TLDR视频讲述了Snail Games的创始人Shei High试图成为下一个像Elon Musk一样的企业家,创立了名为Indie EV的失败电动汽车公司。该公司声称要打造带有超级计算机的汽车,但最终因财务问题宣告破产。视频还提到了Shei High在员工待遇和公司管理上的争议,以及这可能对Ark游戏系列的未来发展产生的影响。
- 📢 视频作者Steve主要报道《方舟:生存进化》(Ark)的新闻,但此次他将涉及调查性新闻。
- 🔍 Steve提到1.3亿美元的《方舟》资金去向不明,建议游戏股票持有者在下一次投资者电话会议上提问是否有资金流入了名为Indie的失败电动汽车公司。
- 🚗 Indie EV是由Snail Games USA的首席执行官Shei High创立的,他试图成为下一个像Elon Musk一样的企业家。
- 💻 Indie EV的一个主要卖点是其车载超级计算机,能够进行高端游戏和直播,以及支持加密货币和区块链技术。
- 📈 Indie EV计划在2022年底推出其首款电动汽车,但似乎遭遇了推迟。
- 💼 Indie EV的运营资金来源不明,但Shei High是其创始人,且之前有报道称他创立了Snail Games公司。
- ⚖️ Shei High及其企业曾因种族歧视、员工待遇差和工资盗窃等问题被起诉三次。
- 🔄 Indie EV计划通过与Malaka Straits Acquisition Company Limited合并在纳斯达克上市。
- 🏭 Indie EV与Foxconn签订了在俄亥俄州工厂生产Indie1原型车的谅解备忘录。
- 💸 Indie EV在2022年10月5日宣布破产,负债达2640万美元。
- 🌟 员工对Indie EV的评价褒贬不一,有的称赞公司愿景,有的批评管理不善和公司文化。
- 🤔 Steve质疑Snail Games的财务状况,以及这可能对《方舟》游戏的未来产生的影响,包括游戏内购买和服务器标准的价格。
Q & A
Snail Games的创始人是谁?
-Snail Games的创始人是Shei High。
Indie EV是由哪位CEO创立的?
-Indie EV是由Snail Games USA的CEO Shei High创立的。
Indie EV的主要卖点是什么?
-Indie EV的主要卖点是它拥有一个超级计算机,能够进行高端游戏、直播以及支持加密货币和区块链技术。
Indie EV的原型车配备了哪些特点?
-Indie EV的原型车配备了两个15英寸的触摸屏显示器、一个基于Linux的车辆系统、一个带有i7处理器和Nvidia RTX 2080 H的定制Windows PC。
Indie EV的营销策略中提到它能做什么?
-Indie EV的营销策略中提到它能玩任何AAA级游戏、虚拟现实游戏和增强现实游戏。
Indie EV的员工对公司的评价如何?
-Indie EV的员工评价褒贬不一,有的认为公司有创新愿景,而有的则批评公司的管理和领导。
Indie EV在财务上遇到了什么问题?
-Indie EV在财务上遇到了严重问题,公司宣布破产,累积了2640万美元的债务。
Indie EV的破产对Snail Games有何影响?
-Indie EV的破产可能导致Snail Games的财务状况更加紧张,Shei High可能因此更加迫切地需要资金。
Snail Games的私服权利为何被转让给了N Tradeo?
-由于Snail Games急需资金,他们不得不将私服权利转让给了N Tradeo。
Snail Games的大使计划是什么?
-Snail Games的大使计划是一个旨在帮助推广《方舟:生存进化》的项目,通过让创作者注册并完成任务来获得游戏相关奖励。
视频作者对Snail Games的未来展望是什么?
-视频作者认为Snail Games可能会因为财务困境而影响《方舟:生存进化》的未来发展,可能会导致游戏价格上涨和更多的盈利方式。
Steve详细讨论了Indie电动车公司的背景,包括与鸿海科技集团的合作,以及Indie EV宣布的产品和计划。他提到了Indie EV在财务上的问题,如巨额债务和破产申请,并且引用了公司员工的评价,揭示了公司内部的问题。Steve还探讨了这些问题对赛尔游戏及其旗下产品可能产生的影响。
🤔赛尔游戏与Indie EV关联的影响
Steve继续讨论了赛尔游戏与Indie EV之间的联系对赛尔游戏的潜在影响,特别是关于财务状况和管理问题。他提到了赛尔游戏可能面临的财务压力和对其游戏产品策略的影响。Steve还分享了员工对Indie EV的评价,从中可以窥见公司文化和管理层的问题。
Steve提出了关于赛尔游戏未来方向的思考,尤其是考虑到谢海同时经营Indie EV可能给赛尔游戏带来的影响。他对赛尔游戏可能采取的策略和对《方舟:生存进化》游戏的潜在影响表示关注,并鼓励观众参与讨论,同时也对赛尔游戏的社区大使计划表示怀疑。
💡Snail Games
💡Indie EV
Steve delves into investigative journalism on ARC funding rumors.
Speculation that $1.3 billion ARC funds might have been invested in the electric vehicle company, Indie.
Shi Hai, CEO of Snail Games USA, discovered as the founder of Indie EV.
Indie EV founded in 2017, focusing on integrating high-end gaming and blockchain technologies into their vehicles.
Indie EV's marketing claims to support AAA, VR, and AR gaming with a custom Windows PC built into the car.
Plans for Indie EV to go public via merger, aiming for a valuation of $800 million.
Indie EV struggles with management issues, allegations of racist behavior, and poor employee treatment.
Foxconn signs a deal to build Indie 1 prototype vehicles, indicating serious production intentions.
Indie EV declares bankruptcy, revealing $26.4 million in debt against $2.83 million in assets.
Employee reviews expose the internal chaos and mismanagement within Indie EV.
Concerns arise over the potential impact of Snail Games' financial strategies on ARK Survival Evolved.
Speculation about how Indie EV's bankruptcy might affect Snail Games' financial decisions moving forward.
Snail Games launches an ARK ambassador program, amid skepticism regarding its intentions and management.
Steve questions the ethics and future of Snail Games and ARK based on the investigation's findings.
Invitation to viewers to discuss the implications of Snail Games' financial activities on ARK's development and community.
hi guys Steve here I only cover Arc news
if it's really important but now I find
myself delving into the Realms of
investigative journalism as I've been
given a tip but before I start could you
please like And subscribe cuz it really
helps me out with YouTube thank you I
can't verify this or be sure that it's
correct so consider it a rumor and take
it with a mountain of salt we all
wondered where the hell the 1.3 billion
Ark money went because it definitely
wasn't all put back onto the game
well if you're a snail game stockholder
on your next investor call you might
want to ask if any of the money went
into the failed electric vehicle company
Indie so I Googled Indie comma she High
he's a CEO of snail games USA and holy
he's the founder of Indie EV he's
been trying to be the next Elon Musk and
starting up his own Tesla like company I
thought okay maybe she hires a commonly
used Chinese name and it might be
somebody else but if you scroll down to
this article on the verge nope it's him
the founder of snail games wow I bet
that cost quite a few hundreds of
millions and there been multiple
articles been written about it Indie EV
was founded by sheih high in
2017 around 2 years after Ark survival
evolves release in
2015 one of the car's main selling
points is that it had a super computer
uter onet capable of highend gaming and
live streaming plus crypto and
blockchain it added a custom Windows PC
with an i7 processor and an Nvidia RTX
2080 H supercomputer you sure the Virg's
article was a bit scaving it was meant
to sell for
$45,000 and supposedly launched at the
end of
2022 it must have got delayed but said
the top tier indie1 will be the first
vehicle to have an integrated super
Compu on board like what Tesla is
already doing with a Model S then The
Verge goes into computer specs and takes
a piss out of them but in D ev's
marketing wraps hoped that it' be able
to play any AAA game any virtual reality
game and any augmented reality game they
built a prototype with two 15in
touchscreen monitors on the dash one for
the Linux based vehicle system and the
other for the gaming PC the car would
also have a built-in 5G modem EV claimed
the team was about 65 people then later
somebody claimed it went up to around
100 and a South Korean supplier had
already built 12 prototype bodies is a
bit you'll find interesting when asked
what exactly has been funding or this
effort for the last four years Indie
ev's head of operation John Kennedy
declined to say well I could have a
pretty good guess where all the money
but the startup was founded by a Chinese
mobile game entrepreneur named shei high
court documents and state filing show
who started a company called Snail Games
a little more than a decade ago there
may be reasons why he's not front and
center she and his Ventures have been
sued three times over claims of racist
Behavior poor treatment of employees and
in one case wrongful termination and
wage theft in 2014 one of the top
executiv at snail games USA division
David runion sued the company and she
claiming a Founder discriminated against
non-chinese employees and made
derogatory statements he also said in
his complaint that working with shihi
was extraordinary difficult as he was a
volatile individual who would often make
decisions based on Raw emotions and snap
judgments on another case in one alleged
interaction she told van Amberg to fire
all her her male subordinates and hire
Chinese women because Chinese women like
to shop and are better negotiators
according to the complaint plus alleged
a number of safety code violations for
rest you can read
yourself in September 20122 it was
announced Indie EV to go public on a
NASDAQ as it's to merge and be brought
out by malaka Straits acquisition
Company Limited where Indie will become
a holy owned subsidiary of Malak and the
holders of the outstanding indev shares
will receive shares in malaka valued at
$600 million in addition for holders of
Indie shares will be eligible to earn up
to an additional 20 million shares
approximately $200 million on
achievements of performance Milestones
related to the price of a combined
company's common stock for a period of
150 days after the closing until
December 30 1st
2024 concurrently with the signing of
the merger agreement Mr Hai founder sh
not be shei and chief executive officer
of Indie has signed a subscription
agreement to purchase 15 million shares
in Malika at a price of $10 per share
which would cost $50
million and as's loads of boring stuff
vanet end malaka will be rebranded and
operat as Indie electrical Vehicles Inc
a I like saying
malaka that's reported on there and
there then in October 2022 we signed a
deal with foxcon to build the indie1 Los
Angeles based electrical vehicle startup
Indie EV announced today it signed a
memorandum of understanding with hanhai
Technology Group foxcom that will see
the first Electronics manufacturer build
the first indie 1 prototype vehicles at
its plant in Ohio a memorandum of
understanding with Indie EV marks the
beginning of many more decisions to come
regarding the future of EV Manufacturing
in Ohio said Jerry Haso foxcom Chief
product officer throughout this process
foxcon is confident in its Ohio
Workforce to manufacture quality
prototypes that will help Indie achieve
future success in January when Indie was
present presenting its Crossover at CES
it said it would be accepting
reservations in the first quarter of
2022 and would start delivering Vehicles
fish year that plan appears to have been
changed delays but it will now get
foxcon helped with production the indi1
is a unique vehicle and it demands the
highest quality of Automotive
craftsmanship as well as consumer
electronics manufacturing and
Engineering said Indie EV CEO shei
partnering with fox con the world's
leader in consumer electronics during
this exciting time in their entry into
electric vehicles means for ND ev1
drivers will lead the way into the
future of personal Transit then just as
I was about to release this video today
October the 5th second car company files
for bankruptcy after racking up 26.4
million in debt wow in deev an
electrical vehicle startup company
declared bankruptcy after showing
interest in buying another bankrupt EV
manufacturer's Factory and it's got the
info we've already covered how much it
costs on the supercomputer but after
years of Promise the company managed to
generate 2.83 million in assets while
racking Up 26.4 3 million in debt how
how is that even possible when we
dealing with over 800 million's worth of
shares is somebody going to have to do a
video on where they Indie EV money went
the company is the second electric
vehicle maker in the same Ohio
manufacturing plant that filed for
bankruptcy this year when it goes into
the previous electric truck company that
went bankrupt that was an alleged pump
and dump scheme the plant sold to foxcon
for 230 million in May 2022 foxcon said
the bankruptcies will not impact with
plans to build over EVs and they'll try
and find additional customers our
facility in team in Ohio remain an asset
to our company to respond to the market
demand of either startup or traditional
Automotive manufacturers we want to see
their electric vehicle brought to the
market and it's a shame for the Ohio
Workers foxcon has agreements to produce
fisap pair a small electric SUV and
there's a line about them Lord toown and
indev struggles are not indicators of
our overall EV market and it goes into
how Tesla's doing really well as a sold
850 billion worth of cars now we get to
the employee reviews who actually worked
at Indie let's see what they thought of
a company five out of Five Stars pros
this is a vision of the founder to build
a car of the future Indie one is that
car of the future and the only one for
the future cons like any companies
having ups and downs but in in the end
it was a team that made everything work
that's got to be one of the most
fake reviews I've ever read it
sounds like a company press release and
completely obvious that it's fake
there's no one will ever speak like that
three Stars pros free benefits also free
snacks and coffee cons I believe I laid
off most of the people if not all the
phes are shut off all the equipment was
sold put a fork in it it's done one star
horrible failure of a scam company
indon this guy was a director it says
Pros zero whatsoever the company's full
of crooks and Liars wouldn't trust
anyone I love inside their scam car cons
management from the top down was
horrible and we have no business trying
to make a moving vehicle the car is a
failure that I can't read resks I have
to sign up one star it's still exists
designer Pros free pizzas on Friday if
they still do cons unprofessional hours
and bad leadership two stars good
employees terribly managed the rank and
file employees were incredibly
passionate hardworking and friendly the
health insurance was good cons
unfortunately the majority of other
negative reviews here are accurate
descriptions of a life of Indie EV one
star pinheaded supervisor leads to
detrimental outcome of Team Pros I value
how seriously a company takes social
responsibility and giving back to the
community we frequently take part in I
think charity events cons during my time
working here found a supervisor to be
extremely pinheaded in their approach to
managing the team two stars growing
feeling of frustration against the
terrible and incompetent CEO Pros office
has been purposely constructed to create
a tranquil and stimulating environment
for the staff members cons many
employees dislike the CEO for his lack
of transparency and failure to involve
them in a decision making process ooh
five stars disrupting the EV industry
with Innovative Vision who the hell
talks like that can't they fake it any
better than that at Indie new ideas are
always accepted if you have passion in
what you do and you have an idea it can
be implemented cons startups are not for
everyone especially those that require
structure or certainty I said blame your
employees although in today's economy
not everything do they not know how fake
that looks one star bad management and
liar liar and negative reviews were
removed by HR Pros nothing good about
the company upset the HR and other
management members have the strength to
lie good and cons HR has a terrible
unethical manner which were well known
throughout the company and they continue
to do that to keep and the final one I
can look at one star brutal work and
stress Pros it's a startup company which
possibly has opportunities if you choose
to stick with it cons terribly
indecisive owner makes changes from time
to time leading to work inefficiency and
management blames us for it it I added
all that cuz I wanted us to know more
about shei and the type of company he
runs as is the founder and CEO of snail
games and he has final say with what
happens to Ark and if he has the money
to do all that how the hell is snail
desperate for money in debt for millions
and had to bargain our private server
rights away to n tradeo and does wild
card even know about all this because
they're scraping by desperate for money
while shei is trying to be Elon Musk and
now Indie ev's gone bankrupt shei might
be even more desperate for money so how
will that affect snil games ARA sandard
and R 2 other price is going to go up
and it's going to cost more is it going
to tell wild card to find more ways to
make money in AR sandard and how do you
think this is going to affect our game
positive or negative let us knowing
comments that's why I made the video
warning that snail games might kill Arc
Survivor evolved I'll link it at the end
so you can watch it to know more so yeah
that was a bit of a surprise that they
kept quiet Google it yourself if you
like and see what you find I'll leave it
up to the other creators to investigate
that and see where the money went on
other news now games is starting a
crater ambassador program for Ark the
company chose to help promoter is called
noise it's supposedly linked to snail
games they want creators to sign up and
if you approved you get a steam code for
Arc survival sended at launch I want
participants to complete quests earn
tickets to earn ARA sended Collectibles
I asked them if morals and integrity
would be a problem but I haven't
received a reply yet so I don't fancy
much chances especially after I've made
this video I don't think as much point
for me signing up as I've been
blacklisted from Wild Card years ago
you've never seen me on any Community
crunches have
you H should I try it for a laugh I
wonder if it get you to sign anything
saying you can't be critical of a g game
I wouldn't put it past them and I'm kind
of put off giving my details to snail as
if they allegedly threatened to
Blackmail their own wildcard partner and
what we're going to do about people who
tell the truth about the game this Arc
ambassador program looks like a rehash
of something shei tried before for Indie
EV the Indie innovator program that
materialized so what do you guys think
about all this are you surprised he had
a car company on the side do you think
Arc money went over to it and how do you
think it'll affect Ark going forward let
me know in the comments below please
like subscribe if you've not already
click the Bell notifications on all to
get notified when I upload and stream
next check out the videos at the end you
might like them and hopefully I see you
4.9 / 5 (34 votes)