10 Tips for Adding Text to AI-Generated Images

Making AI Magic
12 Nov 202210:48

TLDRThe video script offers a comprehensive guide on generating AI text on images using AI image generators like mid-journey, Dali, and stable diffusion. It highlights the challenges of creating both beautiful and readable text, as these platforms often treat text more as a visual element than a linguistic one. The video provides 10 valuable tips, such as starting prompts with desired words, repeating text for emphasis, describing the desired font and background, using synonyms, creating variations, utilizing image prompts, focusing on shorter text strings, in-painting corrections in certain AI tools, and final touch-ups in photo editing programs. The tips aim to enhance the user's ability to integrate text with their AI-generated images effectively.


  • 🎨 AI image generators like Mid-journey, Dali, and Stable Diffusion can create text on images, but often struggle with readability and accuracy.
  • 📝 Start your prompt with the exact words you want to include in the image to increase the chances of them being used.
  • 🔄 Repeat important words or phrases multiple times throughout the prompt to add weight and emphasis.
  • 🖼️ Describe the desired look of the text, including font style, color, and medium, to help the AI visualize the final output.
  • 🎨 Experiment with creative font descriptions, such as 'tentacle font' or 'smoke sardines,' to inspire unique text designs.
  • 📚 Specify the physical format of the text background, like a book or poster, to give the AI a starting point.
  • 🤝 Use synonyms and varied terminology throughout the prompt to increase the likelihood of the AI understanding the context.
  • 🔄 Create multiple variations of the AI-generated image, refining and reworking until the text is correct.
  • 🖼️ Feed the text into the AI as an image prompt to potentially reduce the number of iterations needed.
  • 📏 Shorter text strings are easier for AI to generate accurately; consider simplifying longer phrases.
  • ✏️ Use AI image generators with in-painting capabilities, like Dolly, to edit and correct text directly within the generated image.
  • 🖌️ Utilize photo editing programs like Pixlr or Photoshop to clean up and add text to the AI-generated images for final touches.

Q & A

  • What is the main challenge AI image generators face when adding text to images?

    -The main challenge AI image generators face when adding text to images is creating text that is both beautiful and readable. They struggle with understanding the underlying syntax or logic of the language system, which can result in readable text with mistakes or gibberish.

  • How does the AI image generator perceive text?

    -AI image generators perceive text more like a graphic placeholder rather than understanding its meaning. They see words visually and do not read or comprehend the text's language structure.

  • What is the first tip for including text in AI-generated images?

    -The first tip is to start your prompt with the words you want to include in your image. AI might skip parts of your prompt, but it will often catch the words at the beginning.

  • Why is repeating text throughout the prompt helpful?

    -Repeating text throughout the prompt adds weight to your words, increasing the likelihood that the AI will include them in the generated image.

  • How can you guide the AI to generate text with a specific font style?

    -You can guide the AI by describing the font's appearance, colors, and medium in detail. This puts the AI in its comfort zone since it works with visuals, and you can even suggest creative, never-before-seen fonts.

  • What is the purpose of describing the physical format of the background where the text appears?

    -Describing the physical format of the background gives the AI a head start by providing a familiar context, such as a book, magazine, or poster. You can also specify simpler backgrounds like white or black, or request a colorful one.

  • How can using synonyms and specific terms help in AI image generation?

    -Using synonyms and specific terms like 'headline' or 'book title' instead of generic words can help the AI latch onto the correct words if it doesn't catch one of them.

  • Why is making variations of the best renderings important?

    -Making variations is important because it may take multiple attempts to get the desired text. Even if the text appears successful in one rendering, it may not always come out right, so persistence and continuous variation are necessary.

  • How can you use an image prompt to improve text generation in AI?

    -You can feed your text into the AI as an image prompt using tools like Photoshop or Canva. This can reduce the number of variations needed and improve the accuracy of text generation.

  • What is a strategy for dealing with long text strings in AI image generation?

    -Shorter text strings are generally easier to achieve. The longer the text, the more potential for errors in the image generation process. So, simplifying and shortening the text can improve the outcome.

  • Can you correct incorrect text in AI-generated images using certain AI image generators?

    -Yes, if you're using an AI image generator with an 'in painting' feature like Dolly, you can fix incorrect text by choosing the closest version and using the editing tools to modify the incorrect words or letters.

  • How can you clean up and add your own text to an AI-generated image?

    -You can use photo editing programs like Pixlr or Photoshop to clean up the AI-generated image and add your own text. Tools like the Clone tool in Pixlr or the 'Match Font' feature in Photoshop can help refine the final output.



🎨 Tips for AI-Generated Text on Images

This paragraph discusses the challenges and techniques involved in generating AI text on images using platforms like mid-journey, Dali, and stable diffusion. It highlights the limitations of AI image generators in understanding text as language rather than visual elements. The speaker shares 10 tips and tricks for creating readable text, emphasizing the importance of patience, persistence, and creativity. Techniques such as starting prompts with desired words, repeating text, describing the desired font and background, using synonyms, and making variations are discussed. The paragraph also mentions the potential for AI improvement in handling text on images.


📝 Refining AI-Generated Text

The second paragraph delves into strategies for refining AI-generated text on images. It suggests using photo editors like Photoshop and Canva to adjust and perfect the text after initial generation. The speaker provides tips on using image prompts to improve text generation, working with shorter text strings, and fixing incorrect text using in-painting features in some AI generators. The paragraph also covers the use of photo editing programs to clean up and add custom text to images, with a focus on tools like the Clone tool in Pixlr and the match font feature in Photoshop.


🌟 Final Thoughts on AI and Text in Images

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker reflects on the current state of AI's ability to handle text in images, acknowledging that while AI has made significant strides in understanding and generating images, it still struggles with text. The paragraph encourages viewers to share their own tips for adding text to images and to engage with the community for further exploration. The speaker, Jen, ends on a positive note, suggesting that as AI technology continues to evolve, the process of adding text to images will become easier and more effective.



💡AI image generators

AI image generators are artificial intelligence systems designed to create visual images based on user inputs. In the context of the video, these generators are used to produce images with AI-generated text, but they often struggle with making text that is both aesthetically pleasing and readable. Examples of such generators mentioned include mid-journey, Dali, and stable diffusion.

💡Text readability

Text readability refers to the ease with which a reader can understand and interpret the text in a given medium. In the video, the presenter emphasizes the difficulty AI image generators have in ensuring that the text they produce is not only visually appealing but also clear and easy to read, as they may produce text with mistakes or gibberish.


In the context of AI image generation, a prompt is a set of instructions or text provided by the user to guide the AI in creating an image. The video discusses the importance of carefully crafting prompts to communicate the desired outcome, especially when it comes to including text in the generated images.

💡Font styles

Font styles refer to the specific design and appearance of the typeface used for written文字. In the video, the presenter talks about the importance of describing the desired font style when creating an image with an AI generator, as this can help guide the AI to produce text that is more visually appealing and in line with the user's vision.


Backgrounds in the context of the video refer to the visual space behind the text in an AI-generated image. The presenter advises on describing the physical format and aesthetic of the background to give the AI a better starting point for generating text that fits well with the overall design.


Synonyms are words or phrases that have similar meanings to another word or phrase. In the video, the presenter recommends using synonyms for text and words throughout the prompt as a strategy to increase the chances of the AI understanding and incorporating the desired text, even if it doesn't catch one specific term.


Variations in this context refer to the different iterations or versions of an AI-generated image that are produced in an attempt to achieve the desired outcome. The video emphasizes the need for patience and persistence when generating text with AI, as it may require multiple attempts and variations to get the text to appear correctly.

💡Photo editing programs

Photo editing programs are software applications used to manipulate and edit digital images. In the video, the presenter discusses the use of such programs like Photoshop and Pixlr to clean up and perfect AI-generated images, especially when it comes to adjusting or removing text that did not come out as intended.


In-painting is a technique used in digital image editing to fill in or correct parts of an image. In the context of the video, the presenter mentions the use of in-painting features in AI image generators like Dolly to fix incorrect text within the generated images by editing out errors and generating new text.


Canva is an online graphic design platform that allows users to create visual content easily. In the video, the presenter uses Canva to illustrate how text can be added to images with a variety of templates and editing tools, offering an alternative to AI-generated images for those looking to add text.


AI image generators struggle with generating both beautiful and readable text on images.

Patience, persistence, and a bit of luck are required for text generation in AI image generators.

Mid-journey, Dali, and stable diffusion are platforms that can be used for AI image generation, but they all have challenges with text.

AI image generators visually see words as graphics rather than understanding the language's syntax or logic.

Starting your prompt with the words you want to include in the image can help AI catch them.

Repeating text throughout the prompt can add weight to the words and increase the chances of them being included.

Describing the desired font, colors, and medium can help AI image generators create the visual representation of text.

Specifying the physical format of the background where the text appears can give AI a head start.

Using synonyms and specific terms like 'headline' or 'book title' can improve the AI's understanding of the text.

Creating variations of the best renderings can help achieve the desired text outcome.

Feeding text into AI as an image prompt can reduce the number of variations needed.

Shorter text strings are generally easier for AI to generate correctly.

In painting features in AI image generators like Dolly can be used to fix incorrect text.

Sometimes, it's easier to clean up the AI-generated image in a photo editing program.

Canva and Photoshop are useful tools for adding text to images post-AI generation.

AI's current limitation with text in images is ironic as they are trained to understand text for image creation.

As AI improves, adding text to images is likely to become easier in the future.