10 ChatGPT Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind!

Learn With Shopify
26 Feb 202410:23

TLDRThe video script discusses various hacks to maximize the potential of Chat GPT for business and personal productivity. It introduces the custom instructions feature, the AI for Work prompt library, and strategies for prompt engineering. The video also highlights the ability of Chat GPT to summarize text, assist with language nuances, and support fact-checking. Additional tips include using Chat GPT for content repurposing, editing, and networking on LinkedIn. The presenter, Michelle, emphasizes the importance of clear communication and efficiency in professional settings.


  • 🚀 Custom Instructions: Utilize Chat GPT's custom instructions feature to provide context about your business and set the stage for personalized responses.
  • 📚 Prompt Engineering: Use AI for Work as a resource to craft high-quality prompts for various business needs, from investor presentations to legal documents.
  • 🗂️ Productivity Tools: Summarize lengthy texts and videos with Chat GPT by using the 'TL;DR' command, enhancing efficiency and saving time.
  • 🌐 Language Nuances: Leverage Chat GPT for understanding colloquial language, slang, and local phrases that may not be accurately translated by traditional tools like Google Translate.
  • 🔁 Reverse Prompting: Prepare facts or ideas in advance and use Chat GPT to find supporting evidence, ensuring accuracy and credibility.
  • 📊 Organization: Manage multiple Chat GPT conversations with ease using productivity tools like Cider, a Google Chrome extension that offers a Chat GPT sidebar.
  • 🎥 Meeting Assistance: Record and transcribe meetings using Microsoft Teams, then input the transcription into Chat GPT to generate meeting minutes and action items.
  • 📝 Clear Communication: Refine thoughts and ideas into clear, concise messages with Chat GPT's assistance, improving professional communication and relatability.
  • 🌟 Content Repurposing: Maximize content value by repurposing it for different platforms and formats with the help of Chat GPT, saving time and effort in content creation.
  • 📩 Networking Aid: Craft personalized networking messages and ice breakers using Chat GPT to stand out in professional communications on platforms like LinkedIn.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video transcript?

    -The main theme of the video transcript is to introduce various hacks and tips on how to use Chat GPT more effectively for business, productivity, and communication enhancement.

  • What is the significance of setting custom instructions for Chat GPT?

    -Setting custom instructions for Chat GPT allows users to provide specific context about their business, target audience, and product offerings, which in turn helps Chat GPT generate more personalized and relevant responses.

  • How does the AI for Work tool assist users in prompt engineering?

    -AI for Work is a Chat GPT prompt library for businesses that offers pre-built prompts for various roles and situations, such as entrepreneurship, sales, legal, and marketing. This tool helps users save time and craft high-quality prompts without needing to become experts in prompt engineering themselves.

  • What is the purpose of the Cider Google Chrome extension mentioned in the transcript?

    -Cider is a Google Chrome extension that provides a Chat GPT sidebar on any tab, making it easier for users to interact with Chat GPT while multitasking. It also supports other platforms like Google and Grammarly, offering a convenient way to access multiple tools from one interface.

  • How can Chat GPT assist with language nuances and colloquial expressions?

    -Chat GPT can help users understand and navigate interactions with colloquial language, slang, uncommon definitions, meanings of local phrases, acronyms, and conjugations. It does this by understanding context, which allows it to provide more accurate interpretations than generic translation tools like Google Translate.

  • What is the reverse prompt hack mentioned in the transcript?

    -The reverse prompt hack involves having a fact or idea ready and then asking Chat GPT to provide proof or supporting evidence for it. This method not only adds credibility to the user's work but also helps ensure the accuracy of the information by cross-verifying with Chat GPT.

  • How can Chat GPT help with content repurposing?

    -Chat GPT can assist in content repurposing by generating ideas on how to adapt existing content for different platforms or formats. This maximizes the value of the content and reduces the workload for marketers by transforming long videos into shorter clips, blogs into tweets, and so on.

  • What is the role of Chat GPT as a virtual networking assistant on LinkedIn?

    -As a virtual networking assistant on LinkedIn, Chat GPT can generate personalized introductions, ice breakers, and follow-up messages based on the user's industry, goals, and networking preferences. This helps users craft effective messages that stand out and make meaningful connections.

  • How can Chat GPT help in improving the clarity and impact of professional communication?

    -Chat GPT can help refine thought dumps into more eloquent and concise messages. By asking Chat GPT to make a paragraph more clear and to the point, users can distill complex ideas into simple, impactful statements that convey confidence and demand respect.

  • What is the transcript's advice for managing multiple tasks or commitments simultaneously?

    -The transcript suggests using tools like Microsoft Teams to record and transcribe meetings, and then pasting the transcription into Chat GPT to ask for minutes and action items. This allows individuals to manage multiple commitments, such as taking care of family while being informed about work meetings.



🚀 Advanced Capabilities of Chach PT for Business

This paragraph discusses the evolving capabilities of Chach PT, highlighting its potential to significantly aid businesses. It introduces a new feature called 'custom instructions' that allows users to provide context about their business, target audience, and product offerings, enabling Chach PT to deliver more personalized responses. The speaker also mentions 'prompt engineering' and introduces a tool called 'AI for work', a library of prompts designed to help users craft effective prompts for various business needs. The paragraph emphasizes the transformative impact of Chach PT on productivity and efficiency in the business world.


📚 Summarizing Text and Navigating Language Nuances with Chach PT

The second paragraph focuses on Chach PT's ability to summarize lengthy texts and navigate complex language nuances. It explains how users can quickly summarize articles or videos by copying and pasting the text or link into Chach PT. The speaker also discusses the tool's capability to understand colloquial language, slang, and local phrases, providing a more nuanced understanding than traditional translation services. The paragraph also touches on the use of Chach PT for professional communication, suggesting it as a tool for refining thoughts and creating clear, concise messages.


🌐 Enhancing Productivity and Networking with Chach PT

In the final paragraph, the speaker shares additional ways Chach PT can enhance productivity and assist with networking. It covers the use of a Google Chrome extension called Cider, which provides a sidebar for accessing Chach PT on any tab. The paragraph also mentions using Chach PT to distill meeting transcriptions into minutes and action items, as well as repurposing content across different platforms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of clear communication and how Chach PT can help refine thoughts into eloquent messages. Lastly, the paragraph discusses using Chach PT as a virtual networking assistant, particularly for LinkedIn outreach.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an advanced language model AI that can generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, it is presented as a versatile tool capable of providing business ideas, acting as a virtual CEO, and assisting with various tasks such as summarizing text, improving communication, and content repurposing. The video showcases how Chat GPT can be customized through 'custom instructions' to better serve specific user needs, like acting as a consultant or structuring responses with different topics in bold.

💡Custom Instructions

Custom Instructions is a feature that allows users to provide specific context and set expectations for how Chat GPT should respond. By inputting information about the business, target audience, and product offerings, users can receive more personalized and relevant responses. This feature streamlines the interaction with Chat GPT by eliminating the need to repeat context with each query.

💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt Engineering refers to the strategic structuring of text prompts to elicit the most effective and relevant responses from generative AI models like Chat GPT. It is a skill that involves crafting prompts in a way that guides the AI to produce high-quality, targeted outputs. The video emphasizes the importance of prompt engineering in getting better results from AI and introduces a tool called 'AI for Work' that offers a library of prompts for businesses.


Productivity in the context of the video refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which individuals or businesses can accomplish tasks and achieve goals. The video presents Chat GPT as a tool to enhance productivity by automating and streamlining various tasks such as summarizing long texts, assisting with language nuances, and managing multiple tasks simultaneously. By leveraging Chat GPT's capabilities, users can save time and focus on more critical aspects of their work.

💡Colloquial Language

Colloquial language consists of informal expressions, slang, idioms, and local phrases that are specific to a particular culture or group. In the video, Chat GPT is highlighted as a resource for understanding and navigating interactions involving colloquial language, which may not always be accurately translated by traditional tools like Google Translate. Chat GPT's ability to grasp context makes it particularly useful for interpreting nuanced expressions and meanings.

💡Reverse Prompting

Reverse Prompting is a technique where instead of asking Chat GPT to generate new ideas or facts, the user provides the idea or fact, and then asks Chat GPT to provide supporting evidence or proof. This method enhances the credibility of the user's statements and ensures that the information presented is accurate, as it leverages Chat GPT's vast knowledge base to substantiate existing ideas.


Cider is a Google Chrome extension mentioned in the video that serves as a chat GPT sidebar, allowing users to access and interact with Chat GPT from any tab without the need to switch between different browser tabs. This tool is designed to improve multitasking and efficiency by providing easy access to Chat GPT alongside other major platforms like Google and Instagram.

💡Meeting Transcription

Meeting Transcription refers to the process of recording and converting spoken language during a meeting into written text. In the video, it is suggested that users can record and transcribe their meetings, then utilize Chat GPT to extract key points, minutes, and action items from the transcription. This technique helps in capturing the essence of the meeting and分配任务 more effectively.

💡Content Repurposing

Content Repurposing is the practice of adapting and reusing existing content for different platforms or formats to maximize its reach and impact. In the video, Chat GPT is presented as a tool that can help users repurpose their content by generating ideas on how to transform long videos into shorter clips, blogs into tweets, and so on. This strategy helps in saving time and resources while increasing the content's visibility and engagement across various channels.


Networking, in the context of the video, refers to the professional practice of building and maintaining relationships with people in one's industry or field. It is a critical aspect of professional development and business growth. Chat GPT is portrayed as a virtual networking assistant that can generate personalized introductions, ice breakers, and follow-up messages to reach out to mentors, collaborators, and clients effectively.


Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows users to create and manage their online stores. Although the video does not focus on Shopify, it mentions the platform as an option for users interested in setting up their own online store. The presenter offers a link for a free trial of Shopify in the video description, encouraging viewers to explore the platform for their e-commerce needs.


Chat PT can now do more than when it first launched, potentially even replacing a CEO.

Custom instructions feature allows Chat PT to be tailored to specific business needs.

AI for work is a tool that helps create A-level prompts for business-related inquiries.

Prompt engineering can be complex, but tools like AI for work can simplify the process.

Chat PT can summarize long texts, articles, or videos to save time and increase productivity.

Chat PT can assist with understanding and using colloquial language, slang, and local phrases.

Reverse prompting allows users to provide facts and have Chat PT generate supportive evidence.

Cider, a Google Chrome extension, helps manage multiple Chat PT windows for better multitasking.

Recording and transcribing meetings can be turned into actionable minutes and tasks with Chat PT.

Clear communication is crucial for professionals, and Chat PT can help refine thoughts into concise messages.

Content repurposing can be streamlined with Chat PT's help in adapting content for different platforms.

Chat PT can act as an editor, improving grammar, spelling, and delivery of written content.

LinkedIn's networking potential can be maximized with Chat PT's assistance in crafting icebreakers.

Chat PT's evolving capabilities signify its potential for future advancements and applications.