스테이블 디퓨전 실사 이미지 동영상 만들기

AI 창작실
13 Dec 202315:35

TLDRThe video script discusses the process of creating images and videos using a real-life model and the Stable Diffusion model, highlighting the importance of selecting the correct model version and understanding the training data. It emphasizes the use of various commands and settings to generate diverse poses and expressions, while also addressing the need for adjustments and the incorporation of references for detailed and realistic outputs. The video also touches on the potential risks of using certain commands and the importance of applying fixes to achieve desired results.


  • 🎨 The video discusses utilizing a realistic model to create images and videos with various poses and commands.
  • 🖼️ The 74 model is widely used, and it's important to confirm the stable diffusion version for accurate results.
  • 📈 Different versions of the model exist based on the amount of training, which affects the output quality.
  • 🎭 The Magic Mix series has various expressions, and the chosen series, Veral B2, has its unique facial expressions.
  • 👗 The model is a high heel fix, so it's necessary to apply it to avoid inappropriate outputs.
  • 🖌️ The process involves creating images with different settings and refining them through editing.
  • 🚀 The first image may take longer to generate due to upscaling and other processing.
  • 🎯 Sampling and step settings can significantly change the outcome of the generated images.
  • 🧍 Open pose can be applied to create diverse poses, and adjustments can be made for a better fit.
  • 🖼️ References and mapping images can be used to enhance details and create interesting expressions.
  • 🎥 For creating videos, using the original model can lead to face changes due to denoising, so careful comparison and adjustment are needed.
  • 🎬 The video concludes by appreciating the capabilities of the Stable Diffusion Magic Mix series models.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the script?

    -The main topic of the script is about creating images and videos using a real-life model and various references, while discussing the methods and precautions in using real images and models.

  • Which model is frequently used in the script?

    -The script mentions the use of the 74 model, which is commonly utilized in the creation process.

  • Why is it important to check the Stable Diffusion version when using the 74 model?

    -It is important to check the Stable Diffusion version because different versions of the model may have been trained differently, and using the wrong version could result in unexpected outcomes.

  • What is the Stable Diffusion version confirmed in the script?

    -The script confirms the use of Stable Diffusion version 1.4.

  • What is the role of the Veril Series in the creation process?

    -The Veril Series, with its various versions, is used to generate images. Each series has its own strengths in expressing different facial features.

  • How does the script handle the generation of images with NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content?

    -The script explicitly mentions avoiding the generation of NSFW content by applying the basic 'H' fixes to ensure appropriate outputs.

  • What is the purpose of the Open Pose in the script?

    -The Open Pose is used to generate various poses and map images. It allows for the recognition of poses and the adjustment of the model's stance.

  • How does the script address the issue of cold-looking characters?

    -The script suggests dressing the characters to address the issue of them looking cold.

  • What is the significance of the 'Control' application in the script?

    -The application of 'Control' allows for the adjustment of the generated images, including the modification of poses, facial features, and other details to achieve the desired look.

  • How does the script approach the creation of videos?

    -The script mentions creating videos by using the original image's model and working with denoising to achieve a natural look. It also suggests using Control nets for further adjustments.

  • What is the final takeaway from the script?

    -The final takeaway is that the script has provided insights into using Stable Diffusion's Magic Mix series models for image and video creation, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right series and making appropriate adjustments to achieve the desired results.



🎨 Introduction to Creating Images with Realistic Models

This paragraph introduces the process of creating images and videos using realistic models, specifically the 74 model. It emphasizes the importance of checking the Stable 1.4 version and understanding how the model is trained, including the command size and learning style. The speaker plans to demonstrate how to generate images by copying command prompts and adjusting settings freely, even including potentially sensitive nsfw content, while applying basic fixes like clothing to avoid inappropriate results.


🖌️ Editing and Sampling Techniques for Image Creation

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of editing and sampling in image creation. It discusses the use of different extensions and the Open Pose feature to accurately capture and modify poses. The speaker illustrates how to fine-tune the image by adjusting hand movements, sizes, and applying various commands. The paragraph also touches on the importance of recognizing the learning extent of the model and the impact of sampling on the final image, suggesting the creation of multiple images with different settings to achieve the desired result.


🌟 Applying Styles and Controls for Enhanced Imagery

This paragraph focuses on the application of styles and controls to enhance the imagery. It describes the process of changing the Deno ratio and steps to select the desired mood, including the use of paint for facial adjustments. The speaker mentions the possibility of altering well-known faces using different models that have been trained on celebrities. The paragraph also highlights the importance of control and the ability to create interesting expressions without the need for extensive technical adjustments.


🎥 Transition from Images to Videos with Stable Diffusion

The final paragraph discusses the transition from creating images to producing videos using the Stable Diffusion model. It explains the challenges of maintaining facial consistency during the denoising process and suggests comparing the original and modified images for accurate adjustments. The speaker shares their approach to applying control nets and denoising levels to achieve a natural look in the videos. The paragraph concludes with a thank you note to the viewers for learning about the Stable Diffusion Magic Mix series models.



💡실사 모델 (Realistic Model)

A realistic model refers to a digital representation or avatar that is designed to look as close to a real human as possible. In the context of the video, the model is used to create images and videos by utilizing various commands and poses. The 74 model is mentioned as a popular choice for such realistic representations, and the importance of using the correct version, like the stable 1.4 version, is emphasized to ensure accurate and intended outputs.

💡오픈 포즈 (Open Pose)

Open Pose refers to a method of applying various poses to a model without the need for specific prompts or commands. It is a technique used in the creation of dynamic and diverse images or videos. In the video, the user demonstrates how to utilize Open Pose to generate images with different postures and adjustments, such as adding clothing to a model or modifying the pose to focus on the upper body.

💡명령어 (Command)

A command is a specific instruction or input given to the model to generate a desired output. Commands can include various settings and parameters that influence the final result, such as the version of the model, the level of detail, or specific features like NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. In the video, the user discusses the importance of using appropriate commands to achieve the intended look and feel of the generated images or videos.

💡NSFW (Not Safe For Work)

NSFW is an abbreviation that stands for 'Not Safe For Work,' which refers to content that is inappropriate or explicit and not suitable for a professional or public setting. In the context of the video, the user cautions against using NSFW commands when generating images with the model, as it can lead to undesirable and potentially offensive outcomes.

💡샘플링 (Sampling)

Sampling in the context of the video refers to the process of selecting different parts of the model's training data to generate a unique output. It is a technique used to create variety and diversity in the images or videos produced. The user in the video experiments with different sampling settings to see how it affects the final result, such as the facial features and overall appearance of the model.

💡DW (Denoising)

Denoising is a process used in image and video generation to reduce noise and improve the quality of the output. It involves using algorithms to identify and remove unwanted artifacts or distortions that may occur during the generation process. In the video, the user discusses applying denoising to achieve a more natural and polished look in the generated images and videos.

💡컨트롤 (Control)

Control in the context of the video refers to the adjustments and fine-tuning of various parameters and settings in the image or video generation process. It is a technique used to achieve a specific look or style, such as changing the facial expression or modifying the pose of the model. The user in the video talks about using control to make detailed changes to the model, like moving fingers or adjusting the size.

💡페인트 (Paint)

Paint in the video refers to a feature or tool used to manually modify or edit the generated images. It allows the user to make detailed adjustments to the appearance of the model, such as changing the face or adding specific details. The user in the video demonstrates how to use the paint function to alter the face of the model to resemble a famous person.

💡디테일 (Detail)

Detail refers to the intricate and fine aspects of the image or video, such as textures, colors, and shapes, that contribute to the overall quality and realism. In the video, the user emphasizes the importance of preserving details when transferring images to another format, like creating tiles for a pattern, to maintain the quality and visual appeal.

💡동영상 (Video)

A video is a sequence of images or frames that, when played in order, create the illusion of motion. In the context of the video, the user talks about creating videos using the realistic model and various commands. The process involves generating a series of images with different poses and settings, which are then compiled into a连贯的 video sequence.

💡스텝 (Step)

A step in the video refers to a stage or phase in the process of creating images or videos using the model. It can involve different actions such as adjusting settings, applying commands, or making manual edits. The user in the video goes through various steps to refine the generated content, like changing sampling, applying denoising, and using paint to edit the model's face.


Introduction to using a real-life model with open poses and commands to create images and videos.

The importance of checking the Stable Diffusion version when using the 74 model, to ensure correct output.

The necessity of using the correct model version according to the training data to avoid anomalies in the output.

The selection of the Ver 2 series for its effective facial expressions among the Magic Mix series.

The process of copying command prompts to generate images, with the freedom to adjust settings.

The use of the NSFW command as an example, and the importance of applying hygiene fixes to prevent inappropriate content.

The basic operation of the model, which requires the application of Hi-Fi fixes.

The method of generating the first image, noting that it takes longer due to upscaling.

The adjustment of clothing in the image to avoid inappropriate portrayals, emphasizing the need for appropriateness.

The approach of focusing on the upper body to speed up the generation process.

The exploration of different samplings to understand the extent of training and the resulting facial expressions.

The application of open poses to create diverse postures and the use of reference images.

The process of recognizing poses with the DW Open Pose and making minor adjustments for a better fit.

The use of different extensions for hand modifications, and the importance of proper recognition for successful edits.

The application of controls to display indications in the wrap window and the need to find the right balance for good recognition.

The method of generating multiple images with varied samplings and open poses to achieve diverse results.

The demonstration of creating a boxing pose image as an example of applying different poses.

The potential of achieving unique renditions with just commands, depending on the model's training.

The process of sending images to an image-to-image model to enhance details and facial adjustments.

The use of different denos and steps to select the desired feel for the image.

The exploration of changing facial features using the model, even transforming into a celebrity's face if the model has been trained accordingly.

The application of the control net for natural facial modifications and the process of reapplication for a smoother result.

The creation of a video using the original image's model, noting the changes due to denoising and the comparison with the original for accurate adjustments.

The decision to apply a control net for videos to achieve the desired variations and the intention to compare and adjust accordingly.

The conclusion of the session with a summary of the learnings from the Stable Diffusion Magic Mix series models.

The appreciation expressed for the viewership and the value provided by the session.