무료 AI 이미지 사이트 베스트 3 | 누구나 쉽게 책 일러스트, 원하는 이미지 만드는 법 |챗GPT로 프롬프트 만들기부터 저작권 안내까지

5 Sept 202312:38

TLDRThe video script introduces viewers to AI-powered platforms that enable anyone to create high-quality images easily. It highlights the process of generating prompts with GPT to create images and recommends three free AI websites, emphasizing their ease of use and copyright guidelines. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use these sites to generate personalized icons and illustrations for various purposes, such as e-books and blogs, while ensuring users understand the copyright ownership of the generated content.


  • 🎨 The video introduces methods to easily create AI images for various uses such as book icons and blog illustrations.
  • 🖌️ The process begins with using GPT to generate prompts for image creation, making it accessible for anyone to draw images without prior artistic skills.
  • 🌐 Three free AI websites are recommended for creating high-quality images: Liteton AI, Playground AI, and Leonardo AI.
  • 📸 Liteton AI allows users to create images based on prompts and offers a variety of styles, including GPT-4 based images.
  • 🎨 Playground AI provides a user-friendly interface with the ability to select filters, sizes, and even exclude certain elements from the generated images.
  • 🧩 Leonardo AI offers a range of models to choose from and allows for detailed customization of the image generation process, including style and scale.
  • 📝 When using these AI platforms, users need to input prompts in English, and the platforms generate images based on those prompts.
  • 🖼️ The images created through these AI platforms can be used for personal and commercial purposes, as the copyright belongs to the user.
  • 🚀 The video encourages viewers to take advantage of these free AI tools to enhance their content with high-quality images, especially while they are available at no cost.
  • 📈 The video also mentions that AI-generated images may become a paid feature in the future, so it's beneficial to utilize them while they are free.
  • 🌟 The importance of crafting unique and detailed prompts is emphasized to achieve higher quality and personalized images.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the script?

    -The main topic of the script is about using AI to easily create high-quality images for various purposes such as book illustrations and blog icons.

  • How does the speaker introduce the concept of AI images?

    -The speaker introduces AI images by explaining that they are created by AI and can be easily utilized by anyone, even those without professional drawing skills.

  • What is the first method introduced in the script for creating AI images?

    -The first method introduced is using GPT to create image prompts, which are essentially commands telling the AI what kind of image to create.

  • What are the three free AI sites recommended in the script?

    -The three free AI sites recommended are Litton AI, Playground AI, and Leonardo AI.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the use of Litton AI?

    -The speaker demonstrates the use of Litton AI by logging in, entering a prompt to draw a desk icon, and showing how the AI generates the image based on the prompt.

  • What are the features of Playground AI that the speaker highlights?

    -The speaker highlights that Playground AI allows users to choose the style and size of the image they want to create, and also provides the ability to exclude certain elements from the generated images.

  • How does the speaker explain the copyright of AI-generated images on the mentioned platforms?

    -The speaker explains that the copyright of AI-generated images on these platforms belongs to the user, and they can be used for personal and commercial purposes.

  • What is the speaker's advice for users who want to create high-quality AI images?

    -The speaker advises users to spend time understanding the prompts and using their creativity to generate high-quality images. They also suggest using the various features and models available on the AI platforms to enhance the image quality.

  • How does the speaker address the potential future changes in the availability of free AI image generation sites?

    -The speaker mentions that while the AI image generation sites are currently free, there is a possibility that they may become paid services in the future, so users should take advantage of the free services while they can.

  • What is the speaker's final recommendation to the audience?

    -The speaker recommends that the audience should try using AI sites to create diverse and high-quality images, which can enrich their content and make it more appealing.

  • How does the script emphasize the importance of prompts in AI image generation?

    -The script emphasizes that prompts are crucial in AI image generation as they guide the AI on what to draw. By carefully crafting and adjusting the prompts, users can achieve more personalized and higher quality images.



🎨 Introduction to AI Image Creation Tools

This paragraph introduces the audience to AI tools that simplify the process of creating high-quality images, such as icons and illustrations for books or blogs. The speaker shares their experience using these tools to create AI-drawn images and emphasizes the ease of use for everyone. The video will cover how to generate prompts using GPT and introduce three free AI sites, including their usage methods and copyright guidelines.


🖌️ Utilizing Free AI Image Generation Platforms

The speaker discusses three different free AI platforms for image generation, highlighting their features and how they can be utilized for personal and commercial purposes. The platforms mentioned include one that allows users to generate images based on prompts, another that offers a variety of styles and filters, and a third that provides a certain number of free tokens for image generation. The speaker also touches on the copyright information, stating that the images created can be used for both personal and commercial use.


🌟 Enhancing Image Quality and Customization

In this paragraph, the speaker delves into the customization options available on the AI platforms, such as selecting styles, sizes, and even excluding certain elements from the generated images. The speaker demonstrates how to use these features to create unique and high-quality images. They also mention the potential for future changes in the platforms' pricing and encourage viewers to take advantage of the current free offerings. The speaker concludes by reiterating the importance of prompts in creating personalized and high-quality images.



💡AI image creation

AI image creation refers to the process of generating visual content using artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it highlights the ease with which individuals can now create high-quality images for various purposes, such as book illustrations or blog icons, without the need for professional design skills. The video provides an overview of different AI platforms that facilitate this process, emphasizing their user-friendly interfaces and capabilities.


DALL-E is an AI program developed by OpenAI that is capable of creating images from textual descriptions. It represents a significant advancement in the field of AI and machine learning, demonstrating the ability to understand and generate visual content based on human-like instructions. In the video, DALL-E is presented as a tool that simplifies the process of image creation, making it accessible to a wider audience.

💡Image prompts

Image prompts are textual descriptions or commands that guide AI image generation platforms to create specific visual content. They are crucial for directing the AI's output and ensuring that the generated images align with the user's intentions. The video emphasizes the importance of crafting effective image prompts to take full advantage of AI image creation tools.


Copyright refers to the legal rights that creators have over their works, including the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute, and display their creations. In the context of AI-generated images, the video discusses the copyright implications, clarifying that the users retain the rights to the images they create using AI platforms for both personal and commercial purposes.

💡Personal use

Personal use refers to the application of a product, service, or in this case, AI-generated images for individual, non-commercial purposes. The video emphasizes that AI platforms allow users to create and utilize images for personal projects without any restrictions, highlighting the accessibility and flexibility of these tools.

💡Commercial use

Commercial use involves the application of a product, service, or creative work for financial gain or business purposes. In relation to AI-generated images, the video clarifies that users have the rights to use the images they create for commercial purposes, providing an opportunity for entrepreneurs and businesses to leverage AI technology in their operations.

💡AI platforms

AI platforms refer to online services or applications that utilize artificial intelligence to perform specific tasks, such as generating images, text, or other forms of content. The video introduces several AI platforms that specialize in image creation, showcasing their features and ease of use.

💡Image quality

Image quality refers to the clarity, resolution, and overall visual appeal of an image. In the context of AI-generated images, the video discusses the high-quality outputs produced by the AI platforms, emphasizing the ability of these tools to create professional-grade visual content.


User-friendly describes a product or service that is easy to use and navigate, typically with intuitive interfaces and straightforward functionalities. The video highlights the user-friendly nature of AI image creation platforms, which allows individuals without technical expertise to generate images effectively.


Illustrations are visual representations or depictions of concepts, ideas, or scenes, often used to enhance written content or provide visual aid. In the context of the video, illustrations are one of the primary outputs generated by AI platforms, serving as icons, images, or decorative elements for various media.

💡Creative process

The creative process refers to the series of steps or activities involved in producing a creative work, such as art, design, or writing. In the context of AI image creation, the video discusses how users can guide the AI through this process by providing prompts and selecting options that shape the final output.


AI 이미지를 쉽게 만드는 법을 알려드리겠습니다.

누구나 쉽게 활용할 수 있으면서 퀄리티 높은 사이트들을 알려드릴 건데요.

책이나 블로그 등에 들어갈 아이콘, 일러스트 같은 것들을 쉽게 만들 수가 있습니다.

이 그림들은 AI 그려 본 그림들입니다.

GPT 활용해서 쉽게 그림 프롬프트를 만드는 법을 소개할 건데요.

프롬프트는 어떤 그림을 그려 달라고 하는 명령어입니다.

리턴 AI 한국인 맞춤형 채치로, 무료로 GPT 3.5 기반으로 구동됩니다.

올해 5월 4일에 GPT 4를 활용한 대화 기능과 그림 기능까지 제한 없이 무료로 공개했습니다.

플레이그라운드 AI Pro 그린 그림들의 퀄리티가 굉장히 좋습니다.

플레이그라운드 AI에서는 원하는 필터와 사이즈를 선택할 수 있습니다.

레오나르도 AI 사이트는 18시간마다 무료로 150 토큰이 주어집니다.

리턴으로 만든 결과물의 저작권은 사용자에게 귀속되며, 개인적 용도 및 상업적 용도로 활용할 수 있습니다.

플레이그라운드 AI에서 만든 이미지는 개인적, 상업적 용도로 사용할 수 있습니다.

레오나르도에서 그린 이미지 역시 상업적으로 사용이 가능합니다.

AI 사이트를 활용하면 고퀄리티의 그림들을 얻을 수 있습니다.

프롬프트 작성이 AI 그림 제작에서 가장 중요합니다.

AI 그린 그림은 그 사이트를 밝혀 주고, 여기에서 AI 그렸다라고 밝혀 주시는 것이 좋습니다.

이렇게 한번 그림을 그려 봤는데, 정말 조금만 시간을 들이시면 고퀄리티의 그림들을 얻으실 수가, 있겠다는 생각이 듭니다.