We Raced to Surprise Trade The Correct Pokemon
TLDRIn this entertaining transcript, two players engage in a strategic Pokémon trading challenge, aiming to complete 12 unique categories through surprise trades. The competition heats up as they seek specific Pokémon levels, types, and evolutions, all while humorously bantering and reacting to the unexpected outcomes of their trades. The excitement builds as they strive to be the first to finish their list, with a particular focus on the elusive shiny Pokémon and the ultimate goal of obtaining a frog Pokémon to win the game.
- 🎮 The conversation revolves around a Pokémon trading challenge where the participants aim to collect 12 unique Pokémon categories in a specific order.
- 📝 The first category requires a level one Pokémon obtained through a trade, setting the pace for the game.
- 🥇 The objective is to complete the list of categories first to win the game.
- 🔄 Surprise trades are used as a primary method to acquire the needed Pokémon for each category.
- 🌟 Shiny Pokémon are highly sought after and often traded between the participants, adding an element of luck and excitement.
- 🔢 The game involves various restrictions and conditions, such as needing a starter Pokémon, a Pokémon without legs, or a shiny Pokémon with a mark.
- 🤣 There is a humorous and competitive dynamic between the players, with friendly banter and teasing.
- 🌍 The game incorporates different regional forms of Pokémon, adding complexity to the trading process.
- 🔄 The players discuss strategies and speculate about the potential outcomes of their trades.
- 🎁 Surprise trades lead to unexpected results, including receiving Pokémon with special attributes like marks or being shiny.
- 🏆 The ultimate goal is to complete all 12 levels with the correct Pokémon, showcasing a combination of strategy, luck, and knowledge of the game.
Q & A
What is the main objective of the characters in the transcript?
-The main objective of the characters is to complete a surprise trade challenge to collect 12 unique Pokémon categories in a specific order, with the first person to finish their list being the winner.
What is the first category the characters need to fill?
-The first category they need to fill is a level one Pokémon, which has to be obtained through a trade.
What does the character mean when they say 'shiny hunting'?
-Shiny hunting refers to the process of seeking and obtaining shiny Pokémon, which are rare variants with different color schemes.
Why does the character express frustration about trading away a shiny Gengar?
-The character is frustrated because the shiny Gengar they traded away was originally received from another character three years ago, and they have not been able to obtain a shiny Pokémon of their own yet.
What is the significance of the 'mark' in the context of the game?
-In the context of the game, a 'mark' refers to a ribbon or an award that a Pokémon can earn. The characters are trying to obtain Pokémon with marks as part of their challenge.
Why does one character mention 'stopping evolution'?
-The character wants to prevent a Pokémon from evolving because they need it to remain in a specific stage or form for the challenge they are participating in.
What is the strategy behind trading away multiple shiny Pokémon?
-The strategy behind trading away shiny Pokémon is to increase the chances of receiving a marked or desired Pokémon in return, as part of the surprise trade challenge.
What does the character mean by 'X Games mode'?
-By saying 'X Games mode', the character is expressing a high level of focus and determination to win the challenge, similar to the intensity of an athlete competing in the X Games.
What is the final category the characters are trying to complete?
-The final category the characters are trying to complete is obtaining a Pokémon that is considered a frog.
How does the character react when they receive a shiny Eevee?
-The character is excited and surprised when they receive a shiny Eevee, as it is a rare and valuable Pokémon.
🎮 Pokémon Surprise Trade Challenge
The paragraph revolves around a friendly competition involving Pokémon trades. The participants aim to complete a list of 12 unique categories through surprise trades in a structured order. The first to finish their list wins. The conversation includes discussions about specific Pokémon, such as PM7, and the strategies used in the trades, including the pursuit of level one trades and shiny Pokémon. There is also a humorous exchange about a misunderstanding of a name and the challenges of obtaining a starter Pokémon for the second round.
🌟 The Hunt for Shiny Pokémon
This paragraph focuses on the participants' quest to find and trade shiny Pokémon. It highlights the excitement and tension of receiving unexpected shiny trades, the strategies employed to obtain them, and the camaraderie between the traders. The conversation also touches on the challenges of identifying regional forms and the comedic banter about the randomness of the Pokémon received.
🔥 The Battle of Shiny Collection
The paragraph details the participants' ongoing competition to collect shiny Pokémon and complete their trading list. It emphasizes the rivalry and the playfulness of the challenge, with one participant jokingly sabotaging the other's game by sending multiple shiny Pokémon. The conversation also includes discussions about the evolution of Pokémon, the strategies for obtaining specific types, and the anticipation of receiving a shiny charmander.
🐸 The Quest for the Elusive Frog
This paragraph centers on the participants' efforts to obtain a frog-type Pokémon to complete their trading challenge. It describes the strategies used, such as surprise trading and checking for marks, and the frustration of not finding the desired Pokémon. The conversation is filled with humor, as one participant considers wearing a frog hat for luck and the other contemplates the possibility of receiving a shiny frog-type Pokémon.
🏆 The Final Push for Victory
The final paragraph of the script describes the participants' last-ditch efforts to complete their trading lists and win the challenge. It captures the urgency and excitement as they make rapid trades, hoping to secure a frog-type Pokémon for the win. The conversation includes playful banter, strategic planning, and the anticipation of the outcome. The paragraph ends with a call to action for viewers to engage with the content and a reflection on the experience of the surprise trade challenge.
💡Surprise Trade
💡Shiny Pokémon
💡Starter Pokémon
💡Marked Pokémon
💡Regional Forms
💡Standalone Pokémon
The participants engage in a Pokémon trading challenge, aiming to complete a list of 12 unique categories.
The challenge requires trading for level one Pokémon to start, adding complexity to the task.
The first person to complete their list of Pokémon categories wins the game.
Participants discuss the strategy of obtaining a starter Pokémon for the second round.
The conversation highlights the challenge of finding a Pokémon without legs, showcasing the game's diversity.
Shiny Pokémon become a recurring theme, with participants competing to acquire them.
The participants humorously discuss the possibility of chopping off a Pokémon's legs to meet the category requirements.
The strategy of surprise trading for shiny Pokémon is explored, with mixed results.
The conversation takes a turn when a participant receives a shiny Pokémon with a mark.
The participants express frustration and excitement over the unpredictability of the surprise trades.
The challenge introduces a level of strategy and luck, as participants attempt to find specific regional forms.
The participants discuss the potential of a full box of shiny Pokémon, highlighting the game's rarity and appeal.
The conversation includes playful banter about the possibility of evolving shiny Pokémon, adding to the challenge's dynamic.
The participants express surprise and delight when they receive multiple shinies in a row.
The challenge culminates in a quest to find a specific type of Pokémon, such as a frog, to win the game.
The participants humorously discuss the idea of dressing up as a frog, adding a layer of personal engagement to the game.
The conversation reflects on the social aspect of the game, with participants interacting with others to trade Pokémon.
The participants strategize about the best way to acquire a marked Pokémon, showcasing the depth of the game's mechanics.
we have to surprise trade to get the
right Pokémon for 12 unique categories
but they have to be done in order and
the first person to complete their list
win okay my Lun named pm7 it's got to be
the first level one trade that to me
have it be level one and then I'm going
to get to the next round easy mine is a
level 11 none of my Pokemon are level
one I'm not helping you John that'd be
so great cuz that's the first category
Jack that'd be so nice come on sending
pm7 to Jonathan is that you my name's
not Jonathan it's John fin is in
scyther's not going to be level one
mine's in a repeat ball this thing's not
level one oh it is level one there we go
Yes mine is two let's go oh John you
thought you can get ahead of me early
now we got to get a starter that's round
two goodbye leick come back as a starter
please I got the the stupid ostrich
thing that is that's not a starter this
p is one of the worst Pokemon ever I'm
not going to get the starter this time
but next trade guaranteed I'm telling
you right now hey John I'm sending you a
level 63 caromal right now oh shiny J
Ander no let's go is it a real shiny no
it's it's a website if they're logged on
that means that there's a chance that I
got one too come on website no you have
fun over there I'm on to level three I
need a Pokemon without any legs which
might be up for debate of what what legs
are what does that mean do you have legs
do you know what a leg is but what
pokemon would we confused with like
Shuckle H wait I have I need to ask sir
ref reporting for Duty does milry have
any legs no it don't got legs it don't
got legs I wanted to make sure I was
playing by the books but I'm on level
four now I need another shiny I need
another website I'm with Tim come on Tim
Tim I know you're going for that shiny F
Coco right now who catches that what'
you catch this guy named Tim is shiny
Hunty breeding for a birg right Tim what
are you doing out in the world Jack you
have to look under and stare at its
bottom and that's inappropriate you're
trying to find the yellow bottom who
wants it anyways that's a different
question that's not a Pokemon what's
this thing I'm getting the most random
Pokémon I'm actually kind of loving this
usually surprise trade is level one
starter fake shiny level one starter
fake shiny I'm still on starter I need a
rock to get on top of for the best luck
no I'm I'm stealing it actually you know
what you can because the Pokemon in my
inventory is the shiny I stole from you
3 years ago wait the Gengar you sent it
to me 3 years ago and I just never gave
it back I don't remember the context for
it but I want it back John Kai if you
trade that in the special round the win
I I will be iate listen if you get a
little bit too close I now have as
Austin is that Igglybuff shiny I have no
idea what igly buff looks shiny yes yes
shiny rowler oh no way oh it's a website
well of course it's a website see the
problem is I've been stuck on shiny for
so long I'm just descending into early
Madness that has legs it's a little
Fletchling legs but they're still there
for now wait a
second wait a second I'm pm7 that's
Shroomish 11 I'm going to get a website
and it's going to be fantastic oh no
score bunny dude I have hit a wall a
wall of just all walls I'm looking for a
Pokémon with no legs that's like half of
the Pokémon but I'm not finding one that
but that's why this is ranked the way it
is the problem is I thought shiny would
be easy knuckling it's got big orange
legs how are you getting all these
starters you took you forever to get one
now you're just getting starter after
starter hey YY shiny groi no let's go
every Pokemon just has legs I'm I'm
going to start chopping these off
where's my scissors now that I have my
my shiny groi level five is a Pokemon of
European origin what level do you think
this pair of inanimate scissors are and
can it cut off a nimble's legs that
com where are the scissors whoa whoa
whoa someone had a wide name what does
that mean uh it's a shiny poly toad are
you kidding me that been perfect I just
need no legs I got Zora and that's
perfect for a later round but it could
still be European fagette we we oh nah
it's English does that have legs a man
it has legs what are you stuck on over
there uh I can't find something with no
legs ask me how that's possible you got
out the scissors you were the scissor
Bandit and then you were ripping legs
off I mean maybe don't be so violent no
more crime I will not cut the legs off
of this Pokémon if it has legs that was
lackluster I'll be honest Elder has no
legs correct I guess yeah because the
shell can't have legs yes he got stubs
stubs don't count as legs oh there
flamingo's german yes okay I'm on shiny
now I found more Shiny Pokemon than I
have Pokemon without legs I on to to
level six which is non-evolving Pokemon
or Standalone Pokemon which used to be
done sparse but now that thing got an
EVO used to be draff rig but now it's
ffag graph gagra I was going to say
Scyther too but then there's cleor and
cut that out cut that out I forgot I
forgot that Tor is a Pokemon wait I got
a Gibble that might be shiny I can't
tell if it's shiny or not no no Gibble
actually you can tell it's like bright
blue with yellow it wasn't shiny you
were right wait wa whoa wait wait wait a
second wait wait jackathan Jack Jack
Jackie fruit Bonet that doesn't evolve
that's got to count right oh that does
count man it does count let's go the
ancient mods I didn't even think of
those I'm on to level seven which is a
fully evolved three stage Pokémon and
that could take me a while is this a
shiny or is this the pastal icon at the
bottom that's not a shiny who traded you
a back caliber I don't I don't know okay
listen I played the card so I didn't
know what color it was when we started
talking that's what you said now you're
a full-blown Pokemon YouTuber and you're
still saying the same thing it's listen
when you learn something in your
formative years it follows you to an
adult you didn't learn back Calibur in
your formative years we're old man not
in spirit Emma's out here Trading
gastrodons why didn't we ever get any
more uh gastrodons what is it like East
and West what about like Wht I can't
wait for the whast gastrodons wait have
you ever seen actual gastron Wast this
is some dumb thing that you would tweet
bro okay this guy's name is Daxter
Daxter surely you're going to send me a
shiny but is it as cool as Dexter in his
lab oh he sent a dino that that is a
cool Pokemon your fans do think you are
the size of Dexter I hope that this is a
shiny now oh man come on come on that is
a stupid nose pass I am just getting the
most random Pokémon oh I didn't have a
nose pass oh thank you so much wao what
just happened what do you mean what just
happened my whole game just turned
nighttime for a second and then I got a
Magikarp but that's what Magikarp does
it's the most powerful Pokemon in the
game this Feast just like time skip me
wait this doesn't look good for me I'm
only trading people magikarps I'm just
sabotaging games this Pho is named c24
are we playing bingo dve for Stantler
that's like the same thing different
font are you kidding me shiny Greninja
come on I'm caught up oh that's such a
cool shiny wait what do you mean you
caught up I'm on the same one as you oh
wait no I forgot how far ahead you were
you're at level five my guy I I thought
I was close this next one should be easy
though you just got to get a little we
we bagett yeah why does France have
their own language by the way what do
you mean why do they have their own
language they're the size of
Pennsylvania I don't even think that's
true how big is fr France is huge sorry
I am wrong Pennsylvania is 1/4 of France
thank you okay oh I have my I was I got
a pomy and his name was payo it is
German though now you're catching up
okay now I'm trading away a electronic
named be nuts surely I got a
non-evolving standalone I need this
fully evolved thing don't send me a pory
gun actually I don't know if I have a
pory gun that might be nice I got a
shiny F Coco what this is an effective
shiny hunting strategy I got toxic croak
I got a frog did I just get a second
shiny in a row dude I have been on fully
evolved for so long mine is evolving
into a Golem so technically it would
have that would have
worked that would have been such a good
moment why did you steal that because I
can't find a non evolving Pokemon I just
got a shiny charizard that would have
worked for me too what you stop sending
me Shiny Pokemon send them to me dude I
have been here for like 30 minutes
trying to get a fully evolved Pokemon
John I swear I think I just got another
shiny it's a tornado this time dude we
didn't put legendary on this list cuz
it's so rare stop sending me these
Pokemon wait who who wait I got a shiny
gramer if it evolves it counts no no no
no no no yeah let's
go I didn't have this Golem either in
the decks let's go I'm on the marked
level I need to get a Pokemon with a
mark that's just a shiny every shiny
that I've gotten through surprise trade
has had a mark jum I haven't gotten a
shiny for a while outside of that that
Golem so I'm I'm
hopeful I just got another bonley you
got to punt that thing as far as you can
I can just grab that top ball too and
kick this thing like it's a kickball or
you think you spin it around and Lassa
went away whoa whoa whoa whoa I just got
c24 that was the pho that I traded
earlier this Pho is named c24 are we
playing Bingo but yeah I have c24 the
pho somehow I traded it away someone
traded it and he got back to you that's
crazy I swear if I'm Trading Market it
for just like another shiny it's shiny
seor dude you have gotten so many
shinies PM 7's supposed to have this
luck not me you know the saying when you
sub the pm7 you find more shinies here's
the problem John you haven't subscribed
to my channel no I am subbed to you a
it's a Magikarp John I hate you wait was
it me no it wasn't you oh is that a
shiny charmander wait shiny charmander
could have a mark in a baseball wait a
minute wait but this is a regular
Charmander it's just named Charmander
but is it Charmander the mightiest no
okay it doesn't have a Mark I got
another shiny alolan graler but this one
I'm not going to let
evolve nope you're not evolving I
B okay turns out you can't stop them
from evolving into Golem isn't your
whole thing B button just b b this is
more shinies than I found in the last
year John and you can't fail these
ones that was unnecessary it's another
shiny it's a shiny Slowpoke I've
sabotaged your game you you can never
win you have no chance you will get
shiny after shiny after shiny and you
will like it you can never Escape
there's no escape from
this I met 10 shinies the one thing I
don't like about marks right now is I
have to check all of these random
Pokemon I know don't have marks like
this Hound door does not have a mark but
I got to check it that's a strategy do
you need to check it wait wait it does
have a mark this random level 61 Hound
door that someone caught has a mark and
they had no no idea there's no way Hound
door the thunder struck that's sick
that's so cool Hound door the thunder
struck yo I'm on to the next round
Regional four does Wooper count it's got
to be like basically same name and then
the region it it's not like Wiglet or
toad school because those are like yeah
paldan Whooper it is paldan but they
don't call Wiglet paldan biglet this one
could take forever or one trade there's
no in between all I need to do is get
this Standalone Pokémon and then all the
rest of these are going to be so easy my
fck is crazy today didn't I get
Standalone in one trade yeah I think you
did to be fair I got European in one
trade I'm sending Feast to your mother
oh the timber dude why didn't dun spars
get the cool Evolution that I was
promised that's another shiny you will
never be free Jack this is a trap you've
walked unwittingly into this you will
never be free of shinies ever again if I
get a full box of shinies do I win by by
default no but I did just get a shiny as
you said that how controversial of a
video would it be where you have a shiny
Hunter on the left side of the screen
and you just surprise trading on the
right to see which way of getting
shinies is actually quicker I think the
funny thing about these websites just
trading away the shinies why' you put a
shell Bell on this who is creating these
shinies like oh yeah best item for aeral
the shell Bell I got another shiny but
this one it's an iron hand oh that
counts it only took 12 shiny Pokémon to
get there but I'm on level seven John
yeah you are catching up wait a minute
no I need Regional form I need it I need
it bad wait come on I don't think I've
gotten any yet shiny shins what's that
going to do for me shiny shins is such a
cool shiny it is but I found so many in
my life it's going to Albert in all caps
does Albert really deserve anything I
like Albert no I don't it's a Marill
Albert again get out what am I going to
do with a freaking sunar give me a lan
sunar this merro is going to send and
become a shiny level
three no way is this thing going to
evolve merro no it didn't evolve I got a
shiny dust clops a I didn't know if this
was one that traded evolved but I I
literally just called that that have
been cool that been crazy wait it's
evolving it's evolving it's evolving
wait for what it's evolving into a shiny
dust swarm oh for fully evolved that's a
fully evolved stage three no way you got
that too you were catching up
technically this doesn't count as The
Marked One right no it doesn't you have
to get another one okay I won't even
check to see if it has a mark then wait
a second I just got a Reggie elate shiny
Reggie elate wait no I'm I'm I'm looking
for a mark and I have not checked the
mark of a single poke that sounds right
that checks out big dog you know my
timing in this video has been impeccable
I feel you a mark I'm pretty much guaran
a mark John because I just got a shiny r
fuor no you're going to be caught up
with me the shinies in this game always
mark this one doesn't have a mark no it
doesn't they generated a fake Pokemon
and they didn't give it up every shiny
that I've gotten through surprise trade
has had a mark J and I got a mark for a
random real Pokémon double blur their
name I wasn't going to take the time to
look at all the Pokémon I was just going
to surprise trade for a shiny but now
the shinies aren't guaranteed marks I
told you that and you didn't believe me
I was hoping that my strategy like I was
going to outplay you but I might get
stuck here forever you got to check the
marks man I think that this is a shiny
po whirl no way it's my second shiny
frog of the day yeah but dude what if
that was a mark can I press B how do I
cancel the evolution I'm never going to
get a regional form merro I don't care
I'm taking your quill fish could have
actually worked I got a totodile maybe
this has a mark You're the Totodile in
my heart you know that one Totodile
plush that they made just so ugly I'm
sorry for saying you were the totod doal
in my heart oh my God I I can I stop
getting shiny dude you have gotten an
aggressive amount of shinies they don't
have bar dude you are the surprise trade
shiny goat these guys are so mad too
they're like I keep getting this one kid
sending me lch why did Joe Rogan just
trade me as rtio what's going on at this
point halfway through a box of shinies
right now venette just a stupid kickball
am I mad that you got your mark so
quickly just send me Hisui and Zora
there's so many of them floating about
you can't cancel I'm pressing B wait
whoaa wait wait wait wait wait wait I
said that and I got the Tauros what's it
named what's it named is this cow I'm
not sure I'm not sure I'm not sure if
it's the new Tauros then that is a
Doros I have a I have a secret for you
this is this is just for you okay okay
what is it this is Tauros the dozy it's
got a
mark level 22 Tauros Someone caught got
a mark I'm never getting a mark and I'm
on to the next level five or less
letters in the name which is terrifying
you're going to get it the first Pokémon
like goth no goth tells so many maybe
that this surprise trade spot is just
why I'm not getting any marks dude you
told me to go onto a rock and
everything's been great s okay wait a
minute now now I got to move I'm going
to the top of the mountain you can't
stop me shiny T twig have a mark please
how have you not gotten a shiny with a
mark at this point how have you not
found something with five or less
letters that's so easy what do you mean
that's so easy there's so many Pokemon
with low names like what name one
flittle how many letters is that don't
count don't count it my brain went to
little amount of letters and my brain
thought flittle okay word no work good
no no word no word I'm never getting a
Mark it's cuz you insulted my Uncle Mark
I'll be right back again azil should
have like a three-letter name no one
know no one cares enough about azil to
have multiple syllables there why was
azil made was azil made after was azil
azil wasn't around azero was added with
clef iggly no azil was added in gen 3
okay then why did they want more baby
Pokémon I will never ever ever ever
forgive Pokemon for looking at chaio and
going hm do you need an evolution do you
need a mega no you need a baby how many
companies hire personality hires John
but Cho's not cool I just got me
exclamation exclamation exclamation
money sign hashtag that's pretty fire
it's a bur M it's the B with Tom wait
bag on bag on five letters bag on b a g
o balls that means I'm on the 11th level
same type twice in a row okay please
have a mark please have a mark it
doesn't have a Mark I got to pay
attention I got to really I really lock
in I'm like speed running man I I am
checking my Mark at what I think is the
best Pace possible what type do I need
to get a second time come on wait is
this Haunter going to evolve wait a
minute wait it is going to evolve isn't
it aha you can't cancel that oh you know
what might get me a Mark if I trade away
this Shiny Gengar why did they call this
guy jumbo tell me why this person traded
me a Vaporeon from Pokémon go all right
jumbo Jimbo is Ghost poison I just need
to get a ghost or Poise in Pokemon
goodbye Pokémon go Vaporeon Ellie give
me a mark please rocks can't be alive so
roly Coy is actually possessed by a
ghost nope keep surprise trading now I
need to get a
rock I'm done checking all of the
Pokemon I'm just going to get a shiny
and then check to see if it has a mark
whatever you say man I've been sitting
here for 25 minutes trying to get a
marked thing and I haven't gotten it but
I've gotten 30 shinies almost well I
need poison next okay I might get
roasted for the strategy but I I
seriously think that this is the best
strap for me wait someone just sent me
an iron hands wait is this a come on
this is a shiny person I know this
person has giv me like eight shinies
today all right this fighting or
electric fighting or electric no Mark
dude it it's the regular Pokémon I'm
I have gotten 20 shiny Pokémon dang it
charmander's fire it's so funny that we
have not gotten each other yet I don't
know how that's possible no more noral
I'm looking for a
noral one more
time one one more
time hey normal to normal no no no shiny
Porygon too come on I need a mark let's
go dude I only have one One More Level I
just need to get a frog I just need to
get a frog and I win Jack I have to
check everything for Marks now you
should have been checking everything for
Marks they don't have marks though I got
some good news for you though is it that
I don't have to look for Mark anymore no
it's that my sh as a
mark oh my God
wait John you did not get frog Jack my
Pokémon has 5 10 15 20 25 30 different
ribbons it has like every ribbon and
Mark you could possibly have I just need
a frog I just need a frog let me get
three surprise trades in to catch up or
else I will surprise trade away the
Gengar don't surprise trade away the
Gengar then give me three free surprise
trades right now okay I'm actually going
to I don't please don't get rid of that
Gengar it means a lot to me it looks
like I came with a strategy up my sleeve
I just made the threat about Gengar wait
is that a shiny you got bad Mark Lu dog
tell me about it it's because you
insulted my Uncle triny Vaporeon please
oh no that one has a mark yes yes 30 oh
okay I'm getting back to training all
all right I like how the three was the
perfect amount for me to get a mark As
long as the Gengar doesn't go anywhere
Regal form
please people are definitely yelling at
me to put on the the Frog hat but if I
put that on and lose the shame they're
expecting you to dress up as a frog
right now do you want to let your fans
down comi that's food for frogs we're
trading that away oh the go- goats are
back the Go goat fans are here hey Jack
I just got a a huian Zora wait wait wait
wait let's see if we can if we can sync
up the trade three two one go this would
really be a bad moment for me if this
works I think we got each other John
we'll find out no I got Tony I cannot
believe Mark took you so long after
getting 5 billion shinies I got like
seven shinies didn't have Mark you got
every single website it's a huan zor
it's a shiny huan zor yes oh that's
actually pretty sick I'm almost there z
o r u a that would have been five that
would have been five you used up your
five luck okay come on chunkers pee PE
what that's the name of this lechong I
didn't name it you can't just trade that
out into the world man I've already
traded a couple sub the PM 7s all right
are those the two options D I almost
have a full shiny Bo from his J I don't
want to grab I don't even what noise
they go that's not ribbit ribbit r i o l
u five with my shiny wait crap oh W that
means all I need is a fighting type for
two in a row and I'm caught up I'm going
to beat you John no I see this why I
couldn't put the mask on if I did that
and then lost but maybe I need to put it
on for the luck I oh no oh no wait oh no
wait flip a coin wait I have a coin I
have a coin all right head heads heads
or tails heads is the Hat okay oh it's
it's it's Tails normal Jigglypuff is
normal fairy that means all I need is a
normal or a fairy here oh augus amus is
normal grass no it's not oh it's grass
poison okay okay no you're sus yes two
grass types in a row amus into nuzzle no
no no John it's up to a frog my man
whichever one of us gets a frog first
wins it the last time I did something
with you I want a lot of money dressed
as a frog playing fall guys it's got to
happen it's got to happen no no come on
frog now frog now okay so what Pokémon
are considered frogs froy froggy deer
Greninja this this is my X Games mode
this is X Games does eternus count as a
frog no it doesn't it's a fish and I'm
going to get a Tech Deck cuz I'm in X
game mode okay yeah you didn't you
didn't think I'd pull out the poly World
Tech Deck you have a poli World Tech
Deck yeah oh man I thought Scatterbug
was a frog for a second are you okay I
said for a second okay I didn't say
permanently you give Bubby the
skateboard now he's very cool he's
radical oh please Reggie from Nintendo
give us thine thickest frog I don't like
that you've gotten multiple shiny frogs
didn't you get a shiny poly Toad and a
shiny Greninja I have gotten two shiny
poo how did you get so many more why is
it only going to you I don't know shiny
Eevee is not what I'm looking for is
tropus a frog no it's a dinosaur I wish
tropus had either an evolution or a preo
I'm a big tropus fan I feel like tropus
is sneaky a lot of people's like
favorite like they're thing they want to
get in evolution more than anything yeah
it's an awesome gen 3 dude Mega tropus
is going to go crazy oh my God I got a
shiny Eevee I just got tropus did you
trade away a shiny Eevee wait we traded
we traed John gave me a shiny there's no
way I'm keeping that shiny too you're
not keeping all the shinies that they
give you I can't lose to you I have to
go quick now oh that's fair that's fair
dude I am just rapid firing these trades
I don't like this I don't I can't lose
on frog wait maybe if I if I pretend to
be a frog then the frogs will pop up I'm
already doing that be a
frog be a frog oh it was a Piplup man I
got a shiny Piplup I got a shiny Piplup
Chespin we were so close it just needed
to be frogy is exeggutor a frog not
another shiny Graal it's going to take
forever to
evolve I feel like I might need to
commit to full frog or nothing wait a
minute I could go I could go fullest
wait he's not he's gone I have time well
he's got time or I'm I'm freaking out
frog I'm not going to tell him I can
hear you no it's a h Jack I can't see
yes good good Jack I don't this is
supposed to inflate I don't know how to
inflate it is hop a frog is hop a frog
it's not a frog but it goes hop it's it
seem is hop Jack do you think I look
good right now you're glowing dude thank
you it's Chikorita frog it's a dinosaur
oh it's syndic Quil dang it no no score
bunny go away don't give me a fee ass I
feel like my best bet for a frog is one
of the shiny people giving a starter I
mean it is it absolutely is no it's a
cord that's not a frog X evasion all
right wait there's a there's a different
all right wait all I found a different
place to look I love how I can tell that
you are looking through a different
place cuz your voice is sounding
different yeah no it's like a hazmat
suit now no not Charmeleon come on the
other starter you should start trading
away frogs so that way I have double the
odds how did you get so many frogs
earlier you cursed us you doomed us I
think that these people are just not
trading the frogs anymore we took all
the frogs off of surprise trade this is
a frog this is a frog no it's a shoty
dclo what am I going to do with a shiny
dclo of course it's going to evolve oh
my God it's a shiny iron hands no not
spatio dude why isn't anyone sending
belly bolts Squirtle that's a turtle
it's also a squirrel I thought it was
Squirt Turtle nope they lied to you look
at it tail yeah uh uhh you're lying to
me you really think that I'm going to
lose in a frog outfit oh I got a
coridite that's sick I'm sending Eevee
to Adam Adam and Eve e I'm sending
flittle to Bell why did someone send me
a Golem they already got the ground it
evolved and then they traded it to me
should we just tweet out everyone
surprise trade frogs I will add everyone
in my Discord right now if you did post
everyone surprise trade
frogs wait is this not did I did I not
get a hack you got a non- hacked shiny I
got a real shiny wait it was from the
alola region I think it's a real shiny
you keep fawning over your shiny I'm
going to get a frog I can't trade that
away that's a legitimate shiny I can't
believe that happen there's a a bunch of
kids playing hideand-seek in my Discord
right now would it be cheating if I
joined all of their rooms and asked them
to Quick trade if you have a frog and
Scarlet violet please surprise trade it
it's a Ducket that's not a frog it's a
tuck with a
hat I got a shiny seru ledge people are
saying which game when and where I don't
think the sued is working I I went and
said Scarlet Violet I said are you
playing Scarlet Violet I need a surprise
oh froy I got
frogy froy yes if my Lon right here is a
frog it's a tiebreaker come on come on
come on I'm at the edge of my seat
please no oh yes let's go Starly all 12
levels complete to get the right
Pokemon's for surprise trade if you like
this video make sure to click this one
right here he makes good videos and this
is another good one some are saying
that's true click it if you like frogs
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