The BEST Teams In FC Mobile!
TLDRمرحبًا بكم في مقطع فيديو جديد على قناة bet97 Mobile. اليوم هو اليوم الثاني، وسنبدأ بتسجيل الدخول اليومي والحصول على هدية من العملات والجوهرات. سنستعرض ما حصلنا عليه من الحزمة الأولى اليوم، والتي تشمل 100K وتسجيل يومي يمنحنا كابتيف بيير ورونال迪نيو بعد غد. بعد ذلك، سنتحدث عن التغييرات التي حدثت منذ أمس، بما في ذلك التقدم في Star Pass والحصول على مزيود ولاعبين. سنستعرض فريقنا الحالي، الذي يتضمن مسار النجوم، ونسأل الجمهور ماذا يفضلون لنا أن نفعل. سنفتح حزمًا أخرى، ونستعرض متطلبات الأحداث، ونتحدث عن الأحداث الرئيسية مثل التدريب والتورناments. سنختبر أيضًا الحزم الجديدة، ونسأل الجمهور ماذا يفضلون لنا أن نفعل بعد ذلك، سواء كان فتح حزم نجومية أو الاطلاع على فرق اللاعبين الآخرين. سنختبر الحزم الأساسية، ونسأل الجمهور ماذا يفضلون لنا أن نفعل بعد ذلك، سواء كان فتح حزم نجومية أو الاطلاع على فرق اللاعبين الآخرين. سنختبر الحزم الأساسية، وستكون لدينا نظرة على أفضل فرق اللاعبين في FC Mobile، وستكون لدينا نظرة على فريق جوردن 90، والذي يحتوي على لاعبين ممتازين. سنختبر أيضًا الحزم الأساسية، وستكون لدينا نظرة على أفضل فرق اللاعبين في FC Mobile، وستكون لدينا نظرة على فريق جوردن 90، والذي يحتوي على لاعبين ممتازين. سنختبر أيضًا الحزم الأساسية، وستكون لدينا نظرة على أفضل فرق اللاعبين في FC Mobile، وستكون لدينا نظرة على فريق جوردن 90، والذي يحتوي على لاعبين ممتازين. نسأل الجمهور عن أفضل لاعب في فريقهم في FC Mobile، ونسألهم ماذا يفعلون في مسيرتهم الشخصية في اللعبة. ندعو الجمهور للانضمام إلى ديسكورد وللاشتراك في القناة، لأننا سنكون مستمرين مع محتوى FC. نأمل أن يتبعنا الجمهور في الرحلة، ونطلب من الجمهور التعليق والمشاركة في القناة.
- 🎮 **频道介绍**: 视频是bet97移动频道的另一个视频,专注于EA Sports FC移动版游戏。
- 📺 **订阅与互动**: 主持人鼓励观众订阅频道、点赞视频,并在评论区互动。
- 🎁 **游戏奖励**: EA Sports FC移动版推出,为社区成员提供了硬币和宝石作为礼物。
- 📦 **开包体验**: 主持人展示了他在游戏中开包的过程,包括每日登录奖励和特殊包。
- 🏆 **游戏进展**: 讨论了Star Pass进度、球队建设以及收集特定球员的过程。
- 💰 **市场交易**: 主持人提到了他在游戏中的市场交易,包括卖出和买入球员。
- 📈 **球队展示**: 展示了他的球队阵容,包括对球员的升级和球队表现的讨论。
- 🤔 **观众互动**: 主持人询问观众是否希望在控制台版本中看到Star Pass,并征求观众意见。
- 🛍️ **商店活动**: 探索了游戏商店中的活动和优惠,包括观看广告获取宝石等。
- 📈 **积分使用**: 讨论了如何使用游戏内的积分,包括是否打开特殊包或等待折扣。
- 📊 **排行榜观察**: 主持人查看了其他玩家的球队和排行榜,比较了不同玩家的球队实力。
- 🔄 **游戏更新**: 提到了游戏的日常更新和可能的包刷新,以及对未来内容的期待。
Q & A
-bet97移动频道是一个YouTube频道,专注于分享关于EA Sports FC移动版游戏的内容,包括游戏技巧、新功能介绍和日常游戏活动等。
EA Sports FC移动版游戏最近有什么更新或者活动?
-EA Sports FC移动版游戏最近推出了Esports FC移动版的启动活动,玩家可以享受金币和宝石作为礼物,以庆祝游戏的启动。
-视频中提到了玩家收到了金币、宝石、Captive Beer、Ronaldinho卡片等奖励,并且展示了通过开启游戏包获得的球员和积分。
Star Pass是什么,它在游戏中有什么作用?
-Star Pass是游戏中的一个系统,玩家可以通过完成特定的任务和挑战来获得积分,进而解锁更多的游戏内奖励和物品。
-视频中提到了玩家对Garincha进行了升级,并且展示了通过开启游戏包获得的新球员,如Kim minji,以及对球队阵容的一些调整。
视频中提到的“Founder's Pack”是什么?
-Founder's Pack是游戏中的一种特殊包,通常包含了一些稀有或者特殊的球员卡片,玩家可以通过购买或使用特定的游戏内货币来开启。
-玩家可以通过完成日常登录、参与比赛、开启游戏包、完成Star Pass任务以及观看广告等方式来获得金币和宝石。
视频中提到的“Head to Head”模式是什么?
-Head to Head模式是游戏中的一种玩家对战模式,玩家可以在这个模式下与其他玩家进行直接的比赛,比较各自的球队实力。
🎮 开箱与游戏进展 - EA Sports FC Mobile 游戏介绍
视频的第一部分介绍了EA Sports FC Mobile游戏的启动,以及为庆祝游戏发布而提供的硬币和宝石礼物。接着,展示了每日登录奖励,包括获得的Captive Beer和Ronaldinho球员。此外,还提到了Star Pass的进展,展示了如何通过比赛和活动积累积分,并讨论了球队的构建和提升。最后,提出了关于是否希望在游戏机上看到Star Pass的问题,并邀请观众加入Discord社区和联赛,同时分享了如何通过市场交易赚取硬币的策略。
📦 开箱结果与球队展示
第二部分主要展示了开箱活动,包括使用不同的积分和代币进行开箱,以及开箱后获得的球员。提到了如何使用FP FC点数进行标准包开箱,以及观众对于是否值得进行开箱的疑问。接着,展示了开箱获得的球员,包括Kim Minji和Luki,以及如何处理获得的重复球员,如Makuku和Samuel Eto'o。此外,还讨论了球队的阵容调整,包括将新球员加入球队,并询问观众对于球队改进的建议。
🏆 玩家队伍展示与游戏社区互动
在视频的第三部分,内容转向展示其他玩家的EA Sports FC Mobile队伍,以及他们的球队评分。讨论了如何查看其他玩家的球队,并对一些高评分的球队进行了展示和分析。此外,还提到了观众对于自己球队的进展和最佳球员的好奇,并鼓励观众分享他们的游戏进度。最后,强调了加入Discord社区的重要性,并预告了第二天可能会进行的大型开箱活动。
💡bet97 mobile Channel
💡EA Sports FC mobile
💡Star Pass
💡coins and gems
💡Head to Head
💡Founder's pack
💡team building
Welcome to the bet97 mobile Channel where the host encourages viewers to subscribe, like, and comment on the video.
The host has done some behind-the-scenes work and promises a fun day ahead for the viewers.
EA Sports FC mobile is launched, and the host thanks the community with a gift of coins and gems.
Excitement as the host opens the first pack of the day and reveals a 100k coin reward.
The daily login reward includes a captive beer and Ronaldinho, which is a great start for the host.
The host has made progress since the previous day, with the Star Pass and acquiring new kits and players.
The host is considering the possibility of a Star Pass feature in the real game and asks for viewers' opinions.
A successful sale of a player, Cantina, nets the host 3.5 million coins.
The host has won the beginner champions league tournament and plans to participate in the amateur one.
The team has been improved with Garincha receiving five ranks, and the host shares the current team lineup.
The host opens several packs and receives a Kim minji player, which is a fantastic addition to the team.
The host discusses the possibility of opening more packs and the potential benefits of doing so.
An exploration of the in-game store reveals new options for the host to consider for team improvement.
The host opens a Founders pack and receives a high-rated German striker, which is a significant upgrade.
The host's team receives a substantial upgrade with the addition of Samuel Eto'o, replacing makuku.
The host is curious about other players' teams and encourages viewers to share their progress.
The host looks at high-rated teams in the game and is impressed by the quality of players other users have.
The host ends the session by inviting viewers to join the Discord and subscribe to the channel for consistent FC content.
hi guys welcome to another video on the
bet97 mobile Channel welcome to the
channel make sure you subscribe leave a
like around the video goes a long way
without even realizing and leave a
comment below this is day number two
um so we're gonna give it our day login
we've got I've done a few things behind
the scenes as well and it should be
pretty fun so EA Sports FC mobile
welcome to the club to celebrate the
Esports FC mobile launch enjoy a gift of
coins and gems thank you for being a
part of the community so let's see what
we get from our first
pack of the day
and it is
see whoa okay
and 100k
daily login what do we get for dear
login today oh we got a captive beer
and Ronaldinho in five more days so that
is not a bad start
and there is my free captive here
which is absolutely beautiful
um right what have I done
what have I done since yesterday
we have got the Star Pass
we've been doing some work in the
background guys we have got kits we've
got a few players
we got 30 of them points there
and we are getting towards vinicius
Junior as well so we'll collect all of
that stuff
bang okay 55k pass points for a
and then my players are just fodder
really for training anyway
we are going to go back to the team guys
and show you what we've done with the
because we have done a little bit as
well guys Star Pass I would love to see
in the real game as well
guys question for you let me play mobile
and console
would you like to see
for the objectives for the month
I would love to see that
don't know how much it would cost but
I would love to see it on Console as
well just the option to have it it'd be
nice to have the option to have it you
um right Market oh guys I might have
sold the player by looks a bit I think I
sold Cantina
my orders come to an ass sold guys 3.5
million claim all coins thank you very
I get absolutely murdered with the thing
but we're up to a nice 8.2 million coins
um right let's have a look at quests so
let me show you what I have been doing
guys we go to uh the tournaments I've
won the beginner champions league
tournament I'm gonna do the amateur one
and then continue our run up with that
the team if you've not seen it
this is the team now
we haven't got any new players since
yesterday I have put five ranks on
and we have got like that's that's the
team guys that's a that's the team
I like it that's the team guys it looks
quite good right
for now I mean we could change this
today as well so what I wanted to do
today guys was one open a few packs
uh I have got my league open by the way
me and Nick are in it this is the Beats
an 87 member if you guys want to jump in
my Discord Discord dot GG false
suspense87 it's open to Twitch Subs so
any twitch Subs is one in the league you
guys can apply write your names in the
thing we'll let you in
and we're gonna set that up as well
Peggy you set an invite for the league
where do the invites go
I won't clicking this setting things yet
but I'll have a look after after the
after I made the video
um what's in the store so let's go and
have a look at the star guys see what
they've thrown in there right we have
nothing new there I don't think oh no
gems we could we'll watch an advert in a
bit division Rivals gems Live Events
so I've got should I go up on one of
these guys I've got one of these I don't
know where else to use this token
so I'm tempted to send this talk in here
I've got 125 of this talking
should we send it now Tom thanks for the
three months as well
do it I don't know where else to send
this so I I think this is the only place
to send it I might not get anything but
there's a good chance of getting some uh
it can only be used there right someone
said it can only be used there guys so
let's send it a UCL tournament player
Bank who we're gonna get is it a workout
well he's not going to my team okay so
that was that
Papi you we then
have got welcome to FC mobile
we've got a free pack
let's see what we get from that
another bronze okay it's it's useful I
suppose uh we then got a standard pack
we got the right so I was going to ask
guys what would you lots tell me to do
which is limited offer none of these
bother me Star Pass done
I think it's these right
should I do should we send all of these
for the Pats guys and have a look around
at people's teams
the standard pack I don't know this is
worth doing or not
it's limited to five
send it for the culture right let's send
five of these
and let's send them with the uh FP FC
standard pack
oh walk out here we go
oh stream a team
straight in my team Kim minji that is a
fantastic start
80 I can't remember who's next to him
who's next to human gear guys okay now
it's a classical solid anyone else
and then we got a luki back here
not bad right that is a solid pack so
there were my celebrations for the day
and then we got right we got we can do
35 of these
we've got 35 of these how much would
this cost me
Let's see we can do 10 at a time
right let's send another one let's see
what else we get
next pack
oh that's not good 50K
and nine bronze players what
I'm Not Really Gonna celebrate that am I
right another 10.
any workout
50k coins
bronze player nine bronze players oh my
dares this is like the bronze pack
method guys right another 10.
come on
one walkout
oh my dude
to be fair Abraham's not bad that's the
first gold card I've got I think
and nine bronze players
and then the final five
anything in the final five
oh dearly blind actually bought him
yesterday so I'm gonna sell him Gula
Real Madrid cam
Ambrosius and more bronzes right so
that's all my celebration packs now
if you guys were to recommend me for
anything on my team what would you say
do so head over to Club
I think pav ads out right
yeah pavard's out Kim minji in
team's looking a bit better now
so there we are
makuku up front grillish grincher
we were rank five
a better striker in Center mid
I don't know what this is guys I'll
click yes
so we get alcohol
Tottenham Hotspur Inter Milan Arsenal 5K
right what else I don't know what that
kickoff patch has given me so do I so do
I play these games every day
so I'm trying to find stuff so I need
help with this guys right
this says six out of ten
it says six out of ten how do I get to
10 out of 10.
do I have to play another game
so I've got to play him again to unlock
the thing right
right so I've got to replay them okay
that makes sense so guys I'm I'm still
new but hopefully we can learn together
um is it worth doing these as well like
how many points do I have
I've got 312 I'll do we start on these
and then see what we get from these
and new goals was I don't really know
what this is either but there you go
you can play them again right so I'm
going to redo them so you guys know what
you're doing I didn't know what I was
so the main event Champion player
training and in tournaments so I think
we're good for now
which means guys what a way to have a
look around today was the star unless we
do a star pack opening for tomorrow
unless we do a star pack opening for
tomorrow I don't know
what have we got guys oh we got a
Founders pack here we go oh that's gonna
be bad doing it
we're gonna get from this
I found this packet so what it's a
workout because it's a Founder it's a
green it's a German
it's a German Striker is that another
right we've got makuku
for the 20th time
to Fair it is the best one by looks of
that 82.
doesn't go into the team no
so where am I spending my points guys
so they open four Ultra packs
four Ultra packs that's that's 20 000 FC
points by the way
am I up and I might open four of these
is that the play is that the player
we're doing today
wait for the packs to reset to get the
discount when's this
oh we can do some more tomorrow though
wait isn't this where I got this is
where I got Greninja from right
yeah I opened all the half-price one
yesterday guys I was a bit of a Savage
yesterday but I'll open I'll open two
I'll open two we'll see what we get
it's a walkout it's a green it's an
English green it's an English left it's
grealish isn't it no who's this
Harvey bands
not really what you want 100K back as
next one
and the final one today guys I'm gonna
have a look at other people's teams on
day two
it's another workout it's an icon that's
an icon that's an that's
hey we've got a striker
makuku you are gone
makuku you are gone Samuel Eto you
yeah as easy as that guys hey is is out
we've got an we've got another icon hey
guys Givenchy yesterday have you guys
missed on the main Channel we got him
let's go over to Club
let's makuku Out Auto build bank that is
how we are looking at the moment I need
to remove the bench as well but yeah
if we can get an upgrade in a center mid
defense is looking good midfield's
looking a bit sketchy but the attack is
it is cracked we're getting very lucky
so with that guys
I'm curious on what people's teams looks
like so we're gonna have a look at this
if we go to play
if we go to probably verse attacks the
place in it
and I'm curious on
so for example lock down there
he has got a 93 no white Bear's got a
name Where's the 94.
guys people like 92 rated teams right
let's have a look at white Bears team
beautiful Muller Socrates Ronaldinho
he's carried over a kocha he's got human
Sun Virgil Van Dyke screenia or Nana
he's got Ashley calling Carlos Alberta
so these These are crazy teams for the
start 93 OVR there
let's see what other uh rating we can
92 is there any way I can start by rain
92 1992 1991 1993 there let's click on
that one let's have a look at this 93
beta team
Ronaldo Harlan's son Socrates kieza
Mateus bloominac
nice 93 rear team there
what else have we got
it's good name a lot of decent teams 93
was there
any other Cycles with crazy ranked teams
but I'm curious guys who's your best
player you've got in your FC mobile team
I can't really see any other massive
Rings let's have a look at like for
example there's Johnny
let's have a look at Johnny see we see
who he's got in his team makuko Pires
he's got Fernandez a culture from the
last games oh he's got Jared and Zanetti
solid team there
so there that's the uh
that's a look around guys at some of the
best let's have a look at head to head
as well
let's see if there's anything like
higher rate teams in Head to Head
and then that's what's probably done for
the day guys and I probably the thing
the packs with vegetable
so I'll probably do some more so let's
go to head to head
let's see the full leaderboard
19 1990
nothing really though oh hello nothing
there is a uh next yellow
background guys Newcastle fans love it
all right let's have a look at Zeus
Zeus's team
three five one one
oh Jordan 90
there's some nice players on the game
guys I'm liking the look of it so there
we are our second look at some of the
best teams in FC mobile we've also hit a
Samuel Eto to upgrade our team and guys
let me know what you're doing in Mobile
what you're doing in your own
progression on the game
um I'm curious and guys make sure you
join the Discord make sure you subscribe
to this channel as well guys because we
are going to be consistent with the FC
content and hopefully you guys follow us
on the journey as well leave a like rate
and subscribe hit the Bell button if you
want to see any new videos guys let me
know I'll see what I can do but yeah
tomorrow's probably gonna be a big pack
uh big pack one if the Pack's refresh so
that should be fun
5.0 / 5 (33 votes)

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