ChatGPT's HUGE Problem

Kyle Hill
24 Apr 202314:58

TLDRThe video discusses the surprising defeat of a superhuman AI Go bot by a human amateur in 2023, revealing a fundamental flaw in AI systems. It highlights the lack of true understanding in AI, even those considered 'solved' like Go bots, and warns of the potential dangers of integrating these flawed systems into society. The victory was achieved using a 'double sandwich' technique, exposing the AI's inability to grasp basic game concepts, raising concerns about the rush to implement AI in critical areas without fully understanding its workings.


  • 🏆 In 2016, the AI GoBot defeated the world champion, marking a milestone in AI capabilities.
  • 📈 By 2023, humans managed to defeat superhuman AI in Go with a nearly 100% win rate, indicating potential flaws in AI systems.
  • 🤖 There are three categories of AI: Narrow AI, General AI (AGI), and Super Intelligence, with current research focusing on improving Narrow AI.
  • 🔍 The victory of humans over AI in Go in 2023 was overshadowed by the rise of large language models like ChatGPT.
  • 🎯 The 'double sandwich' technique used by researchers exploited a fundamental lack of understanding in AI about the game's core concepts.
  • 🚫 AI systems, even those considered 'solved,' may have hidden flaws and lack true conceptual understanding.
  • 💡 AI advancements are often achieved by increasing data inputs rather than understanding and improving the AI's internal mechanisms.
  • 🔮 The potential misuse of AI can lead to widespread misinformation and propaganda, threatening the fabric of democratic society.
  • 🌐 Big tech companies are experimenting with AI on a massive scale without fully understanding the systems they're using.
  • 🌟 AI systems mimic intelligence but may not truly understand the concepts they operate on, leading to potential mistakes and vulnerabilities.
  • 🚨 There is a call for a more cautious approach to integrating AI into society due to the unforeseen consequences of its rapid growth and integration.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of the game of Go in the context of AI development?

    -The game of Go is significant in AI development because it is an ancient and complex board game that requires strategic thinking and intuition. For thousands of years, humans were the best at it, but in 2016, an AI named AlphaGo defeated the world champion, marking a milestone in narrow AI capabilities and the beginning of AI surpassing human expertise in certain domains.

  • What was the surprising event in January 2023 related to AI and the game of Go?

    -In January 2023, AI researchers discovered a way for a human amateur Go player to defeat a superhuman AI bot with a win rate of nearly 100 percent. This was surprising because it showed that despite the AI's dominance in the game, it had a fundamental flaw that could be exploited by humans.

  • What are the three main categories of artificial intelligence?

    -The three main categories of artificial intelligence are narrow AI, which is built to do one thing very well; General AI (AGI), which has the ability to learn and solve a wide array of problems like a human; and superintelligence, an entity far beyond human capabilities in information processing.

  • Why was the AI's defeat in Go by a human amateur in 2023 considered worrying news?

    -The AI's defeat in Go by a human amateur was considered worrying because it revealed a fundamental flaw in the AI's understanding of the game. This flaw could potentially apply to other widely used AI systems, raising concerns about the reliability and understanding of AI in various applications.

  • How did the researchers exploit the AI's weakness in the game of Go?

    -The researchers exploited the AI's weakness by using a technique called the 'double sandwich' method, which involves systematically surrounding the AI's stones in layers. This strategy took advantage of the AI's lack of understanding of the fundamental concept of groups in Go, leading to its defeat.

  • What is the broader implication of the AI's vulnerability in understanding the game of Go?

    -The broader implication is that today's AI systems, including those used in various industries, may not truly understand the concepts they operate on. They can perform tasks and make decisions based on patterns in data, but they might fail when faced with scenarios that require a deeper conceptual understanding.

  • What was the win rate of the human amateur against the superhuman AI Go bot?

    -The human amateur had a win rate of 93 percent against the superhuman AI Go bot, winning 14 out of 15 games.

  • What was the public's reaction to the news of a human defeating the AI in Go?

    -The news was not as widely covered as expected because it was overshadowed by the explosion of interest around large language models, particularly Chat GPT, and the various controversies and applications they were involved in.

  • What are the potential risks of integrating AI systems without a full understanding of their workings?

    -The potential risks include the spread of misinformation, the creation of propaganda, the possibility of AI making critical mistakes, and the erosion of trust in institutions and information systems, which could undermine the fabric of democratic society.

  • What is the current approach to improving AI systems?

    -The current approach to improving AI systems is to feed them more data, rather than understanding and addressing their fundamental limitations or lack of conceptual understanding.

  • What is the comparison made between AI systems and octopuses in the script?

    -The comparison made is that just as octopuses exhibit behaviors that seem intelligent but are fundamentally alien and difficult to understand, AI systems may mimic intelligence without truly understanding the concepts they operate on, leading to unpredictable outcomes and potential control issues.



🤖 The Rise and Fall of AI in Go: A Milestone Shift

This paragraph discusses the historical significance of AI in the game of Go, highlighting the transition from human dominance to AI supremacy with the defeat of world champion Lee Sedol by Google DeepMind's AlphaGo in 2016. It then introduces a surprising turn in 2023, where a human amateur managed to defeat a superhuman AI Go bot with nearly a 100% win rate. This unexpected victory raises concerns about the understanding and integration of AI in various aspects of life, as it reveals a fundamental flaw in AI systems that could have broad implications.


🎲 Unraveling the Mystery: How a Human Beat the Go AI

The paragraph delves into the specifics of how researchers from MIT and UC Berkeley enabled a human to beat the superhuman AI Go bot named Catego. By identifying weaknesses in the AI through computer programs, they developed an 'adversary bot' that employed a 'double sandwich' strategy, systematically surrounding the AI's stones. This strategy exploited a fundamental lack of understanding in the AI about the game's core concept of protecting groups of stones. The success of this technique led to an amateur player, Kellen Pellerin, winning 14 out of 15 games against Catego, underscoring the AI's inability to grasp basic game concepts despite its advanced capabilities.


🧠 The Illusion of Understanding: AI's Hidden Flaws

This section addresses the critical issue that while AI systems can perform incredibly complex tasks, they often lack true conceptual understanding. It highlights the example of large language models that can generate text but don't understand the concepts they're discussing. The paragraph warns of the potential for widespread misinformation and the erosion of trust in democratic societies if AI systems with these inherent flaws are integrated without proper understanding or oversight. It calls for a more cautious approach to the development and integration of AI, emphasizing the need for a deeper understanding of how these systems operate.




Go, also known as围棋 (Weiqi) in Chinese, is an ancient board game originating from China, where players take turns placing black and white stones on a board with the objective of capturing the opponent's stones and territory. The game requires strategic thinking and has been a benchmark for AI capabilities, as demonstrated by the AI AlphaGo's victory over world champion Lee Sedol in 2016.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. The video script categorizes AI into narrow AI, General AI (AGI), and superintelligence, highlighting the current state of AI development and its applications in various fields, including games like Go and language models like ChatGPT.

💡Superhuman AI

Superhuman AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that have capabilities beyond the best human performers in a particular domain. In the context of the video, this term is used to describe AI like AlphaGo, which defeated the world champion Go player, and the AI that was later defeated by a human using a specific strategy, indicating a potential flaw in the AI's understanding of the game.

💡Narrow AI

Narrow AI, also known as weak AI, is designed to perform a specific task exceptionally well but lacks the ability to understand or perform tasks outside its designated function. The video script uses Go-playing AI as an example of narrow AI, which excels in the game but may not have a comprehensive understanding of the game's fundamental concepts.

💡General AI (AGI)

General AI, or AGI, is an artificial intelligence system that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, much like a human being. The video script mentions that current AI research is striving towards AGI, but we have not yet achieved it, as even the advanced AI systems we have today are still considered narrow AI.

💡Double Sandwich Technique

The 'double sandwich technique' is a strategy used in the game of Go, where a player systematically surrounds an opponent's stones in layers, creating a trap that the opponent's AI failed to recognize. This technique was discovered by researchers and used to defeat the superhuman AI in Go, exposing a fundamental flaw in the AI's understanding of the game's core concepts.


ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. The video script mentions ChatGPT as an example of a narrow AI system that can perform impressively in language tasks but may not have a true understanding of the concepts behind its outputs.


Misinformation refers to false or inaccurate information that is spread unintentionally or deliberately. The video script highlights the risks of integrating AI systems, which may generate misinformation due to their lack of true understanding, into our information ecosystem, potentially leading to significant social and ethical consequences.

💡Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to model and solve complex problems by learning from large datasets. The video script discusses deep learning systems like ChatGPT, which use big data to approximate the world but do not develop a true understanding of it, leading to potential mistakes and vulnerabilities.

💡AI Ethics

AI Ethics refers to the moral principles and guidelines that govern the development and use of artificial intelligence. The video script raises ethical concerns about the rapid integration of AI systems into society without fully understanding their inner workings, which could lead to unforeseen social, political, economic, and ethical consequences.

💡Quantum Supercomputing

Quantum supercomputing refers to the use of quantum computing principles to perform computations at speeds and levels of complexity that are beyond the capabilities of classical computers. The video script humorously mentions quantum supercomputing as a way to describe the advanced, yet not fully understood, workings of AI systems.


In 2016, a superhuman AI named Gobot defeated the world champion in Go, marking a milestone in AI development.

In January 2023, researchers enabled a human amateur to defeat a superhuman AI in Go with a nearly 100% win rate, raising concerns about the reliability of AI systems.

There are three main categories of AI: Narrow AI, General AI (AGI), and Super Intelligence. Current AI research is slightly better than Narrow AI but not quite General AI.

The victory of Google DeepMind's AlphaGo over world champion Lee Sedol in 2016 was so decisive that it contributed to Sedol's retirement.

Go AIs now have ELO rankings so high that facing them would be like a grandmaster playing a child.

In early 2023, a paper revealed that an amateur Go player defeated a superhuman AI named Catego, which was overshadowed by the interest in large language models like ChatGPT.

The flaw that allowed a human to beat Catego applies to all widely used AI systems, including ChatGPT, indicating a fundamental problem in AI understanding.

Researchers from MIT and UC Berkeley discovered weaknesses in the superhuman AI by using computer programs to probe and identify them.

The 'double sandwich' technique was used to systematically surround the AI's stones, exploiting its lack of understanding of fundamental Go concepts.

Kellen Pellerin, an amateur Go player and researcher, used the sandwich technique to win 14 out of 15 games against Catego.

The inability of the superhuman AI to understand the concept of groups in Go suggests a lack of true comprehension despite its trained abilities.

Current AI systems can perform incredible tasks but lack fundamental understanding at a conceptual level, leading to potential misuse and misinformation.

The solution to improving AI systems is not just adding more data but understanding and addressing their core lack of conceptual understanding.

Large language models can hallucinate incorrect information despite vast training data, as they do not understand the content they generate.

The integration of AI into society without understanding its limitations could lead to significant social, political, economic, and ethical consequences.

There is a call for a step back from the rush to integrate AI systems into our lives, as they are essentially alien to us and their inner workings are not fully understood.