#1 BEST Article Rewriter Tool for Rewriting Articles (AI)

Marc Solano SEO
28 Dec 202306:31

TLDRIn this video, Mark Solano, an experienced SEO professional, shares his top tip for rewriting articles using AI to speed up the process and improve rankings on Google. He introduces Phrase, an SEO tool that also features an article rewriter. Mark demonstrates how to import a top-ranking blog post, freeze important headings to preserve keywords, and then use the tool to replace words with synonyms, creating unique content that avoids plagiarism. He emphasizes the tool's efficiency, mentioning how it has generated significant revenue and saved time. Mark also provides a link for viewers to sign up for Phrase, which offers a cost-effective solution for rewriting up to 2 million words per month. He encourages viewers to subscribe for more valuable SEO tips and offers additional services through his website.


  • 📝 The best AI article rewriter tool mentioned is 'Phrase', which is also known as an SEO tool.
  • 🔍 'Phrase' has a feature for rewriting articles with AI, which can be found under the 'SEO tools' section.
  • 💡 To use 'Phrase', import the URL of the article you want to rewrite and then freeze the headings to preserve keywords.
  • ⏫ Increase efficiency by freezing headings and subheadings (H1, H2, H3, etc.) to prevent them from being rewritten.
  • 🔑 The tool replaces words with synonyms, which helps in avoiding plagiarism and maintaining the original meaning.
  • 📈 The speaker claims that using this tool has generated over a million in revenue and saved a significant amount of time.
  • 🚀 The process is quick, taking only about 3 minutes, and the rewritten content can pass as human-written.
  • 📈 The tool is cost-effective, offering a large number of words that can be rewritten daily and monthly.
  • 🔗 The rewritten content can be used for link building and publishing with affiliate links included.
  • 💰 The system has been used by the speaker to make significant revenue and is recommended for its efficiency and results.
  • 🔗 The speaker provides a link in the description for viewers to sign up for 'Phrase', which also helps support the channel.
  • ✅ The tool is part of the speaker's daily system and is compared favorably against other AI subscriptions the speaker has tried.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about the best AI article rewriter tool for rewriting articles to speed up the SEO process.

  • Who is the speaker in the video?

    -The speaker in the video is Mark Solano, who has been doing SEO for 12 years.

  • What is the name of the tool Mark Solano recommends for article rewriting?

    -Mark Solano recommends 'Phrase' as the best AI article rewriter tool.

  • How does the tool help in SEO?

    -The tool helps in SEO by rewriting articles with synonyms while keeping the original meaning intact, thus helping to avoid plagiarism and improve rankings on Google.

  • How does one import an article into the Phrase article rewriter?

    -You can import an article into the Phrase article rewriter by copying the URL of the article and pasting it into the tool, which then imports the entire blog post.

  • Why is it important not to rewrite the headings in an article?

    -It's important not to rewrite the headings because they contain the keywords, and rewriting them could cause a loss of SEO value.

  • What is the benefit of freezing headings and subheadings in the rewriter tool?

    -Freezing headings and subheadings ensures that the keywords within them remain unchanged, preserving the SEO benefits of the original content.

  • How does the tool help in generating revenue?

    -The tool helps in generating revenue by efficiently creating optimized content that can rank on Google, which can lead to increased traffic and affiliate marketing opportunities.

  • What is the cost of using the Phrase tool as mentioned in the video?

    -As of the time the video was made, the cost of using the Phrase tool was $150 per year, which allows for 8,000 words per day to be rewritten.

  • How long does it take to rewrite an article using the Phrase tool?

    -According to Mark Solano, it takes about 3 minutes to rewrite an article using the Phrase tool.

  • What other services does Mark Solano offer besides discussing SEO tools?

    -Mark Solano offers coaching on Zoom, selling backlinks from DA80+ websites, speaking at conferences, partnerships, parasite SEO, reputation management, and public relations services.

  • How can viewers stay updated with Mark Solano's future tips and videos?

    -Viewers can stay updated by subscribing to his YouTube channel and hitting the notification bell.



🚀 Best AI Article Rewriter Tool for SEO - PHRASE

Mark Solano, an experienced SEO professional with 12 years of experience, introduces the best AI article rewriter tool called PHRASE. He explains that while PHRASE is primarily known as an SEO tool, it has a feature for rewriting articles which he has used to generate significant revenue. Mark demonstrates how to use the tool by importing a top-ranking blog post on 'best essay writing services' and freezing specific headings to preserve keywords. The tool then rewrites the content, replacing words with synonyms while maintaining the original meaning, thus avoiding plagiarism. He emphasizes the efficiency and profitability of this method, which requires minimal research and effort, and encourages viewers to subscribe for more tips.


💰 Affordable and Efficient AI Tool for Content Rewriting

Mark continues to discuss the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of PHRASE, highlighting its competitive pricing at $150 per year for 8,000 words per day, equating to over 2 million words per month. He compares it to other AI tools he has purchased and found PHRASE to be superior. Mark also mentions that he uses PHRASE daily as part of his system and encourages viewers to like the video and comment with their thoughts, particularly about the best article rewrite tool. He offers additional services through his website, including coaching, backlink purchasing, speaking engagements, and various SEO-related services. Mark concludes by reminding viewers to subscribe and hit the notification bell to not miss out on valuable tips.



💡Article Rewriter Tool

An Article Rewriter Tool is a software application that uses artificial intelligence to rephrase and restructure existing articles while maintaining their original meaning. In the video, Mark Solano discusses using such a tool to speed up the process of rewriting articles for SEO purposes, which is crucial for ranking on search engines like Google.


AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the context of the video, AI is used to power the article rewriter tool, enabling it to understand and modify text in a way that is both efficient and contextually appropriate.


SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. Mark Solano, with his 12 years of experience in SEO, emphasizes the importance of using the article rewriter tool to optimize articles for better search engine rankings.


Phrase, in the context of the video, refers to an SEO tool that includes an article rewriter feature. Mark Solano highlights Phrase as the best tool for rewriting articles with AI, comparing it to other similar tools like Jasper and Surf SEO.


Revenue refers to the total income that a business has from its business activities before any costs or expenses are deducted. Mark Solano mentions that using the article rewriter tool as part of his strategy has generated over a million dollars in revenue, indicating the financial success of his approach.


💡Creativity Level

The creativity level in an article rewriter tool determines how much the original text is altered. A lower creativity level, like the one set to one in the video, results in fewer changes to the original text, which is preferred when maintaining the original meaning and context is important.


A keyword is a word or phrase that is strategically used in content to attract attention and improve search engine rankings. In the video, Mark Solano talks about preserving keywords in headings by 'freezing' them during the rewriting process to maintain their SEO value.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit and presenting them as one's own. The article rewriter tool is used to avoid plagiarism by changing enough of the original text to create a unique piece of content while still retaining the original meaning.

💡Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are a form of performance-based marketing where an affiliate promotes a product or service and earns a commission for each sale made through their unique link. Mark Solano discusses inserting affiliate links into the rewritten content as a strategy for monetization.

💡Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. It is a key strategy in SEO that helps increase the trust and authority of a website. In the video, Mark Solano mentions using rewritten articles for link building to further improve SEO rankings.

💡Competitor Research

Competitor research involves analyzing what strategies your competitors are using to succeed, particularly in terms of SEO and content creation. In the context of the video, Mark Solano suggests using the article rewriter tool to recreate headings from competitor's content without having to do extensive research themselves.


Mark Solano, with 12 years of SEO experience, shares his top AI article rewriter tool for speeding up content creation.

The tool has been used to publish thousands of articles and generate over a million in revenue this year.

Phrase, known as an SEO tool, has an article rewriter feature that's relatively unknown to many.

By using the tool, you can import an entire blog post and rewrite it to avoid plagiarism and maintain SEO rankings.

The article rewriter allows you to freeze headings to prevent them from being rewritten, preserving your keywords.

Freeze function can be used on H1, H2, H3, and other headings to maintain the original structure and keywords.

The tool replaces words with synonyms, which is why setting the creativity level to one is recommended for minimal changes.

Rewritten content can pass as human-written, as it's based on original human content with a few word changes.

No research is needed as the tool handles the rewriting, allowing you to simply add affiliate links.

The process is efficient, taking only about 3 minutes to rewrite an article.

The tool offers a full preview feature to review the rewritten content before use.

Mark Solano has tested and compared 11 different AI subscriptions and found Phrase to be the most cost-effective and efficient.

The tool is priced at $150 per year for 8,000 words per day, equating to over 2 million words per month.

Mark Solano uses this tool daily as part of his system and recommends it for its ease of use and effectiveness.

By subscribing through Mark's link, he will receive a commission which helps support his content creation.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use the tool for article rewriting.

Mark offers additional services such as coaching, backlink purchasing, conference speaking, and SEO through his website.

The video encourages viewers to subscribe and hit the notification bell for more free tips and updates.