ESP32 precision GPS receiver (incl. RTK-GPS Tutorial). How to earn money with it (DePIN)

Andreas Spiess
5 May 202422:18


TLDRفي هذا الفيديو، نتعرف على تقنية نظام الملاحة ال衛ي الشاملة (GNSS) وكيفية استخدامها لتحديد مواقع بدقة高达公分级别. يُظهر لنا القناة كيفية استخدام موديلات RTK لتحسين دقة نظام GPS التقليدي، مما يتيح لنا القدرة على قياس المسافة إلى ال衛ي المتحركة بسرعة واستخدام هذه المعلومات لحساب مكاننا الدقيق. نرى أيضًا كيف يمكن للتكنولوجيا هذه أن تساعد في بناء قاعدة بيانات عالمية وكيفية الربح من خلال إنشاء وتوصيل قاعدة بيانات خاصة.globally networked base station. كما نتعلم عن DePINs وكيف يمكن للناس الاستفادة الاقتصادياً من هذه التكنولوجيا.


  • 📡 تمكن تقنية نظام الملاحة ال衛성ية الشاملة (GNSS) من قياس المسافة بدقة高达 3 متر باعتماد تقنية قياس الزمن بدقة高达 10 نانو ثانية.
  • 🛰️ تتطلب الدقة الأعلى (المركزي) قياس زمن الإشارات بدقة高达 100 بيكوس وتعويض لأخطاء المواقع ال衛성ية高达 السنتيمتر.
  • 🔍 يستخدم GNSS لتحديد الموقع عن طريق قياس زمن إشارة ال衛星 المرتقبة، والتي يمكن أن تكون ضعيفة جدًا بسبب المسافة البعيدة.
  • 📊 يستخدم التكرار الرقمي العشوائي (الكود الوهمي) من قبل ال衛星ات ل允許 لاستقبالها بواسطة الاستقبالات ال衛성ية.
  • ⏱️ لتحسين الدقة، يمكن استخدام تقنية RTK (العلم الكيني الحي)، التي ت对比 بين الاستقبالين الثابتة والمتحركة لتحديد الاختلاف.
  • 💡 يمكن للخدمات الصناعية الأساسية أن تبيع إشارات تصحيح RTK بأسعار عالية، بينما تحاول شركات DePIN مثل Onocoy تقليل الأسعار.
  • 🌐 يمكن للمستخدمين المساهمة في شبكة عالمية من الاستقبالات الأساسية والحصول على ال加密货币 كأجر عن خدماتهم.
  • 🛠️ يمكن بناء الاستقبال الأساسي بتكلفة أقل من الاستقبالات التجارية التقليدية، مع القدرة على التوصيل مع خدمات مثل RTK2GO أو Onocoy.
  • 📍 يساعد RTK في تحسين الدقة المكانية بشكل كبير، مما يتيح تطبيقات متعددة مثل الطيران اللاسلكي والجرافات الصناعية.
  • 🔗 يمكن لل衛성ات ال衛성ية المساعدة في تحسين الدقة من خلال تزويدي الاستقبالات ال衛성ية بمعلومات إضافية عن مسار ال衛ست.
  • 💻 يمكن للأجهزة الذكية استخدام تقنية GPS مساعدة عبر الإنترنت لاسترداد الموقع بشكل أسرع بالإشارة إلى البيانات المطلوبة مباشرة من الإنترنت.

Q & A

  • هل من الممكن تحديد الموقع بدقة تصل إلى السنتيمتر حول العالم؟

    -نعم، من الممكن، كما يشير النص إلى أنه يمكن تحقيق هذا الدقة الفائقة باستخدام ESP32 وجهاز مستقبل GPS جيد.

  • ماذا يشير النص بـ 'DePINs'؟

    -'DePINs' يشير إلى 'decentralized physical infrastructure networks'، وهي شركات تحاول استبدال الاستثمارات بتمويل جماعي وإنشاء عملة إلكترونية لدفع مالكي البنية التحتية.

  • كيف يعمل نظام GPS في قياس المسافة إلى ال衛星 المتحركة بسرعة؟

    -يعمل نظام GPS عن طريق قياس زمن إشارة ال衛星 بدقة高达 10 نانو ثانية لكي يتمكن من حساب المسافة بدقة高达 3 متر.

  • ماذا تعني RTK في سياق النص؟

    -RTK تعني 'real-time kinematics'، وهو تقنية تستخدم لتحسين دقة GPS من قياسات بضعة المتر إلى السنتيمتر.

  • ما هي الخطوات الأساسية لبناء محطة قاعدة RTK؟

    -لإنشاء محطة قاعدة RTK، تحتاج إلى مستقبل RTK شامل، ESP32، وبرنامج لقراءة البيانات من الاستقبال وإرسال إشارات ال校正 إلى الخدمة.

  • كيف يمكن لشخص يستخدم RTK أن يكسب المال؟

    -يمكن لشخص يستخدم RTK أن يكسب المال عن طريق بناء محطة قاعدة وتوصيلها بشبكة عالمية مثل Onocoy، التي تشتري البيانات بالعملة الرقمية.

  • ماذا تشير إلى الجملة 'The width of peak is about 1ns or 30 meters'؟

    -تشير إلى أن عرض الذروة في الرسم البياني الذي يظهر تطابق نمط الإشارة القادمة من ال衛星 مع نمط الكود المعروفة هو حوالي 1 نانو ثانية، مما يعادل 30 متر في الدقة.

  • لماذا يتطلب نظام GPS ال衛star ال-clocks ال precisos؟

    -يتطلب الـ GPS الـ clocks ال precisos لضمان تطابق زمني بال衛star البعيدة، مما يسمح بدقة قياسات المسافة وتحديد المواقع بدقة.

  • ما هي العوامل التي تؤثر على دقة نظام GPS؟

    -العوامل التي تؤثر على دقة نظام GPS تشمل تأخيرات الاتزان الجوي، تأثيرات اليونوسفر، ودقة الـ clocks في ال衛star والاستقبال.

  • كيف يمكن لنظام RTK التعامل مع مشكلة الـ 'ambiguity'؟

    -RTK يحل مشكلة الـ 'ambiguity' من خلال مقارنة نمط الكود القادم من ال衛star مع نمط الكود المعروفة لتحديد بدقة المكان على الموجة ال несائية.

  • ماذا يشير النص بـ 'almanac' في سياق GPS؟

    -في سياق GPS، يشير 'almanac' إلى بيانات بسيطة تتضمن معلومات حول ال衛star مثل موقعها والاتجاهات، التي يتم استلامها من ال衛star وتستخدم لتحديد المواقع بشكل أسرع.



📍 GPS Precision and Global Networks

The first paragraph introduces the concept of achieving centimeter-level location accuracy globally using an ESP32 and a GPS receiver module. It discusses the possibility of earning money by building a base station and connecting to a global network. The speaker expresses excitement about the technology and invites viewers to learn about how GPS measures distances to satellites to calculate exact positions. It also touches on the history of GPS, its initial accuracy limitations, and the development of other satellite systems like GNSS.


🚀 Understanding GNSS and RTK Technology

The second paragraph delves into the technicalities of how GNSS works, focusing on the importance of precise time measurements for distance calculations. It explains the challenges of decoding weak signals and distinguishing between different satellite signals. The concept of 'cross-correlation' is introduced to describe how GPS receivers identify signals from specific satellites. The paragraph also outlines the need for atomic clocks in satellites and receivers, and a clever method to overcome the limitations of less precise receiver clocks.


🔍 Enhancing Precision with RTK

The third paragraph discusses the limitations of standard GPS precision and introduces Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) as a solution to achieve higher accuracy. It explains the RTK system, which involves a fixed 'base' receiver and a movable 'rover' receiver, and how they use correction signals to improve positioning data. The paragraph also explores various methods for transmitting correction signals, including direct transmission, internet, mobile networks, and satellite uplinks.


🛠 Building a DIY RTK Base Station

The fourth paragraph provides a practical guide on building a rover using an RTK-enabled GPS receiver and an ESP32. It mentions the potential to earn money by creating a base station and selling correction data, introducing the concept of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs). The speaker shares their experience with building a base station, connecting it to RTK2GO, and the cost benefits compared to commercial options. It also briefly touches on how GPS satellites synchronize clocks and their importance in cellular networks.


🌐 Commercial Services and Personal Investment

The final paragraph summarizes the key learnings from the video, emphasizing the need for precise time signals in GPS and the role of at least four satellites in determining a three-dimensional position. It highlights the limitations of GPS accuracy and how RTK can enhance precision to the centimeter level. The speaker shares their decision to build a base station and partner with Onocoy, a DePIN company, to provide correction signals globally. The video concludes with an invitation to support the channel and a promise to provide relevant links for further information.




GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System, which is a collective term for satellite systems that provide autonomous geo-spatial positioning globally. The video explains GNSS as encompassing not only the American GPS but also other national systems like the Russian GLONASS, European Galileo, and Chinese BeiDou. These systems allow devices to determine their location anywhere on Earth when they have a clear line of sight to four or more satellites. The video uses GNSS to discuss the evolution and capabilities of global positioning technologies.


Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) is an advanced satellite navigation technique used to enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning systems. RTK improves GPS accuracy to the centimeter level by using measurements of the phase of the signal's carrier wave in addition to the information content of the signal. The video illustrates RTK by discussing a setup involving a base station (fixed position) and a rover (movable receiver), showing how they can achieve high precision in determining locations.


The term 'phase' in the context of GPS and GNSS refers to the specific point in the cycle of a signal's wave. By measuring the phase of the carrier signal, RTK systems can achieve centimeter-level accuracy. The video explains that although the basic GPS position might have a precision of several meters, knowing the phase can refine this to determine the exact position on a much smaller scale.


DePIN stands for Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks. It is a concept where infrastructure networks are crowd-funded and operators are compensated with cryptocurrency rather than traditional currency. The video discusses DePIN in the context of RTK networks, highlighting how it can lower the costs of high-precision GPS services and potentially offer returns on investment to those who build and maintain these networks.


Cross-correlation in GPS technology is a mathematical technique used to compare and align signals received from satellites to known pseudo-random patterns emitted by them. This process helps in identifying the timing and source of satellite signals amidst noise, as described in the video. This technique is critical for determining the precise location by matching the received signals against the known patterns of each satellite.


In GPS technology, the 'almanac' refers to data transmitted by GPS satellites that contains important information about the orbits of satellites, their status, and system health. This information, as described in the video, is crucial for GNSS receivers to compute and predict satellite positions, which in turn enhances positioning accuracy. The almanac data helps devices to quickly find satellites and calculate positions.


The ionosphere is a layer of Earth's atmosphere that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. In the context of GNSS, it affects the travel time of signals from satellites to Earth, which can impact the accuracy of positioning. The video discusses how RTK systems need to account for these time delays and atmospheric disturbances to achieve the desired precision in location tracking.

💡Carrier wave

A carrier wave in GNSS technology is the high-frequency radio wave that carries the satellite's signal codes and navigation data. In the video, it is explained that by measuring the phase of the carrier wave, more precise positioning information can be extracted, overcoming the limitations of only using the data content of the signals for location determination.

💡Base station

A base station in the context of RTK GNSS is a fixed-position receiver that has a known precise location. It collects data from satellites and generates correction information for nearby rovers, enhancing their positioning accuracy. The video explains how building your own base station can connect you to networks like RTK2GO, potentially earning money by contributing to a decentralized network.


In RTK GNSS, a rover is a mobile receiver that uses data from a base station to correct its satellite-derived position to achieve high accuracy. The video describes how the rover uses the correction signals from the base station to resolve ambiguities in the satellite signals and precisely calculate its location, demonstrating the practical application of RTK in various technologies.


It is possible to determine your location to the centimeter around the globe using an ESP32 and a GPS receiver module.

Building your own base station and connecting it to a global network can potentially earn you money.

The video provides a clear understanding of measuring distances to satellites and calculating exact positions using this information.

The technology enhances standard GPS and can deliver centimeter precision through a DIY ESP32 base station.

GPS was invented in the 1970s and became more accurate after the US military stopped artificially degrading its signals post Gulf War.

GNSS, including GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo, is a network of satellite systems providing global navigation.

Measuring time with a precision of 10 nanoseconds allows for a distance measurement precision of 3 meters.

GPS receivers use cross-correlation to identify signals from specific satellites and their precise timing.

All satellites have built-in atomic clocks regularly adjusted by ground stations to maintain synchronization.

RTK (Real-Time Kinematics) is a method that allows for centimeter-level positioning accuracy by using a fixed base station and a rover.

The base and rover can communicate corrections via direct transmission, internet, mobile networks, or satellite.

The ESP32 board includes Wi-Fi and a 4G modem for connecting to cellular networks and receiving satellite data.

RTK-enabled GPS receivers and an ESP32 can be used to build a rover for precise positioning.

DePINs (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) are networks that use cryptocurrency to incentivize infrastructure owners.

Onocoy is a DePIN company aiming to build a global network of base stations for RTK correction data at a lower cost.

Building a base station requires a special antenna, an RTK receiver, an ESP32, and software to send correction signals.

The video demonstrates the construction and operation of a DIY base station connected to RTK2GO for enhanced GPS precision.

The presenter's setup cost less than $300 and has already started to earn cryptocurrency by providing RTK correction data.

The video concludes by emphasizing the importance of GPS synchronization for various technologies and the potential threat of signal jamming.



Determine your location to the centimeter  around the globe? For everybody, not only for  


the military? Only with an ESP32 and a decent  GPS receiver module? Not possible! Wrong,  


it is possible. You can even earn some money by  building your own base station and connecting it  


to a global network! When I got this board  from Michael, a viewer of this channel,  


I was hooked on the idea of trying and  understanding this relatively new technology. What  


about you? Interested, too? Then, follow along. Grüezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss  


accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around  sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you  


subscribe, you will always sit in the first row. By the end of this video, you'll have a clear  


understanding of how it's possible to measure  the distance to fast-moving satellites more than  


20,000 kilometers away and use that information  to calculate your exact position. You'll also  


see how this technology enhances standard GPS. To  demonstrate, we'll use my DIY ESP32 base station,  


connect it to a global network, and see if it can  really deliver centimeter precision. And finally,  


learn what DePINs are and how you can earn money  with this technology. This isn't just about the  


technology, it's about the practical applications  and the potential it holds for us all.  


GPS was invented in the 1970s and implemented  from the 1980s on. In 1995, I had my first  


Garmin handheld GPS receiver for pilots. It  was mind-boggling because from now on, I always  


knew where I was and where the forbidden zones  started. A big stress reliever! The accuracy of  


this degraded non-military system was around 100  meters. Useful for pilots because they use wide  


“airways”, but not yet for car drivers. After the  gulf war, the US military stopped the artificial  


degradation of the GPS signals and so improved its  accuracy. I strongly suggest reading or listening  


to “You Are Here” if you are interested in how  it all began. Other nations like the Chinese,  


the Europeans, and the Russians started to build  their own “GPS” systems. Together, they are called  


“Global Navigation Satellite System”, short GNSS. How does GNSS work? I will use GPS to explain it.  


The most important fact is: In one microsecond,  light and also radio waves travel about 300  


meters and 30 cm in one nanosecond. If we want to measure the distance with  


a precision of 3 meters, we have to be able to  measure time with a precision of 10 nanoseconds,  


and if we want to measure 3 cm, we  need to get to a precision of 100  


picoseconds. Not bad. Keep in mind:  These satellites are 20’000km away,  


move at high speed, and have to have exactly  the same synchronized time. At first glance,  


this seems to be impossible! But let’s  see how they managed to make it work.  


To determine its position, a GPS receiver needs to  calculate the distance to at least four satellites  


by measuring the timing of the signals. For  that, it listens to 1575.42MHz or L1, where  


all GPS satellites transmit their signals. In the  meantime, other frequencies were added, mainly L2  


at 1227.6MHz and L5 at 1176.45MHz. The engineers  back in the 1970s had to solve two main problems:  


1. How to decode very weak signals  traveling 20’000 km through space?  


2. How to distinguish between signals of  different satellites on the same frequency?  


Let’s monitor these three frequencies with  a Spectran SDR receiver. All contain more or  


less random noise with no visible carriers.  Interesting! If I connect the same antenna  


to a proper GNSS receiver module, it shows my  position. Obviously, there are “hidden” signals  


on these frequencies. How does this work? Back then, they decided that each satellite  


transmits its own “pseudo-random” pattern of  1023 bits with a rate of 1.023Mbit/s. That  


is the reason we can hardly distinguish them  from noise. Because these patterns are known  


to all GPS receiver modules, they can compare  the signals coming from all satellites with all  


known patterns. Mathematicians call this process  “cross-correlation”. The result is a peak when  


the received signal pattern and the code of one  particular satellite match in time. Nearly no peak  


is visible for signals of other satellites. So,  such a peak contains two parts of information:  


1. Which satellite sent the signal 2. Its precise timing  


The width of peak is about 1ns or 30 meters. Even  if you can determine the peak very accurately,  


the precision of this signal is limited to a  few meters because there are other sources of  


inaccuracies, as we will later see. This is the  precision of our smartphones, for example. After  


receiving the signals of all visible satellites,  our GPS receiver knows the distance to these  


satellites. But only if the clocks of all  satellites and our receiver are exactly  


synchronized. Keep in mind: A difference of one  nanosecond means already an error of 30 meters!  


This is why all satellites have built-in atomic  clocks that are regularly adjusted by ground  


stations. Our GPS receiver module has a clock,  too. But to save cost and space, not a very  


precise one. So, the whole thing would not work  unless we use a trick that is later revealed.  


The next problem: To get our precise position,  we need not only the distance to the satellites;  


our receiver also needs to know the  momentary position of each satellite,  


also with the precision of meters. We will  later see where it gets this information from.  


To calculate a three-dimensional position,  the distance to at least three satellites  


and their precise positions are needed. The  trick to working with the unprecise receiver  


clock is to use the signal of a fourth  satellite to calculate the precise time.  


Now, we are ready to retrieve the exact  position with a precision of a few meters  


everywhere on Earth. It's incredible,  but it works with a receiver module for  


a few dollars and such tiny antennas. As said before: We want more. 100 times  


more precision. Sounds impossible again!  Let’s try to understand which problems we  


have to solve to get to such a precision: 1. We have to be able to measure the travel  


time of the signal to the picosecond 2. We have to compensate for position  


errors of satellites to the centimeter 3. We have to account for time delays  


influenced by the ionosphere. The ionosphere is  the upper part of the atmosphere and consists of  


charged particles. They are heavily influenced by  the sunlight and therefore change all the time  


4. And correct many more small  errors in the overall system  


Let’s start with the first problem: Increase the  precision of the timing. As we saw before, GPS has  


a modulation frequency of 1Mb/s. But its “carrier”  frequency is around 1.5GHz and, therefore,  


a wavelength of around 20 cm. What if we would be  able to determine where on this wave we are? Then,  


we would know our position to the centimeter!  Technically, the place on a wave is called  


“phase”, BTW. Problem solved? Unfortunately,  not. As shown before, GPS has a precision of  


some meters. Let’s assume a precise GPS position  of 5 meters. Then, 20 wavelengths fit inside these  


5 meters. This is rightly called ambiguity because  we know exactly where we are on the wave but,  


unfortunately, not on which one. Not good! Clever engineers developed real-time kinematics or  


RTK to solve this problem: Let's assume you have  two receivers close together. One is fixed, and  


its position is exactly known; the other can be  moved, and its position is not known. Both measure  


the position with GPS and determine their phase.  Because one knows exactly where it is, it can  


determine on which wave it “sits” and determine  the actual difference between its position  


and the GPS position. If it would transfer this  information to the second receiver, this one could  


determine its exact position, too. And we solved  problems 2, 3, and 4. Because both receivers are  


very close, all these differences are nearly  the same and are included in the “correction”  


signal transmitted. Cool! If we call the fixed  receiver “base” and the second one “rover”,  


we have our RTK system. Of course, it is way  more complex, but for today, we stick with that.  


Fortunately, the distance between the base  and the rover can be up to about 20 km,  


and the system still works. The next problem: How is this  


correction signal transmitted from the base to  the rover? Here, we have four typical scenarios:  


1. Directly by using a transmitter on the base  and a receiver on the rover. High-end lawn movers  


attach a base to the charging station and the  rover to the mover. Also high-end drones work with  


fixed bases close to the pilot. In this scenario,  each rover needs a base station. Commercial base  


stations, unfortunately, cost a fortune 2. Via internet. The base and the rover are  


connected to a service. The base transmits  the correction signal to the platform,  


and the rover receives a valid  correction signal without “owning” a  


base. Signals can be transmitted via Wi-Fi 3. Or via mobile networks. There are many  


such professional services available.  Usually very local and very expensive  


because building and maintaining bases every  20 km is not cheap. RTK2GO is a free service,  


but it only works if you have a base in the  vicinity. The closest one to my home is 40  


km away. So later, I will build my own for  a fraction of the price of a commercial one  


4. Via satellite. Companies like u-blox  operate many base stations around the  


world. Because they cannot afford one every  20 km, they placed them about 150km apart and  


do some math to their signals. Like that, they  typically get a precision of below one meter,  


but not to the centimeter. Still ok for many use  cases and available globally. But not cheap.  


The board I got from Michael offers transmission  methods 2, 3 and 4. The ESP32 includes Wi-Fi,  


and this 4G modem can connect to  the next cellular tower. It even  


contains a satellite receiver that can receive  u-blox data from space. They offer a limited  


service for developers free of charge, BTW. It also contains this small u-blox RTK receiver  


that covers the most important bands, L1  and L2, and shows its position on a map. So,  


let's check how it works. As said before,  I wanted the best precision. So I built a  


base station and connected it to RTK2GO. We go away from the house to reduce signal  


reflections and start with GPS only. As expected,  the position moves a few meters. With RTK enabled,  


this changes considerably. The position is solid.  And if I move the receiver, or should I say,  


the antenna, along a straight line, we see  this straight line also on the map. Impressive!  


Here, you see typical applications  for RTK. Maybe something is for you?  


To build a rover, we just need an RTK-enabled GPS  receiver and an ESP32 if we have Wi-Fi available,  


plus Michael’s Arduino software. Sparkfun  offers many such receiver modules and also  


wrote the required libraries. We know now that RTK works,  


and we saw this rover board. But I also promised  that you could earn money with RTK. How does that  


work? And how can we build a base station? Helium, with its network of LoRaWAN gateways,  


was one of the first companies that created  a new industry called “decentralized physical  


infrastructure networks”, short DePIN.  DePIN companies try to replace investors  


with crowdfunding. Like Helium, they create  a cryptocurrency and pay the owners of the  


infrastructure with this currency instead of  real money till they get paid by the customers.  


Everybody who had to work with professional  investors knows that this would be a very good  


idea for startups because often, these “investors”  are arrogant and a pain in the ass. People who  


watched my Helium video know that I was not happy  about this company. Mainly because there was no  


real business behind transferring LoRa messages.  But is DePIN in general a bad idea? I do not  


know yet because it is too new. But I give it a  chance if there is a real business case behind  


it. Selling RTK correction data seems to be a  multi-million-dollar business already now. So this  


market should be better than LoRaWAN messages.  And its future application is much broader.  


A few DePINs have already tried to get such  networks up and running. One of them is  


Onocoy. This network has two advantages: 1. They allow Makers to create their own  


hardware and do not sell overpriced “miners” 2. Its president is one of the founders of u-blox,  


a no-nonsense guy also with a Swiss accent How can we build such a base station? You need  


four things to get the best signal  and, therefore, the most rewards:  


- A special antenna for all GPS bands - An RTK receiver for all bands  


- An ESP32 - Software to read the receiver  


and send the correction signal to the service You can buy this receiver with an ESP32, but it is  


expensive and only delivers data to Onocoy. This  is why I built one myself. Mine delivers data to  


Onocoy and RTK2GO. I do not show how to build it  here, but you can find links in the description if  


you are interested in this technology. Anyway,  connecting four wires between the receiver and  


the ESP32 board and loading the software is  all it needs. The rest is configuration.  


Keep in mind: Commercial stations cost thousands  of dollars. This miner still costs roughly  


700 dollars, including shipping. My setup was less  than 300 dollars. It's not cheap, but maybe I will  


get the money back or make more than I invested.  It has already started to earn some cryptos.  


Even if I will not earn a lot, I had a good  time learning and experimenting with this  


technology. It helped me understand one of the  key technologies of our civilization, and I pay  


respect to the engineers who, more than 40 years  ago, believed that such a system was possible and  


started to work on it. Keep also in mind that GPS  satellites synchronize most of our clocks and are  


part of each cellular tower, for example. I made  a video on how you can use this precise timing  


for cheap in your lab. Jamming these signals  seems to be a major threat during war times.  


I also promised to tell you how GPS receivers get  the positions of all satellites. The pseudo-random  


code contains a very slow modulation that  transfers all this data, also called “almanac”.  


It can take more than 10 minutes to get all this  data. This is why all GPS modules have a small  


battery attached. They store the almanac data and,  because satellites do not frequently change their  


path, can use “old” data to get a faster fix. If the GNSS receiver has an internet connection,  


like a Smartphone, it uses “assisted GPS” to  get this information much faster directly via  


the internet. This is why your Smartphone  nearly immediately knows its position.  


In this video: - We learned that GPS  


needs extremely precise and synchronized  time signals to measure the distance  


between satellites and our receiver - It needs at least four satellites,  


three to determine the three-dimensional position  and one to correct the time of the receiver  


- Its accuracy is limited by the slow  modulation as well as by variable  


influences by the ionosphere, for example - If we want to get to centimeter precision,  


we need to measure the phase of the carrier signal  as well as account for the real-time difference  


between a precise position and the signal - This difference is measured by a base station  


and transmitted to a “roving” station to enable  the rover to solve the ambiguity and determine its  


exact position. The distance between a base and  a rover should be below 20 km to get an RTK fix  


- Commercial services sell such  correction signals for quite high  


prices. RTK2GO offers a free-of-charge  service but does not have broad coverage  


- This is why I built a base and connected  it to Onocoy, a DePIN company that tries to  


build a global network of base stations and  sell the data for a lower price. I will be  


paid in cryptocurrency for my services. Who  knows if I will get the invested money back  


This was all for today. As always, you find  all the relevant links in the description.  


I hope this video was useful or at  least interesting for you. If true,  


please consider supporting the channel to  secure its future existence. Thank you! Bye

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