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스마일게이트 AI 테크 공장
15 Feb 202303:34

TLDRThe video introduces an AI Painter feature added to the Smilegate AI Media Studio, capable of converting real photos into high-quality animations while preserving the subject's features. It showcases the transformation of a Hollywood actor's photo into an animated character, demonstrating the technology's potential for various styles. The AI Painter uses two core technologies: image-to-image translation and deep learning-based image-to-text, allowing for automatic prompt generation from images. The technology is being further developed for wider application in media production.


  • 🎨 Introduction of AI Painter, a new feature added to the AI media studio that allows conversion of real-life photos into high-quality animations.
  • 🌟 Retention of key features such as facial expressions, hairstyle, and attire from the original photo while creating the animation.
  • 💡 AI's ability to predict and automatically generate prompts based on the input image, eliminating the need for manual input.
  • 🔄 Demonstration of the process with an example of converting a photo of Scarlett Johansson into an animated character.
  • 🎭 Versatility of the AI Painter to adjust AI strength and steps to create variations in styles while maintaining the essence of the original image.
  • 🤔 Interactive element where viewers are invited to guess the identity of an animated character based on its features, using Will Smith as an example.
  • 🖌️ Explanation of the two core technologies behind AI Painter: image-to-image translation and deep learning-based image-to-text.
  • 📝 The use of image-to-text technology to start with an initial image and refine it through learning to generate a prompt that closely matches the original.
  • 🤖 Development of an in-house AI scanner technology called 'ENI Scanner' to accurately predict keywords and details such as gaze direction and facial expressions.
  • 📈 Ongoing enhancements and development by the Smilegate AI Center to improve the media studio and make it more accessible to users.
  • 👋 A closing statement expressing a desire to share and enjoy the AI Painter feature with the audience in future videos.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic is the introduction of an AI Painter feature that allows the conversion of real-life photos into high-quality animated characters, maintaining the original features and style of the subjects.

  • How does the AI Painter feature differ from traditional filters that transform photos?

    -Unlike traditional filters, the AI Painter does not simply alter the appearance of a photo. Instead, it creates a high-quality animated character that retains the facial features, hairstyle, and outfit of the original subject, similar to what one might see in TV shows or webtoons.

  • What is the process of using the AI Painter feature?

    -The process begins by uploading a real-life image. The AI then predicts and automatically generates a prompt based on the image's features without requiring manual input. Users can adjust AI strands and steps to create variations in style.

  • Can the AI Painter feature recognize and replicate the identity of the subject in the photo?

    -Yes, the AI Painter can recognize the identity of the subject, as demonstrated in the script with the examples of Scarlett Johansson and Will Smith, creating animations that resemble the celebrities' appearances closely.

  • What are the core technologies behind the AI Painter feature?

    -The AI Painter relies on two core technologies: image-to-image translation, which converts images into new images, and deep learning-based image-to-text technology. The latter involves generating prompts automatically from images, which is a departure from the text-to-image method that creates images from scratch.

  • How does the AI Painter's image-to-text technology work?

    -The image-to-text technology starts with an initial image rather than a noise image. It learns to update the similarity by inserting captions, or descriptions of the image, through several steps, ultimately enabling accurate prediction of the final image.

  • What is the role of the CLIP model in the AI Painter feature?

    -The CLIP model is utilized to perform text embedding from natural language, which is then applied to the image transformation process. It helps in specifying the desired transformation process and contributes to the detailed prediction of elements like facial expressions and gaze directions.

  • How is the AI Painter feature being further developed and improved?

    -The AI Painter feature is being further developed and improved through additional R&D efforts at the Smilegate AI Center. The goal is to make the media studio even more accessible and user-friendly for a wider audience.

  • What is the significance of the AI Painter feature for the entertainment industry?

    -The AI Painter feature holds significant potential for the entertainment industry as it allows for the easy creation of high-quality animated characters that closely resemble real-life individuals, which could streamline the production process for TV shows, movies, and webtoons.

  • How can users access and utilize the AI Painter feature?

    -While the transcript does not provide specific details on access, it suggests that the AI Painter feature will be integrated into the Smilegate AI Media Studio, indicating that users will likely be able to use it through this platform.

  • What are some potential applications of the AI Painter feature beyond entertainment?

    -Beyond entertainment, the AI Painter feature could be applied in various fields such as advertising, educational content creation, virtual reality, and gaming, where the ability to convert real-life images into animated characters can enhance user experience and engagement.



🖌️ Introduction to AI Painter Feature

The paragraph introduces the AI Painter feature added to the Smilegate AI Media Studio, which was previously introduced with various AI creation tools. The AI Painter allows for the conversion of real-life photos into animated characters with high-quality details, such as facial features, hairstyles, and outfits, similar to those seen in TV shows or webtoons. The process begins by uploading a real-life image, such as that of a famous Hollywood actor, Scarlett Johansson, and the AI automatically generates prompts based on the image's characteristics. Users can then adjust the AI's strength and steps to create various styles of animation. The technology is showcased by transforming the image into an animated character that resembles the actor Will Smith, complete with recognizable clothing, hairstyle, and facial features. The AI Painter also enables the creation of characters from sketches, as demonstrated by transforming a simple drawing of a Porsche into a high-quality image of a makeup artist.



💡AI Painter

AI Painter refers to an advanced AI technology introduced by Smilegate AI Media Studio that transforms real-life images into high-quality animations or illustrations while retaining key features such as facial expressions, hairstyles, and outfits. Unlike simple filter technologies, AI Painter can recreate images in styles seen in TV shows or webtoons. This technology highlights the studio's innovation in creating engaging and creative visual content, making complex artistic processes accessible to a wider audience without the need for manual input or artistic skills.

💡Image-to-Image Translation

Image-to-Image Translation is a technique where an input image is transformed into a new image that retains certain aspects of the original but alters its appearance according to specified criteria. In the context of the video, this technology is used to convert photos of real people into stylized characters, illustrating a core functionality of the AI Painter. This process enables the creation of varied artistic renditions without losing the essence of the original image.

💡Prompt Generation

Prompt Generation in the video refers to the AI's capability to automatically generate descriptive texts or 'prompts' based on the analysis of an input image. This feature underpins the AI Painter's functionality, allowing the system to understand and interpret key elements of the original image, such as emotions, hairstyles, or clothing, and use these elements to guide the image transformation process. This automation makes the tool more user-friendly and efficient, as it reduces the need for manual input.

💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a foundational technology mentioned as distinct from the new developments. It's traditionally used for generating images from textual descriptions (text-to-image). The mention of Stable Diffusion contrasts with the innovative approach of image-to-image translation and image-to-text capabilities in the AI Painter, highlighting the studio's advancement beyond existing image generation methodologies.

💡Deep Learning

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning that utilizes neural networks with many layers to model complex patterns in data. The video mentions deep learning as the backbone of the AI Painter's technologies, enabling the sophisticated analysis and generation capabilities that drive both the image-to-text and image-to-image translation processes. It's fundamental in training the AI models to accurately interpret and recreate images.

💡Text Embedding

Text Embedding is a process by which text data is converted into numerical vectors, making it understandable and usable by AI models. In the context of the AI Painter, text embedding is used to bridge the gap between natural language prompts and visual content, allowing the AI to interpret textual descriptions and correlate them with visual characteristics. This process is critical for the automatic generation of prompts based on input images.

💡Image Captioning

Image Captioning refers to the AI's ability to generate descriptive texts for images, which is a step within the process of creating prompts from images. In the video, this capability is part of the technology that analyzes starting images and generates captions that describe their content, facilitating the transformation of these images into new artistic styles. This illustrates the AI's understanding of visual content at a level similar to human perception.


Variation in the context of the AI Painter refers to the ability to adjust the strength or style of the image transformation, allowing for different artistic renditions of the same original image. This feature enables users to explore multiple artistic possibilities and styles for a given image, highlighting the flexibility and creative potential of the AI Painter technology.

💡Smilegate AI Media Studio

Smilegate AI Media Studio is presented as a hub for various AI creative tools, including the newly introduced AI Painter. The studio's role is to develop and showcase innovative AI technologies that facilitate creative content creation. This setting emphasizes Smilegate's commitment to advancing AI technology and making creative processes more accessible.

💡Similarity Update

Similarity Update is a process mentioned in the context of learning and refining the AI models used in the AI Painter. It involves updating the model to improve its ability to accurately predict and generate images based on input images or descriptions. This ongoing refinement is crucial for enhancing the quality and accuracy of the generated images, ensuring that they closely match the intended artistic vision.


AI Painter is a new feature introduced in the SmartGate AI Media Studio, which allows the conversion of real-life photos into high-quality animations or comics.

The technology preserves the characteristics of the person in the photo, such as facial features, hairstyle, and attire, while generating a TV or webtoon-quality image.

AI Painter uses an AI model to predict and generate prompts automatically, eliminating the need for manual input.

The technology enables the creation of an animated character that retains the essence of the original image, as demonstrated by the example of Scarlett Johansson.

By adjusting AI StreNGTH and STEPS, users can create variations in various styles, showcasing the versatility of AI Painter.

The technology allows users to deduce the identity of the animated character by preserving distinctive features, as seen with the example of Will Smith.

AI Painter can also generate high-quality animations based on drawings, as illustrated by the example of a Porsche drawing by '똥손'.

Two core technologies are implemented in AI Painter: image-to-image translation and deep learning-based image-to-text.

AI Painter focuses on image-to-text, where it generates prompts automatically from the image, unlike the text-to-image method.

The process starts with a base image and refines it through learning to create a final, accurate prediction of the desired image.

AI Painter utilizes a model called 'CLIP' to perform text embedding from natural language descriptions and apply it to the image transformation process.

The AI Center has developed a technology called 'AI Scanner' based on the trained CLIP model, which predicts keywords and detailed elements like facial expressions and gaze directions.

The technology has been applied to prompt generation in AI Painter, expanding its capabilities beyond just image conversion.

Many professionals at the SmartGate AI Center are continuing to develop and refine the media studio for wider utilization.

The introduction of AI Painter aims to make the creation of high-quality animations and comics more accessible to everyone.

The video concludes with an invitation for viewers to explore the SmartGate AI Media Studio and look forward to future updates.