Spanian on A Current Affair
TLDRأنتوني لي، المعروف بإسبانيان، يحكي قصته الشخصية المليئة بالتحديات والتي شغلت بالسجن لسنوات. بعد أن عاد من السجن، أصبح يساعد الآخرين في تغيير حياتهم. لديه الآن محتوى متنوع على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، بما في ذلك مقاطع موسيقية وبودكاستات وقناة يوتيوب. يتحدث بصراحة عن تجربته مع المخدرات والجريمة، وتحاول محتوىه الوصول إلى الشباب وتغيير علاقتهم مع الriminal生活方式. يعترف بأنه شخص مثير للجدل في أستراليا، ولكن يرى أن الصدق هو السبب وراء نمو جمهوره. يركز على الإيجابية والنجاحات، ويقدم كتابه "Unfiltered Hood Life" لقراءه البالغين.
- 🛡️ Anthony Lee, also known as Spanian, has turned his life around after spending a significant portion of his life in prison.
- 🚀 In just four years, Spanian has become a social media sensation with music videos, podcasts, and a YouTube channel, amassing hundreds of thousands of followers.
- 🌟 He is known for his raw and honest content, which has resonated with many, including youth workers who use his videos to reach troubled kids.
- 💊 Spanian openly discusses his past struggles with drugs, including a heroin addiction that cost him over a thousand dollars a day.
- 👮♂️ He credits moments of clarity and a desire to change with his decision to leave a life of crime behind.
- 🎥 His content is not for the faint-hearted, as he admits to being a divisive figure in Australia with a mix of love and hate from the public.
- 📈 Despite his controversial past, Spanian has found success with a fashion label and other ventures, spreading positive energy through his newfound fame.
- 🚫 He does not seek forgiveness for his past crimes but rather aims to show the reality and consequences of a criminal lifestyle.
- 📚 Spanian has authored a book titled 'Unfiltered Hood Life,' which provides an unfiltered look into his experiences.
- 🎉 At 35 years old, he has recently experienced many 'firsts' in life, such as getting his driver's license, which highlights his disconnect from mainstream society.
- ✅ He considers his life of crime to be over and now identifies as a 'civilian,' embracing a new path of success and personal growth.
Q & A
كيف تغيرت حياة أنثوني لي بعد السجن؟
-أنثوني لي تحول حياته بعد السجن من خلال التحول إلى مشهور وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، يملك مقاطع موسيقية وبودكاستات وقناة يوتيوب، ويعمل على مساعدة الآخرين.
ماذا كان العمل ال小人 الشخصي لأنثوني لي قبل التحول؟
-كان يعمل في الجرائم البسيطة مثل السرقة والمطارات السريعة والحملات المخدرة والطعن، وكان يعاني من إدمان بالهيروين.
لماذا يعتبر أنثوني لي نفسه كشخص مثير للجدل في أستراليا؟
-لأن محتواه هوnist وصادق، مما يسبب المشاعر المتضاربة بين المعجبين به وأولئك الذين يكرهونه.
كيف يساعد أنثوني لي الشباب وكبار السن؟
-ينشر مقاطع الفيديو لعملائه في مراكز الشباب، ويعتقد أنه يستطيع الوصول إلى الشباب بطريقة أفضل من أي شخص آخر، ويتلقى تعليقات من البالغين الذين يقولون أنه هو السبب في تخليهم عن المخدرات.
ماذا تعني أنثوني لي بـ"المدني"؟
-يقصد بـ"المدني" أن يكون شخصًا عاديًا يعيش حياة طبيعية، م遠عدًا عن حياة الجريمة والسجون.
ما هي الأحداث الرئيسية التي حدثت في حياة أنثوني لي قبل التحول؟
-فقد قريب من حياته وثلاثة أو خمس أعز أصدقائه بسبب الهيروين، وجميع أشخاص يعرفهم يعيشون الآن في السجون.
لماذا يرى أنثوني لي أنه لا يدين بأي اعتذار أو حزن؟
-يعتقد أنه يعيش حياة جديدة الآن، وأنه لا ينبغي أن يعتذر أو يشعر بالحزن لأي شيء عمله في الماضي.
ما هي التأثيرات الشخصية التي تستمر على أنثوني لي حتى بعد التحول؟
-لم يذهب إلى حفل زفاف أو حفل ميلاد شخص ما، ولم يكن لديه وظيفة حتى לאחר الفترة الأخيرة، ولم يكن لديه هوية شخصية حتى الآن.
ما هي الكتب التي كتبها أنثوني لي؟
-كتب كتابًا يسمى "Unfiltered Hood Life"، والذي متاح في متاجر الكتب.
كيف يرى أنثوني لي تصرفاته السابقة؟
-يرى أنه فقدت حياته للسجن وأنه يعيش حياة جديدة الآن، ولكنه يرى أنه لا يدين بأي اعتذار.
ماذا تعني العبارة "i'm a full disconnect from the world"؟
-يقصد بـ"i'm a full disconnect from the world" أنه لم يكن يعيش حياة اجتماعية طبيعية أو يشارك في الأحداث الشخصية العادية مثل الحفلات.
ما هي الرسالة الرئيسية التي يحاول أنثوني لي إيصالها من خلال محتواه؟
-يحاول أنثوني لي إيصال الرسالة بأن الحياة الriminal ليست طريقة حياة وأنه يجب التخلص من المخدرات وتعلم ال珍شادة للأشياء الصغيرة في الحياة.
🛡️ Redemption and Influence: Anthony Lee's Journey
Anthony Lee, also known as 'Spanian,' has transformed his life from a criminal past to a social media star with a significant impact on others. Once involved in petty crimes, high-speed pursuits, and drug-related activities, he has now dedicated his life to helping others and sharing his story. With a growing online presence that includes music videos, podcasts, and a YouTube channel, he has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers. Despite his controversial and raw storytelling, his authenticity has resonated with many, including youth workers who play his videos for kids in detention centers. His message is clear: there is a better way to live than the criminal path he once tread. Anthony's transformation is a testament to the power of personal change and the influence of honest storytelling.
📚 From Hood to Hope: Spanian's Book and New Beginnings
Anthony Lee, who has put his life of crime behind him, has embraced a new identity as a 'civilian' and is enjoying the successes that come with his reformed lifestyle. His book, 'Unfiltered Hood Life,' offers a raw and unfiltered look into his past and is a testament to his resilience and change. Although not intended for young readers due to its explicit content, it serves as a cautionary tale and a beacon of hope for those seeking to escape a life of crime. Anthony's newfound freedom is highlighted by his recent achievements, such as obtaining his first driver's license at the age of 35, symbolizing a complete disconnect from his previous life and a fresh start as a contributing member of society.
Anthony Lee, also known as Spanian, has turned his life around after spending most of his life behind bars and is now helping others.
Spanian has become an icon in Sydney's underbelly and a fast-rising social media star with his own music videos, podcasts, and YouTube channel.
He openly speaks about his past life of petty crimes, high-speed pursuits, drug runs, and stabbings, and how he was saved from a downward spiral.
Spanian emphasizes the importance of turning one's back on drugs and the wasted life of those who spend years in prison.
Despite growing up with a wrong crowd and losing friends to heroin, he had moments of clarity that led to his turnaround.
His content is raw and rough, which he believes is the reason behind his growing audience's connection with him.
Spanian's honesty and authenticity have resonated with many, including youth workers who play his videos for kids in centers.
He has received messages from adults and kids alike, crediting him for helping them get off drugs and see the truth about the criminal lifestyle.
Spanian has never begged for forgiveness for his past and does not feel he owes any apologies for his previous life.
Despite his social media fame, the impacts of a hard beginning still linger in his life, as he has never had a traditional job or attended social events.
He has been crime-free for almost five years and now refers to himself as a civilian, a first in his life.
Spanian has recently started experiencing great successes and positive energy, which the world is embracing.
His book 'Unfiltered Hood Life' is available, offering a raw and unfiltered look into his life, with a warning that it's not suitable for young readers.
Spanian's past includes a significant drug dependence, costing over a thousand dollars a day at its peak.
He has a strong connection to Sydney and some of its grittier parts, which are close to his heart.
After leaving jail, Spanian's wrapping became popular, leading to the launch of a fashion label.
There's a big misconception about Spanian, as he does not seek forgiveness for his past but rather focuses on his current positive impact.
what do you got come on welcome back
anthony lee's was the sort of blade
across the street to avoid by 30 he'd
spent most of his life behind bars
now he's turned his life around and he's
helping others oh nice
if sydney's underbelly needed an icon
it's got one now
hey who just thinks
except i don't dump people in
anthony lee's more commonly known as
spanian has come a long way in four
short years the fast rising social media
star has his own music videos podcasts
and youtube channel and hundreds of
thousands of honors
i'm a quite intriguing person
so i'm like we're excited about making
the most of it it's a far cry from where
he sat behind bars for almost a third of
his life and as recently as 2017
petty crimes of stealing high speed
drug runs
stabbings a couple times
he counts himself lucky for being saved
from a downward spiral
in jail to turn his back on drugs
hate my guts because i speak openly
the putridness and how stupid how gronky
being on drugs is and what a waste of
life and what a bunch of gronks that
would sit in prison for 10 years of
their life and i say that on the
internet and
no one has my experience you just get
off your head either way you choose you
know that's not a way to live like
we have to learn to appreciate these
little things you know what i mean like
juvenile detention since 15 and a half
by 16.
grip of his life after growing up with
the wrong crowd
i've lost my uncle who was the only man
in my life he was like my older brother
lost three or five of my best friends
to heroin
everyone i know still on heroin everyone
i grew up with
and most of them are in jail
my drug dependence i'm talking when i
was 16 17 years old my heroin addiction
you're talking over a thousand dollars a
he says his turnaround wasn't quick but
there were moments of clarity
a life of crimes all i knew one day in
2016 looked at myself saying the truth
that's it sucking it that's crazy it's
unheard of where i come from i don't
know any other stories like that
his content isn't a sunday school picnic
and even spanion admits he's not
everyone's cup of tea
it's a mixture between
loving me or hating my guts i'm a very
very divisive person in australia but i
would wait in a tree with a kitchen
knife some parts of his story are
downright frightening and i would
jump out the tree like batman with a
knife and land in front of him and bomb
and i'll say let's go like give me
but he says honesty is the reason behind
his growing audience
those people are raw and rough
you only connect with them by being raw
and rough
welcome to sydney land
thousands of thousands anywhere from
youth workers who spend their days at
your centers playing my videos for the
kids because they know that no one can
reach them as good as i can
to the kids themselves to adults who
saying i'm the reason they got off drugs
i'm the reason they see the truth about
the criminal lifestyle
whatever effort that the police and
they're doing good
in this place i didn't pay him succeeded
very well i didn't know the 35 year old
knows sydney well
some of its grittier parts close to his
it was the straightest version of what
you'd see in the movies at queens where
between the projects they're just
dealing blatantly and cars would pull up
guess what it was this was bloomberg was
the hood
after leaving jail his wrapping became
popular and the rest followed including
a fashion label
nothing's off limits
the positive energy i put out into the
world for the first time
and the world's loving me
there's a big misconception about me
that i don't talk about my crimes in a
way where i'm begging the nation for
forgiveness and
i cop a lot of hate for that and i think
it's a lot of misunderstanding like i
did lose my life to jail i did lose my
life so
unfortunately that's the life i led and
but i feel like i owe no apologies and
no sadness for anything that i've done
despite his recent social media fame the
impacts of a hard beginning still linger
never been to a wedding i've never been
to someone's birthday party i've never
had a job until recently i've never had
i'm still on my green page i'm 35 years
old i just got my license for the first
i i'm a full disconnect from the world
is your life of crime done it is done
i've been there almost five years now i
refer to myself as a civilian now
first time in my life i'm full of
civilian i don't even know what jail
smells like anymore but it's done and
what i'm on is um great successes like i
it hey
spanian's book unfiltered hood life is
available in completely taylor's butt a
word of warning it is definitely not for
to get readers ambulance for her mum
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