We Took 100 Shots vs a Premier League Keeper and Scored ___ Goals
TLDRملخص مثير للاهتمام يتضمن نظرة قصيرة ودقيقة على النص، مما يجذب المستخدمين ويثير اهتمامهم.
- 😄 في مقاطعة الفيديو، يُعرف أن الشخص يحاول إطلاق 100 ركلة من بينه وسيم ضد حارس السلة بن فوستر.
- 🎯 يبدأ الشخص بـ50 ركلة من حافة الساحة، ثم 50 ركلة أخرى من مسافة 25 يارد.
- 🤔 يتوقع الشخص أن يسجل هدفًا واحدًا فقط وسيكون سعيدًا بذلك.
- 😅 يبدو أن الشخص يعتقد أنه سيسجل خمسة أهداف من 50 ركض، لكن بن يشك في ذلك.
- 😮 بعد مشاهدة الشخص يشجع، يبدو أنه لديه بعض ال habilidades في اللعب.
- 🥅 يلعب الشخص ضد نفسه، ويحاول تسجيل أهداف، لكن النتيجة تبدو تحديًا جدًا.
- 😏 يحاول الشخص إظهار مهاراته في اللعب، لكن النتيجة ما زالت تحديًا.
- 😱 يسجل الشخص هدفًا واحدًا في النهاية، لكنه يضرب الكاميرا GoPro في الهدف.
- 😅 يحاول الشخص تسجيل هدفًا جيدًا، لكن النتيجة لا تزال تحديًا.
- 😤 يستمر الشخص في محاولة تسجيل أهداف، لكن النتيجة ما زالت تحديًا.
- 😎 في النهاية، يسجل الشخص هدفًا جيدًا ويبدو متحمسًا.
Q & A
ما هي الهدف من اللعب الذي يجريه اللاعبين؟
-الهدف من اللعب هو إطلاق 100 ركلة من بين اللاعبين ضد حارس الgoalkeeper بين فوستر وتحقيق هدف واحد سيجعلهم سعداء.
كيف تم تقسيم العدد الإجمالي للركلات؟
-تم تقسيم العدد الإجمالي للركلات على النحو التالي: 50 ركلة على حافة الملعب، ثم 50 ركلة على بعد 25 يارد.
ماذا يفعلون إذا أصبح اللعب صعباً؟
-إذا أصبح اللعب صعباً، فسينقلون المكان لخارج الحوض ويحاولون من هناك.
ما هو الهدف المتوقع للاعبين من الركلات 50؟
-الهدف المتوقع للاعبين هو تسجيل 5 أهداف فقط من 50 ركلة.
ماذا يتوقع بين فوستر من اللاعبين؟
-بين فوستر لا يتوقع أي أهداف من اللاعبين، بل يرى أن الهدف الخمسة سيكون صعباً للتحقيق.
هل اللاعبين يتنافسون مع بعض؟
-نعم، اللاعبين يتنافسون مع بعض في اللعب.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لعدد الأهداف التي أُسجلت؟
-اللاعبين في النهاية فزوا بتسجيل خمس أهداف لكل منهما.
ما هي الطريقة التي يستخدمها اللاعبون لمحاولة تسجيل الأهداف؟
-اللاعبون يستخدمون تقنيات مختلفة مثل الركلة الدوارة (knuckleball) ومحاولة الهدف من مسافات مختلفة.
هل كان هناك أي تحديات أو عوائق خلال اللعب؟
-نعم، كانت هناك تحديات مثل الأخطاء في إطلاق الركلة وتأثير الكاميرات GoPro على الأهداف.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية للعبة؟
-اللاعبين في النهاية فزوا بتسجيل خمس أهداف لكل منهما.
هل كان هناك أي تعاون بين اللاعبين؟
-نعم، تعاون بعض اللاعبين مع بعض في محاولة لتحقيق الأهداف.
😀 A Friendly Challenge: Football vs. Goalkeeper
The script begins with a light-hearted challenge between the narrator and Simon against Watford's goalkeeper, Ben Foster. They plan to take 100 penalty shots each, starting with 50 from the edge of the area and another 50 from 25 yards out. The goal is to score at least one goal, with a personal target of five out of 50 shots. There's playful banter and a sense of camaraderie as they prepare for the challenge, with the narrator expressing doubts about his own abilities but also acknowledging Ben's skills after watching him warm up.
😄 The Penalty Shootout: A Test of Skill and Luck
The second paragraph delves into the actual penalty shootout, where the participants are trying to score against Ben. There's a mix of humor and competition as they discuss their strategies, such as moving the goalposts or changing their shooting technique. The script describes various attempts, including some that hit the post or crossbar, and others that are saved by Ben. There's also mention of a knuckleball technique being used as a last resort, indicating the difficulty of the challenge and the participants' determination to succeed.
🎉 The Conclusion: A Display of Sportsmanship and Camaraderie
In the final paragraph, the challenge comes to an end with a focus on the outcomes and the sportsmanship displayed by all participants. The narrator and Simon reflect on their performance, with Chris scoring five goals and Simon scoring four. There's a humorous moment where Chris's last goal is disputed due to a technicality, but the overall tone is one of enjoyment and mutual respect. The script concludes with thanks to Ben for participating and a call to action for viewers to subscribe to Ben and Simon's channels for more content.
💡Watford goalkeeper
💡cycling GK
💡warm up
Two YouTubers challenge themselves to score against a professional goalkeeper, Ben Foster.
The challenge consists of 100 penalty shots from two different distances.
The first set of 50 shots are taken from the edge of the penalty area.
The second set of 50 shots are taken from approximately 25 yards out.
If unsuccessful, the participants consider moving the goal closer or further as a strategy.
The participants aim for a modest goal of scoring at least five goals each.
Ben Foster expresses skepticism about their chances of scoring five goals.
There's playful banter and friendly competition between the participants.
One participant shows surprising skill after warming up, raising expectations.
The YouTubers attempt creative shots, including knuckleballs and long-range attempts.
Ben Foster demonstrates impressive goalkeeping skills, making several outstanding saves.
One participant scores a goal but accidentally takes out two GoPros in the process.
The challenge becomes more intense as the participants try various tactics to score.
There's a humorous moment when a participant scores but it's not considered a valid goal due to a rule.
Towards the end, one participant finally scores a goal after numerous attempts.
The final shots of the challenge are dramatic, with one participant scoring an impressive goal.
The challenge concludes with a tally of goals scored by each participant.
The video ends with a tease for another video on Ben Foster's channel featuring more impressive goals.
you're so sure you're so sure you're all
right mate don't listen
he said you're so sure today myself and
simon will be taking 100 shots between
against watford goalkeeper aka the
cycling gk
ben foster and hopefully i mean just one
goal i think i'd be happy with so we're
going to start with 50 on the edge of
the d
and then 50 uh sort of 25 yards out and
if things get really difficult
we'll bring in one of these i didn't
know we were moving back if we don't
score we'll move forward
out of my 50 i'd be happy with five i
was thinking five as well yeah ben
what were you saying i won't be happy if
you score five five out of fifty
no chance in the car in the way of this
morning i have no hopes for you
whatsoever all right i'm sorry
however i have just watched you warm up
and you actually have got a bit
you're not too bad to be but maybe five
around five
anymore that'll be hard broken oh my god
okay okay
are we against each other because i kind
of want you to score it's youtube again
okay that's the standard to start with
and this would be double figured
you want us to go back to halfway line
so we've got youtubers taking the mick
out music
what's it come to it hey
i'm not gonna lie chris you need to step
let's give it
was a bit flat that one actually that
was flat was it yeah yeah yeah that's
why you put it back in the pile
all right hold on so far right you put
one in the bottom corner you've hit the
right post and you've hit the crossbar
yeah that is a bit outrageous actually
standard oh there it is
knuckle on this one yeah up there
yeah that was exactly where you pointed
this is what you meant to do chris
are you
trying to show off and doing that i
learned this one from bill
oh no
disrespect i haven't even left
you made it look very good as well
unbelievable he's taken out not only one
but two gopros in one goal the worst
goal was so far that we could have done
no one i think no one does rewind
that's an amazing save there you go
that's so bad you know
he's got that corner now why is he here
i'm not even speaking here
but he looked at me in the eyes and it
hit the crossbar he went no honestly
who's the better player about youtube
i think i'm a better youtube footballer
but i'd rather him in a match yeah
better technically good for a camera
oh what oh you're better than this chris
i actually am that's what's annoying me
better than this yeah
yeah don't celebrate you said nothing
was terrible because they know i wasn't
aiming for that corner where were you
aiming there
bottom corner mate bottom left
simon you've got a bit you know chris
i'm still waiting to see it
thank you christian kept one shot on the
and it went in here number 20 by the way
boys oh
you're cooking that i've only got four
goals well i've got three i don't
associate with him
oh my god yo i so associate with you bro
god save it we're in his head
oh that was close
great save yeah
you know when you play with christmas
much you know you just know when he's
going to score stop hitting the gopro
right so five yards back or five five
yards is my step so
give or take and then we've got another
50 shots here jabalani will be coming
out for the last 10 i think i think so
all right yeah we'll give it a go what
are you on currently i'm on four four
one more three maybe so what would you
say this is about 30 ads i'd say 25
35 yards it looks small it's about 40. i
don't think you'll score in any of these
50 shots they're like one of them will
be like
one of them he will mess up that's what
i hope that's a long way you know
that is a long way this is chris md
he's this is right when you do keep it
up check him check
this is a long way out
he didn't even we're so done right
i'm so confident that you are not going
to score this i'll put my arms behind
the back for this one well you're going
to miss the goal thank you
the arms came out the arms notice how he
doesn't do the same offer for me oh
god oh i've done it again yes i've done
it again
what a save
let's just pretend it's no one there's
no one in goal he's got a beard it's
josh it's done
hey i think i'm going to go for knuckles
at this point what i've got
he's figured out i asked my child he's
figured it out okay
i see that and i'll raise you
i said i raised it right they're
resorting to knuckleball and they're
knuckleballing everything
it's the only chance they've got
oh my god he has got a lovely
knuckleball to be fair
he shoots he scuffs it welcome to
struggle town chris where only 50
of the inhabitants actually struggled
this struggles oh i like that though
that was that was tasty just a no so far
inside my swede
he's under my skin oh that's so
bad this is why we don't use good
goalkeepers yeah
oh my god that was outrageous outrageous
that's like the most movement i think
i've ever seen before i taught f2 you
wow i don't know why because there's
like no air in here but that is
honestly talent moves the ball off
why are you teasing me jabylani ball is
coming out horrible
ball absolutely horrible ball desperate
times desperate times call for desperate
measures first three shots
plus three over all right
first one straight away that's pretty
much over it's over chris's height
come on it's your time it's your time
ah he's thought you know what that's a
bit of a stinky shot but i'll make it
look good
love them simon big fan of that said
he's a big fan
of some sort of a dangerous ball right
wow i mean from where i was stood it
just went in a straight line
i don't know what i'm talking about
where's this one this has got some dip
come on
eventually but there's a tent in the way
yeah you put that there
keep it down just just do your your
power you take like a long run up and
you just
smack like slam it the smacky wacky
doodah night stop you're on the smacky
wacky dude
no i'm not for you theo i refuse to be
on that train
come on
you're beautiful man
he scored he finally scored chris has
finally scored a goal what attempts was
that like 100 percent basically and he's
absolutely nailed my gopro
knocked it out of the goal in all sorts
only because of
that devil jabilani ball it doesn't even
really count doesn't that just pass it
no no i wanted to score a good goal in
it that doesn't count it doesn't count
it's for dramatic purpose isn't it is
the magic top figure i had it set up oh
[ __ ] i'm sorry i was like
well no now it's set up i was on four i
haven't scored yeah we're on the same
actually now last two each come on then
two weldies oh
can we make the last one good at least
be like it'd be like a youtube last shot
you know yeah yeah
like last shot and it's either [ __ ] up
badly yeah yeah it needs to be a good
get in how's it in court yeah
last one out of 100 four scored about to
be five
oh wait that's gone that's gone that's
god that's good
that's so good that's so good that is so
wait yeah
suddenly he's not happy to share his
footage anymore that was your last shot
that was my last shot so you gave me the
5 out of 100 it's really good
sportsmanship thank you
you want to just let me have the five as
save been an awful second half for me i
had you in the first half
no i got five simon got four so
let in but he's steaming he's steaming
right now
that's not crosstalk sorry mom sorry all
right cheers ben thank you very much
that was sick mate i really appreciate
thanks for watching we also recorded
another video for ben's channel you have
to watch it some of the goals scored
were just obscene subscribe to him to
make sure you don't miss out on that
subscribe to simon as well his link is
in the description below
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