한글로 무료 AI 그림 그리기 | 뤼튼, 빙 이미지 크리에이터

AI 하쥬
21 Feb 202413:41

TLDR이 비디오 스크립트는 두 가지 AI 도구를 사용하여 자신만의 그림과 사진을 만드는 방법을 소개합니다. 첫 번째 도구인 뤼튼(Wilton)과 빙 이미지 크리에이터(Bing Image Creator)의 사용 방법을 설명하며, 가입 및 로그인 과정을 상세하게 안내합니다. 사용자들은 원하는 그림을 그리기 위해 그리기 원하는 대상, 스타일, 그리고 '그려주세요'를 작성해야 합니다. 다양한 스타일로 그림을 그릴 수 있으며, 그림을 저장하고 친구 및 가족과 공유하는 방법도 제시됩니다. 두 도구 모두 한국어로 사용할 수 있어, 영어에 익숙하지 않거나 AI 도구에 대한 경험이 없는 사람들에게 적합하다는 것을 강조합니다. 이 도구들을 최대한 활용하여 창작을 즐겨보세요.


  • 🎨 The video introduces two AI tools for creating paintings and photos: Wilton and Bing Image Creator.
  • 📚 Wilton requires signing up with various account options like KakaoTalk, Google, Naver, or Apple.
  • 🖥 To use Wilton, you need to describe what you want to draw, the style, and add 'draw it beyond' to the request.
  • 🖌 You can create various styles, such as photorealistic, black and white, or even in the style of famous artists like Van Gogh.
  • 📷 After creating an image, you can save it by clicking the save icon and choosing 'high-quality download'.
  • 📂 The saved images can be used on platforms like KakaoTalk or shared with friends and family.
  • 🔍 Bing Image Creator also requires signing up, and it provides a similar interface for creating images.
  • 🤖 For Bing Image Creator, you must agree to terms and solve a CAPTCHA to prove you're not a robot during registration.
  • 🌈 You can request images with specific styles, such as colorful or in the style of specific painting materials.
  • 💡 Both tools allow for experimentation with different styles and elements to create unique images.
  • 🚀 Litton offers unlimited image creation, while Bing Image Creator provides 15 free boosts per week.
  • 🌟 The presenter recommends using both tools to fully explore the creative possibilities of AI image creation.

Q & A

  • What are the two AI tools introduced in the transcript for creating paintings and photos?

    -The two AI tools introduced are Wilton and Bing Image Creator.

  • How can someone sign up for Liton using a Google account?

    -To sign up for Liton with a Google account, click on the login button, select Google as the sign-in option, and then enter your Google email address and password.

  • What is the process to request an image using the AI tool?

    -To request an image, you need to write down what you want to draw, the style you want it in, and include the phrase 'draw it beyond'.

  • How can you save the image created with the AI tool?

    -To save the image, hover the mouse over the image, click the save icon that appears at the bottom right, and select 'high-quality download'.

  • What is the difference between the two tools mentioned in the transcript?

    -While both tools allow for AI creation of images, Liton (Wilton) focuses on creating an unlimited number of images, whereas Bing Image Creator provides 15 free boosts every week and is suggested for creating higher quality images first.

  • How does the Bing Image Creator handle the sign-up process if the 'Agree' button does not work?

    -If the 'Agree' button does not work, you should click the 'details' button on the right, press the back button, and then the 'Agree and create an account' button should become active.

  • What is the recommended way to create images if you are using both Liton and Bing Image Creator?

    -It is recommended to create images first with Bing Image Creator due to its higher quality output and then use Liton when the allocated tokens in Bing Image Creator are used up.

  • How can you ensure that the AI tool creates the style of image you desire?

    -You can specify the style you want by mentioning specific painting materials like photos, oil paintings, and watercolors, or by adding more elements you want in the description.

  • What is the advantage of using the AI tools for non-English speakers?

    -The advantage for non-English speakers is that these tools can be used in Korean, making them more accessible and easier to use for those who are not comfortable with English.

  • How can the images created with the AI tools be used?

    -The created images can be used on various platforms like KakaoTalk, shared with friends and family, and can be a source of fun and creativity.

  • What is the narrator's opinion on the ease of using AI for drawing?

    -The narrator initially thought it would be difficult to draw with AI, but after trying it, found it to be easy.

  • What does the narrator promise at the end of the transcript?

    -The narrator promises to return with more useful AI tips in the future.



🎨 Introduction to AI Art Tools

The speaker introduces two AI tools for creating art, Wilton and Bing Image Creator, and guides viewers through the process of signing up and using these tools. The focus is on making it accessible for seniors and those unfamiliar with technology. The first tool, Wilton, is demonstrated with a step-by-step guide on how to sign up using a Google account, and then how to request an image in various styles, including a flying eagle and a monkey with an apple on its head. The second tool, Bing Image Creator, is also introduced with instructions on how to sign up and create images in different styles.


🖼️ Saving and Sharing AI-Created Artwork

The speaker explains how to save the AI-created images and shares the process of using the save icon to download high-quality versions. The saved images can be used on various platforms like KakaoTalk or shared with friends and family. The video continues with a detailed guide on signing up for Bing Image Creator, including navigating through agreement buttons, entering personal details, and verifying the account through an email security code. After registration, the speaker demonstrates how to create images using descriptive prompts and adjusting styles to achieve the desired outcome.


🌟 Exploring Styles and Saving Techniques

The speaker discusses the variety of styles that can be used when creating images with AI tools, including photo, oil painting, and watercolor styles. They emphasize the importance of experimenting with different styles and saving preferred styles for future use. The speaker also shares their personal preference for the quality of images created by the Blank Image Creator over Wilton. They recommend creating images with Blank Image Creator first to take advantage of the free boosts and then using Wilton once those are exhausted. The video concludes with an encouragement to use these tools to create and share wonderful paintings and photos, reflecting on the ease of using AI for art creation.



💡AI tools

AI tools refer to software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the video, the speaker introduces two AI tools for creating paintings and photos, showcasing how they can be used to generate images in various styles with ease.


Wilton is mentioned as the first AI tool in the video. It is an online platform where users can create images by inputting descriptions and styles they want. The tool is used to demonstrate the process of signing up and creating images in different styles, such as a flying eagle in a photo style.

💡Bing Image Creator

Bing Image Creator is the second AI tool introduced in the video. It is a tool that allows users to create images based on their descriptions and desired styles. The process of signing up and using the tool to create images is explained, emphasizing its ease of use for non-English speakers.

💡Sign up

The term 'sign up' is used to describe the process of creating an account with the AI tools. It is a crucial step for users to access and use the tools for image creation. The video provides a detailed guide on how to sign up using various platforms like Google, emphasizing accessibility for users of all levels of computer literacy.

💡Image styles

Image styles refer to the different visual aesthetics that can be applied to the images created by the AI tools. The video mentions several styles, such as photo style, black and white, Van Gogh style, and animation style. These styles are used to demonstrate the versatility of the AI tools in generating images that cater to various artistic preferences.

💡Save icon

The 'save icon' is a graphical user interface element that allows users to save their created images. In the context of the video, the save icon appears when hovering over the image, and clicking on it enables users to download high-quality versions of their creations.

💡Quality download

Quality download refers to the process of saving an image in high resolution or the best quality available. In the video, the speaker instructs viewers on how to access the save icon and select the high-quality download option to preserve the detail and clarity of their AI-generated images.

💡Security code

A security code is a unique, usually numeric, password used for account verification and security purposes. In the video, the speaker explains how to retrieve a security code sent to their email during the sign-up process for Bing Image Creator, highlighting the importance of account security.

💡Prove not a robot

This phrase refers to the common online security measure known as a CAPTCHA, which requires users to complete a task to demonstrate that they are not automated bots. In the video, the speaker encounters a CAPTCHA during the sign-up process for Bing Image Creator, emphasizing the need to solve a puzzle to prove human interaction.

💡Free boosts

Free boosts are a feature of the AI tools that allow users to create a certain number of images for free within a given time frame. The video mentions that Blank Image Creator provides 15 free boosts every week, which is an incentive for users to try out the tool without incurring costs.

💡AI-generated images

AI-generated images are the output created by AI tools when given specific prompts or descriptions. The video showcases various AI-generated images, such as a flying eagle and a monkey with an apple on its head, demonstrating the creative potential of AI in the field of digital art.


소개되는 첫 번째 도구는 윌튼(Wilton)입니다.

링크를 복사 붙여넣기 하여 사용할 수 있습니다.

회원 가입 후 무료로 사용할 수 있습니다.

카카오톡, 구글, 네이버, 애플 계정으로 가입이 가능합니다.

구글 계정으로 가입하는 방법이 설명됩니다.

AI 도구를 사용하여 그림을 그릴 수 있습니다.

그림을 그리기 원하는 대로 입력하고 스타일을 선택할 수 있습니다.

AI를 이용해 다양한 스타일의 그림을 그릴 수 있습니다.

그림을 저장하는 방법이 안내됩니다.

카카오톡이나 친구, 가족에게 전송할 수 있는 이미지를 만들 수 있습니다.

두 번째 도구인 빙 이미지 크리에이터(Bing Image Creator)에 대한 소개입니다.

빙 이미지 크리에이터에 가입하는 방법이 설명됩니다.

AI 도구를 사용하여 원하는 이미지를 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다.

다양한 스타일의 이미지를 요청할 수 있으며, 저장할 수 있습니다.

빙 이미지 크리에이터는 주간 15개의 무료 부스트를 제공합니다.

두 도구를 모두 사용하여 이미지를 만드는 것이 좋습니다.

한글로도 사용할 수 있어 영어에 익숙하지 않거나 AI 도구를 잘 모르는 분들에게 적합합니다.

친구와 가족과 함께 이미지를 만들고 공유할 수 있는 재미있는 경험을 제공합니다.

AI를 이용한 그림 그리는 것이 생각보다 쉽다는 경험담이 공유됩니다.