Tiny Foal Has A BIG PROBLEM!!!! + Time to Run And Play!

Homestead Horsemanship
6 Apr 202414:55

TLDRThe video script documents the first 10 days of a young foal's life, highlighting his rapid weight gain and feisty personality. The owner discusses setting boundaries with the foal to manage his budding 'Napoleon complex' and shares insights into the importance of early handling for behavioral training. The foal, named Prince and tentatively registered as Bold Ruler, is introduced to pasture, showcasing his initial hesitation and eventual playful energy. The video also touches on the costs of horse care, emphasizing the expense of bedding materials. The owner's confidence in the foal's health, despite public concern, is underscored by his robust growth and development.


  • 🐴 The newborn foal is 10 days old and showing signs of a feisty personality, including a desire to assert dominance.
  • 🥵 The foal has been gaining weight quickly and is now at an average weight for his age, showing good health and nutrition.
  • 🌾 The foal's attitude problem is partly attributed to his confinement in a small space, indicating a need for more outdoor time and exercise.
  • 👫 Early handling of the foal is emphasized to establish boundaries and manage his behavior as he grows.
  • 🐎 The foal exhibits a 'chewing motion' which is a sign of fear and intimidation, indicating a need for gentle and careful training.
  • 📈 The foal's rapid weight gain is highlighted, going from 62 lbs to 90 lbs in just 10 days, suggesting a healthy growth rate.
  • 🌱 The importance of environmental factors, such as weather fluctuations, is discussed in relation to the foal's development and behavior.
  • 🏥 There is a mention of public criticism regarding not taking the foal to the vet, but the speaker defends their decision based on the foal's health indicators.
  • 🎥 The video includes a discussion about the costs associated with keeping a horse, emphasizing the expense of shavings for bedding.
  • 🏇 The foal is named 'Prince' with the intention to register him as 'Bold Ruler', inspired by the sire of the famous racehorse, Secretariat.

Q & A

  • How old is the little guy mentioned in the transcript?

    -The little guy is 10 days old.

  • What seems to be the main issue with the young animal?

    -The main issue is that he is developing a Napoleon complex and thinks he is big enough to bully others, showing an attitude problem.

  • What is the importance of handling the young animal early on?

    -Handling the young animal early on is important for setting boundaries and ensuring that he learns appropriate behavior, preventing future issues as he grows older and stronger.

  • What is the purpose of giving the young animal pasture time?

    -The purpose of giving him pasture time is to allow him to run and expend energy, which is beneficial for his overall health and can help mitigate his attitude problem.

  • How much weight has the young animal gained in 10 days?

    -The young animal has gained 28 pounds in 10 days, going from 62 pounds to 90 pounds.

  • What is the significance of the young animal's feistiness?

    -The feistiness is a good sign that the young animal is healthy and has a strong personality, but it also indicates the need for proper guidance and training to manage his behavior.

  • What is the reason behind the young animal's chewing motion?

    -The chewing motion is a sign of fear and intimidation, which is a behavior used among horses to communicate submission or a desire for mercy.

  • Why did the video creator decide against naming the young animal 'Champagne'?

    -They decided against naming him 'Champagne' because he is a Palomino and will have a golden body with white mane and tail, which doesn't match the color associated with champagne.

  • What is the final chosen name for the young animal, and why was it chosen?

    -The final chosen name is 'Bold Ruler' because it was the sire of the famous racehorse Secretariat, and the name suited the young animal well.

  • How did the young animal react when first let out into the pasture?

    -At first, the young animal was unsure and stayed close to his mother, but he eventually started exploring, running around, and playing before becoming tired and taking a nap in the sunshine.

  • What is the cost-related challenge of keeping a horse, as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The cost-related challenge of keeping a horse is not only the expense of grain and hay, but also the cost of shavings for bedding, which can be up to $6 a bag.



🐴 Dealing with a Feisty Foal

The first paragraph discusses a 10-day-old foal exhibiting a Napoleon complex and a feisty attitude. The owner describes the foal's rapid weight gain and his need for boundaries, emphasizing the importance of early handling to establish discipline. The owner's interaction with the foal, including a display of the foal's feistiness and attempts to assert dominance, are detailed. The owner also explains the foal's fear and intimidation signals, like the chewing motion, and the decision not to take the foal to the vet due to its healthy progress since birth.


💰 The Costs of Horse Ownership

The second paragraph addresses common misconceptions about the costs of owning a horse, highlighting that while feed is expensive, the real cost comes from bedding materials like shavings. The owner shares personal experiences with managing manure and the associated costs. The discussion then turns to the foal's health and development, with the owner defending their decision not to take the foal to the vet, citing the foal's good health and the environmental factors affecting the horses' conditions. The paragraph ends with the owner's plans to let the foal run in the pasture and a mention of the foal's naming process.


🌞 First Pasture Playtime for the Foal

The third paragraph focuses on the foal's first time outside the round pen, emphasizing the benefits of running and playing for the young animal's energy and attitude. The owner describes the foal's initial hesitation and eventual enjoyment of the new environment. The paragraph also introduces Satie, a labber dooodle puppy showing interest in the foal. The narrative follows the foal's activities, including rolling in the grass and eventually tiring out, concluding with the foal's return to the barn for the night and the owner's reflection on the naming process, ultimately choosing 'Prince' as the foal's name.



💡newborn foal

A newborn foal refers to a young horse that has just been born and is only 10 days old in the context of the video. The video discusses the health and behavior of this foal, including his weight gain and feisty personality. The foal's development and interactions with its environment and humans are central to the video's narrative.

💡weight gain

Weight gain is a critical indicator of a newborn foal's health, reflecting proper nutrition and growth. In the video, the foal's significant weight gain in the first 10 days after birth is highlighted as a positive sign of its well-being and the good care it is receiving.


Feistiness refers to the spirited or aggressive behavior exhibited by the young foal, in this case, showing signs of a strong personality and a desire to assert itself despite its young age. This behavior is important to address early to establish boundaries and ensure the foal grows up to have a manageable temperament.

💡boundary setting

Boundary setting is the process of establishing limits and expectations in interactions with animals, such as the newborn foal. It involves teaching the foal what behaviors are acceptable and which ones are not, fostering a respectful and safe relationship between the animal and humans.

💡pasture time

Pasture time refers to the opportunity for a horse to spend time outside its stall, running and playing in an open area. This is essential for the horse's physical and mental well-being, allowing it to exercise, explore, and socialize with other horses.


Personality in animals, including horses, refers to their unique set of behaviors, temperament, and character traits. The video emphasizes that even at a young age, horses exhibit distinct personalities, which can influence their behavior and how they interact with humans and other animals.


Submission in the context of animal behavior refers to the act of yielding or showing deference to another individual, often as a sign of respect or to avoid conflict. In the video, the foal is taught to submit to the humans as a way of establishing boundaries and ensuring it understands its place in the herd hierarchy.

💡environmental pressures

Environmental pressures are external factors in an organism's surroundings that can influence its behavior, development, or survival. In the video, the fluctuating weather conditions are considered an environmental pressure that might affect the foal's growth and overall health.

💡veterinary care

Veterinary care refers to the medical attention and treatment provided by a veterinarian to animals, ensuring their health and well-being. In the video, there is a mention of some criticism for not taking the foal to a vet, but the handler explains the reasons and observations that led to the decision to not seek immediate veterinary intervention.


Naming is the process of assigning a name or title to a person, place, or thing, often to give it an identity and to create a personal connection. In the video, the foal's naming process is discussed, showing how the choice of a name can reflect the owner's perception of the animal's characteristics and potential.


Socialization in animal behavior refers to the process by which an animal learns to interact and communicate effectively with others of its species and with different species, such as humans. For a young foal, early socialization is crucial for its development and later integration into a herd or human society.


The 10-day-old foal is experiencing a growth spurt and developing a feisty personality.

The foal's rapid weight gain is a sign of good health and is expected in the first weeks of life.

Handling the foal while young helps to establish boundaries and manage its growing independence.

The foal's feistiness is a positive sign indicating its health and vitality.

The foal's behavior is a result of its developing personality and need for exercise.

The importance of early handling is emphasized to prevent future behavioral issues.

The foal's weight gain is monitored to ensure its healthy development.

The foal's environment is kept calm and safe to support its growth and development.

The chewing motion displayed by the foal is a sign of fear and intimidation within the herd.

The foal's attitude problem is addressed by teaching it boundaries and submission.

The foal's growth and development are closely monitored, with weight gain being a key indicator.

The cost of maintaining a horse is discussed, with bedding materials being a significant expense.

The foal's health is closely observed, and it shows signs of being well-adjusted and thriving.

The decision not to take the foal to the vet is justified by its healthy development and behaviors.

The foal's name, Prince, is chosen, reflecting its regal demeanor and status.

The foal's first outdoor experience is described, highlighting its initial hesitation and eventual playfulness.

The foal's interaction with other animals, such as the labber dooodle puppy Satie, is noted.

The video concludes with the foal, Prince, resting after his energetic play, showing his contentment and well-being.