My New Favorite AI Tool That Will Blow Your Mind

Build Your Tribe
25 Apr 202411:41

TLDRIn this episode of 'Build Your Tribe,' Shelene Johnson introduces an AI tool called Perplexity, which she finds superior to both Chat GPT and Google for her business needs. She highlights Perplexity's ability to perform detailed searches, summarize information with citations, and focus on specific areas like academic research. Johnson also appreciates the tool's co-pilot feature, which refines search queries for more accurate results. She emphasizes the benefits of the Pro Plan, which includes unlimited file uploads and integration with Chat GPT, allowing for further customization and efficiency in tasks like content development and SEO optimization. Johnson also mentions the use of AI for fact-checking and summarizing large texts, suggesting that tools like Perplexity and Chat GPT can significantly streamline workflow and content creation for entrepreneurs.


  • ๐Ÿ” Perplexity is a new AI tool that the speaker uses more than Google or Chat GPT for business, and it has significantly saved time and improved research efficiency.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก Perplexity provides a superior search experience by scanning the internet and summarizing information with citations, making it easier to find credible sources.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The tool has a 'Focus' feature that allows users to filter searches specifically for academic papers, which is beneficial for those needing to cite credible sources.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ Perplexity has been instrumental in saving the speaker hundreds of hours in research, particularly when dealing with vast amounts of information on platforms like Reddit.
  • ๐Ÿค– The 'Co-pilot' feature of Perplexity ensures that the AI understands the query and asks for additional information to provide a more accurate and tailored response.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ผ The tool is ideal for academic research, learning, education, content development, and search engine optimization, making it a versatile tool for various professional needs.
  • ๐Ÿ“Š Perplexity categorizes past searches, allowing users to easily revisit and reference previous information without losing context.
  • ๐Ÿ’ฐ The Pro Plan of Perplexity costs $20 a month and includes unlimited file uploads, access to Chat GPT 4, and other advanced features, offering good value for money.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The Pro version of Perplexity also includes a 'Vision' feature that can analyze uploaded content, and 'co-piloted searches' for more customized query responses.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Chat GPT 4, included with the Pro Plan of Perplexity, offers new integration tools like 'daily' for creating logos and images based on user descriptions.
  • ๐Ÿ“ Both Perplexity and Chat GPT 4 can be customized to respond in specific ways, allowing users to tailor the AI's responses to their preferences and needs.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The speaker recommends using AI tools like Perplexity and Chat GPT to speed up business processes, ensure credibility of sources, and make life easier for entrepreneurs.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI tool that Shelene Johnson discusses as her new favorite in the transcript?

    -The AI tool discussed is called 'perplexity'.

  • What does Shelene Johnson believe is the major advantage of using AI tools like Perplexity and Chat GPT in business?

    -Shelene Johnson believes that AI tools like Perplexity and Chat GPT can save entrepreneurs a significant amount of time and money, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in their businesses.

  • How does Perplexity differ from Google in terms of searching for information, according to the transcript?

    -Perplexity provides a superior way to search by scanning the internet and offering a summary with citations, which allows users to understand the source of the information more clearly.

  • What feature of Perplexity allows users to focus their search on specific areas like academic papers?

    -Perplexity has a 'Focus' tab where users can select to search everywhere on the Internet or specifically select academic sources to search only published academic papers.

  • How did Perplexity help Shelene Johnson with her research for her Patreon podcast, 'The Schen Show'?

    -Perplexity helped Shelene by sorting through information on Reddit and linking to individual posts, saving her hundreds of hours that would have been spent manually searching through Reddit.

  • What is the 'co-pilot' feature in Perplexity and how does it assist users?

    -The 'co-pilot' feature in Perplexity helps users by first ensuring it understands the question and then asking for additional information to refine the search, providing a more accurate and tailored response.

  • Why is Perplexity considered ideal for academic research and content development?

    -Perplexity is ideal for these areas because it can simulate lesson plans, improve titles, descriptions, and keywords for content like YouTube videos and blogs, and it is effective for search engine optimization.

  • What is the cost of the Pro Plan for Perplexity and what additional benefits does it include?

    -The Pro Plan for Perplexity costs $20 a month and includes benefits such as access to Chat GPT 4, unlimited file uploads, and unlimited co-piloted searches.

  • How does the 'Vision' feature of Perplexity analyze uploaded files?

    -The 'Vision' feature of Perplexity analyzes uploaded files by examining their content, providing insights and categorizing information for easier access and use.

  • What is the 'Daily' tool in Chat GPT and how does it assist users?

    -The 'Daily' tool in Chat GPT is an integration that can create images based on user descriptions, such as logos or specific types of graphics, which can be particularly useful for content creation and branding.

  • How can Perplexity and Chat GPT be used to improve content creation for podcasters or those who regularly create content?

    -Perplexity and Chat GPT can be used to summarize transcripts from podcasts or other content, allowing creators to update and repurpose their content without having to go through the entire original material.

  • What customization options are available for users of Perplexity and Chat GPT?

    -Users can customize their experience with both platforms by setting preferences for the type of information they want (e.g., only recent research), the format they prefer (e.g., bulleted form), and the level of detail they desire (e.g., minimal number of words).



๐Ÿš€ Introduction to Perplexity: A Superior AI Tool for Business Efficiency

The speaker, Shelene Johnson, introduces an AI tool called Perplexity, which she finds more effective than both Chat GPT and Google for her business. She discusses her initial skepticism about finding a tool better than Chat GPT but is impressed by Perplexity's ease of use and seamless interface. Johnson emphasizes the time-saving benefits of AI tools for entrepreneurs and recommends investing in the Pro version of Perplexity for its return on investment. She outlines her love for Perplexity starting with its superior search capabilities, the ability to scan the internet for information and provide summaries with citations, and the option to focus searches on academic papers. Perplexity also helped her with research for her Patreon podcast, 'The Schen Show,' by sorting through Reddit posts efficiently. Additionally, Perplexity's co-pilot feature assists in refining search queries for better results.


๐Ÿ“š Perplexity's Features and Benefits for Research and Content Creation

Johnson appreciates Perplexity's layout and readability, noting its bulleted format and how it caters to her needs. She lists additional benefits of Perplexity, including its suitability for academic research, learning, education, content development, and search engine optimization. The speaker shares how Perplexity helps in improving YouTube content titles, descriptions, and keywords. She also mentions the categorization of past searches and her preference for the Pro Plan, which offers additional features like chat GPT integration, unlimited file uploads, and a vision feature for analyzing uploaded content. Johnson explains the cost benefits of the Pro Plan, which includes access to both Perplexity and chat GPT for a single price. She also discusses the integration tools available with chat GPT, such as 'daily,' which can create logos and images based on descriptions. Johnson encourages tailoring the experience on both platforms for efficiency and provides examples of how chat GPT can be used for summarizing text, checking facts, and customizing responses for specific needs.


๐ŸŒŸ Conclusion: Embracing AI for Business and Personal Efficiency

In conclusion, Johnson stresses the importance of using AI to streamline business processes and make life easier. She expresses her preference for Perplexity over other tools, offering to provide more case studies and tutorials on its use. She also invites viewers to check out a previous episode about chat GPT and encourages subscription to the channel for more content tailored to entrepreneurs. Johnson thanks the audience for their engagement and reiterates the channel's goal to be brief, informative, and entertaining.




Perplexity refers to an AI tool that the speaker in the transcript uses for various tasks in their business, such as research and content creation. It is described as superior to Google and chat GPT for its ability to scan the internet, provide summarized information with citations, and focus on specific areas like academic papers. The tool is integral to the video's theme of using AI to enhance business efficiency.

๐Ÿ’กChat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that the speaker mentions as a tool they previously used for research and business tasks. It is compared with Perplexity, and the speaker highlights that they are now using Perplexity more due to its efficiency and capabilities. Chat GPT is also included as a feature with the Pro version of Perplexity, which adds value to the latter's subscription.


The Co-pilot feature in Perplexity is an assistant that helps refine search queries by asking for additional information, ensuring more accurate and tailored results. It is mentioned in the context of improving the user's experience with AI by guiding the tool to understand the user's needs better, such as focusing on menopause for a query about health for women over 50.

๐Ÿ’กAcademic Research

Academic research is a significant application for Perplexity, as it allows users to focus their searches specifically on academic papers. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who require credible and citable sources for their work, aligning with the video's emphasis on the utility of AI in professional settings.

๐Ÿ’กContent Development

Content development is one of the areas where Perplexity is used, as it helps in creating and optimizing content for various platforms like YouTube. The tool assists in improving titles, descriptions, and keywords for better search engine optimization, which is a key aspect of the video's discussion on leveraging AI for business growth.

๐Ÿ’กSearch Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the practice of improving the visibility of a website or content in search engine results. In the transcript, Perplexity is praised for its ability to assist with SEO by helping users understand and optimize their content for search engines, which is a critical component for online business success.

๐Ÿ’กPro Plan

The Pro Plan is a subscription tier for Perplexity that offers additional features and benefits such as unlimited file uploads and access to chat GPT. The speaker emphasizes the value of the Pro Plan, stating that it provides a return on investment by saving time and money through enhanced efficiency and access to powerful AI tools.

๐Ÿ’กVision Feature

The Vision feature of Perplexity is a tool that analyzes uploaded content, providing insights and potentially saving users significant time in their research and content creation processes. It is highlighted as a unique and valuable aspect of the Pro Plan subscription, showcasing the advanced capabilities of the AI tool.


Daily is an integration tool mentioned in the context of chat GPT, which allows users to generate creative content such as logos by describing what they want. It is an example of how AI can be used for innovative and practical applications, tying into the video's theme of using AI to streamline and enhance business operations.


Summarization is the process of condensing longer pieces of content into shorter, more digestible formats. The speaker mentions using chat GPT to summarize text, which is particularly useful for content creators and podcasters looking to update or repurpose their content efficiently, aligning with the video's focus on AI-assisted productivity.


Fact-checking is the act of verifying the accuracy of statements or information. In the transcript, the speaker describes using Perplexity and chat GPT to find sources that support certain facts, which is crucial for maintaining credibility and reliability in research and content creation, reflecting the video's emphasis on the importance of accurate information.


Perplexity is a new AI tool that is being used more than chat GPT and Google for business purposes.

The tool saves time by providing a superior search method with beautiful summaries and citations.

Perplexity allows users to focus their search on academic papers, which is crucial for credibility.

The AI tool has a feature that sorts through Reddit and links to individual posts, saving hours of research time.

Perplexity includes a co-pilot feature that refines queries and provides clean, easy-to-understand summaries.

The tool is ideal for academic research, learning, education, content development, and search engine optimization.

Perplexity categorizes past searches for easy access and review.

The Pro Plan of Perplexity costs $20 a month and includes features like chat GPT 4 and unlimited file uploads.

The Pro Plan also offers a Vision feature for analyzing uploaded content and unlimited co-piloted searches.

Chat GPT 4 is included in the Pro Plan of Perplexity, which also provides access to new integration tools like Daily.

Daily can create logos and images based on user descriptions, streamlining the design process.

Chat GPT can be used to summarize text, which is beneficial for content creators and podcasters.

Both Perplexity and Chat GPT allow for customization and personalization of the user experience.

Users can teach the platforms to respond in specific ways to certain queries, enhancing efficiency.

Perplexity is recommended for entrepreneurs looking to improve their business processes and credibility.

The speaker offers to provide more specific examples and tutorials on using Perplexity and AI in general.

A previous episode on chat GPT is available for further insights into AI tools for entrepreneurs.