهي بطاقة اللاعب البرازيلي إيلاي جون (Eloi Jon) وبطاقة لاعب الألماني مارك ميرون (Marc Maron).
لماذا يشعر RK بالخيبة من الحزمة التي يفتحها بعد الحزمة التي حصل على بطاقة جون بها؟
-RK يشعر بالخيبة لأن الحزمة التي فتحها بعدها كانت فارغة وغير مثمرة، ولم تتضمن أي بطاقة لاعب مفيدة أو قيمة.
ما هي المكافأة التي يمكن للاعبين الحصول عليها من الحملة 'فريق النهائي'؟
-اللاعبين يمكنهم الحصول على لاعبين بتقييم من 98 إلى 99 من 'فريق النهائي'، وذلك من خلال جمع النقاط التي يمكن الحصول عليها من المهام الأسبوعية والإعلانات النهارية.
ما هي الميزة الرئيسية للنظام الجديد للنقل التدريبي الذي يناقش RK في النهاية من النص؟
-الميزة الرئيسية هي أنه يمكن لللاعبين نقل تدريبات لاعبيهم من بطاقات قديمة إلى بطاقات جديدة، مما يوفر لهم وقت وجهد بدلاً من تدريب اللاعبين من الصفر.
🎮 开箱视频与UTS奖励讨论
视频的第一部分主要围绕游戏内开箱体验和即将到来的UTS(年度最佳球队)奖励以及UCL(欧洲冠军联赛)决赛奖励展开。视频作者RK首先介绍了自己,并提到了将要讨论的主题。接着,他展示了使用游戏内货币(FC点数和宝石)在商店中购买并开启多个不同的球员卡包的过程。其中包括了'赛季最佳球队日常供应包'、'赛季最佳动态供应包'、'赛季最佳捆绑包'以及'赛季最佳限量捆绑包'等。他详细描述了每个包的内容,包括球员的名字、评分以及是否可交易。RK特别提到了获得的两张高评分球员卡——948评分的Kubo和98评分的Griezmann,以及97评分的Elai Gon。最后,他提到可能会开启更多的交换包,并预告了接下来要讨论的UTS奖励和UCL奖励。
🏆 UCL奖励和训练转移新闻
📣 视频总结与订阅呼吁
💡RK gang
💡UTS rewards
💡UCL final rewards
💡training transfer
💡FC points
💡team of the season
Introduction to the video discussing UTS rewards, UCL final rewards, and training transfer news.
Opening packs with FC points and gems in the store.
First pack opened is the Team of the Season daily offer pack costing 4,000 gems.
Revealing a 948-rated Kubo card from the Team of the Season walk out.
Second pack is the Team of the Season Dynamic offer for 7,500 gems.
Unpacking a 95-rated Sarlot card, a leading goal scorer in La Liga.
Opening the Steam of the Season bundle for 3,000 gems.
Obtaining a 98-rated Griezmann card.
Opening the Steam of the Season limited bundle pack guaranteeing a 94 to 99 player.
Receiving a 97-rated Elai Gon walk out card.
Trying the Team of the Season Mega offer pack for 1,000 FC points.
Disappointment with non-tradeable packs from the Mega offer.
Exploring the possibility of opening exchange packs.
Putting in four 94 to 99 OVR players for an exchange pack.
Receiving a 95-rated Robert Lewandowski card in an exchange pack.
Untradeable 94 to 99 pack resulting in a 94-rated Inaki Williams.
Needing more players to complete the exchange for a better chance at high-rated cards.
Exchanging for more packs, but receiving disappointing results.
Details on how to earn points for Ultimate Team of the Season rewards.
Explanation of the two teams组成ing the Ultimate Team of the Season.
UCL final rewards and how to claim free players.
EA's hint at an upcoming feature, possibly training transfer.
Conclusion and call to action for viewers to subscribe and watch the next video.
yo RK gang what's going on it's your boy
RK back with another awesome video on
this channel So today we're going to be
talking about the UTS rewards and also
the UCL final rewards and also we're
going to look at you know the training
transfer news as well guys so but before
that let's open a few packs guys why not
you know we've got a few FC points in
our club and also got a few uh you know
this gems as well so let's go and open
some of the packs in the store right now
so we're going to begin with this uh
Team the season daily offer pack which
is going to put us back by 4,000 gems
and okay we begin with the walk out guys
and it's a team of the season walk out
Japan oh that's Kubo okay Kubo is not at
all bad that's for sure 948 just like
his Ultimate Team of the Year card I
mean or the horable mentions card I
guess I think his horable mention is 93
overr so 948 tradeable versions though
I'll take it absolutely so that's what
we got in the first one and let's move
on to the next one and it's going to be
the team of the season Dynamic offer
guys it's going to put us back by 7,500
gems so let's go here we go the P open
Norway harand no it's
sarlot okay that's harland's brother
sarlot okay I know he's not harand
brother but yeah we got this Norway
Striker solot and also guys he's a
leading goal scorer in La Liga so yeah
95 though I'll take it because that's
two a tradeable cards so you can sell
them back back in the market for loads
of coins so that's definitely not at all
a bad pack let's move on to the next one
7,500 mode okay this time it's not a
workart we got ourself a left back meron
from Turkish League and yeah this is
what we got so the next pack that I'm
going to be opening is probably going to
be yeah the steam of season bundle let's
open this one first for 3,000 gems here
we go 3,000 gems and okay this is not
the walk out one but this is where you
get a guaranteed walk out because it's
93 to 9 no are and let's have a look so
it's France okay Center forward oh my
God that's
griezman that is freaking awesome
because it's a 98 Center forward carard
so that is a lovely pull guys I
absolutely take that pull so 90 D
Griezmann so that's a wonderful one
that's a wonderful one one of the best
ones you could expect maybe you know
Winnie junor or Jude ping up might have
been a little bit better but you know
what that's fine you you're not supposed
to complain with such packs man and the
next one is going to be the steam of the
Season limited bundle pack so it has a
guaranteed 94 to 99 player let's go open
this one guys here we go here we go okay
so this is just a bronze and silver so
this is where we get the big player and
it's a walk out obviously Brazil no it's
Germany wait
what oh elai
gon 97 rated so we are just walking away
with a 98 and a 97 rated player that is
freaking awes awesome guys that's
another awesome pull to me uh uh yeah
that's fine 47.9 million coins I think
this is a untable yeah it's unreadable
version and the next pack it's probably
going to be this team of the season Mega
offer pack for 1,000 FC points let's go
rip open the th000 FC points pack and
it's not a walk all I got was banga so
kind of disappointing but yeah that's
fine we have a couple more packs in the
second one is also a non Walker this
time we got summer well so that's two
back to back big fat L's uh but yeah
let's hope that the third one is not a l
guys here we go oh my God three packs
three non walks and once again we got
summer well so yeah these are the packs
guys we not done yet because
probably I might open some exchange
packs as well yeah let's begin with this
one guys I got to put in four players
and these are the four players that I'm
going to be putting in 94 to 99 OVR here
we go guys here we go let's go it's a
walk out obviously it's Poland Striker
okay that's Robert leowski but what
rating card did he receive this season
95 okay that's disappointing
honestly and two anakins that's a big
fat L pack in my opinion guys great
shooting decent dribbling decent pace
great physical decent passing as well I
think this is a great card guys it looks
nice nothing spectacular but it's nice
nice card so finish shot power header
outside foot shot and ret has his main
skill move so but kind of disappointing
guys honestly but that's fine and the
next pack is going to be this
untradeable 94 to 9k into two so here we
go and it's France okay Center forward
again no it's CM Germany or
kaminga it's kaminga guys let's go we
got inaki Williams as 294 that's a big
fat L and you know what we need to get
players so I need uh to get at least uh
you know 20 23 players to complete four
more of the of this exchange so let's go
get them all right so we purchased all
the players required now let's go and
exchange all those so six more 90 rated
you know 91 team of season card and here
we go this is the first one France
Center forward no it's CDM once again
it's K Winger once again guys so yeah
the SC winga wait did show many get a
team of the season
I don't think so I don't think he's
received a team of the season okay never
mind he didn't I don't know why but I
thought he's got a team of the season so
two out of two L packs so hoping for a w
pack in this one here we go so it's
France don't be CDM please oh my God
it's camoing a Madness right now guys
yeah it's cinga Madness and same pack
ditto same pack Kubo and kaminga wow
that's L that's Big L EA you got to
change the stuff
and here we go so Belgium vanak for a
change even this is a crash pack we all
know that so I'm going to skip it and
inaki Williams once again so the final
one of the day guys and here we go so oh
I skipped it for some you I accidentally
touched my screen but yeah it's to two
Anakin so yeah all those 10 all the five
exchanges were just absolute crash now
anyways let's go and talk about ultimate
team of the season guys so basically
every week you have to complete this
Quest you know you can get 90 points
from quests every single week guys and
you know uh you you have to basically
watch an ad every day and claim this
every day you get 10 points every day so
70 points every day like that for a week
and Plus 90 so per week you can receive
160 points guys which is not at all bad
because for 500 tokens you can claim a
98 to 99 rated ultimate team of the
season player and for five which is
untradeable by the way this is
untradeable whereas you can also choose
for a tradeable version for 500 tokens
so in 3 weeks in 3 to uh I mean in
exactly 23 23 days you can accumulate
enough points to open one of this 98 to
999 so which is not at all bad uh you
know untradable 98900 I'll take it I'll
absolutely take that guys it's a free 98
to 900 ultimate team of the season so
yeah I I don't want to come complain and
there are two teams of ultimate team of
the season guys there is team a which
consists of the players from Premier
League Bundesliga League one La Liga and
Sera so yeah this is going to get
revealed in 9 days from now and the next
one it's Team B so basically it consists
of players from rest of the world so
yeah uh any team apart from the top five
leagues so probably this is where we can
see the Messi the Ronaldo and stuff so
yeah this is this is it about the
ultimate team of just log in every day
watch this ad you get five tokens and
claim this reward you get five tokens so
10 tokens like that and then you just
got to complete this weekly Quest this
is going to these quests are going to uh
you know refresh every week guys uh
that's that's uh you know confirmed by
EA so you get 90 every week plus 70 from
this daily ads and daily claiming so
that's 160 per week and in 3 weeks
you'll have 480 points and 3 weeks two
days you'll have 500 points which is
enough to claim 98 to 900 overr so
that's it and also the next thing I'm
going to talk about this UCL uh you know
UCL chapter guys because now you can
claim a 93 to 95 player into one and 89
to 95 into three player pack for five
tokens so all you got to do is just
basically log in for five consecutive
days and you can open this for free guys
so there are some nice nice cards here
like the Hummels the vinia the Sancho
you know not highly ranked or highly
rated but yeah at least you're getting
free players I'll take it so these are
all the possible outcomes so just log in
every day you'll get this token this uh
yeah this UCL final token and you can
just use that final token in this uh in
this segment guys in this top events you
can either claim uh you can either open
this UCL event pack or UCL base pack as
well which is going to cost us three
points you know let's open one why not
let's just open one here we go it's not
even a walk out wait what okay never
mind this is the big pack here we go oh
my God I got 90 players oh cooked I've
been cooked so this is a backpack
obviously you you you should have
understood by now so I would prefer to
go with this pack obviously because it
has higher chance of packing a 95 than
this space pack so this is it about the
UCL event So Yesterday EA has dropped
this picture on Twitter it said soon and
it showed this exchange symbol so
basically I think it's training transfer
it's not rank transfer for sure because
look at this this is a Highland C this
is a team of the SE team of their norali
Highland card with the with the max Rank
and this is uh team of the season
Highland card with five ranks as well so
both are in the same rank so I I I guess
it is probably training transfer guys no
more you have to you know spend loads of
time buying exp to train players you can
just transfer them with probably some
tokens maybe as of now they only Tas it
with this training transfer thing and
that is it guys so yeah that's it this
is all the news and also some packs that
we open I hope you all have enjoyed this
video if you did make sure to subscribe
to my channel and go watch this video
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